


上海迪士尼度假區‬ 樂園六大主題園區 及 更多焦點內容

Disney Unveils New Magic in Shanghai: Resort Filled with Innovative Attractions and Entertainment Created Especially for Chinese Guests

Shanghai Disneyland, the First Disney Theme Park in Mainland China, Offers Something for Everyone Across Six Themed Lands.Resort Includes Two Hotels, a Shopping, Dining and Entertainment District, and Wishing Star Park

Shanghai Disney Resort, the first Disney resort in Mainland China, will introduce magical Disney storytelling and experiences designed especially for Chinese guests when Shanghai Disneyland opens in Spring 2016. The theme park will feature six themed lands filled with world-class attractions and live entertainment spectaculars – many appearing for the first time in a Disney theme park.


Disney Chairman and CEO Bob Iger today revealed details of the highly anticipated vacation destination during a presentation at Shanghai Expo Centre, unveiling a scale model of the resort and displays that showcase key highlights of attractions, entertainment, dining and hotels.


“We are building something truly special here in Shanghai that not only showcases the best of Disney’s storytelling but also celebrates and incorporates China’s incredibly rich heritage to create a one-of-a-kind destination that will delight and entertain the people of China for generations to come,” said Iger speaking to media during today’s presentation at the Shanghai Expo Centre.

       “我們把過去60年來所積累的一切關於如何超越遊客期待的秘訣,加以迪士尼永無止境的創新精神和豐富創意,來打造這樣一個'原汁原味迪士尼,別具一格中國風'的神奇度假目的地。 ” 艾格先生說。

“We are taking everything we’ve learned from our six decades of exceeding expectations – along with our relentless innovation and famous creativity to create a truly magical place that is both authentically Disney and distinctly Chinese,” said Iger.


Shanghai Disney Resort, part of the Shanghai International Tourism and Resorts Zone, is a complete vacation destination and at opening will include:
  • “上海迪士尼樂園”,一個由六大主題園區組成的主題樂園,包括:“米奇大街”、“奇想花園”、“探險島”、“明日世界”、“寶藏灣”及擁有“奇幻童話城堡”的“夢幻世界”。
  • Shanghai Disneyland, a theme park with six themed lands: Adventure Isle, Gardens of Imagination, Mickey Avenue, Tomorrowland, Treasure Cove and Fantasyland, with the Enchanted Storybook Castle.

  • 上海迪士尼樂園酒店”“玩具總動員酒店”,兩座毗鄰主題樂園、充滿想像力的主題酒店。
  • Shanghai Disneyland Hotel and Toy Story Hotel, imaginatively themed hotels conveniently located near the theme park.

  • “迪士尼小鎮”,一個緊鄰主題樂園的國際性購物餐飲娛樂區,“華特迪士尼大劇院”將位於其中,上演全球首個普通話版本的百老匯熱門音樂劇《獅子王》。
  • Disneytown, an international shopping, dining and entertainment district, adjacent to Shanghai Disneyland and including the Walt Disney Grand Theatre, home to the first-ever Mandarin production of the Broadway hit Disney’s THE LION KING.

  • “星願公園”,集美麗花園,愜意小道和波光粼粼的湖水於一身。
  • Wishing Star Park, with beautiful gardens, a walking path and a glittering lake.


Shanghai Disney Resort promises something wonderful for everyone. Guests will be immersed in popular Disney stories that come to life at the largest castle in a Disney park, at the first pirate-themed land in a Disney park, on the longest Disney Parks parade route and in more enchanting places filled with thrills, creativity and adventure. Throughout the resort, visitors will encounter another distinguishing Disney difference: warm hospitality and renowned guest service delivered by Disney cast members.

At Shanghai Disneyland, Six Themed Lands Offer Something for Everyone, Memories for All


Shanghai Disneyland, the first theme park of its kind in Mainland China, will be a world of boundless possibilities and a place to create cherished memories that last a lifetime. Lush gardens, live stage productions and thrilling attractions will appeal to guests of all generations who visit its six lands. Guests also will encounter Disney characters in each land, including Mickey Mouse and his pals, Disney princesses, Captain Jack Sparrow and Winnie the Pooh.


Mickey Avenue is the first main entry at a Disney park inspired by the colorful personalities of Mickey Mouse and his pals. In the neighborhoods of this welcoming, whimsical avenue, guests will share a hug and get a photo with some all-time favorite Disney characters. Avenue M Arcade,one of the many shops along the avenue, will feature the largest selection of gifts and collectibles inside the theme park.


