


香港迪士尼樂園度假區 公佈 2013/14財政年度業績

香港迪士尼樂園度假區(Hong Kong Disneyland Resort)於今天公佈2013/14財政年度(2013年10月 至 2014年9月期間)業績,樂園的收入、入場人次以及賓客人均消費均連續5年創佳績。



在酒店全年平均入住率方面,入住率為93%,當中微跌了1%。行政總裁金民豪先生表示,酒店入住率下跌與房間翻新工程有關。另外,金民豪先生亦提及樂園會於未來兩年推出十週年慶祝活動、「鐵甲奇俠飛行之旅」(Iron Man Experience)以及預計於2017年初投入營運的「迪士尼探索家度假酒店」(Disney Explorers Lodge)。

資料來源: 香港迪士尼樂園度假區、《經濟日報》、《星島日報》、新城知訊台資訊網、香港電台

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新聞稿(Press Release):

Hong Kong Disneyland announces fifth consecutive record-breaking year

(2015年2月9日 香港訊)
(February 9, 2015, HONG KONG)


Hong Kong Disneyland Resort (HKDL) today reported its results for fiscal year 2014, marking the fifth consecutive year of record revenue, attendance, and guest spending. Revenue hit HK$5,466 million, up 12% from the prior year, and net profit increased HK$88 million to HK$332 million, up 36% from the prior year.


Following the successful expansion of the resort, HKDL continued to enrich guest experiences through magical new entertainment experiences and classic Disney franchises and storytelling, which were key factors contributing to strong results.


During the year, HKDL welcomed a record number of guests by adding appeal to locals, prioritizing key mainland China markets, and engaging Southeast Asian markets. These efforts helped HKDL deliver attendance of 7.5 million, bringing the cumulative attendance since park opening well past the 50 million mark.


“Results from the last five years have laid a solid foundation for the resort’s continued growth,” said Managing Director Andrew Kam. “The three new themed areas—Toy Story Land, Grizzly Gulch and Mystic Point—and the recently-launched ‘Disney Paint the Night’ nighttime spectacular have truly strengthened the appeal of HKDL as a world-class tourist destination.”


“As we look ahead, we will continue to bring more magical experiences to guests. We have a number of projects in the pipeline over the next two years, such as the resort’s upcoming 10th Anniversary celebration, Iron Man Experience and our third hotel—Disney Explorers Lodge,” he added.


Hotel occupancy remained strong at 93%, one percentage point below the prior year, attributable to a temporary reduction in hotel inventory related to room renovations at Hong Kong Disneyland Hotel.

回饋社區 貢獻經濟
Contribution to the community


The record results for fiscal 2014 underscore HKDL’s positive impact on Hong Kong’s tourism industry and overall economy. HKDL brought about HK$13.2 billion of value added to Hong Kong, equivalent to a new high of around 0.62% of Hong Kong’s GDP. A total of 30,600 jobs (in terms of man-years) were also created, benefiting the city’s workforce in the growing and vibrant travel and hospitality industry.


On average in fiscal 2014, HKDL employed more than 5,100 full-time and 2,700 part-time staff, making the resort one of Hong Kong’s largest employers in the entertainment industry. HKDL is committed to developing a highly skilled and quality labor force, providing more than 390,000 hours of professional and technical training to Cast Members in the year. Disney Explorers Lodge will create another 600 to 700 full-time equivalent jobs once it opens in early 2017.

       香港迪士尼樂園度假區一直秉承貢獻香港及回饋社會的宗旨。在過去一年,樂園款待了超過10萬名弱勢社群人士暢遊樂園,透過迪士尼義工計劃貢獻接近8,500小時義工服務,亦與義務工作發展局攜手推行「迪士尼賞義工行動」,為社區貢獻 48 萬小時義工服務。

The resort remains committed to Hong Kong and the communities it serves. This past year, HKDL welcomed more than 100,000 underprivileged community members to visit the park, contributed nearly 8,500 hours of skills and services through its Disney VoluntEARS program, and collaborated with the Agency for Volunteer Service to offer 480,000 hours of volunteer service in the community through “Give a Day. Get a Disney Day.”


Other community highlights from fiscal 2014 include promoting the wise use of surplus food through a partnership with local charity Foodlink, encouraging creativity and family-bonding through play via the second Community Built Playground, sparking the creativity of tertiary students through the Disney ImagiNations Hong Kong Design Competition, and connecting kids to nature through the expanded “Adopt A Garden” program at local schools.

       過去一年,樂園榮獲99個不同類型的獎項,包括2014年度香港管理專業協會優質管理獎金獎、第25 屆TTG 「最佳主題公園」旅遊大獎。「迷離大宅」獲世界主題娛樂協會頒發主題娛樂大獎的「傑出成就獎–遊樂設施」。樂園亦獲得Randstad Award中的「香港最佳工作地方文化奬」及勞工及福利局頒發的優秀共融機構奬。自2005年開幕以來,樂園獲頒授共370個獎項,表揚其在設計、技術操作層面、以至賓客服務、回饋社會和保護環境和作為家庭娛樂的吸引力等各方面的卓越表現。

Also in the year under review, HKDL received a total of 99 awards, including the Gold Award of the 2014 Hong Kong Management Association Quality Awards; the Best Theme Attraction at the 25th Annual TTG Asia Travel Awards; the Thea Award for Outstanding Achievement Attraction (Mystic Manor) from the Themed Entertainment Association; the Randstad Award for Best Workplace Culture in Hong Kong; and the Outstanding Inclusive Organisation Award from the Labour and Welfare Bureau. Since opening, HKDL has received 370 awards in recognition of its design, technical achievements, distinctive guest service, commitment to the community and environment, and family appeal.

Note to Editors:

       香港迪士尼樂園是由香港特別行政區政府及華特迪士尼公司所屬的子公司合資成立的香港國際主題樂園有限公司所擁有。在 2014 財政年度末,香港特區政府持有主題樂園公司的股權約 52%,餘下的48% 股權則由迪士尼公司持有。

Hong Kong Disneyland is owned by Hongkong International Theme Parks Limited, which is a joint venture between the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region Government and a subsidiary of The Walt Disney Company. As of the end of fiscal year 2014, the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region Government owned a 52% majority interest in the joint venture, with The Walt Disney Company owning the remaining 48%.


HKDL Managing Director Andrew Kam will attend the Legislative Council Panel on Economic Development meeting on the development update of the resort on February 16, 2015.

© 香港迪士尼樂園度假區
© Hong Kong Disneyland Resort



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Disney Magical Kingdom Blog: 香港迪士尼樂園度假區 公佈 2013/14財政年度業績
香港迪士尼樂園度假區 公佈 2013/14財政年度業績
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