


香港迪士尼樂園 首個「迪士尼花蛋節」(Disney Springtime Egg-stravaganza)矚目登場!


把握機會成為「奇妙處處通」會員    以優惠價與好友投入尋蛋樂

Hunt for Disney character-themed eggs during the resort’s 10th Anniversary!

Exclusive “Bring a Friend” offer for Magic Access Members to enjoy the first-ever Disney Springtime Egg-stravaganza with their friends
       香港迪士尼樂園由2016年3月17日起至5月29日期間將呈獻首個「迪士尼花蛋節」,為賓客締造春日新體驗!「奇妙處處通」會員專享「好友同行」優惠,在體驗各項10週年的全新活動之餘,亦可於優惠期內無限次帶好友尋找遍佈樂園內七大園區的過百隻迪士尼「花蛋」,展開尋蛋之旅,甚至選購各項星級體驗服務,發掘Happily Ever After的春日驚喜!米奇與一眾好友更會換上以香港特色為主題的獨有新裝,與兩位全新迪士尼朋友─《大英雄聯盟》的醫神和《小公主蘇菲亞》的蘇菲亞一起邀賓客投入尋蛋樂!

Hong Kong Disneyland Resort will be transformed into an extravagant world of over 100 Disney eggs in the first-ever Disney Springtime Egg-stravaganza from March 17 to May 29, 2016. Guests are invited to join in the fun and hunt for the specially themed Disney eggs to celebrate spring. It’s the best time to make someone feel loved with the resort’s annual Star Experiences, enriched this year with special experiences to add to the Springtime attractions. Magic Access Members have the opportunity to bring along friends to enjoy the first-ever Disney Springtime Egg-stravaganza as many times as they like during the period. This spring, Disney Friends will be in all new costumes designed in a unique Hong Kong style. New friends Baymax from “Big Hero 6” and Princess Sofia from “Sofia the First” have made their debut in the park to continue the 10th Anniversary celebrations. The spring celebrations add more magic to the rich lineup of 10th Anniversary attractions and entertainment, to give guests even more opportunities to find their “Happily Ever After” moments.

Exclusive “Bring a Friend” Offer for Magic Access Members
       由即日至7月20日期間,「奇妙處處通」會員專享「好友同行」優惠,會員可以每位賓客港幣$328 (高達約六折優惠, 39% off),無限次帶同好友入園一起暢遊樂園,參與首個「迪士尼花蛋節」,盡情投入迪士尼春日。有關「奇妙處處通」會員於「迪士尼花蛋節」活動期間可換取之珍藏版迪士尼「花蛋」小禮物,詳情將於4月初公佈,請密切留意樂園FACEBOOK專頁和「奇妙處處通」會員通訊。

Magic Access Members can bring along friends and loved ones to enjoy the first-ever Disney Springtime Egg-stravaganza throughout this blossoming season, with the exclusive “Bring a Friend” offer for HK$328 per guest (with up to 39% discount offer), from now till July 20, 2016 as many times as they like during the period.  More information about the Collectible Disney Egg souvenirs that Magic Access Members can redeem during Disney Springtime Egg-stravaganza will be released in early April.  Please look out for updates on our Facebook fan page and Magic Access Member communications.

Surprises galore during Disney Springtime Egg-stravaganza
       過百隻迪士尼「花蛋」將於3月17日起至5月29日期間遍佈樂園內各個園區,當中超過70隻更是由迪士尼朋友化身而成的趣緻「花蛋」,藏在園內各個地點,期待賓客前來發現他們!賓客可根據樂園指南參與「猜猜誰‧尋尋蛋」遊戲,與好友展開尋蛋之旅!變身成「花蛋」的米奇與一班好友、「迪士尼小熊」Duffy、ShellieMay 及 他們的最新好友 Gelatoni ─ 貓畫家小東尼會在小鎮廣場歡迎賓客;《玩轉腦朋友》的阿樂也成為「花蛋」,拖着阿愁「花蛋」,著她以樂觀的心情,細賞花朵盛放的季節;《雪姑七友》的七位小矮人「花蛋」在睡公主城堡前的花園裡滾滾而來,尋找白雪公主的去向;而《海底奇兵》的 MO仔多莉同樣變身「花蛋」,於「探險世界」的瀑布中暢泳;《星球大戰》一眾主角也加入「花蛋」行列:黑武士帶領他的風暴兵進佔「明日世界」巡邏,而C-3PO、R2-D2及BB-8則在星際間穿梭;貪玩的奇妙仙子「花蛋」更會在園內不同位置穿梭,跟賓客玩捉迷藏。各個迪士尼朋友「花蛋」都等着被大家逐一發現。

