


「迪士尼探索家度假酒店」(Disney Explorers Lodge)將於 2017年4月30日 正式開幕!

瞬間遠離煩囂        探索全港獨有異國悠閒新體驗


Disney Explorers Lodge, Hong Kong’s new exotic getaway hotel, opens on April 30

Welcoming guests and Magic Access Members to a brand new resort stay experience with special offers

“ad explorare et somniare”

       香港迪士尼樂園度假區 第三間酒店 ― 迪士尼探索家度假酒店 將於4月30日隆重開幕。這座以探索為主題的酒店,為賓客帶來充滿異國情懷的不一樣的度假新體驗!賓客及「奇妙處處通」會員由即日起可預訂房間及享有各項住宿驚喜優惠!

Exotic adventures beckon at the new Disney Explorers Lodge, Hong Kong Disneyland Resort’s third hotel, slated to open on April 30. Reservations are now available, with various special offers for guests and Magic Access Members.

       迪士尼探索家度假酒店 的設計箴言是拉丁文的「ad explorare et somniare」,整個設計概念以啟發賓客勇於探索,開創夢想為主題。酒店樓高七層,共750間海景或園林景觀客房。酒店的四個主題庭園設計各具獨特的異國色彩,賓客置身其中,可投入 亞洲、南美洲、非洲或大洋洲獨具特式的景緻和醉人情懷。

At Disney Explorers Lodge, guests are inspired to explore and dream as they are immersed in the adventures of intrepid explorers, with the motto “ad explorare et somniare” (to explore and dream). The seven-storey Disney Explorers Lodge has 750 hotel rooms, each featuring an open sea view or a landscape view of one of the four lush themed gardens that exemplify the cultures of Asia, South America, Africa and Oceania.

       四個主題庭園分別環繞酒店各座翼樓,以 迪士尼 及 迪士尼‧彼思 動畫電影中的角色命名,包括以《沖天救兵》中南美景致為主題的「彩鳥古雲庭園」;呈現《海底奇兵》大洋洲悠閒景象的「小海龜庭園」;以《小泰山》亞洲大自然為題材的「小哈頓庭園」;以及 滿載《獅子王》中非洲大草原特色的「拉飛奇庭園」,歷奇體驗樂趣無窮。賓客可在酒店大堂的夢想之泉開始探索之旅,並在室外游泳池 ―「雨澄泳池」悠閒暢泳。

Enfolding the four wings of the hotel, these gardens are all named after characters from beloved Disney and Disney•Pixar animated films. Kevin Garden, which has a South American theme, is named after the giant bird in “Up.” The Little Squirt Garden of Oceania celebrates the playful sea turtle from “Finding Nemo.” Named after the baby elephant from “The Jungle Book,” the Hathi Jr. Garden puts guests in the heart of Asia. The Rafiki Garden, which has an African Savannah theme, is named after the wise mandrill from “The Lion King.” Guests can also revel in the spirit of adventure by gazing into the Dreamer’s Spring or take a dip in the outdoor Rain Drop Pool.

酒店大堂  Hotel Lobby

「雨澄泳池」  Rain Drop Pool

       香港迪士尼樂園度假區 行政總裁 劉永基 表示:「香港迪士尼樂園 持續推出新項目,致力為賓客創造無數奇妙體驗。迪士尼探索家度假酒店 不僅讓賓客瞬間遠離煩囂,亦為到訪香港國際大都會的賓客提供一個嶄新及與別不同的度假體驗。全新酒店的四個主題庭園、餐廳及客房將為大家帶來無窮的樂趣。最重要的是,這些充滿異國情懷的探索體驗,都可以在瞬間可達的香港迪士尼樂園度假區找到,滿足追求優質的度假體驗的賓客,同時感受獨特的迪士尼奇妙歡樂。」

“Hong Kong Disneyland is committed to investing in new offerings for our guests. Disney Explorers Lodge is not only a fantastic getaway for Disney guests, it’s also a one-of-a-kind hotel experience for those visiting the cosmopolitan city of Hong Kong,” said Samuel Lau, executive vice president and managing director of Hong Kong Disneyland Resort. “We can’t wait to share all the fun found in the four gardens, all-new restaurants and themed rooms. The best part is, these exotic adventures are just a stone’s throw from downtown, making it convenient for anyone seeking high-quality accommodation with a dash of Disney magic.”

