萬聖節盛事「Disney Halloween Time」慶典快將來臨!今年樂園惡門大開,帶來多個全新節目,「奇妙處處通『反轉迪士尼』晚會」現正接受登記。
It’s Halloween Time and the “Disney Halloween Time” Magic Access Night is back! Don’t miss the brand new activities and be part of the band of baddies! Magic Access Member can register now!
首度霸氣登場的「海女巫」烏蘇拉 現身「迪士尼惡人大出巡 2.0」,踏入「探險世界」「魔盜王的『詭』跡」與 積克船長 一起面對幽靈船員的威嚇,下午5時後會員可專享「詭迷宮:詭夢實驗室新篇」,更有機會與《怪誕城之夜》縫布公仔 莉莎(Sally)合照!於「Halloween 詭趣花園」,小熊維尼及好朋友花盡心思扮鬼扮馬,你也挑選鬼馬服飾、添置趣怪道具,準備好齊齊挑戰「迪士尼Trick-or-Treat 趣玩站」,或與 迪士尼惡人們 鬥鬥法。
Members can take part in the most wicked Halloween party ever with the new arrival of Ursula in “Villains Night Out! Chapter 2”. Meet the crew of ghost pirates in Adventureland who will take revenge on Captain Jack Sparrow in “Pirates of the Caribbean Ghost Trail”! Don’t forget to enjoy “Maze of Madness: The Nightmare Experiment Continues” exclusively after 5:00 p.m. and have the chance to meet Sally of “The Nightmare Before Christmas” at the Annex! Experience the Halloween Time Festival Gardens where you can join in the festival of wicked fun – special appearances of Winnie the Pooh and friends in Halloween disguises, frightfully delightful treats from the Disney Trick or Treat Booths, villainous character greetings, and more…
Register now to the wicked fun party and join us with your Halloween-themed costume# to turn the park upside down!
# 「奇妙處處通『反轉迪士尼』晚會」賓客的服飾必須依照香港迪士尼樂園的賓客裝扮服飾提示。
# Members participating in the “Disney Halloween Time” Magic Access Night must follow the Costume Tips set out by Hong Kong Disneyland.
~ 活動場次(Event Dates) ~
“Disney Halloween Time” Magic Access Night
* 2017年9月16日之晚會只限白金卡及金卡會員參加。
時間:暢玩至 晚上10:30
.September 15, 2017 (Friday)
.September 16, 2017 (Saturday)*
* Event on September 16, 2017 is only available for Platinum and Gold members.
Time: Extend enjoyment until 10:30 p.m.
^ 「奇妙處處通」白金卡、金卡 和 銀卡 會員 將會分階段地安排在會員專頁上登記。
^ Platinum, Gold, and Silver Magic Access Members can register on the member site according to their respective stages.
** 每一位登記者可為其本人及最多三位於登記日至晚會場次當日持有有效「奇妙處處通」會員卡的參加者(每位稱之為「賓客」)登記一日晚會場次。每位參加者不可登記或被登記多於一日晚會場次。參加者亦可只為其個人登記為登記者。
** Each Registrant may register for the Special Event only once, for himself / herself and together with a maximum of three other participants who each hold a valid Magic Access Membership Card during the period from (and including) the date of registration to (and including) the day on which the Special Event will be held. Single participant is also eligible for registration as Registrant.
~ 活動內容(Event Details) ~
Maze of Madness: The Nightmare Experiment Continues
失踪多時的教授,聚集了新一幫亦邪亦惡的朋友帶你走入更詭異的夢境世界!登上《木偶奇遇記》中的 怪誕馬車,小心隨時被拐走充當人形木偶;闖進了《怪獸公司》的 驚嚇樓層,叫人不寒而慄;怪裡怪氣的「瘋帽子」,今次又有不可思議的古怪點子……你膽敢挑戰博士的詭異夢境,究竟最終你能否全身而退,抑或惡夢成真?
Last Halloween, the crazed Professor took guests on a mind-bending experience. It all begins when you venture into his lab of horrors. Avoid being trapped in Stromboli’s Wagon as a living marionette alongside Pinocchio. Flee in fright in the Monster’s Inc.’s Scare Floor. Make sure you don’t lose your mind in the Mad Hatter’s shop … and more! Step into a nightmarish world at your own risk!
迪士尼惡人大出巡 2.0
Villains Night Out! Chapter 2
在詭幻的光影中跟隨首度霸氣駕臨樂園的「海女巫」烏蘇拉、心腸歹毒的「邪惡皇后」、無惡不作的 巫師 賈方、暴躁的「紅心皇后」與「啤牌士兵」、奸狡的 鐵鈎船長 和 猙獰海盜 等,在鬼魅金曲及光影特效中載歌載舞,歡慶惡人們最愛的黑夜來臨!
