“Disney Halloween Time –– Wicked Fun for Everyone” @ Hong Kong Disneyland:
“The Nightmare Experiment”

繼「大街詭異酒店」(Main Street Haunted Hotel)、「森魔詭域」(Demon Jungle)、「宇宙深寒」(Alien Invasion)、「黑色馬戲班」(Revenge of the Headless Horseman)以及「詭墳學院」(Graves Academy)後,香港迪士尼樂園(Hong Kong Disneyland)於今年的「Disney Halloween Time – 反轉迪士尼」(“Disney Halloween Time – Wicked Fun For Everyone”)為賓客呈獻全新的萬聖節步行式遊樂設施 —— 「詭夢實驗室」(The Nightmare Experiment)!
Following footsteps of 2007 Disney's Haunted Halloween "Main Street Haunted Hotel", 2008 "Demon Jungle", 2009 "Alien Invasion", 2011 "Revenge of the Headless Horseman" and 2012 "Graves Academy", Hong Kong Disneyland presents to you the next evolution of their Halloween event. “Disney Halloween Time – Wicked Fun For Everyone” steps into the shadow of next-level walk-through Haunted house attraction- "The Nightmare Experiment"!
=== Details ===
除了官方圖片和影片外,以下所分享的遊樂設施內部照片和影片均獲得 香港迪士尼樂園度假區 授權拍攝。
賓客可以在正門入口處找到「詭夢實驗室」的海報 以及 查看最新的排隊時間。Poster and queue times for The Nightmare Experiment.


「詭夢實驗室」外觀 Overview of the The Nightmare Experiment

「詭夢實驗室」入口 Main Entrance

「詭夢實驗室」出入口儲物櫃 The Nightmare Experiment lockers to store guests' belongings

「詭夢實驗室」度高尺 Height measurement

「詭夢實驗室」是一間皇家實驗室,實驗室專門研究有關幻象的問題。你有發過惡夢嗎?怪異教授 Professor J. T. WU 將會幫大家解決問題。The Nightmare Experiment is a Royal Laboratory. The laboratory was built for research relating to quantitative experimental phantom study. Have you ever had a bad dream? Professor J. T. Wu is here to explain and help.

有別於以往的「驚」歷,此遊樂設施以多部 迪士尼 電影作品作為每個場景的設計元素,賓客將會穿梭多個似曾相識的「夢境」(場景)。怪異教授 Professor J. T. WU 將會打開實驗室的保險庫大門,賓客將會走入第一個惡夢。The Nightmare Experiment differentiates itself from the past haunted attractions in Hong Kong Disneyland. This attraction took inspiration from elements across Disney's movie franchise. Horror films are not necessary the main inspiration if the attraction. Guests came across several many familiar dream fantasy sequences. Once guests enter the laboratory, Professor J. T. Wu greets them and open the vault, Guests are now entering the first nightmare scene.

「幻想工程師」在設計「詭夢實驗室」(“The Nightmare Experiment”)的時候花上了不少的心思,除了有參考多部電影作品而設計的場景外,實驗室保險庫大門的設計 更加隱藏了 香港迪士尼樂園(Hong Kong Disneyland)的地圖!When designing the "The Nightmare Experiment", Imagineers spent times on mimicking the atmosphere from famous horror movies. Their efforts in attention-to-details can be shown in props, costumes and practical effects.
「霍博士」(Dr. Facilier)與《公主與青蛙》的黑暗世界(The dark realm from “The Princess & The Frog”)將會讓大家認識在另一個世界的朋友。Dr Facilier and The dark realm from “The Princess & The Frog let guests to meet their friends from "another world".
賓客會在其後走進《魔盜王 ── 決戰鬼盜船》的監獄(A jail in “Pirates of the Caribbean”)、以《反斗奇兵》(“Toy Story”)作為主題的 阿薛(Sid Phillips)玩具箱 以及 《愛麗絲夢遊仙境》(“Alice in Wonderland”)的奇幻世界。A jail in "Pirates of the Caribbean" was heavily influenced in this haunted house. One of the best scenes was the Sid Phillips theme area. Some familiar faces in Alice in Wonderland also featured as a surprise.

部份場景 "The Nightmare Experiment" scenes
「Disney Halloween Time – 反轉迪士尼」詭夢實驗室
宣傳影片 Official Trailer from Hong Kong Disneyland
宣傳影片 Official Trailer from Hong Kong Disneyland
另外,大家亦有機會在「詭夢實驗室」(The Nightmare Experiment)門外位置找到一班怪異的朋友,這班助手是教授失敗了的「實驗品」。Some "failed experiments" from Professor J. T. Wu were wandering outside the queuing area.

大家更可以在「探險世界」內找到「飛蛾人」和「樹人」這兩隻怪異的生物。Human Moth and Walking Tree can be found in Adventureland.

其它有關「Disney Halloween Time – 反轉迪士尼」的精選網誌及資料:
- 「迪士尼惡人大出巡」 (“Villains Night Out!”)
- 「Mickey & Friends化妝派對」及「米奇Halloween大街騷」 (“Mickey & Friends Costume Party” & “Mickey’s Halloween Time Cavalcade”)
- 「迪士尼惡人花園」(“Villains Garden”)
- 米奇 與 好友 2016年全新萬聖節主題服飾 (Mickey & Friends with their all new Halloween Costumes)
- MegaBox 萬聖節 宣傳裝飾
- 「詭異大變身」(“Wicked Fun with Disney Villains”)
- 活動揭幕禮(Opening Ceremony)
- 香港迪士尼樂園 2016年萬聖節「Tsum Tsum」夜光限量版徽章系列
- 香港迪士尼樂園 2016年 萬聖節 限量版主題徽章
- 活動影片(Event Videos)
- 「迪士尼惡人大出巡」 (“Villains Night Out!”)
- 「Mickey & Friends化妝派對」及「米奇Halloween大街騷」 (“Mickey & Friends Costume Party” & “Mickey’s Halloween Time Cavalcade”)
- 「迪士尼惡人花園」(“Villains Garden”)
- 米奇 與 好友 2016年全新萬聖節主題服飾 (Mickey & Friends with their all new Halloween Costumes)
- MegaBox 萬聖節 宣傳裝飾
- 「詭異大變身」(“Wicked Fun with Disney Villains”)
- 活動揭幕禮(Opening Ceremony)
- 香港迪士尼樂園 2016年萬聖節「Tsum Tsum」夜光限量版徽章系列
- 香港迪士尼樂園 2016年 萬聖節 限量版主題徽章
- 活動影片(Event Videos)
Hong Kong Disneyland Resort