


全港首個「星球大戰 5公里賽」將於 2017年11月26日 假 香港迪士尼樂園度假區 及 欣澳 舉行!

香港首個「星球大戰5公里賽」將登陸「聯合國兒童基金會慈善跑 2017」
2017年11月26日假 香港迪士尼樂園度假區欣澳 舉行


        踏入第12個年頭的「聯合國兒童基金會慈善跑」載譽歸來,旨在籌集善款幫助有需要的兒童。今年,慈善跑將新增首度在港舉辦的「星球大戰 5公里賽」。該賽事是 華特迪士尼公司(The Walt Disney Company)及 魯卡斯電影(Lucasfilm)在全球發起的「星球大戰:匯聚原力,助力改變」(Star Wars: Force for Change)慈善活動的一部份,旨在充分發揮星戰的力量以籌集善款來幫助世界各地的弱勢兒童,改善他們的生活。賽事將於2017年11月26日假 香港迪士尼樂園度假區欣澳 舉行。凡年滿16歲以上者皆可報名參加該5公里歡樂跑賽事。

The annual UNICEF Charity Run will return for the 12th consecutive year to raise funds for children in need. This year, UNICEF HK’s signature charity run will feature the inaugural “STAR WARS™ RUN Hong Kong 2017” (“STAR WARS™ RUN”) powered by Star Wars: Force for Change, a charitable initiative from Lucasfilm and Disney that harnesses the strength of Star Wars to empower and improve the lives of children around the world. Taking place on November 26, 2017 at Hong Kong Disneyland Resort and Sunny Bay, the STAR WARS™ RUN is a 5km fun run for adults and teens over the age of 16. 


        參與「星球大戰 5公里賽」的一眾星戰粉絲、熱愛跑步的健兒或愛跑家庭將可以在體驗香港史上最盛大的星戰跑步盛典的同時,籌集善款為全球有需要的兒童出一分力。

Fans, families, and running enthusiasts joining the STAR WARS™ RUN in Hong Kong can look forward to a day filled with all things Star Wars while raising funds to make a meaningful contribution to help children in need worldwide.

        華特迪士尼(香港)公司 總經理 盧凱恩先生 表示:「今年正值星戰40週年,在這個別具意義的日子,我們十分高興能為廣大香港市民帶來『星球大戰 5公里賽』及分享『星球大戰:匯聚原力,助力改變』的公益理念。我們希望是次歡樂跑賽事不僅能為社區注入新的火花,更希望能藉此呼籲各個階層的人們匯聚原力,籌集善款來幫助世界各地的弱勢兒童,改善他們的生活。」

“As part of the Stars Wars 40th anniversary celebration, we are excited to bring the first STAR WARS™ RUN and the Star Wars: Force for Change spirit to Hong Kong. We hope this fun run will not only bring excitement to the community, but also inspire generations across all demographics to be change agents and make positive contributions to help empower and improve the lives of children and others around the world,” said Kerwin Lo, General Manager, The Walt Disney Company, Hong Kong. 

        UNICEF HK 總幹事 劉玉燕女士 表示:「感謝 迪士尼魯卡斯電影 為今屆『聯合國兒童基金會慈善跑』引入全港首屆『星球大戰 5公里賽』。賽事不僅為參賽者帶來全新體驗,更為全球有需要兒童爭取更全面的支援。我們衷心希望能召集所有香港市民匯聚原力『為兒童.跑』,支持 UNICEF 的工作,與我們攜手保護及捍衛每名兒童,特別是最弱勢兒童的權益。」

“In partnership with Lucasfilm and Disney, we are thrilled to have the Star Wars 5km Run as part of the UNICEF Charity Run 2017. This new addition to our annual charity run will not only bring excitement to our event, but also help us mobilize more resources for children in need globally. We want to harnesses the power of Star Wars and call for the city of Hong Kong to come out and run in support of UNICEF to raise funds for the most at-risk and excluded children globally,” said Jane Lau, Chief Executive, Hong Kong Committee for UNICEF.

       每位合資格跑手將獲得一套《星球大戰》紀念版跑手包,包括 「adidas I Star Wars」別注版T裇、索繩背包、毛巾 及「Hot Toys BB-8 Cosbaby」迷你珍藏人偶。順利完成賽事的跑手更可獲得設計獨特、極具收藏價值的《星球大戰》完賽金屬獎牌。該批跑手包及金屬獎牌均由 迪士尼 代表「星球大戰:匯聚原力,助力改變」慈善活動及其合作夥伴捐贈。此外,籌款額達指定金額的跑手可獲贈特別禮品。

Each runner successfully enrolled in the run will receive a limited-edition Star Wars memorabilia runner pack co-sponsored by Disney on behalf of Star Wars: Force for Change and its partners. The Star Wars branded runner pack includes a drawstring bag, an adidas I Star Wars Event Tee, a towel and a Hot Toys BB-8 Cosbaby (S) Bobble-Head. All runners completing the 5km run will also earn a beautifully crafted STAR WARS™ RUN finisher medal. In addition, special gifts will be available for runners whose donations reach a designated amount.

