


上海迪士尼度假區(Shanghai Disney Resort)2017年萬聖節主題活動「萬聖趴」(Halloween Extravaganza)

奇異魔法降臨!上海迪士尼度假區 歡慶首個盛大萬聖狂歡季

Shanghai Disney Resort Celebrates Its First Resort-Wide Halloween Season
The resort expands Halloween to include Shanghai Disneyland,
bringing new performances, activities and décor throughout the festive season

        今年萬聖季,前所未有的奇異魔法將降臨 上海迪士尼度假區,呈現一場神秘驚悚又樂趣十足的盛大萬聖狂歡派對「萬聖趴」。自2017年9月25日起至10月31日,整個度假區將被魔幻和奇異的氣氛籠罩,更有全新設計的萬聖主題娛樂演出,特色餐飲和限時商品,與所有遊客一起放肆狂歡。此外,沿襲萬聖節的裝扮傳統,遊客將首度可以穿著裝扮自己喜愛的服飾造型前來 上海迪士尼樂園,盡享奇妙萬聖氛圍。

This year, the wicked fun of the Halloween season celebration is going to take place throughout the entire Shanghai Disney Resort from September 25 through October 31, 2017. The special fall festivities include brand new performances designed exclusively for Shanghai Disneyland’s inaugural “Halloween Extravaganza”, along with family-friendly spooky surprises around every corner that make Shanghai Disney Resort among the best places to experience the fall.  For the first time ever at Shanghai Disney Resort, as part of the special Halloween dress-up tradition, guests of all ages will also be welcome to wear costumes during their visit.

Halloween-Inspired Atmosphere and Entertainment Like Never Before

        奇異魔法在今年萬聖季將席捲整個 上海迪士尼度假區,隨處可見各式經典又帶絲可怖的萬聖節元素,充滿魔幻氣息,各種恰到好處的意外驚喜將讓度假區成為全城最有吸引力的派對勝地。

Throughout the spook-tacular celebration, the decorations and new entertainment offerings in Shanghai Disney Resort will feature all the authentic elements of the Halloween season, delivering a mysterious and magical experience unlike anywhere else in Shanghai.


The resort will be cloaked in a vast array of Halloween colors and decorations, including exclusive Disney Character Jack-O-Lanterns, colorful fall foliage reminiscent of authentically Halloween scenes from around the globe, spindly spider webs that have been woven in the shape of Mickey Mouse, and many more eerie surprises and delightful Disney Halloween elements around every corner.

        當夜幕降臨,上海迪士尼度假區 全新的萬聖主題演出:「大反派夜間巡遊」將開啟萬聖節的奇異魔法來自 迪士尼經典動畫片《大力士》中的地獄冥王 哈迪斯^,《睡美人》* 中的「黑巫婆」,以及《公主和青蛙》* 中的 霍博士 將會依次登場,在《另一面的朋友》的主題旋律中開始淘氣巡遊,邀請人們加入隊伍盡情歡舞,拉開暗夜狂歡的序幕!

As dusk falls in Shanghai Disneyland, the night will come to life with the all-new, Villains’ Cavalcade, starring Hades [from Disney’s “Hercules”], Maleficent [from Disney’s “Maleficent”] and Dr. Facilier [from Disney’s “The Princess and the Frog”]. With the song “Friends on the Other Side” filling the night air, the three evil villains will captivate audiences along the moonlit parade route and set the tone for a nighttime of Halloween fun in the park!

        夜晚在「寶藏灣」流連忘返的遊客,則會發現那裡被幽靈海盜們佔領。《加勒比海盜 5:死無對證》* 中的 幽靈海盜們 和 船長 薩拉查# 如鬼魅般遊走在「寶藏灣」的各個角落,在遊客中尋找新的船員來加入他們的黑暗冒險。

As guests wander into Treasure Cove, they are likely to encounter phantom Ghost Pirates, inspired by Captain Salazar and his crew in “Pirates of the Caribbean: Dead Men Tell No Tales”. They roam the area, seeking a crew to join them on their dark adventures.

