


香港迪士尼樂園度假區 2019年精彩體驗預告 | Hong Kong Disneyland Resort 2019 Magical Celebration Sneak Peek

香港迪士尼樂園度假區 2019年精彩體驗預告
米奇與好友、Marvel 超級英雄 和 迪士尼•彼思好友 帶你投入連場奇妙慶典



2019 Magical Celebration Sneak Peek at Hong Kong Disneyland Resort
Presented by Mickey and Pals, Marvel Super Heroes and Disney•Pixar friends

Brand new attraction Ant-Man and The Wasp: Nano Battle! opening in March 2019

The fun continues year-round with immersive and all-new resort-wide experiences
Exclusive Magic Access Special Offer for Hong Kong residents to enjoy up to 20% off

       踏入2019年,香港迪士尼樂園度假區 將為賓客締造更豐富的奇妙時刻,呈獻更多全新主題遊樂設施及一系列迪士尼獨有的體驗!「蟻俠」和「黃蜂女」即將與賓客聯手擊戰;賓客又可在城堡區內化身迪士尼公主;與最愛的 米奇老鼠 及 眾多迪士尼明星好友包括 三隻小豬、來自《反斗奇兵4》和《怪誕城之夜》等角色參與精彩的節慶活動。加上難忘的酒店住宿、多元化的餐飲選擇及獨家人氣商品,賓客在 香港迪士尼樂園度假區 就可以盡享一個圓滿的迪士尼主題度假旅程,發掘留港「宅度假」的奇妙體驗!

Step into popular Disney stories at Hong Kong Disneyland Resort (HKDL) in 2019 with more magic than ever, thanks to all-new immersive attractions and exclusive Disney experiences across the resort. Join Marvel Super Heroes, Ant-Man and The Wasp, in a heroic battle; be transformed with a magical Disney Princess makeover in the castle area, and join festive celebrations with Disney icons such as Mickey Mouse, Three Little Pigs and characters from “Toy Story” and “Tim Burton’s The Nightmare Before Christmas.” Make it a complete Disney experience and discover the magic of a Disney “staycation” at the resort hotels with premium dining options and HKDL-exclusive merchandise items!

        「奇妙處處通」更有多買多折優惠。香港居民可即時以高達8折優惠,成為會員,盡享 香港迪士尼樂園度假區 全年的奇妙精彩體驗,並參與多項會員專享活動。

Grab a Magic Access Membership to enjoy year-round magical experiences and a series of exclusive tailor-made programs around the resort! Join now to enjoy up to 20% off with the “Magic Access” Buy More Save More Offer for Hong Kong residents only.

Celebrate with Tinker Bell: Join your favorite Disney characters in seasonal festivals

         大家喜愛的迪士尼朋友與你約定,歡度2019年的多個節慶,加入新元素的節目全年不停上演!香港迪士尼樂園度假區 誠邀賓客全程投入迪士尼的故事世界,享受以不同迪士尼朋友為主題的精彩節慶體驗。

Popular Disney characters sporting new elements will appear in a series of seasonal events, held year-round in 2019. HKDL invites guests to immerse themselves in the world of Disney stories and enjoy diversified character-themed seasonal experiences.

         踏入豬年,來自經典故事的三隻小豬與你及親朋好友報喜拜年,一同歡度新春(一月至二月);隨着萬眾期待的《反斗奇兵4》上映,動畫內更多的人氣角色將現身「迪士尼巨星嘉年華」(三月至八月),與你在升級版的水花派對狂歡;來到一年一度的「Disney Halloween Time」(九月至十月),萬眾期待的「萬聖之王」阿Jack 將會帶齊人馬,反轉香港迪士尼;在漫天飄雪、悠揚歌韻下,迪士尼經典好友將會換上聖誕新裝,呈獻最窩心傳統的「A Disney Christmas」(十一月至十二月)。多姿多彩的連串節目,與你歡度每個節日!

During the Year of Pig, the three little pigs from the classic story will give you a New Year's greeting from January to February. With the highly anticipated release of “Toy Story 4,” beloved characters from the film will appear in the “Carnivale of Stars” from March to August. There will also be an enhanced “Pixar Water Play Street Party”! Experience wicked fun during “Disney Halloween Time” from September to October with the “Pumpkin King” Jack Skellington and Disney Villains as they turn the park upside down. Then, enjoy an authentic wintertime atmosphere with Disney friends in their holiday outfits during “A Disney Christmas” from November to December.

 ~ “World’s Biggest Mouse Party” ~

2018年11月 至 2019年2月
November 2018 to February 2019

        由2018年11月7日起,香港迪士尼樂園度假區 將會舉行全城矚目的「米奇90派對盛事」,呈獻一系列新元素,邀請所有賓客一同盡情狂歡,為米奇慶祝! 

