


「香港迪士尼樂園 慶新春」(Hong Kong Disneyland Chinese New Year Celebration) 2017年農曆新年主題活動 正式開始!

香港迪士尼樂園 與賓客共賀新歲

A Chinese New Year celebration fit for Super Heroes
Hong Kong Disneyland rings in Year of the Rooster with blessings of heroic proportions

     雞年將至,由2017年1月19日至2月12日期間,香港迪士尼樂園將與賓客同賀新春!今年適逢全球迪士尼樂園首個漫威主題遊樂設施 ─「鐵甲奇俠飛行之旅 ─ 由友邦呈獻」登陸香港迪士尼樂園,超級英雄將出動為樂園注入熱鬧生氣,讓賓客與摯愛親朋喜氣盈盈度新歲。

The Year of the Rooster is just around the corner, and Hong Kong Disneyland is ringing in the new year in the perfect Super Hero style from January 19 to February 12, 2017. Following the debut of Iron Man Experience – Presented by AIA, the first-ever Marvel-themed ride in a Disney Park. There’s no better way to get the Year of Rooster off to a flying start than with an auspicious celebration at Hong Kong Disneyland!

     樂園將於 大年初一(1月28日)起向賓客派發賀年利是一封,內含寓意金銀滿屋的朱古力金幣。今年的利是封特別以「鐵甲奇俠」為主題,配合金光閃閃的設計,祝願賓客新一年「雄」運當頭(數量有限,送完即止)!

From the first day of the Chinese New Year on January 28, the park will present every guest with a special lai see containing a delicious piece of chocolate and bestowing wishes of abundant good fortune. The lai see, which has an auspicious gold design graced by Iron Man, is the park’s way of bidding everyone good fortune of heroic proportions.  (Available while stock lasts).

迪士尼朋友賀歲新裝  傳遞新春喜氣
Disney friends sharing New Year blessings

       今個新春,一眾迪士尼朋友,包括 米奇米妮唐老鴨黛絲高飛布魯托鋼牙大鼻 及「迪士尼小熊」Duffy、ShellieMay 將一起換上全新賀年服飾,聯同首次與大家歡度新歲的「貓畫家」小東尼(Gelatoni)與賓客拜年,傳遞新春喜氣給每一位賓客。由大年初一(1月28日)起,高飛更會化身成「財神」與賓客見面,讓賓客沾沾福氣。

To celebrate the Spring Festival, Disney friends Mickey, Minnie, Donald, Daisy, Goofy, Pluto, Chip 'n' Dale, Duffy and ShellieMay will dress up in new Chinese New Year costumes to wish everyone a bountiful year. They will be joined by Gelatoni the cat artist, who is making his first Chinese New Year appearance this year. In addition, God of Fortune Goofy will greet guests and share good fortunes all around starting the first day of Chinese New Year (January 28) onwards.

Chinese New Year In Park Decoration

      「美國小鎮大街」各處已換上新春佈置,以賀年花卉及揮春,為賓客帶來無限祝福!隨着迪士尼電影《魔海奇緣》於 1 月底上映,故事中的 喜喜 率先於  樂園亮相,與 米奇米妮 一同邀請賓客喜迎雞年!

Main Street, U.S.A. is filled with festive flowers and  auspicious well-wishes, bringing the Chinese New Year  blessings to guests! Coinciding with the release of the  Disney movie, “Moana” in late January, Heihei the  rooster will make an early bird appearance in Hong  Kong Disneyland, ushering in the Year of the Rooster  with Mickey, Minnie and guests!

Animation Academy

     新春期間,迪士尼動畫師 亦會在「美國小鎮大街」的「動畫藝術教室」帶領賓客繪畫穿上賀歲服飾的新春 米奇老鼠唐老鴨,齊齊迎春接福!

Learn to draw Mickey and Donald in their Chinese New Year  outfits at Animation Academy, under the guidance of Disney  animators.