Star Wars Memorabilia Runner Pack

       屆時,「帝國軍第501旅香港駐軍」及「反抗軍」粉絲團隊 將以《星球大戰》角色造型現身會場為星戰主題跑賽事揭幕及為參賽者打氣。賽事的終點站將設有星戰拍照專區讓跑手拍照留念。大量的星戰主題元素將讓跑手彷彿置身於星戰電影場景中。

Joining the runners at this Star Wars-themed run will be costumed characters from fan groups including the 501st Legion and Rebel Legion, who will make a special appearance at the opening ceremony as officiating guests. In addition, runners crossing the finish line can capture their proud moments and have fun at the Star Wars-themed photo booth. 

        「星球大戰 5公里賽」將於2017年8月24日正午12時至10月9日期間接受公眾報名。合資格跑手的報名費為 港幣880元。 有興趣參加賽事的跑手可於網上登記報名。報名詳情請按此

Enrollment for the STAR WARS™ RUN begins at 12 noon on August 24 and closes on October 9, 2017. The registration fee for qualifying runners is HK$880. Registration for the Star Wars Run can be completed online at

          大會歡迎一眾跑手及星戰粉絲打扮成星球大戰角色,並透過 Star Wars Facebook粉絲專頁(搶先得悉「星球大戰 5公里賽」的獨家新消息。

Runners and fans are encouraged to dress up as their favorite Star Wars characters and follow the campaign on Star Wars' Facebook Page ( for exclusive updates.

         《星球大戰》系列電影最新篇章的《星球大戰:最後絕地武士》將於2017年12月14日搶先美國香港上映。全球期待的《星球大戰:最後絕地武士》故事情節將會緊接2015年上畫的《星球大戰:原力覺醒》,在上一集登場的 蕾依(Rey)將會聯同 費恩(Finn)、保恩(Poe)及 天行者(Luke Skywalker)延續星戰傳奇。

The new chapter of the Star Wars saga – “Star Wars: The Last Jedi” will release in cinemas in Hong Kong on December 14, 2017. In “Star Wars: The Last Jedi,” Rey, who has taken her first steps into the galaxy in “Star Wars: The Force Awakens,” continues her epic journey with Finn, Poe and Luke Skywalker in the next chapter of the saga.

關於 「星球大戰:匯聚原力.助力改變」
About Star Wars: Force for Change

        在過去四十年間,《星球大戰》粉絲們一直發揮公益慈善精神,在全世界為許多慈善機構貢獻了無數的志願服務時間。受到廣大星戰迷的啟發,華特迪士尼公司 及 魯卡斯電影 在全球發起了「星球大戰:匯聚原力.助力改變」(Star Wars: Force for Change)慈善活動,旨在充分發揮星戰的力量以籌集善款來幫助世界各地的弱勢兒童,改善他們的生活。該慈善活動迄今已在全球籌集了超過1,600萬美元的捐款。隨着《星球大戰》新一章故事的展開,「星球大戰:匯聚原力.助力改變」慈善活動旨在繼續傳播人人公益理念並號召全球《星球大戰》粉絲,一起加入慈善活動,為所在社區帶來正面的影響。如欲了解更多「星球大戰:匯聚原力.助力改變」慈善活動,請瀏覽。

Star Wars: Force for Change, a charitable initiative from Lucasfilm and Disney, harnesses the strength of Star Wars to empower and improve the lives of children around the world. Since 2014, it was inspired by Star Wars fans, and the countless hours they have dedicated to philanthropy over the past four decades. To date, over $16 million has been raised for charitable causes around the world on behalf of Star Wars: Force for Change. With a bright future ahead, and new Star Wars stories to be told, Force for Change aims to continue collaborating with causes and encouraging others to be forces for change in their own community. To learn more, please visit

關於 聯合國兒童基金會


UNICEF promotes the rights and wellbeing of every child, in everything we do. Together with our partners, we work in 190 countries and territories to translate that commitment into practical action, focusing special effort on reaching the most vulnerable and excluded children, to the benefit of all children, everywhere.

Disney, Lucasfilm, & UNICEF
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Disney Magical Kingdom Blog: 全港首個「星球大戰 5公里賽」將於 2017年11月26日 假 香港迪士尼樂園度假區 及 欣澳 舉行!
全港首個「星球大戰 5公里賽」將於 2017年11月26日 假 香港迪士尼樂園度假區 及 欣澳 舉行!
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