Starting from November 7, 2018, HKDL will be celebrating the 90th anniversary of Mickey Mouse. Every single guest is invited to join the “World’s Biggest Mouse Party”!

        慶典期間,香港迪士尼樂園 將會推出全新以米奇與好友為主題的紀念版樂園門票。自11月18日米奇生日當天起,入場賓客更可獨家獲得特別版生日貼紙!而於「美國小鎮大街」舉行的 “We Love Mickey!”大街投影盛演(生日特別版)亦為慶祝米奇90週年度身推出特別元素,派對主角米奇米妮將會換上全新90週年服裝現身,搭配全新熱鬧氛圍的生日慶祝歌曲,與粉絲一同勁歌熱舞,將歡樂傳遍樂園。

The celebration of everybody’s favorite mouse will ramp up with new elements highlighting Mickey’s legacy, including Mickey and friends-themed park tickets. Guests visiting from Mickey’s birthday on November 18 onwards, will even receive special birthday stickers, and can enjoy the “We Love Mickey” Projection Show Birthday Edition on Main Street, U.S.A. that culminates with everyone singing “Happy Birthday” to Mickey, while Mickey and Minnie will make a dramatic appearance in their new 90th anniversary costumes.

        香港迪士尼樂園度假區 更會推出各式主題精品和美食,延續慶典的歡樂氣氛。酒店賓客更可以港幣1,099元額外選購主題慶祝房間佈置,令整個住宿體驗更添奇妙!特色房間佈置包括床旗佈置、個人用品包、門貼裝飾、賀卡、拖鞋、氣球和米奇 米妮毛公仔。於2018年11月至2019年2月前來 香港迪士尼樂園度假區,投身「米奇90派對盛事」的慶祝活動! 

To extend Mickey’s birthday celebration, guests can purchase themed merchandise items and delicacies. Hotel guests can choose a celebration-themed room decoration package for just HK$1,099, with specially-designed bed runner, amenities tin box, door sticker, greeting card, slippers, balloons, as well as a pair of Mickey and Minnie plush. Join the “World’s Biggest Mouse Party” at HKDL from November 2018 to February 2019!

~ 新春慶祝活動 ~
~ Chinese New Year Celebration ~

January to February 2019

        來自經典故事的 三隻小豬 將與賓客在樂園一同喜迎豬年!賓客亦可透過一系列的新春主題活動,與家人一同歡度新歲,傳遞新一年的好運和福氣。

Guests can celebrate the Year of the Pig with the beloved Three Little Pigs, who will give you a New Year’s greeting. Guests can enjoy this special season with their families by sharing luck and fortune through a series of themed festive delights.

~ “Ant-Man and The Wasp: Nano Battle!” ~

2019年3月 矚目登場
Opening in March 2019

        香港迪士尼樂園 全新 Marvel 主題互動遊樂設施「蟻俠與黃蜂女:擊戰特攻!」將於2019年3月隆重登場,讓賓客與大熱電影《蟻俠2:黃蜂女現身》中的蟻俠和黃蜂女並肩,展開連場激戰! 「蟻俠與黃蜂女:擊戰特攻!」在「明日世界」的Marvel世界裡發生。

“Ant-Man and The Wasp: Nano Battle!” is an all-new interactive experience coming to Hong Kong in March 2019. In this high-energy interactive battle, guests will fight alongside Ant-Man and The Wasp from the popular blockbuster film!

        賓客將在「史達科技展」「神盾局(S.H.I.E.L.D.)科技館」內,乘搭「神盾局」最新野戰車,與「蟻俠」及「黃蜂女」並肩作戰,共同抵禦邪惡勢力 佐拉博士(Arnim Zola)及 其海德勒機械蟲軍團。而電影中飾演「蟻俠」與「黃蜂女」的 保羅活特伊雲祖蓮莉莉 更會亮相,帶領賓客在整個體驗中投入Marvel超級英雄的世界。

Guests will enter the world of Marvel in Tomorrowland at the S.H.I.E.L.D. Science and Technology Pavilion at the Stark Expo. After boarding a state-of-the-art vehicle at S.H.I.E.L.D.’s research & design facility, guests join Ant-Man and The Wasp in an epic battle against Arnim Zola and his army of evil Hydra Swarm-bots. What’s more, stars Paul Rudd and Evangeline Lilly will be reprising their roles as Ant-Man and The Wasp, fighting alongside guests in this epic battle throughout the entire immersive experience.

 ~“Carnivale of the Stars” ~

March to August 2019


During the spring and summer season, from March to August 2019, “Carnivale of the Stars” will feature a rich line-up of exciting offerings, reconnecting guests with many favorite characters. There will be festive decorations at the park in spring, while the popular “Disney Character Egg Hunt” will return as well, with fun searching for the enlarged eggs decorated after many of your beloved Disney friends! Don’t miss out on the enhanced “Pixar Water Play Street Party” in summer with even more ways to splash into the fun! Guests will also be the first to encounter the stars from the upcoming film “Toy Story 4,” making this a truly one-of-a-kind experience.

