


香港迪士尼樂園「『鐵甲奇俠飛行之旅』─ 由友邦呈獻」(“Iron Man Experience ─ Presented by AIA”)將於2017年1月11日正式開幕!

迪士尼樂園 首個 漫威主題遊樂設施 「鐵甲奇俠飛行之旅」明年1月登陸 香港迪士尼樂園

Disney Parks’ first Marvel-themed ride Iron Man Experience opens in early January at Hong Kong Disneyland

        萬眾期待的 迪士尼樂園 首個 漫威 主題遊樂設施「鐵甲奇俠飛行之旅 ─ 由友邦呈獻」將於2017年1月11日香港迪士尼樂園 正式開幕。 這是 迪士尼樂園 首次以香港作為遊樂設施的故事背景,賓客將可飛越香港上空,與「鐵甲奇俠」並肩對抗邪惡勢力 Hydra,投入多元感官的動感飛行新體驗!

The much-awaited Disney Parks’ first Marvel-themed ride, Iron Man Experience – Presented by AIA, will launch at Hong Kong Disneyland on January 11, 2017. For the very first time, this new ride-through attraction is featuring a story based in Hong Kong. Guests will be able to soar through Hong Kong’s skies alongside Iron Man and battle the evil forces of Hydra in the multi-sensory immersive motion experience.


“Hong Kong Disneyland is excited to bring the first-ever Marvel-themed ride in a Disney Park to Hong Kong,” said Samuel Lau, Executive Vice President and Managing Director of Hong Kong Disneyland Resort. “The Iron Man Experience is a unique immersive motion experience using Hong Kong as the story background for the very first time. We are proud to give local and overseas guests a different perspective and experience of Hong Kong while promoting our vibrant city to the world at the same time.”


The Resort today also announced a corporate alliance with AIA, which will be the presenting sponsor of the Iron Man Experience.

       友邦香港及澳門首席執行官 陳榮聲先生表示:「我們十分高興與香港迪士尼樂園攜手呈獻迪士尼樂園首個以漫威為主題的『鐵甲奇俠飛行之旅』,今次的贊助貫徹了友邦香港贊助活動的策略,活動均是廣受歡迎且是世界級水準,可以讓市民大眾參與,以及能夠為大家締造開心難忘的回憶。這次贊助貫徹『真生活 真夥伴』的品牌承諾,可以為大家帶來刺激興奮的飛行動感體驗,讓市民釋放快樂能量,進一步幫助大家活出更健康、豐盛及快樂的人生。」          

“We are thrilled to collaborate with Hong Kong Disneyland in presenting Disney Parks’ first Marvel-themed ride, Iron Man Experience,” said Jacky Chan, Chief Executive Officer of AIA Hong Kong and Macau. “This initiative is in perfect alignment with the criteria of AIA Hong Kong’s sponsorship strategy. It is a popular world-class event that can be enjoyed by members of the public. The event will create happy memories with the community, it also strengthens our brand promise to be ‘The Real Life Company’ by bringing an exciting experience to people of all ages. Most importantly, it gives us the opportunity to make a positive difference by helping people live healthier, better and happier lives.”

Take flight with Iron Man above Hong Kong

       科技天才 東尼史達 決定於香港設立「史達工業」亞洲總部,並在香港迪士尼樂園「明日世界」舉辦「史達科技展」,將「史達工業」最新、最強的創建呈獻賓客眼前。「史達科技展」設有多個大型展廳,包括:「歷程展廳」、「防禦展廳」、「能源展廳」及「動能展廳」。賓客將可率先探索「史達工業」最創新的科技發明,並在參觀展覽後,登上最新科技鉅獻 ─「鐵甲號」飛行車,展開「鐵甲奇俠飛行之旅」。

The eminent innovator and pioneer, Tony Stark has selected Tomorrowland in Hong Kong Disneyland to host Stark Expo, where he will show off his latest high-tech creations in various exhibition halls – the Hall of Legacy, the Hall of Protection, the Hall of Energy and the Hall of Mobility. Guests will be among the first to explore Tony Stark’s latest innovations up close and fly in a gravity-defying Iron Wing flight vehicle in Iron Man Experience. He has also made Hong Kong the Asia headquarters of Stark Industries hereafter.

Mark III (MARK 3)

      樂園花了超過3年時間構思和打造「鐵甲奇俠飛行之旅」,賓客將透過飛行模擬器、立體影像、環迴立體聲及各種特效,置身於 漫威英雄 與 Hydra 的正邪對決。

The park has spent over three years to design and create Iron Man Experience – complete with flight simulators, 3-D projection, surround sound and other special effects that immerse guests in the Marvel story of a battle with the evil forces of Hydra.


For the first time, the park has integrated strong Hong Kong elements into a park attraction by using Hong Kong and its skyline for the fly-through ride. After putting on a pair of StarkVision glasses and taking off on Stark Industries’ special Expo-edition Iron Wing, guests will make their way to the Hong Kong Stark Tower powered by the arc reactor and whizz alongside Iron Man through streets that resemble those in West Kowloon and downtown, and fly over iconic Hong Kong landmarks like Tsing Ma Bridge, Victoria Harbour and the city’s pristine mountain ranges.

