


談‧創意、說‧幻想 ------ 與「迷離莊園」幕後大師對話!

「迷離莊園」幕後大師現身分享   與近百參加者一起談創意、說幻想
Masterminds behind Mystic Point shared the secrets to creativity

隨著香港迪士尼樂園擴建項目「迷離莊園」正式開放,「奇妙處處通」特別於園區開放首天邀請了「迷離莊園」兩 位幕後大師與近百位獲選會員及親友見面,分享「迷離莊園」的創作意念及靈感來源,並毫無保留地解答參加者的疑問,讓大家對「迷離莊園」的故事情節及迪士尼 創作團隊有更深入的認識。

On the opening day of Hong Kong Disneyland's Mystic Point, the park's latest expansion project, Magic Access invited the masterminds behind the making of the new themed land to meet with nearly 100 selected members and their family and friends. The two masterminds discussed their creative ideas, the source of their inspiration and interacted with participants to give them a better understanding of the story behind Mystic Point.

A closer look at Mystic Point - a peek behind the scenes

 一直以來,迪士尼創作團隊的工作總引發大家的無限聯想,對一眾幻想工程師設計新園區或新景點的過程更是好 奇!隨著全球獨有的「迷離莊園」正式開放,「奇妙處處通」把握難得機會,邀請兩位幕後創作大師—華特迪士尼幻想工程創意部資深副總裁Joe Lanzisero及屢獲殊榮的國際級配樂大師Danny Elfman,與獲選的50位會員見面,透露創作「迷離莊園」的幕後點滴。

The Disney creative team has been inspiring the imagination of generations, and many have wondered about the creativity that the Imagineers put into designing Disneyland's themed lands and scenic spots. Following the launch of the world-exclusive Mystic Point, Magic Access seized this special opportunity to invite the two creative masterminds behind the new land, Joe Lanzisero, Senior Vice President, Walt Disney Imagineering - Creative, and Danny Elfman, award-winning international composer, to meet with 50 selected Magic Access members and reveal the secrets behind the creation of Mystic Point.

活動開始時先播放一條「迷離莊園」的精彩片段,由「迷離莊園」的創意總監Mark Schirmer講述近三百位幻想工程師如何用五年時間參與建造這個全球獨有的主題園區、把奇幻旅程活現眼前。緊接著Joe登場為參加者逐步解構「迷離莊 園」的原創內容及豐富故事情節,詳細分享「迷離大宅」內每個場景的特色,如亨利爵士與猴子阿拔的性格特徵、北歐室內氣溫急降的特別效果、及中國沙龍室內天 旋地轉的設計等等,讓一眾參加者讚嘆不已。

The meet-and-greet began with a video of Mark Schirmer, Creative Director of Mystic Point, who revealed that nearly 300 Imagineers participated in bringing the Park’s newest land to life. Joe Lanzisero then shared details of the features and characteristics of each scene in Mystic Point, including the lively personalities of Lord Henry Mystic and his monkey Albert, the special effects behind the sharp drop in temperature in Slavic-Nordic Chamber and the design of the whirling sky in the Chinese Salon.

隨後Danny Elfman亦分享了首次參與迪士尼樂園全新園區創作項目的感受及許多的「第一次」:第一次與Joe及創作團隊會面、第一次踏足香港迪士尼樂園參觀還在施 工的「迷離莊園」、第一次體驗「迷離大宅」……「音樂星塵」是故事的其中一個矚目亮點,貫穿整個故事,穿梭各個房間,Danny表示在創作配樂時既要保持 樂章的整體性,亦需同時兼顧場景轉換及不同視點的觀眾,較電影配樂有更多細節要考慮。沒有實物可以親身感受,Danny只靠看模型及自己憑空想像「迷離大 宅」內的每段情節,「毫無疑問,它奇幻且天馬行空,都是我十分喜歡的古靈精怪的事物!」

Danny Elfman shared his experience of being involved in the creation of an all-new themed land and of meeting Joe and the rest of the creative team for the first time. When he first started working, Mystic Point was not yet built, Danny said. Using only models and his vivid imagination, he crafted the haunting tune for the enchanted Music Dust, one of the highlights of the Mystic Point storyline. Danny's musical score unravels beautifully throughout the rooms of the land. The challenge, he said, was maintaining the journey of the musical composition through the different plots and the audience's changing experience throughout the land. Such considerations made the task more complex than composing for film, he said. Speaking of his first visit to Mystic Point Danny said, "It's abstract and creative. I love these strange, mysterious and weird things so much!"

Sharing the secrets to creativity

聽罷兩位大師的分享,參加者更加想知道「迷離莊園」奇幻歷程背後的有趣花絮!其實每位會員均是有備以來,早 在活動招募時已提出了他們最想知道有關創作「迷離莊園」的問題,準備這天親自發問!就著參加者的提問, Joe介紹了幻想工程師的工作、以「迷離莊園」作例子闡釋如何揉合迪士尼說故事的傳統及創新的科技,為賓客帶來前所未見的迪士尼體驗。

The two masters answered a wide range of questions from a well-prepared audience, who were keen to know more about the inspiration behind the magical adventure of Mystic Point. In responding to one of the questions Joe used Mystic Point as an example of how an Imagineer must combine the classic Disney tradition with new, innovative technology in order to provide guests with an new experiences.

兩位大師更分享了他們對創意的看法。Joe認為創作靈感無處不在,鼓勵大家要「張開眼睛」、隨時留意周圍的 事物。而Danny則笑言自己尋找創意的不二法則是確保自己每天都在工作,他解釋說:「只有每天工作,才會經常去思考,多思考自會找到新意。」Joe及 Danny之間有著無形的默契,Joe更透露創作團隊跟Danny初次見面時已感覺到大家志趣相投臭味相投,合作自然事半功倍!
The two masters also shared their views on creativity. Joe pointed out that creative inspiration is everywhere and encouraged people to open their eyes and pay attention to the details that surround them. Danny added that the best method for cultivating creativity is to keep your mind busy. "Keep working everyday, and always think. More thinking will naturally lead to something new." Joe revealed that he shares an innate understanding with Danny, adding that their common interests allow their collaboration to be truly productive.
兩位大師全沒架子,有問必答,活動完結前更與參加者合照簽名留念。「奇妙處處通」第一次舉辦此類型活動,喜 見出席的會員反應熱烈及滿意活動安排,最重要讓大家對「迷離莊園」有更深入的認識,能聚在一起談創意、說幻想!未來,「奇妙處處通」希望可以有機會舉辦不 同類型活動給會員加深對樂園的認識!

Joe and Danny interacted with the audience in a friendly and engaging way and even took photographs with members before they left. Such an event was a first for Magic Access and it was fantastic to see how well our excited Members responded. The audience left with smiles on their faces and a deeper understanding of Mystic Point and the creativity behind it. In the future, Magic Access hopes to offer more activities for members, giving them a better understanding of the magic of Disneyland.

文字:Copyright Hong Kong Disneyland Resort


本blog 非常欣賞園方透過是次活動俾fans 們了解更多有關樂園嘅背後故事,繼續努力!在此再一次多謝各位「迪士尼幻想工程師」將呢個"Super E-ticket" 帶俾我哋!

而本blog 亦將於即將推出嘅一篇網誌中都會引述更多喺是次活動中所得知嘅資訊,敬請期待!

Disney, Walt Disney Imagineering, Hong Kong Disneyland Resort



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Disney Magical Kingdom Blog: 談‧創意、說‧幻想 ------ 與「迷離莊園」幕後大師對話!
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