


香港迪士尼樂園(Hong Kong Disneyland)「Disney Halloween Time 2017」號召 大小惡人 齊齊反轉迪士尼!

全家大小惡人換上搞鬼服飾     扮鬼扮馬
齊齊加入「Disney Halloween Time 2017」惡玩行列

Take part in the most wicked Halloween party ever
with over 40 Disney Friends and Villains at Disney Halloween Time
Come dressed to enjoy spine-tingling thrills at Hong Kong Disneyland Resort!

        萬聖節是最佳的搗蛋時機!今年,香港迪士尼樂園度假區 由9月14日起至10月31日呈獻「Disney Halloween Time 2017」,一連48天,連場日夜派對,讓最愛搗蛋、搞鬼、放肆的大小惡人都可以扮鬼扮馬,跟超過四十位「迪士尼朋友」及惡人 比併一番!一系列精彩的惡玩活動即將推出,當中部份主題體驗更特別為一家大小而設。今年,小熊維尼及其好友 更首次換上全新萬聖節裝束,準備跟賓客一起投入「Trick-or-Treat」的樂趣。小小惡人更可以發揮古靈精怪的念頭,在樂園及度假區酒店的連串精彩主題活動中盡情惡玩,齊齊反轉迪士尼!

This Halloween is the perfect time to let your wicked side loose! Every day from September 14 to October 31, Hong Kong Disneyland Resort is presenting Disney Halloween Time 2017, during which all mischievous party lovers are invited to dress the part and join over 40 Disney Friends and Villains in the best Halloween party ever. A range of wicked entertainment offerings are awaiting Guests, including many specially made for families with kids. Go trick-or-treating with Winnie the Pooh and friends, who have put on their Halloween disguise for the first time, and get little treats with nifty tricks. Get ready for awe-inspiring resort experiences one after another, both day and night!

「Halloween 詭趣花園」最多Fun 
Winnie the Pooh and friends
suit up for Halloween for the first time 
        佈滿得意南瓜裝飾及鬼魅燈影的「Halloween 詭趣花園」於「幻想世界」等待賓客光臨,體驗開心另類的萬聖節傳統。小小惡人可以參與臉部彩繪,畫個詭趣花臉,融入樂園的萬聖節氣氛,再在「Trick-or-Treat 袋子手作坊」親手製作米奇南瓜造型的袋子,然後挑戰「迪士尼 Trick-or-treat 趣玩站」,收集糖果,滿載而歸,盡享家庭樂!

Lined with jack-o'-lanterns and spooky lighting, the Halloween Time Festival Gardens in Fantasyland are set up to let guests enjoy different Halloween traditions. Little ones can get a colorful face painting to get into the Halloween spirit and can create their own Mickey jack-o'-lantern Trick-or-Treat Bag, which they can use to collect some frightfully delicious treats from Disney Trick-or-Treat Booths. It’s the perfect place to enjoy some wicked fun with the whole family!

Face Painting

「Trick-or-Treat 袋子手作坊」- 米奇南瓜造型的袋子
Mickey jack-o'-lantern Trick-or-Treat Bag 

「迪士尼 Trick-or-treat 趣玩站」
Disney Trick-or-Treat Booths

        今年,小熊維尼及其好友 首次換上萬聖節新裝,跟大家一起鬼馬搗蛋,投入節日氣氛!而 《101斑點狗》的女魔頭 庫伊拉、《愛麗絲夢遊仙境》的「紅心皇后」、《小飛俠》的 鐵鈎船長 等亦會在晚上現身,準備和賓客拍一張惡形惡相的合照!

Winnie the Pooh and friends will also put on their brand-new Halloween disguises for the first time this Halloween, spreading wicked fun for everyone. After dark, guests will shiver with excitement due to the haunting presence of Cruella de Vil from 101 Dalmatians, Queen of Hearts from Alice in Wonderland, Captain Hook from Peter Pan and other Disney Villains everyone loves to fear. Daring guests are welcome to come forward for photos with these fearsome baddies.

Have a blast at the Main Street party with Halloween Time pumpkin balloons

        萬聖節最鬼馬盛大的街頭派對,等著賓客來玩轉!米奇與一眾「迪士尼朋友」將於下午換上萬聖節裝束,在「美國小鎮大街」邀請賓客投入「米奇 Halloween 玩轉大街派對」米奇米妮高飛 會在三個巨型南瓜造型花車上鬼馬出巡,小小惡人可扮演喜歡的迪士尼角色或穿上萬聖節主題服飾,跟隨 米奇及其好友 練習簡單的詭趣舞步,融入一眾「迪士尼朋友」及表演者,一齊勁歌熱舞。賓客更可投入另一互動環節,一家大小齊齊大玩南瓜氣球。

Hong Kong Disneyland Resort’s most wicked Halloween party will get into full swing on Main Street, U.S.A., when Mickey and other Disney friends wearing their Halloween outfits rock out at Mickey's Halloween Time Street Party. Mickey, Minnie and Goofy will appear atop giant jack-o’-lantern whirlies. Little guests can dress up as their favorite Disney characters or in Halloween costumes to take part in this Street Party and dance their hearts out. Guests can follow the simple dance steps with Mickey and friends, and even participate in an interactive session where they’ll toss around Halloween Time pumpkin balloons!

