


上海迪士尼度假區 —— 神奇不只在樂園

上海迪士尼度假區 —— 神奇不只在樂園
Shanghai Disney Resort, an Integrated Resort Featuring a Theme Park and So Much More

Disney announces exciting themed hotels, shopping, dining and entertainment district and recreation facilities


Shanghai Disney Resort will exhibit new details of the highly anticipated resort during its debut at Asia’s largest travel trade industry fair, the 2014 China International Travel Mart (CITM). Shanghai Disney Resort will share the official names and images of the resort’s two richly themed hotels, and the exciting shopping, dining and entertainment district. Additionally, a new rendering shows the scope of the resort, including the lush waterfront park to be located alongside Shanghai Disneyland, Disney’s first theme park in mainland China.


Continuing the tradition of Walt Disney Parks and Resorts worldwide, Shanghai Disney Resort will welcome guests to an immersive, magical multi-day experience at the resort’s theme park, hotels, shopping, dining and entertainment district and recreational areas. The entire resort is being designed with Chinese guests in mind, bringing the best of Disney to mainland China.

       上海迪士尼度假區總經理郭偉誠(Philippe Gas)表示:“我們非常興奮能借首度參展2014中國國際旅遊交易會之機揭曉上海迪士尼度假區的更多規劃細節。上海迪士尼度假區秉承華特•迪士尼先生在將近60年前開創的‘共享式家庭娛樂’理念,從規劃之初便以為中國遊客創造世界一流的旅遊休閑目的地為目標。未來遊客們除了能在上海迪士尼樂園體驗迪士尼神奇之外,還能享受到由兩座主題酒店、迪士尼小鎮(大型購物餐飲娛樂區) 以及中心湖區共同打造的原汁原味的迪士尼體驗。”

“We are very excited to share more detail of our resort during our debut appearance at the China International Travel Mart, the leading annual tourism industry event in China,” said Philippe Gas, Shanghai Disney Resort General Manager. “Shanghai Disney Resort will provide a world-class tourism destination for Chinese guests, offering the same spirit of ‘shared family entertainment’ that Walt Disney first introduced nearly 60 years ago.


“All guests will be able to take part in a wide range of authentic Disney experiences across Shanghai Disneyland, at our two themed hotels, in Disneytown – an exciting shopping, dining and entertainment district – and at our resort’s central lake area.”
Shanghai Disney Resort will be Disney’s sixth resort destination worldwide. The centerpiece of the resort, Shanghai Disneyland will be a Magic Kingdom-style theme park featuring classic Disney characters and stories in six theme lands. Some of the new attractions and experiences specifically designed for the people of China will include the Enchanted Storybook Castle, Treasure Cove (the first ever Pirates-themed land in a Disney park) and Garden of the Twelve Friends.


In addition to the theme park, the Resort will offer two hotels that give guests the opportunity to immerse themselves in a magical world inspired by – and featuring – Disney characters and stories. The signature hotel of the resort will be the 420-room Shanghai Disneyland Hotel, an elegant Art Nouveau-inspired hotel with a touch of Disney magic and imagination. The 800-room Toy Story Hotel immerses guests in a world inspired by the toys from the Disney•Pixar series of Toy Story animated films. Both hotels will offer a range of entertainment and leisure options, highlighted by Disney’s signature high-quality service standards with great attention to details.


Conveniently located near Shanghai Disneyland and the hotels is Disneytown – a shopping, dining and entertainment district with the lure of a timeless village and the excitement of an international crossroads. Here guests may relax and reconnect with family and friends, but amazing new experiences are waiting around every corner. No admission fee is required to explore its charming pedestrian streets, leading to more than 46,000 square meters of distinctive dining, unique shops and a world-class theatre.


The natural beauty of Disneytown’s Lakeshore provides beautiful views, spectacular sunsets, and the highest quality of waterfront dining.
Marketplace, located at the heart of Disneytown, is filled with family fun and offers specialty shops with Disney merchandise. There one will find plenty of places to relax and enjoy musicians and entertainers.

       穿過小鎮市集便來到了熙來攘往的、充滿國際氣息的百香食街,這裏結合了豐富多樣的亞洲美食和令人倍感愜意又浪漫的環境,而露天餐飲設計讓這裏成為與好友午餐或是正式約會的完美去處。美食過後,遊客可以在私密的小道和令人愉悅的燈光下踱步至經典的百老匯大道,這條典雅的“時尚大街”以好萊塢比弗利山莊 的購物街道為設計靈感,其高端時尚的購物氛圍和潮流品牌將吸引遊客在此優雅流連。

Next to the Marketplace is the bustling international ambiance of Spice Alley, which presents a variety of popular Asian cuisines in a casual, yet romantic environment. The al fresco dining spots are perfect for lunch with friends or a more formal date. And the intimate streets and festive lights encourage leisurely after dinner strolling. Taking inspiration from the Beverly Hills shopping streets, the classic Broadway Boulevard features stylish boutiques that create an upscale atmosphere. Here guests will discover an exciting array of popular labels and trendsetting products.

       以世界級水準打造、百老匯風格的華特迪士尼大劇院座落在百老匯廣場,《獅子王》—— 這部創紐約百老匯演出史上最高票房紀錄的劇目,將在這座Art Deco藝術裝飾風格的劇院呈現全球首個普通話版本。該售票演出將成為迪士尼小鎮的核心亮點,讓遊客們的休閑度假體驗更豐富多元。

Broadway Plaza is home to the beautiful Walt Disney Grand Theatre, which will bring world-class entertainment to China. The spectacular Art Deco theatre will host the global premiere of the Mandarin version of THE LION KING, the highest-grossing Broadway show ever. This separately ticketed show will greatly enrich the leisure experience for guests visiting the Resort.

       位於迪士尼小鎮旁的中心湖區,靜謐的綠色空間和波光粼粼的湖水相互映襯,為來自五湖四海及上海本地的遊客營造一個親近大自然的勝地。這片“世外桃源”占地約40公頃 — 約等同於56個足球場大小 — 由一片中心湖、長約2.5公裏的蜿蜒人行小徑和一些各有特色的美麗花園組成,讓遊客們可以在度假區內享受大自然,放松心情!

Near Disneytown lies the resort’s central lake area, which offers guests from Shanghai and around the world an opportunity to commune with nature, surrounded by peaceful greenery and a glittering lake. With approximately 40 hectares, the size of 56 football fields, it includes the lake, a 2.5-kilometer walking path and various beautiful gardens, which present guests with awe-inspiring natural views and beautiful sunsets.

© 上海迪士尼度假區
© Shanghai Disney Resort



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