Gardens of Imagination will celebrate the wonders of nature and the joy of imagination, as guests leave everyday life behind to enjoy the seven whimsical gardens. Guests will take a spin on the Fantasia Carousel, soar on the back of Dumbo the Flying Elephant and enjoy the area’s iconic Disney entertainment, including Castle stage shows and “Ignite the Dream, a Nighttime Spectacular of Magic and Light.” From several places in this land, guests will enjoy “Mickey’s Storybook Express,” an exciting parade with its own musical soundtrack and colorful performers on the longest parade route in a Disney park.

故事家雕塑(Storytellers Statue)


Fantasyland, inspired by Disney’s animated films, will be the largest land and home to the majestic Enchanted Storybook Castle. In this fairy-tale paradise, guests will float through familiar Disney stories on Voyage to the Crystal Grotto, hitch a rollicking ride on the Seven Dwarfs Mine Train – in and out of tunnels glowing with dazzling diamonds – and take flight over the skies of London on Peter Pan’s Flight. They may also explore the Hundred Acre Wood with Winnie the Pooh or follow Alice through a dazzling Wonderland maze.


Adventure Isle will immerse guests in a newly discovered lost world, filled with hidden treasures and a chance to explore its mysteries. The mighty Roaring Mountain will tower over guests and beckon them on their journey. Guests may blaze their own trails at Camp Discovery, travel around the world on Soaring over the Horizon, or embark on the thrilling rafting adventure Roaring Rapids, straight through the heart of Adventure Isle. There they will discover the realm of a massive, mysterious, creature.

“人猿泰山:叢林的呼喚”(“Tarzan – Call of the Jungle”)

      “寶藏灣”是全球迪士尼樂園首個以海盜為主題的園區,讓遊客可以參與到傑克船長和戴維·瓊斯船長的冒險中。 “加勒比海盜——沉落寶藏之戰”利用尖端的機器人、動畫、佈景及多媒體技術將水載乘坐項目變為驚險刺激的大冒險。富探險精神的遊客們還可以劃著“探險家獨木舟”遊美麗海灣,踏上海盜船的甲板,在“巴波薩燒烤”大快朵頤。

Treasure Cove will be the first pirate-themed land in a Disney park, a place to join the adventures of Captain Jack Sparrow and Davy Jones. As guests explore this pirate world, they will enter Pirates of the Caribbean – Battle for the Sunken Treasure, an attraction that transforms a boat ride into a thrilling journey with cutting-edge innovations in robotics, animation, set design and multimedia. Adventurous spirits will be tempted to board a pirate ship, paddle through the scenic cove on Explorer Canoes and dine at Barbossa’s Bounty.


Tomorrowland will be a venue of limitless possibilities, where the promise of tomorrow has never looked brighter. Disney’s innovative use of technology has produced a land where guests will go to infinity and beyond on Buzz Lightyear Planet Rescue, a new space ranger adventure, or break the bonds of gravity on Jet Packs. A massive, color-shifting canopy will lure guests to TRON Lightcycle Power Run, a coaster-style attraction where they board a train of two-wheeled Lightcycles for one of the most thrilling adventures at any Disney park.


Nearby Tomorrowland will be two exciting experiences created especially for Shanghai Disneyland – Star Wars Launch Bay and Marvel Universe. In a celebration of the Star Wars Galaxy, guests will meet heroes and villains of the saga, visit iconic intergalactic set-pieces, view props and memorabilia from the most recent Episode, and be immersed in the Skywalker story through a state-of-the-art cinematic experience. In Marvel Universe, guests attend a multimedia mission briefing on the thrilling world of Marvel, get up-close with some popular Marvel heroes and take on the role of comic book artist as they learn to draw some favorite characters.
“星球大戰遠征基地”(Star Wars Launch Bay)

“漫威英雄總部”(Marvel Universe)

      夜幕降臨,遊客們將相聚在夜空下共賞奇妙的夜光幻影秀。 “奇幻童話城堡”上空將被耀眼奪目的光影特效和璀璨煙火點亮,並伴著優美旋律向上海迪士尼度假區的所有遊客道聲最特別的晚安。

When night falls on another magical day at Shanghai Disneyland, guests will gather outside to enjoy the fantastic nighttime spectacular. The show will paint the sky above Enchanted Storybook Castle in dazzling light, with music, special effects and fireworks, adding a special “kiss good night” for all the guests at Shanghai Disney Resort.