You’re invited to be part of the mischief in Villains Night Out! Chapter 2. This year, the malevolent Ursula joins Maleficent, the Evil Queen and Jafar. Other Villains who will grace the party include Jack Skellington, Captain Hook, the Queen of Hearts and Cruella de Vil. Don’t miss the big finale as Maleficent ends the show with a fiery high note.
Halloween 詭趣花園
Halloween Time Festival Gardens
樂園為你精心打造了一個不一樣的主題花園,小熊維尼及好朋友 花盡心思扮鬼扮馬,快挑選鬼馬服飾道具或趣怪臉部彩繪,準備好齊齊挑戰「迪士尼Trick-or-Treat趣玩站」,一眾迪士尼惡人們:「大壞狼」、「紅心皇后」、鐵鈎船長 和 庫伊拉 等,紛紛現身發揮好「嚇」精神,記得來張惡形惡相的合照!
Enjoy timeless Halloween traditions with your family as you stroll through the gardens. Create your own Trick-or-Treat Bag then, go Trick-or-Treating at the special booths. Don’t forget to meet, greet and pose with the popular Disney characters including Winnie the Pooh and friends who will be decked out in their brand-new Halloween costumes and our famous Disney Villains such as the Big Bad Wolf, Captain Hook, Queen of Hearts, Cruella de Vil and more.
Pirates of the Caribbean Ghost Trail
「魔盜王的『詭』跡」兇險詭秘,你夠膽闖入?隨時從此絕跡…... 電影《加勒比海盜》系列中的一班亡靈 ─ 半人半鬼的海盜船員,「驚」已登陸「探險世界」!在陰森恐怖的音樂聲效中,惡靈們突破一片光影迷霧,越河攻佔鼓圈,向你步步進迫,誓要你供出 積克船長 的行踪,解除魔咒。面對重重殺機及 積克船長 的求救,究竟你會選擇明哲保身,還是答應並肩作戰?
In Adventureland’s Pirates of the Caribbean Ghost Trail, a crew of ghost pirates has been cursed by Captain Jack Sparrow and they will haunt the land until they find him and take revenge. During your night in the park, you might encounter Jack, who may ask for your help. Will you take Jack’s side—or turn him over to the Ghost Pirates and face your fate?
*** 活動手帶 ***
*** Event Wristband ***
請於指定時間親身前往香港迪士尼樂園 一號售票處(樂園入口左側),並出示有效及合資格的「奇妙處處通」會員卡及身份證明文件領取手帶以便進場。所有參加者必須於整個特別活動期間戴上手帶。
Please present your valid Magic Access Membership Card and personal identification in person at Ticket Booth 1, which is on the left hand side of the Hong Kong Disneyland Park entrance at the designated time on the selected date to redeem the wristband. All Participants are required to wear the wristband at all time during the special show.
Wristband Redemption Location: Ticket Booth 1, Main Entrance
*** 請即報名(Register Now) ***
「奇妙處處通」會員專頁(Magic Access Member Site):
* 須先於會員專頁登記,名額有限,先到先得,額滿即止。
* Need to register on the Member Site. The quotas are available on a first-come, first-served basis and while stock lasts.
** 參加者須於所選的晚會場次舉行之兩日前完成登記。主辦單位有權取消任何過遲、錯誤、不完整、損毀、遺失、不名或不正確的參加者之參加資格。所有登記者將透過登記時所提供之電郵地址收到登記通知。
** Registration for the Special Event (including any change of information submitted in the registration) must be completed on 2 clear calendar days prior to the scheduled Event Session. HKITP reserves the right to disqualify any late, misdirected, incomplete, corrupted, lost, illegible or invalid registrations.
*** 參加者須出示指定晚會場次手帶(「晚會手帶」)方可進入晚會。每一位參加者須親身於指定之 香港迪士尼樂園正門售票處 出示其有效「奇妙處處通」會員卡及身份證明文件以換領晚會手帶一條。晚會手帶只可於已登記的晚會場次當日換領。假若不能出示手帶,主辦單位可拒絕參加者參與該晚會場次。
*** Participants are required to present a designated wristband issued by HKITP (“Event Wristband”) for admission to the Event Session, which may be redeemed by the Participant in person by presenting their valid Magic Access Membership Cards and such personal identification as HKITP may require at designated ticket booths located at the main entrance of the Park. The Event Wristband may only be redeemed on the day of the Event Session. HKITP may refuse admission to the Event Session if the Event Wristband cannot be presented.
- 基於惡劣天氣或情況所需,主辦單位或會暫停或取消奇妙處處通「反轉迪士尼」晚會而不作事先通知及毋須退款或賠償。
- “Disney Halloween Time” Magic Access Night is subject to delay or cancellation due to inclement weather or unforeseen circumstances without prior notice and without compensation.
Based on the "Winnie the Pooh" works by A.A. Milne and E.H. Shepard