More than 100 charming Disney eggs will fill the theme park from March 17 to May 29, 2016, and guests are invited to use the special-edition Egg-stravaganza Guide Map and join in the Disney Character Egg Hunt in all seven themed lands. Among the 100 eggs, over 70 of them are Disney characters themed and scattered throughout the entire park, some are even hidden to surprise our guests. Come and look for eggs featuring Mickey & Friends, Duffy, ShellieMay and their new friend Gelatoni at Town Square. Joy is dragging Sadness to enjoy nature and the fresh spring air.  The seven dwarfs are looking for Snow White in the Castle Gardens. Nemo and Dory are frolicking in the Safari Falls. Darth Vader is leading his Stormtroopers on patrol in Tomorrowland while C-3PO, R2-D2 and BB-8 are exploring a galaxy far, far away. Tinker Bell is Egg-ceedingly playful this spring as she is continually changing her location to surprise guests during the period.  There are plenty more delightful eggs featuring different Disney characters from various Disney stories, wherever you look in the park.

Feel like a star with Star Experience


New exciting activities will be introduced to enrich the annual Star Experience for the resort’s 10th Anniversary for our guests to appreciate their special ones. It is the best opportunity to add one of these special experiences to make the park visit even more magical for the special people in your life.


Princess Sofia will engage young guests in enthralling story-telling as well as sharing royal etiquette and princess-themed snacks during the Sofia the First Tour. “Star Wars” fans will learn to draw BB-8 and face galactic challenges in the Star Wars Activities & Games. 

       成年賓客亦可大展廚藝,參加迪士尼好萊塢酒店推出的「BB-8蛋糕製作班」或參與親子的 「Tsum Tsum蛋糕教室」,製作討人歡心的迪士尼朋友蛋糕。

Adults who consider themselves “children at heart” will be inspired by the Create your own BB-8 Cake experience at Disney’s Hollywood Hotel, and the Tsum Tsum Cupcake Class will bring families together as they decorate cookies and cupcakes in true Disney style.


The popular Star Fireworks Dinner, Princess Makeover Brunch, Star Photography Package and Disney Spectacular Tour will return this year, creating more memorable and delectable moments for those very special people you wish to appreciate.

Mickey & Friends Springtime Gardens

Five colorful spring gardens have been created by Mickey and his friends with their own unique flair in the castle hub, in honor of the arrival of spring. Mickey created a living castle in front of Sleeping Beauty Castle to celebrate the 10th Anniversary, while Minnie created a romantic Valentine Garden full of blossoming beauty and love. Donald reclines in his Water Garden that he created and basks in the luscious spring atmosphere. Goofy’s creation is a Wind Garden with all kinds of pin wheels and wind spinners. Pluto enjoys a Dream Garden filled with his favorite thing in the world – bones, while he takes a nap in the spring sunshine. All these lush, vibrant gardens provide dazzling backdrops for guests to pose for memorable photos with their favorite Disney friends.  

米奇及好友換上全新香港獨有服飾     與新朋友春日亮相
Disney Character Greeting with Unique New Costumes and New Friends
       春日新景象,米奇老鼠米妮老鼠唐老鴨黛絲高飛布魯托大鼻鋼牙、「迪士尼小熊」Duffy 與 ShellieMay 共十個迪士尼朋友於「迪士尼花蛋節」期間會換上香港迪士尼樂園獨有服飾,在美國小鎮大街與賓客齊迎幸福春日!服飾以香港購物、著名地標、文化、美食及交通工具為主題,盡顯地道特色。

Disney friends including Mickey, Minnie, Donald, Daisy, Goofy, Pluto, Chip, Dale, Duffy and ShellieMay will add to their 10th Anniversary wardrobe and celebrate Springtime with all-new uniquely Hong Kong themed costumes featuring artistic interpretations of the city’s shopping, iconic landmarks, culture, cuisine and transportation.