        在「明日世界」的「E空間舞台」上演的炫舞派對定會吸引充滿活力的人群,DJ和主持人將為大家帶來一系列以《銀河護衛隊》* 為主題的音樂和舞蹈,銀河護衛隊的戰士們也集結在此,與遊客一起縱情狂歡。

And at the Arena-E Stage in Tomorrowland, guests can gear up for a brand-new interactive dance party lead by a DJ and a live host introducing a series of music and dances inspired by the popular Guardians of the Galaxy franchise.


There will be tricks and treats for guests along Mickey Avenue where they can meet with Mickey Mouse and his pals dressed in their Halloween costumes, and take photos in front of the stylish photo backdrops.

放開自己   放肆狂歡
Dressing Up For the Biggest Costume Event of the Year

        為了讓遊客完全沉醉在萬聖派對的氣氛當中,在萬聖季期間,上海迪士尼樂園 將首次限時開放遊客著裝規定,歡迎各年齡段的遊客們進行主題著裝和裝扮,前來加入這場前所未有的盛大狂歡派對。遊客請提前至 上海迪士尼度假區 官方平台了解萬聖季裝扮須知。

In order to let guest immerse themselves in the Halloween atmosphere and really join the party, for the first time ever, Shanghai Disneyland is putting a limited-time exemption on its attire regulations and is welcoming guests of all ages to dress up as any character they like during the Halloween festival period. Guests are encouraged to learn more about the specific costume requirements on the Shanghai Disney Resort official platforms before their visit. 


With the entire Sweethearts Confectionery and Marketplace in Disneytown transformed in to Halloween-themed shops, and a vast assortment of themed attire at shops throughout the resort, guests can also easily join the fun by finding the perfect outfit or accessory even after they arrive. 

Celebrating the Many Tastes of the Halloween Season


Guests can also celebrate the magic of Halloween with Shanghai Disney Resort’s latest food and beverage offerings dressed up for the occasion. Collectible Devilish Mickey Drinks in Mickey Mouse-shaped Jack-O-Lantern cups will hold delicious new beverages making for a great memory and an exclusive new accessory for the 2017 Halloween season.

Mickey Mouse-shaped Jack-O-Lantern cups

       萬聖節特別主題美食還將包括美味可口的「搗蛋鬼餅乾杯聖代」,「炫舞小樹人麵包」,「炫酷發光棉花糖」等一系列豐富多樣且獨具迪士尼元素的可口小吃。「明日世界」招牌美食 —— 「芝士牛肉漢堡」也將披上用竹炭染色的黑色「邪惡」外衣...... 除此之外,遊客還可在位於 上海迪士尼樂園酒店 的「盧米亞廚房」享受萬聖主題的自助盛宴。

Halloween treats include whimsical sundaes with edible cookie cups, Baby Groot Breadmasks, Glow-stick Cotton Candy, that are a classic Halloween collectible, now with added Disney touches, and more. A new version of the popular Tomorrowland Cheeseburger-the Black Magic Cheeseburger will roll out for a limited time in buns turned as black as the night sky... Plus, guests can also enjoy a Halloween themed buffet at Lumiere’s Kitchen in Shanghai Disneyland Hotel.

Baby Groot Breadmasks

Whimsical Sundaes with Edible Cookie Cups

Glow-stick Cotton Candy

Black Magic Cheeseburger 

The Latest Seasonal Merchandise for the Fall Festival

        在這首個覆蓋整個度假區的萬聖季,上海迪士尼度假區 將推出一系列趣味十足的主題商品:包括「萬聖節 米奇頭南瓜燈」,身著萬聖節服裝的 米奇 米妮 毛絨玩具,可愛的南瓜鑰匙圈 和 磁貼套裝 等。各種經典紀念品也將以萬聖季的版本全新登場,如橙黑色米奇發箍、巫師服裝和帽子、發光馬克杯 等。無論好友,情侶,還是全家老少都可穿上同系列的主題衛衣,組隊加入扮裝派對,在這個秋天溫暖出遊,搞怪合影。

In honor of the first-ever Halloween celebration in Shanghai Disneyland, a new line of merchandise has also been rolled out for guests of all ages. The new collection includes Mickey-shaped Trick or Treat pumpkin buckets, Mickey and Minnie Mouse Halloween plushes in classically creepy costumes, adorable key chains with pumpkins, and magnets featuring frightful phrases. Halloween Mickey Mouse-ear headbands, witch hats, witch and wizard costumes, bright mugs with Halloween scenes and more, along with special family fleeces in a variety of sizes so that parents, friends, children and loved ones can stay warm this fall and take matching photos in Shanghai Disney Resort’s new Halloween attire. 