A Disney Park Filled with “Firsts”

       在上海迪士尼樂園的中心位置,標誌性的“奇幻童話城堡”將是全球迪士尼樂園中最高、最大、最具互動性的城堡,它還是第一個匯集了所有迪士尼公主的城堡。除此之外,上海迪士尼樂園還擁有許多全球迪士尼樂園中的“第一”, 例如:

At the center of Shanghai Disneyland, the iconic Enchanted Storybook Castle will be the tallest, largest and most interactive castle at any Disney theme park. It’s also the first castle in a Disney theme park that represents all the Disney princesses. Other “firsts” at Shanghai Disneyland will include:

  • “探險島”:在一個神秘的島嶼居住著遠古的土著部落,雄偉的雷鳴山流傳著一個有關神秘巨獸的古老傳說。
  • Adventure Isle, a mysterious land, with an ancient legend about a native tribe, a giant, reptilian creature, and the mighty Roaring Mountain.

  • “晶彩奇航”:遊客們將踏上一段全新漂游旅程,環遊“夢幻世界”的水道,遍覽迪士尼經典故事的神奇和想像。夢幻行程最後將進入奇幻童話城堡內,這是在其他迪士尼城堡從未出現過的設計。
  • Voyage to the Crystal Grotto, an enchanting, new excursion that celebrates classic Disney tales of magic and imagination as it travels the waters of Fantasyland, going underneath Enchanted Story Book Castle for a finale never before seen inside a castle.

  • “明日世界”:融合原創設計理念和多項全新遊樂設施,呈現對未來的樂觀、希望和無窮潛力,為中國遊客特別設計。 
  • Tomorrowland, a venue with an original design and new attractions to celebrate the hope, optimism and potential of the future, created especially for the people of China.

  • “創極速光輪”:全球迪士尼樂園最驚險刺激的遊樂項目之一。全球首發的設計將帶領遊客進入精彩的故事世界,飛馳在室內與戶外交錯蜿蜒的曲折軌道上,還能瀏覽整個上海迪士尼樂園的壯麗美景。 
  • TRON Lightcycle Power Run, which promises to be one of the most thrilling attractions at a Disney park, with a twisting, turning track, high speeds, rich storytelling and a breathtaking view of Shanghai Disneyland.

  • “十二朋友園”:中國的十二生肖在此由迪士尼和迪士尼‧皮克斯的動畫明星們全新演繹。
  • Garden of the Twelve Friends, where animals of the Chinese zodiac are re-imagined as Disney and Disney‧Pixar characters.

  • “寶藏灣”:全球迪士尼樂園中首個以海盜為主題的園區,尖端科技充分運用在全新的“加勒比海盜——沉落寶藏之戰”遊樂項目中,並將獻上傑克船長領銜的精彩特技演出。 
  • Treasure Cove, the first pirate-themed land at a Disney park, leveraging innovative technologies in the new Pirates of the Caribbean – Battle for the Sunken Treasure and a stunt show spectacular featuring Captain Jack Sparrow.

Unique Hotels, an Entertainment District and a Nature Park at Resort Opening

       上海迪士尼度假區的兩座主題酒店將提供輕鬆有趣的住宿體驗,將迪士尼的神奇延續整個旅程。 “上海迪士尼樂園酒店”以高雅的新藝術主義為設計風格,充滿迪士尼的魔法和想像力;“玩具總動員酒店”則將游客帶入迪士尼•皮克斯系列電影《玩具總動員》中的精彩玩具世界。

Guests may continue their Shanghai Disneyland experience with a fun, relaxing stay at the hotels of Shanghai Disney Resort. The Shanghai Disneyland Hotel is an elegant Art Nouveau-inspired resort with a touch of Disney magic and imagination, while the Toy Story Hotel immerses guests in a world inspired by the toys from the Disney‧Pixar series of Toy Story animated films.


Disneytown, a vibrant shopping, dining and entertainment district adjacent to the theme park, will be tailored to Chinese guests, with familiar experiences, colors, symbols and design integrated into the area, including traditional Shanghai Shikumen architecture. Disneytown is home to the Walt Disney Grand Theatre, the separate-ticket venue for the global premiere in Mandarin of Disney’s theatrical event, THE LION KING, one of the most successful Broadway productions in history. Another “must-see” for guests will be the innovative World of Disney Store, offering a comprehensive collection of Disney merchandise, including many products designed especially for Shanghai Disney Resort.


Near Disneytown will be Wishing Star Park, offering guests an opportunity to enjoy peaceful greenery and a glittering lake. With approximately 40 hectares, the size of 56 football fields, it includes Wishing Star Lake, a 2.5-kilometer walking path and various beautiful gardens, which present guests with awe-inspiring natural views and beautiful sunsets.

© 上海迪士尼度假區
© Shanghai Disney Resort



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