       迪士尼巨星的陣容在樂園10週年慶典期間愈來愈鼎盛,除了大家熟悉的玩具老友記 ─ 勞蘇於「反斗奇兵大本營」現身及風暴兵進佔「明日世界」巡邏之外,《大英雄聯盟》的醫神和《小公主蘇菲亞》的蘇菲亞亦首次於香港迪士尼樂園亮相!

The cast of Disney characters ready to meet guests in the park will be strengthened during the 10th Anniversary. Disney’s most lovable villain Lotso is greeting guests at Toy Story Land, Stormtroopers are patrolling in Tomorrowland, and Baymax from “Big Hero 6” and Princess Sofia from “Sofia the First” have also made their debut in the park.

Spring delights in F&B and shopping

       隨着多位迪士尼巨星登場,樂園亦推出多款迪士尼朋友主題美食,讓賓客盡情細味春日!包括可愛的「醫神海鮮雞肉包」、「星球大戰漢堡包套餐」。而香港迪士尼樂園酒店的晶荷軒更首創「Tsum Tsum三色凍糕」,必讓賓客一見傾心。

The arrival of new friends has inspired new culinary creations this Springtime, including the Baymax Bun and the Star Wars Burger Combos in the park, and do not miss the adorable Tsum Tsum Chilled Pudding served only at Crystal Lotus at the Hong Kong Disneyland Hotel.

Extend the Springtime excitement beyond the season by taking home Springtime memorabilia from the Egg-stravaganza range, Easter Egg assortments and keepsakes from the Duffy & ShellieMay – Season of Love range, Star Wars and Sofia the First assortments, as well as PANDORA Hong Kong Disneyland exclusive collection.

香港迪士尼樂園 10週年慶典
Enriched 10th Anniversary Attractions And Enjoyment

       香港迪士尼樂園度假區 10週年慶典期間,賓客不僅可以暢玩樂園內超過100項遊樂設施及娛樂體驗,更可體驗一系列春日活動與精彩不絕的 10週年活動。全新音樂劇鉅獻「迪士尼魔法書房」,由米奇高飛小白帶領賓客穿梭7個迪士尼故事,投入奇妙旅程;「童話園林」— 由PANDORA呈獻透過園林中的互動故事書與音樂盒,把經典的迪士尼公主童話場景活現眼前;晚間的「星夢奇緣」煙花表演加入嶄新的影像投影技術,睡公主城堡上的影像會與空中的璀璨煙花互相融合,大放異彩。

The amazing Springtime additions are the latest to mark the resort’s 10th Anniversary, enriching a spectacular lineup for you to discover along with the park’s 100 magical shows and attractions. The anniversary’s headline act – the all-new Broadway-style musical extravaganza “Mickey and the Wondrous Book”, brings to life seven of the greatest Disney stories of all time through the magical journey of Mickey Mouse, Goofy and Olaf. At the enchanting Fairy Tale Forest – Presented by PANDORA, miniature music-box scenes come to life and recreate iconic scenes of the most cherished Disney Princess stories. As night falls, the “Disney in the Stars” Fireworks with all-new projections light up Sleeping Beauty Castle ever more brilliantly.

© 香港迪士尼樂園度假區
© Hong Kong Disneyland Resort



3. 「迪士尼花蛋出遊」@ MegaBox

4. PANDORA 香港迪士尼樂園獨家串飾系列 現已正式發售!



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Disney Magical Kingdom Blog: 香港迪士尼樂園 首個「迪士尼花蛋節」(Disney Springtime Egg-stravaganza)矚目登場!
香港迪士尼樂園 首個「迪士尼花蛋節」(Disney Springtime Egg-stravaganza)矚目登場!
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