上海迪士尼樂園 首次推出「萬聖趴·晚間遊園票」
First-Ever Evening Tickets on Offer for Shanghai Disneyland

        為了讓遊客體驗與眾不同的萬聖季奇妙夜晚,上海迪士尼樂園 將首次推出「萬聖趴·晚間遊園票」。2017年9月25日至10月31日期間,不包括10月2日至10月7日,購買「萬聖趴·晚間遊園票」的遊客可在門票所示日期的 當天下午4點後入園遊玩。「萬聖趴·晚間遊園票」的票價為 人民幣 275元。即日起,遊客可通過 上海迪士尼度假區 現場售票亭,上海迪士尼度假區 預訂服務中心 400-180-0000,上海迪士尼度假區 官方微信公眾號等多個渠道,購買「萬聖趴·晚間遊園票」 。同時遊客可登錄上海迪士尼度假區官網(了解完整的購票須知及其他官方或官方授權的售票渠道。

Shanghai Disneyland is releasing its first-ever evening ticket offering only available during this Halloween season. The date-specific tickets at 275RMB will enable guests to enter the park after 4 p.m., from September 25 to October 31, except October 2 to 7. Guests can purchase the tickets through the Shanghai Disney Resort Reservation Center at 400-180-0000, at Shanghai Disneyland Ticket Booths and the Shanghai Disney Resort official WeChat account. For more official and authorized channels and ticket information, guests can refer to

Disneytown to Feature Special Halloween Décor and Entertainment

        毗鄰 上海迪士尼樂園 的「迪士尼小鎮同樣會被奇異,魔幻的萬聖氛圍所包圍。除了極具迪士尼風格的萬聖裝飾之外,從9月29日起的每週五、六、日,以及 10月30日和31日 當天,各種萬聖節傳統活動及炫酷的現場DJ演出,邀請遊客縱情玩耍。米奇米妮也將換上萬聖節服裝,驚喜現身小鎮湖畔。從10月13日起的每週五、六、日,以及 10月30日和31日 當天,遊客還可在「迪士尼小鎮」的精選商戶參與「不給糖就搗蛋」等經典萬聖節活動。

Disneytown will also come alive with more spooky Halloween decorations. Every Friday to Sunday from September 29 through October, and on October 30 and 31, guests can enjoy a series of weekend Character and DJ Dance Parties, and fun appearances by Mickey and Minnie Mouse. Guests will also be able to visit special venues hosting a variety of classic Halloween activities and treats from the World of Disney Store. More fun will be added to these weekends starting from October 13, when children up to 16 years of age can enjoy the fun tradition of trick-or-treating at participating stores in Disneytown.

        上海迪士尼度假區 正在逐漸被魔法籠罩,迎接年度最奇異,魔幻節日的到來。屆時,上海迪士尼樂園上海迪士尼樂園酒店玩具總動員酒店 及「迪士尼小鎮」,將歡迎所有遊客前來參加首個跨越整個度假區的盛大萬聖狂歡季,感受前所未有,驚悚恐怖又樂趣無窮的節日氛圍。

Shanghai Disney Resort is dressing up to celebrate one of the most magical, mysterious and fun celebrations of the year. Guests of all ages are welcome to join the first resort-wide Halloween celebration and experience all the spooky surprises Shanghai Disney Resort has to offer.  

© 上海迪士尼度假區
© Shanghai Disney Resort

^ 香港譯名:凱帝斯
# 香港譯名:索萊莎

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Disney Magical Kingdom Blog: 上海迪士尼度假區(Shanghai Disney Resort)2017年萬聖節主題活動「萬聖趴」(Halloween Extravaganza)
上海迪士尼度假區(Shanghai Disney Resort)2017年萬聖節主題活動「萬聖趴」(Halloween Extravaganza)
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