


上海迪士尼度假區(Shanghai Disney Resort)2017年 情人節浪漫體驗

濃情浪漫季,在 上海迪士尼度假區 牽手甜蜜之旅

Love is in the Air at Shanghai Disney Resort this Valentine’s Day
Various themed offerings bring even more magic to the resort this month

     2月申城充滿着甜蜜氣息,上海迪士尼度假區 開啟濃情浪漫季。作為魔都浪漫聖地,度假區以經典的迪士尼故事講述、創新且獨特的遊樂項目、精彩動人的娛樂演出、濃情蜜意的餐飲和購物選擇,令遊客置身迪士尼獨特的甜蜜世界,成為愛侶們共度情人節的時髦之選。

It’s that time of year again in February when love, hearts and sweets and treats are on everyone’s mind. Shanghai Disney Resort kicks off the romantic holiday season, and this year the resort is among the trendiest destinations in Shanghai for guests to become immersed in the magic and romance of Valentine’s Day – with enchanting Disney storytelling, innovative and unique attractions, fabulous entertainment, delectable dining experiences and expansive retail offerings.

      只要有愛,所有人都能在 上海迪士尼樂園 體驗屬於自己的特別浪漫。戀人未滿的親密朋友可以乘坐「幻想曲旋轉木馬」你追我趕經典純真、手持一束氣球在城堡前大聲表白;熱戀之中的年輕情侶可以在「愛麗絲夢遊仙境迷宮」裡追尋彼此的身影、在「夜光幻影秀」的絢麗煙火下說出愛的誓言;步入婚姻的恩愛夫妻可以在「古蹟探索營」執手探索未知的旅程,去「翱翔·飛越地平線」相伴看遍最美的風景。

Shanghai Disneyland is the best place for couples to find their own romantic experience. Couples in newly budding relationships can enjoy the many delights of young romance while taking a ride on the classic Fantasia Carousel, or holding balloons in front of the beautiful Enchanted Storybook Castle to share their feelings in an unforgettable fashion. Couples can follow each other’s silhouette in the Alice in Wonderland Maze, or share a special moment under the stunning fireworks display, “Ignite the Dream - A Nighttime Spectacular of Magic and Light.” Couples may take a fun new journey together in Camp Discovery, or travel the world at Soaring Over the Horizon.

     共享美食是浪漫季不可或缺的內容。樂園裡的「小米大廚烘培坊」推出 情人節限定甜品,包括 心形費南雪蛋糕、黑巧克力慕斯蛋糕 和 紅絲絨蛋糕,每一款都能讓心愛的人感受與眾不同的甜蜜。

Food is an incredible journey couples can’t miss out during the Romance Season. Rémy’s Patisserie presents sweet seasonal offerings like the Valentine heart-shaped cakes, dark chocolate mousse cakes and red velvet cakes for couples.

      而夜晚,賓客則能在 上海迪士尼樂園酒店 的「絢景樓」享用情人節特別套餐。各項高級食材通過當代烹飪方法和巧妙調和烹製,搭配迪士尼家族的精選佳釀,帶來感受非凡的用餐體驗。這裡還有觀賞星願湖全景和「夜光幻影秀」的絕佳角度,讓愛人們在煙火中共度浪漫之夜。

Guests may also have an unforgettable dinner at the celebrated Aurora Restaurant at Shanghai Disneyland Hotel. Immersed in the Disney-inspired ambiance, couples will enjoy an elegantly prepared gourmet dinner with an option to pair with selections from the Disney Family of Wines. As part of the dining experience, guests will also relish in stunning views of the Wishing Star Lake and the resort’s nighttime spectaculars.

       還在為挑選情人節禮物傷腦筋?「可愛成雙」系列對杯、「復古上海」系列 米奇 米妮 玩偶、情人節限定曲奇餅乾和甜點…… 上千種迪士尼精選商品只會讓你對選擇哪款「傷腦筋」。

Still undecided on the perfect Valentine’s Day gift? Thousands of resort’s merchandise items will make you have a difficult choice – from Cute Couples mugs to Vintage Shanghai Mickey and Minnie plush toys, limited-time-only Valentine’s cookies and treats and more.

      而 上海迪士尼度假區 於此次情人節推出全新的「迪士尼小熊」雪莉玫(ShellieMay)系列商品 則更是今年情人節禮物的嚐鮮之選。雪莉玫米妮 送給 達菲(Duffy)的一隻粉色小熊,是 達菲 的好夥伴。 50餘款該系列商品全球首發,中國大陸地區僅在 上海迪士尼樂園 的「老車站商店」和「迪士尼小鎮」的「迪士尼世界商店」獨家發售。

The brand-new ShellieMay Collection is a new exciting choice for a Valentine’s gift. The ShellieMay Collection features a pink ShellieMay Disney Bear designed by Minnie Mouse as a loving friend for Duffy Bear, as well as more than 50 never-before-seen items created exclusively for Shanghai Disney Resort guests. The new collection is available at the Whistle Stop Shop at Shanghai Disneyland and the World of Disney Store at Disneytown – the only two locations where the collection is available in mainland China.

度假區還為 雪莉玫 和 達菲 特別設計了「復古上海」禮服。

The resort also has exclusive designs of vintage Shanghai costumes for ShellieMay and Duffy.

     此外,在2017年2月12日至2月28日浪漫季期間,上海迪士尼度假區 推出兩款限時超值禮遇 —— 甜心蜜意超值遊園套餐讓甜蜜「升級」,賓客購買樂園門票可升級兌換情人節甜品,或 獲贈限時發售的 米奇 米妮 玩偶鑰匙圈,見證童話般的甜蜜與幸福。至臻浪漫夜套餐則包含 上海迪士尼樂園酒店 一晚住宿及「絢景樓」雙人晚餐,讓賓客們感受到經典的迪士尼故事講述和各種奇思妙想,化身童話故事裡的男女主角,邂逅無數神奇。

To celebrate this delightful season, Shanghai Disney Resort is releasing two limited-time-only bundling packages – Disney's Fairy Tale Valentine's Day and Happy Valentine’s Stay. From February 12 to February 28, 2017, guests can use their one-day park tickets to redeem a delectable treat, or Mickey and Minnie plush key-chains. The Happy Valentine’s Stay offer includes a romantic dinner at Aurora and one night in Shanghai Disneyland Hotel, offering guests an unforgettable Valentine’s Day celebration. 

       想買下所有氣球?讓 米奇 米妮 為你們慶祝結婚週年?去城堡下表白?在煙花下求婚?如果你有特別的情人節心願,請即刻參與 上海迪士尼度假區 官方微信的「浪漫城真」活動,在後台留言分享你的甜蜜故事和情人節計劃。度假區將選出幸運遊客,在2月14日當天為他們實現浪漫時刻!

To top off the season, Shanghai Disney Resort is presenting a new online couples campaign via its official WeChat account. Fans can share their love stories and plans for Valentine’s Day, such as to purchase Disney balloons together, to celebrate the anniversary with Mickey and Minnie, to profess their love in front of the castle, or to share a special moment under the fireworks display... Join the campaign and there is a chance to win a magical moment at Shanghai Disneyland on Valentine’s Day and make the romantic dreams come true.

© 上海迪士尼度假區
© Shanghai Disney Resort
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Disney Magical Kingdom Blog: 上海迪士尼度假區(Shanghai Disney Resort)2017年 情人節浪漫體驗
上海迪士尼度假區(Shanghai Disney Resort)2017年 情人節浪漫體驗
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