過百款迪士尼主題服飾     讓小惡人投入狂歡派對
Elaborate Halloween costumes for dressing up

        香港迪士尼樂園度假區 各商店已準備了超過150款迪士尼主題戲服、配飾及萬聖節服飾,包括:迪士尼惡人、MARVEL 超級英雄、迪士尼公主、《星球大戰》等系列,讓一眾小惡人扮演成深受歡迎的迪士尼角色,或以搞鬼萬聖節裝束,全情投入狂歡派對!

All the stores in the resort are stocked up with Disney-themed costume items, accessories and Halloween apparel for the season. There are more than 150 styles to help guests gear up for the Halloween fun. To get into the party spirit in the park, guests can enjoy a Halloween makeover or choose among costume choices that include the Disney Villains, Marvel Super Heroes, Disney Princesses, Star Wars characters and more.

        另外,度假區內亦有超過80款萬聖節主題商品供賓客盡情選購,包括:家品、紀念品、日用品、公仔、文具套裝及特色徽章等。多款 香港迪士尼樂園度假區 限量或獨家商品非常值得收藏!

A range of 80-plus Halloween-themed merchandise items, from home décor to souvenirs, daily necessities, plush toys, stationery sets and unique pins will be available in stores for collectors. Don’t miss out on the range of limited and exclusive merchandise that is only available at Hong Kong Disneyland Resort!


To make this Halloween even more memorable, be sure to take a break in between all the spine-tingling thrills in the resort to try out some of the new devilish snacks, sweets and set menus available this Halloween season!

Halloween 詭趣住宿體驗
A spooky Halloween touch at Disney hotels

        「Disney Halloween Time」活動期間,入住度假區任何一間酒店的賓客,將獲贈一系列值得收藏的贈品,包括萬聖節遊樂小冊子、詭趣個人用品包、迪士尼詭趣拖鞋及掛門裝飾。除此之外,酒店住客亦可以 港幣$600 額外訂購「萬聖節詭趣禮物籃」,內有「詭迷宮:詭夢實驗室新篇」優先入場證(可供4人使用)、米奇南瓜手挽籃連「Trick-or-Treat」糖果、4對惡人及南瓜造型眼罩、米奇米妮萬聖節公仔,讓整個住宿體驗,更添節慶氣息!

Stay at any of three Hong Kong Disneyland Resort hotels during Disney Halloween Time to make the experience all the more wicked! Hotel guests will receive limited-edition goodies, such as a Halloween Fun Guide, an awesome personal amenities box, unique Disney slippers and a door wobbler. For an additional HK$600, hotel guests will be greeted with a Halloween Hamper in the room filled with a Priority Admission Pass to Maze of Madness: The Nightmare Experiment Continues (for up to four guests), a Mickey Pumpkin Bucket with Trick-or-Treat candy, four pairs of Halloween Wicked Eye Masks, and Mickey and Minnie Halloween Plush toys.

        小小惡人更可參與酒店內舉行的「獵糖奇兵」(Trick-or-Treat Trail),施展渾身解數,獵盡萬聖節糖果,再投入一連串精彩主題活動,製作「迪士尼怪誕眼鏡」及「迪士尼惡人小夜燈」等小手工,定必樂而忘返!

Little ones are also invited to join the hotels’ “Trick-or-Treat Trail” and try their best to get some yummy treats. More fun awaits creative young minds during handicraft activities making “Disney Tricky Glasses” and a “Disney Villain’s Light.”

   由即日起,香港居民透過 香港迪士尼樂園官方網站(或 訂房中心熱線(+852 1-830-830),提早7天前預定度假區酒店房間,可享高達6折優惠*,並獲免費客房升級及遊樂設施優先入場證。
From now, Hong Kong residents booking a resort hotel room via the resort’s official website ( or reservation center at +852 1-830-830 seven days in advance of the check-in date may enjoy up to 40% off the room rate*, as well as a free room upgrade and Attraction Priority Admission Pass.

        香港迪士尼樂園「Disney Halloween Time」讓大小賓客盡情惡玩,賓客更可成為「奇妙處處通」會員,全年投入玩不完的精彩體驗,專享樂園免費/折扣泊車及享有低至75折的購物、餐飲與酒店住宿折扣優惠!

Hong Kong Disneyland’s Disney Halloween Time invites everyone to join in the wicked fun. Guests are welcome to join the Magic Access Membership for a full year of magical Disney fun along with free or discounted parking in park and up to 25% off shopping, F&B and hotel accommodation discounts.

       更多「Disney Halloween Time」的精彩惡玩活動即將揭曉,各位惡人記得密切留意!

Stay tuned for further information on other entertainment offerings for Disney Halloween Time, to be revealed soon! Happy Halloween!

* 此優惠視乎供應情況而定。預訂日期由即日起至2018年3月24日。受條款及細則約束。

* Subject to availability. Advanced booking available now till March 24, 2018. Terms and conditions apply.

© 香港迪士尼樂園度假區
© Hong Kong Disneyland Resort
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Disney Magical Kingdom Blog: 香港迪士尼樂園(Hong Kong Disneyland)「Disney Halloween Time 2017」號召 大小惡人 齊齊反轉迪士尼!
香港迪士尼樂園(Hong Kong Disneyland)「Disney Halloween Time 2017」號召 大小惡人 齊齊反轉迪士尼!
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