香港迪士尼樂園 推出全新
一連11個星期 $759無限次入園
夏日與 Marvel 超級英雄聯手對抗邪惡勢力
Hong Kong Disneyland Resort introduces all-new
Hong Kong-only “Student Summer Pass”
Unlimited park admissions within 11 weeks for Hong Kong students at HK$759
It’s the perfect way to join the action with Marvel Super Heroes this summer

Hong Kong Disneyland today introduced its all-new “Student Summer Pass,” offering an enticing range of privileges exclusive to Hong Kong students* so they can more fully enjoy the resort’s “Marvel Super Hero Summer”. For 11 weeks, from now till early August, 2017, eligible Hong Kong students can make unlimited visits to Hong Kong Disneyland with the HK$759 “Student Summer Pass”. The pass offers an exclusive personalized S.H.I.E.L.D. Agent ID as students become agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. alongside Marvel Super Heroes in the fight against evil, starting mid-June!

香港學生專享夏日通行證 盡享優惠及禮遇
Exclusive privileges for Hong Kong students
由即日起至2017年8月4日,3至25歲香港學生可透過香港迪士尼樂園正門售票處或登入香港迪士尼樂園官方網站(,選購「學生專享:夏日通行證」,與一班好友齊齊投入夏日 Marvel 狂熱!暢遊樂園之餘,亦可以九折購物優惠盡情選購各款特色紀念商品。
From now till August 4, Hong Kong students aged between 3 and 25 are eligible to purchase the “Student Summer Pass” from Hong Kong Disneyland ticket booths or the resort’s official website (, and team up for the “Marvel Super Hero Summer.” Pass holders can also enjoy a 10% discount on merchandise as they take part in the mission for special agents.
“Student Summer Pass” Details
適用人士:持有有效香港身份及學生證明的 3至25歲 香港居民*
- 無限次進入 香港迪士尼樂園(2017年5月18日至8月4日)
- 樂園購物 九折優惠^
- 「神盾局特工身份證」一張**(6月14日起開始換領)
- 香港迪士尼樂園正門售票處
- 香港迪士尼樂園官方網站
* 換領此優惠時須出示有關証明─3至11歲:香港出世紙及其附有相片之身份証明 〈如近期學生手冊〉,12至25歲:香港身份證及其學生証〈必須為全日制學生〉
^ 樂園購物九折優惠不適用於PANDORA 系列珠寶、周大福珠寶及以下指定商品除外:照片、限量/ 特別版精品、電子產品、非迪士尼產品/ 便利品(如藥品、菲林、電池或H2O+ 系列)、SD 記憶卡及媒體產品(VCD 或DVD 光碟)「樂高」系列產品及其他本公司不時指定的產品。
** 可於「小鎮沖印店」,「史達科技旗艦店」或「展藝館」換領「神盾局特工身份證」一張。「神盾局特工身份證」視乎貨源供應情況。
Price: HK $759
Eligible guests: Eligible Hong Kong residents aged 3-25 with resident and student identity proof1
Valid period: Now till August 4, 2017
- Unlimited admission into Hong Kong Disneyland (From May 18, 2017 to August 4, 2017)
- 10% shopping discount in park 2
- One S.H.I.E.L.D. Agent ID 3 (redemption from June 14)
Sales channels:
- Ticket booths outside Hong Kong Disneyland
- Hong Kong Disneyland Resort official website
The offer tickets may, on or before August 4, 2017, be upgraded to Magic Access by paying the applicable price difference at Magic Access Member Service Center in the Park. Any Magic Access issued upon upgrade will be valid for one year starting from the date when the offer ticket was first used. No upgrade will be possible after August 4, 2017.
* Valid proof of identity is required for purchase. Aged 3-11: Hong Kong birth certificate and photo identification (for example: a recent school handbook). Aged 12-25: Valid Hong Kong Identity Card and full-time student card.
^ The 10% in-Park merchandise discount offer is not applicable for the purchase of PANDORA jewelry, Chow Tai Fook jewelry, photos, electronic products, non-Disney items (e.g. drugs, films, batteries, H2O+ series), SD cards, media products (Video CDs, DVDs), LEGO items and other items as HKITP may specify from time to time.
** One S.H.I.E.L.D. Agent ID can be redeemed from June 14 to August 4 at Town Square Photo, Expo Shop or The Pavilion at the park, while stock lasts.
有關「Marvel 夏日超級英雄」:
About the “Marvel Super Hero Summer”:
© 香港迪士尼樂園度假區
© Hong Kong Disneyland Resort