Taking Hong Kong Disneyland’s resort experience to a new level

       全新酒店提供750間客房,開幕後令度假區酒店房間總數增至1,750間,連同樂園源源不絕的娛樂節目,香港迪士尼樂園度假區 將呈獻更豐富、更全面的一站式遊樂及住宿體驗。

With the addition of the new 750-room hotel, Hong Kong Disneyland Resort now has a grand total of 1,750 hotel rooms. The new hotel and all the amazing entertainment in the park make Hong Kong Disneyland Resort an even more enriched and complete getaway destination.

       香港迪士尼樂園度假區 持續擴展,不斷推陳出新。三個主題園區的擴展計劃於2013年圓滿完成,讓賓客可以於樂園七大主題園區,盡情暢玩多項遊樂設施、欣賞娛樂表演及投入各項娛樂體驗。香港迪士尼樂園度假區 不斷推出嶄新的遊樂設施,包括近期加設的「星球大戰:入侵明日世界」及 全球迪士尼樂園首個漫威主題遊樂設施「鐵甲奇俠飛行之旅」。

Hong Kong Disneyland Resort enjoys continuous expansion efforts and ever-new offerings. Following the three-land expansion project completed in 2013, guests can explore a total of seven themed lands and a comprehensive range of attractions, shows and entertainment offers. Hong Kong Disneyland Resort has never stopped adding new attractions, including the recent addition of the “Star Wars: Tomorrowland Takeover” and the brand-new Iron Man Experience, the first-ever Marvel-themed attraction in a Disney park.

       香港迪士尼樂園度假區 行政總裁 劉永基 續說:「迪士尼探索家度假酒店 的開幕令 香港迪士尼樂園度假區 的度假體驗全面提升。全新主題住宿體驗連同樂園多元化的遊樂設施,為所有到訪賓客提供更多不同選擇。新增的酒店住房,更有助度假區的商務會議業務發展。」

“This brand new hotel really takes the resort experience at Hong Kong Disneyland Resort to another level entirely,” Lau continued. “There is always something for everyone here. The new hotel together with the park’s many new and amazing entertainment offerings have made the range of choices for guests even more dynamic.  This extra hotel capacity also greatly boosts the resort’s MICE accommodation options.”

A beautiful dining journey

      在 迪士尼探索家度假酒店 品嚐美食是一場味覺探索之旅,全新酒店設有三間主題餐廳。

Dining in the three restaurants of the new hotel is as epic an adventure as exploring the hotel grounds.

「雲龍軒」  Dragon Wind


A taste of ancient Chinese wisdom is served at Dragon Wind, where guests can savor signature delights from rural and classical provincial China, with culinary styles and layout inspired by the Five Elements. Alongside, Disney Friends will meet the guests in the breakfast and lunch sessions.

「芊彩餐廳」  World of Color Restaurant


World of Color Restaurant brings together the tastes of new and old worlds using spices and herbs, as well as ancient and new cuisine with textures and flavors from across the seas, islands and continents.

「星航圖咖啡廳」  Chart Room Cafe

       在「星航圖咖啡廳」,探索家可以在悠閒寫意的氣氛之中,享用精品咖啡和品嚐歐陸早餐、沙律、廚師即製三文治、特色意粉 及 即製意大利雪糕 等多種輕食。

Chart Room Cafe is the place to kick back and enjoy casual dining. Guests can soak in the cafe’s peaceful and welcoming atmosphere while enjoying its selections of specialty coffee, continental breakfast, salads, freshly made sandwiches, made-to-order pastas and home-made gelato with delicious topping cream.


Expeditions are not complete without something special to remember them by The Trading Post is the best place in the hotel to find artifacts and memorabilia to celebrate a journey of “exploration and dreams.”

       迪士尼探索家度假酒店 以上世紀20年代初的探險黃金時期為主題,為賓客呈獻一個充滿異國風情的度假體驗。酒店內展示了由世界各地搜羅到的工藝品和珍藏品,而酒店的房間、餐廳、以至全酒店內外設計都充滿探索家風格。

Disney Explorers Lodge in itself celebrates the golden age of exploration in the early 1920s, transporting guests to some of the most exotic corners of the world. The lodge displays artifacts and memorabilia—collected by the explorers over a lifetime of travel—in the hotel’s guest rooms, dining venues and other indoor and outdoor areas.