~ 城堡區內的全新「魔法化妝廳」~
~ Brand new Bibbidi Bobbidi Boutique in HKDL’s Castle Area ~

Opening in Summer 2019


Opening in the summer of 2019, our little guests can make their dreams come true and transform into a princess at the brand new Bibbidi Bobbidi Boutique in the HKDL’s castle area.

        仙女教母實習生將會施展魔法,將小女孩變身成為她們喜愛的迪士尼公主,例如灰姑娘白雪公主睡公主貝兒公主愛莎女皇 或 茉莉公主。全新的「魔法化妝廳」提供更尊貴的體驗,環境典雅迷人,如置身童話故事一樣,小女孩在變身前更可體驗互動魔鏡的奇妙,了解迪士尼公主的故事,讓她們全情投入成為迪士尼公主的奇妙體驗。萬勿錯過全新「魔法化妝廳」的獨家公主造型系列,為小公主拍下照片,留下難能可貴的夢幻回憶!

The boutique will offer a luxurious option for young guests dreaming of a royal princess makeover with gorgeous dresses and accessories. Makeover options from the park’s Fairy Godmothers-in-training include Disney Princess favorites, such as Cinderella, Snow White, Aurora, Belle, Elsa and Jasmine. In addition, this new location offers an even more royal experience, thanks to the interactive Magic Mirror, which tells the stories of everyone’s favorite princesses in a highly-immersive royal setting. Make sure to explore the exclusive dress-up packages for different photo opportunities.

~ 兒童天地「海底奇兵小天地」 ~
~ “Nemo’s Recreation Reef” playroom ~

Opening in Summer 2019


At Disney Explorers Lodge, families are sure to love the brand-new children’s playroom named “Nemo’s Recreation Reef”, inspired by the popular film “Finding Nemo” in the summer of 2019.

~ Disney Halloween Time 2019 ~

September to October 2019

       一年一度萬聖節活動的詭秘氣氛,將會於2019年9月至10月瀰漫樂園內各處。「萬聖之王」阿Jack 將會再次帶齊人馬搗蛋惡玩,反轉香港迪士尼

The spooky fun of the Halloween season is not to be missed in 2019. Jack Skellington and his friends will be taking over the park once again, while all kinds of creepy characters will be spreading mayhem and mischief to delight guests. Halloween will creep across the park from September to October 2019.

~ A Disney Christmas 2019 ~

November 2019 to January 1, 2020


During the Christmas period, Mickey and Minnie will take center stage in a dazzling festival. HKDL is truly an ideal choice for guests who yearn for a white Christmas with magical snowfall, happening every night on Main Street, U.S.A.

與 Cookie 一起:讓歡樂旅程滿載而歸
Celebrate with Cookie: A jam-packed year of goodies

        2019年,香港迪士尼樂園度假區 的全新商品將令每位賓客目不暇給。賓客隨時在樂園或酒店均能選購多款全新主題的紀念品,當中包括超過300款Duffy與好友系列的精品,延續Duffy最新好友Cookie在香港迪士尼全球首次登場的熱潮,他們在2019年的新年、春季、萬聖節和聖誕均會以全新造型亮相。

In 2019, guests are sure to find amazing gifts to take home from an impressive range of new items available in the park and hotels. This includes more than 300 new merchandise items for Duffy and Friends with refreshing looks for Chinese New Year, Spring, Halloween and Christmas, continuing the excitement for Duffy and Friends after the global debut of the food-loving Cookie. The new merchandise items in 2019 will include something for everyone!

Celebrate with Goofy: Enjoy extraordinary stays and celebrations at Disney hotels

        入住 香港迪士尼樂園度假區 的任何一間主題酒店,享受一個完整的迪士尼奇妙旅程。酒店客房均有特色佈置,酒店賓客亦可與以不同造型登場的迪士尼朋友見面、參與各式各樣的康樂活動,及享用世界級的酒店餐飲。香港迪士尼樂園度假區 的主題酒店全方位精心炮製奇妙驚喜,絕對是慶祝不同喜慶日子的最佳選擇。入住酒店慶祝,賓客可享免費的主題房間佈置如毛巾生日蛋糕。大家亦可到酒店餐廳品嚐造型精緻的迪士尼朋友主題蛋糕或到商店選購精美禮品,與親人、朋友和心愛的迪士尼朋友一同慶祝特別日子。

Guests can enjoy a complete Disney adventure with a stay at one of the resort’s magical hotels, further enhanced by special hotel room decorations, exclusive character greetings, recreational activities and world-class hotel dining experiences. Disney hotels are always one of the best celebration locations for special occasions. Guests can transform their experience into an extraordinary celebration with special complimentary in-room decorations including a towel folded birthday cake, enjoy Disney-themed birthday cakes and gifts, and celebrate their special day with families, friends and beloved Disney characters.