       華特迪士尼幻想工程創作總監 羅柏德表示:「很高興能夠參與『鐵甲奇俠飛行之旅』的製作,我們特別將『鐵甲奇俠』的英雄冒險旅程設置於一個真實存在的地方 ― 香港。繼東尼史達於2010年在紐約舉辦的科技展,全新『史達科技展』將展出『史達工業』最新、最強的創建。到訪科技展的賓客將會欣賞到各項科技,更可以登上最新的科技鉅獻─『鐵甲號』飛行車。45位賓客將置身於巨型的『鐵甲奇俠』裝甲內,一起飛越香港上空並降落於史達大樓。」

“We’re excited to be able to create the Iron Man Experience with an authentic Iron Man Super Hero adventure that takes place in a real city, Hong Kong,” said Ted Robledo, Creative Director of Walt Disney Imagineering.  “We’ve set this up as the next Stark Expo after the one Tony Stark did in 2010 in New York. He’s showcasing his latest and greatest products from Stark Industries, so guests see all kinds of things in the exhibition halls when coming through the Expo. But the ultimate experience is to get on this brand-new Iron Wing vehicle, which is essentially a really large Iron Man suit that 45 guests can get into. And guests will be going out on a tour of Hong Kong ending at the Hong Kong Stark Tower.”

AIA named trusted partner of Stark Industries

       友邦作為「史達工業」的信賴夥伴,除了為「史達科技展」部份展出的珍貴收藏品包括:「弦反應能源器」、「鐵甲奇俠」MARK I和 MARK III戰甲及MARK V手提箱提供保障外,亦為「史達工業」亞洲總部的員工提供保險服務。

AIA, as the trusted partner of Stark Industries, will provide protection for some of the valuable collections displayed in Stark Expo, such as the Arc Reactor, the Iron Man MARK I suit, the MARK III suit and the MARK V suitcase, as well as the employees in its Asia headquarters.


With AIA as the presenting sponsor of the attraction, AIA selected customers will be one of the first groups to enjoy a preview experience of Iron Man Experience before the attraction’s grand opening.


“It’s our great pleasure to form a multi-year corporate alliance with AIA,” said Lau. “With a common goal of delivering quality services, we will bring magical park-wide experiences to our guests.”

More Iron Man-themed experiences to be discovered at Tomorrowland

       一系列「鐵甲奇俠」主題體驗將逐步登陸「明日世界」,全新主題商店「史達科技旗艦店」現已率先開幕,陸續呈獻超過70款香港迪士尼樂園獨家的「鐵甲奇俠」商品以及超過250款漫威主題商品。當中包括:「鐵甲奇俠」精緻收藏品、玩具、發光鎖匙扣、紀念品與服裝配件,而部份樂園獨家服飾更以香港景色及「史達科技展」為主題,讓「鐵甲奇俠」迷 盡享購物樂趣!

The Iron Man Experience will be complemented by a range of Iron Man-themed experiences unveiling at Tomorrowland in the run up to the grand launch of the Stark Expo. The brand-new Expo Shop is already opened to greet guests with a tantalizing range of 70-plus Hong Kong Disneyland exclusive Iron Man merchandise items and more than 250 items of Marvel-themed memorabilia, among them collectibles and toys, glowing key chains, souvenirs as well as apparels and accessories. Some of the exclusive apparels feature Hong Kong’s postcard-perfect scenery or Stark Expo themes.


In the Expo Shop, Iron Man fans get to try on Iron Man’s armor suit in the interactive game Become Iron Man at The Stark Expo. Through interactive motion-sensing technology, guests can experience the various functions of the armor and feel what it is like to be a super hero as they fight the forces of evil while zipping through streets that closely resemble Hong Kong. Guests can also take home a memento package featuring a digital photo collage of their Become Iron Man adventure, as well as a digital download of an approximately 35-second video of their transformation.

       為配合「史達科技展」,樂園及兩間主題酒店的餐廳亦會推出超過25款「鐵甲奇俠」主題美食,包括:「超級英雄窩夫餅」、「鐵甲奇俠」紀念杯、「米奇廚師餐廳」的多款「鐵甲奇俠」 甜品及酒店內的英雄特飲等。

The park and hotel restaurants have prepared more than 25 Iron Man-themed food and beverage choices to refuel during the intense Iron Man Experience. Among the delectable choices are an Iron Man Waffle, Iron Man stein, Iron Man desserts at Chef Mickey Buffet and Iron Man beverages served at the resort hotels.


At the Iron Man Tech Showcase presented by Stark Industries, guests will find various Iron Man armor suits. Iron Man will also make his first appearance at Hong Kong Disneyland to meet and interact with guests.

       漫威娛樂有限公司榮譽主席及「鐵甲奇俠」聯合創作人 史丹‧李施達利)指出:「任何一位到訪迪士尼樂園的賓客,必定會陶醉於樂園豐富的奇妙旅程,而『鐵甲奇俠飛行之旅』將會為大家帶來無限驚喜!」

 “Anybody who visits a Disney park loves color and spectacle and excitement and adventure, and that’s all that Iron Man is,” said Stan Lee, Chairman Emeritus, Marvel Entertainment, LLC and Co-Creator of Iron Man.

Look out for sneak preview opportunity!


Guests may chance upon an opportunity of a sneak preview, when the Iron Man Experience Sneak Peek is held from December 23, 2016 to January 8, 2017.  Starting from December 23, 2016*, guests staying at the resort’s two hotels will receive a Priority Admission Pass** of Iron Man Experience to shorten the wait for their turn on the Marvel-themed ride.

* 2017年1月9日及10日 除外


* Excluding Jan 9 and Jan 10, 2017

** Priority Admission Pass will be given according to the number of guests in each room with a maximum of four passes per room, subject to availability. 

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© Hong Kong Disneyland Resort
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Disney Magical Kingdom Blog: 香港迪士尼樂園「『鐵甲奇俠飛行之旅』─ 由友邦呈獻」(“Iron Man Experience ─ Presented by AIA”)將於2017年1月11日正式開幕!
香港迪士尼樂園「『鐵甲奇俠飛行之旅』─ 由友邦呈獻」(“Iron Man Experience ─ Presented by AIA”)將於2017年1月11日正式開幕!
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