


上海迪士尼度假區 《獅子王》音樂劇 彩排正式開始!


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Shanghai Disney Resort Announces Exciting New Phase of THE LION KING, as Rehearsals Begin

New Mandarin Production Allows Chinese Audiences to Appreciate the Captivating Storyline and Authentic Broadway Experience

Shanghai Disney Resort and Disney Theatrical Productions announced that rehearsals have begun for the highly anticipated Mandarin production of THE LION KING, an exciting new phase leading to the official opening night on June 16 at the new, world-class resort. Thursday’s event revealed insights about the first Mandarin adaptation of the musical and how it will engage Chinese audiences by allowing for a deeper understanding of the powerful storyline. Shanghai Disney Resort and Disney Theatrical Productions also introduced the cast, showcased some of the show’s stunning hand-made puppets, masks and costumes, and described some of the touching themes and artistic details.


As part of the grand opening of Shanghai Disney Resort on June 16, 2016, the first-ever Mandarin production of THE LION KING will make its global debut at the Walt Disney Grand Theatre in Disneytown. The Mandarin production will mark the ninth language and 24th global production for this highly successful Broadway musical, which has been enjoyed by audiences in 20 countries across six continents since 1997.

       《獅子王》音樂劇靈感源自同名奧斯卡獲獎動畫電影,是全球最受歡迎的劇目之一,累計票房已超過了史上任何一部電影或戲劇作品。導演茱莉•泰默(Julie Taymor)憑藉執導該劇成為首位獲得托尼獎最佳導演獎的女性導演。透過她充滿張力的創作演繹,《獅子王》的故事被成功搬上了舞台,迄今在百老匯連演19年長盛不衰。恢宏的場景以及震撼人心的舞台表演贏得了全球觀眾以及戲劇評論家的高度讚譽。

THE LION KING was born following the success of the Oscar-winning animated Disney movie. As Director of THE LION KING, and later the first female to win Best Director at the Tony Awards®, Julie Taymor re-imagined the popular animated story for the stage, implementing a bold creative vision that helped forever cement its position in the Broadway spotlight. The visually captivating, emotionally uplifting production was an instant hit with critics and audiences around the world. Collectively, the musical performances have garnered more in ticket sales than any movie or stage play in all of entertainment history.

       《獅子王》音樂劇副導演安東尼•林(Anthony Lyn)將《獅子王》的中文版本形容為不容錯過的舞台盛事。憑藉華麗的道具、面具和舞蹈演繹,觀眾將彷彿走入廣袤無垠的非洲大草原,見證一頭小獅子展開一段歷險,並最終戰勝自己,邁過艱難和不幸榮登獅王之位。

The Associate Director of THE LION KING, Anthony Lyn, described the Mandarin production as a once-in-a-generation theatrical event. The show will draw audiences into the gripping tale of a lion cub, who embarks on an emotional journey to find the courage needed to overcome tragedy and become the leader of his pride. The entire story is brought to life through sophisticated stagecraft, puppetry and choreography.


The artistic reveal on Thursday also featured the production’s captivating music, with the first-ever public performance in Mandarin of the iconic theme song from THE LION KING, “Circle of Life.”


“The Mandarin presentation showcases an outstanding cast which features local talent as well as performers from all over the world, making this a distinctive and unique Broadway-caliber experience.” Lyn said. “The adapted script and language will enhance the theatrical experience for Chinese guests, allowing them to connect with the dialogue and gain a deeper understanding of the show’s themes and messages.”

       上海迪士尼度假區娛樂演出副總裁蔡樂怡(Laurie Jordan) 表示:「《獅子王》中文版將成為上海迪士尼度假區別具一格的娛樂體驗的亮點之一。這齣不同凡響的製作將把迪士尼的魔法呈現於戲劇舞台之上。我們很高興能攜手迪士尼戲劇製作公司共同呈現這部音樂劇,並相信它將引發中國觀眾的強烈共鳴。我們期待大家到訪『華特迪士尼大劇院』感受《獅子王》的無限魅力。」

Vice President of Entertainment for Shanghai Disney Resort, Laurie Jordan, described the Mandarin production of THE LION KING as a magnificent addition to the one-of-a-kind, immersive entertainment guests will discover at Shanghai Disney Resort. “This remarkable production brings the magic of Disney to life on stage,” Jordan said. “We are thrilled to be partnering with Disney Theatrical Productions to deliver THE LION KING. We believe it will resonate deeply with the Chinese audience, and welcome guests to the Walt Disney Grand Theatre to witness all the wonder that is THE LION KING.”


Tickets to THE LION KING went on sale on March 28, 2016. There will be one evening performance daily every Tuesday through Friday at the Walt Disney Grand Theatre in Disneytown, and two performances on Saturdays and Sundays. Guests can purchase tickets to the musical from official channels, including:

上海迪士尼度假區預訂服務中心《獅子王》票務專線 400-108-8888 或 86-21-31768888


‧The official website of Shanghai Disney Resort,

‧THE LION KING Reservation Center at 400-108-8888 or 86-21-31768888

‧Official ticketing company and travel partners

© 上海迪士尼度假區
© Shanghai Disney Resort



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Disney Magical Kingdom Blog: 上海迪士尼度假區 《獅子王》音樂劇 彩排正式開始!
上海迪士尼度假區 《獅子王》音樂劇 彩排正式開始!
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