Special offers for guests and Magic Access Member*

       為慶祝酒店開幕,香港迪士尼樂園度假區 推出多項住宿驚喜優惠,賓客現可透過樂園網站或致電訂房中心熱線(852)-1-830-830預訂房間,並選擇免費於中菜餐廳「雲龍軒」享用兩位成人自助早餐及與「迪士尼朋友」見面 或 享用「2晚起住宿優惠」,以8折優惠入住全新酒店。預訂標準房間的賓客,亦可免費升級至豪華客房。而「奇妙處處通」會員可專享高達75折的酒店房間季節優惠!

Opening special offers for accommodation bookings are available at the Hong Kong Disneyland website and by calling Reservation Centre hotline at (852)-1-830-830. Guests can enjoy a complimentary character buffet breakfast for two adults in the Chinese restaurant Dragon Wind and a photo moment with a Disney character, or a 20% discount with the “2 Nights Plus Offer”.  Guests who book for a standard room will also enjoy free upgrade to a deluxe room. Magic Access Members can enjoy the Hotel Room Seasonal Offer of up to 25% off!

* 所有優惠受條款及細則約束,詳情請瀏覽網址

* Terms and conditions apply to all the offers. For more details, please visit

Attraction passes and show reservation privileges for hotel guests

       由即日起,入住 迪士尼探索家度假酒店 或 另外兩間主題酒店的賓客,將會獲贈指定遊樂設施的優先入場證,甚至可預留座位欣賞劇場表演**,盡情投入迪士尼奇妙體驗。優先入場證的派發數量視乎入住每間酒店客房的賓客數目,每間房間最多可入住四人。

From now on, guests staying at the Disney Explorers Lodge and the other two resort hotels will receive a Priority Admission Pass for selected attractions and seat reservations for stage shows in the park**, making the magical Disney experience with loved ones even more special. Priority Admission Passes will be issued according to the number of guests in each room, with a maximum of four guests per room.

** 視乎營運情況而定,樂園遊樂設施及劇場表演有可能暫停或取消而不作事先通知。

** Subject to availability. Attractions and shows may be suspended or cancelled without prior notice.

A gateway to Lantau

       香港迪士尼樂園度假區 不僅創造迪士尼獨一無二的悠閒度假體驗,更是探索大嶼山風貌的最佳起點。賓客可輕鬆體驗鄰近多樣旅遊樂趣,包括探索文化遺產,郊遊和購物。

While Hong Kong Disneyland Resort creates getaway experiences that only Disney can offer, it is also the perfect jumping-off point to explore all there is to see on Lantau Island. Hong Kong Disneyland Resort is proud to call Lantau home, thanks in part to the island’s incredible selection of nearby experiences—ranging from cultural relics, outdoor excursions and great shopping — all within easy reach of the resort.

客房類別 及 價格
Room Type & Standard Rates

標準客房 Standard Room
HK$ 2,200*

豪華客房 Deluxe Room
HK$ 2,300*

高層豪華客房 Premium Room
HK$ 2,400*

海景客房   Sea View Room
HK$ 2,500*

- 每房最多可容納四人
- Up to 4 guests per room

* 不包括服務費 Excl Service Chg

-  南中國海海景
-  酒店四個主題庭園


- Views of the South China Sea
- Views of the hotel’s four gardens

~ 開幕優惠 ~
~ Opening offer ~

(Booking on or before April 30, 2017 and checking in on or before July 31, 2017)


A complimentary character buffet breakfast for two adults in the Chinese restaurant Dragon Wind. Disney character will greet guests for memorable photos moments.


Free room upgrade

(Valid till September 30, 2017)   


Guests who book for a standard room will enjoy free upgrade to a deluxe room and a complimentary drink for each guest staying in the room.

2 Nights Plus Offer

(Valid till December 20, 2017)


Guests booking to stay for two consecutive nights or more in the hotel will enjoy 20% discount.

網址 URL:

「奇妙處處通」會員 酒店房間季節優惠
Hotel Room Seasonal Offer for Magic Access Members

白金卡:高達 75折
金卡:高達 8折
銀卡:高達 85折

Platinum: Up to 25% off
Gold: Up to 20% off
Silver: Up to 15% off

© 香港迪士尼樂園度假區
© Hong Kong Disneyland Resort
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Disney Magical Kingdom Blog: 「迪士尼探索家度假酒店」(Disney Explorers Lodge)將於 2017年4月30日 正式開幕!
「迪士尼探索家度假酒店」(Disney Explorers Lodge)將於 2017年4月30日 正式開幕!
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