At Disney Explorers Lodge, families are sure to love the brand-new children’s playroom named “Nemo’s Recreation Reef”, inspired by the popular film “Finding Nemo” in the summer of 2019. Young guests can have fun in the world of Nemo and unleash their creativity at arts and crafts sessions.

Celebrate with Donald: Savor culinary fare delights across the resort

        香港迪士尼樂園度假區 美食薈萃、屢獲殊榮。2019年更將推出超過500款全新的主題美食和餐飲,由中西佳餚至造型別緻的迪士尼甜品,選擇豐富且創意無限,讓賓客投入享受充滿迪士尼驚喜的美味體驗。

With all these new experiences coming to HKDL in 2019, the resort is thrilled to be introducing over 500 new themed food and beverage items throughout the year. From Chinese and Western cuisine to desserts, guests can enjoy award-winning dining experiences with a dash of Disney magic everywhere in HKDL.

       賓客可於晶荷軒享用別出心裁的中式佳餚,並品嚐及選購獨家的禮品,包括備受歡迎的XO辣椒醬、銀魚香辣醬 ,以及將於2019年初推出的古早荔枝醬。另外,2019年初亦將推出全新以西式烹飪方法,配以迪士尼主題元素的中式菜單。芊彩餐廳的半自助早午餐是歡度悠閒周末的不二之選,而華特餐廳的「華特餐園晚餐」則呈獻高級餐饗體驗,品嚐優質牛扒。賓客更可與摯愛親朋享受迪士尼主題甜品,或迪士尼限定的特色蛋糕。香港迪士尼樂園度假區 將於來年繼續在樂園及酒店的多間主題餐廳提供精緻優雅的餐飲服務,迎合賓客的不同喜好與品味。

Savor outstanding Chinese cuisine at Crystal Lotus, and make sure to try and take home some special gifting options exclusively at HKDL, including the popular XO Chili Sauce, Spicy Anchovy Sauce and the new Ancient Lychee Sauce, which will be launched in early 2019. An all-new Chinese culinary menu featuring western cooking style and Disney touches will also be launched in early 2019. The semi-buffet brunch menu at World of Color Restaurant is perfect for a weekend getaway, and Garden and Grill at Walt’s Cafe serves up various cuts of premium steak for a fine dining experience. Complete the meal with Disney-themed dessert delights, or sample one of Disney’s exclusive party cakes to share with friends and loved ones. More exquisite dining offers will be available in the hotels and the park throughout the year to meet every taste and style.

Enjoy the year-round immersive Disney experience with Magic Access



From now to January 15, 2019, Hong Kong residents can enjoy a special offer for Magic Access Membership with up to 20% off with the purchase of 4 passes or more. The more passes you buy, the more you’ll save!

        迪士尼奇妙魔法充滿2019年,香港迪士尼為賓客呈獻一系列豐富的奇妙體驗,「奇妙處處通」會員可以享盡全年「食、住、買、玩」的度假體驗,多次進入樂園暢玩,享有獨家禮遇及折扣優惠。多項「奇妙處處通」會員專享活動* 將於2019年陸續推出,包括全新的迪士尼奇妙音樂節目、會員夏日派對,以及 珍藏版迪士尼「花蛋」徽章換領活動 和 迪士尼‧彼思紀念品換領活動!

To fully immerse in the Disney magic with year-round amazing events, Magic Access Members can enjoy the most in the “Play, Shop, Dine & Stay” experience with multiple entries and exclusive benefits and discount offers. In 2019, a series of tailor-made programs* have been planned for Magic Access Members, including a brand-new Disney Music Show, a Members Summer Party, and redemption activities for collectible Disney Egg Pins and Disney●Pixar commemorative souvenirs!

* 會員專享活動之參與視乎會籍級別、活動人數限額及/或活動條款及細則。會員專享活動只供參考,有可能隨時被更改或取消。

* Participation of Member-exclusive programs is subject to Membership tier, program quota and/or program’s Terms and Conditions. Member-exclusive programs are for reference only and subject to change or cancelation.

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© Hong Kong Disneyland Resort
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Disney Magical Kingdom Blog: 香港迪士尼樂園度假區 2019年精彩體驗預告 | Hong Kong Disneyland Resort 2019 Magical Celebration Sneak Peek
香港迪士尼樂園度假區 2019年精彩體驗預告 | Hong Kong Disneyland Resort 2019 Magical Celebration Sneak Peek
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