A taste of prosperity in festive delicacies

     佳節當前,美食不能少。樂園及兩間主題酒店為賓客呈獻接近60款新春特色佳餚,各有寓意,讓賓客與摯愛親朋一起聚首一堂,「嚐」盡幸福滋味!樂園內美食包括:美國小鎮大街市集餅店 的甜點「行運曲奇」和 包點「年年有餘」與「花開富貴」;廣場飯店 的「廣場飯店賀年宴」及  迷離莊園大冒險家餐廳 內寓意盆滿缽滿的「迎春接福盆菜套餐」。而 迪士尼好萊塢酒店影廠酒廊 亦推出特色菜餚「撈起」,寓意風生水起,福氣滿載。

Sumptuous delicacies, a must for the festive spring celebration, will be presented in the theme park and the resort’s two themed hotels. The menus are made up of nearly 60 special Chinese New Year creations infused with prosperous blessings, bringing families and friends together to share. Guests can also enjoy “Good Luck Cookies,” “Lucky Fish” and “Blossoming Bless” snacks at Market House Bakery and the “Chinese New Year Special Set” at Plaza Inn on Main Street, U.S.A., as well as the bountiful “Chinese New Year Treasure in Pot Set” at Explorer’s Club Restaurant in Mystic Point. “Lo Hei” will also be served at Studio Lounge in Disney’s Hollywood Hotel to bring prosperity to all guests who enjoy this classic dish.

各式賀年禮品  送上真摯祝福
Festive memorabilia bearing well wishes

   今個雞年,樂園為賓客悉心預備了超過50款各式各樣的應節賀年商品,並推出首次以新春服飾亮相的「貓畫家」小東尼 毛公仔,還有 米奇米妮及「迪士尼小熊」Duffy、ShellieMay 款式的禮品,任賓客挑選。各種賀年禮盒、利是封、揮春等讓賓客為親友送上真摯的祝福!

The Year of Rooster is also being celebrated with more than 50 thoughtfully designed festive gifts ­– from Gelatoni in his first Spring Festival look to collections featuring Mickey, Minnie, Duffy and ShellieMay. They are lined up alongside other festival gift sets, such as lai see and fai chun, for all to share the joy and blessings of the New Year.

Hong Kong Residents: Save 15% with the Magic Access Group of 3 Offer

    由即日起至2017年3月16日,香港居民於香港迪士尼樂園正門售票處 或「奇妙處處通會員服務中心」購買3張或以上「奇妙處處通」,即享85折優惠*!「奇妙處處通」會員尊享禮遇包括:生日驚喜、泊車、購物、餐飲及酒店住宿優惠;以及享盡樂園全年精彩不絕的娛樂體驗,包括全新「鐵甲奇俠飛行之旅」 及「香港迪士尼樂園 慶新春」!立即成為「奇妙處處通」會員,投入更精彩的奇妙體驗!

From now till March 16, 2017, Hong Kong residents can experience a whole year of fun, including the all-new attraction Iron Man Experience, while enjoying a special 15% discount upon the purchase of three or more Magic Access memberships*! The Magic Access Group of 3 Special Offer is available at Hong Kong Disneyland ticket booths and the Magic Access Member Service Center in the park. Join now to enjoy an array of exclusive benefits, including birthday surprises, parking, merchandise, food & beverage and hotel accommodation privileges, as well as the all new “Iron Man Experience” and the Hong Kong Disneyland Chinese New Year Celebration! Become a Magic Access member today to receive a host of magical experiences!

* 香港居民於同一時間購買三張或以上任何類別之「奇妙處處通」,需出示香港身份證或有關証明,方可享此優惠,優惠不適用於長者「奇妙處處通」。

* This offer is only available to Hong Kong residents with valid Hong Kong Identity Cards or identity proof, upon purchase of three or more Magic Access memberships of any tier in one single transaction, excluding Senior Magic Access membership.

© 香港迪士尼樂園度假區
© Hong Kong Disneyland Resort
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Disney Magical Kingdom Blog: 「香港迪士尼樂園 慶新春」(Hong Kong Disneyland Chinese New Year Celebration) 2017年農曆新年主題活動 正式開始!
「香港迪士尼樂園 慶新春」(Hong Kong Disneyland Chinese New Year Celebration) 2017年農曆新年主題活動 正式開始!
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