


香港迪士尼樂園度假區(Hong Kong Disneyland Resort)2018至2023年 樂園擴建及發展計劃 正式動工!

香港迪士尼樂園 新階段擴展計劃工程 正式動工

華特迪士尼公司 最受歡迎的角色及故事將落戶 香港士尼

Hong Kong Disneyland Kicks Off Construction
of Multi-Year Expansion

Park continues to grow with major new attractions and entertainment featuring some of the most popular characters and stories from across The Walt Disney Company

        香港迪士尼樂園度假區 於今天(2017年10月13日)正式啟動 新階段擴展計劃工程。由2018起,為期6年間,香港迪士尼樂園 將持續發展,帶來前所未見的全新遊樂設施和娛樂體驗,將迪士尼角色及故事活現眼前,為賓客帶來更多歡樂。計劃中首項落成的設施是位於「探險世界」內以電影《魔海奇緣》角色 慕安娜(Moana)爲主題的全新表演場地,將於明年開幕。

Hong Kong Disneyland Resort (HKDL) today (October 13, 2017) officially kicked off the multi-year transformation of the park, with new attractions and entertainment experiences that will bring Disney characters and stories to life in ways never seen before. In the six years starting from 2018, the resort will continue to grow and create more fun for guests with an array of new offerings. The first to open next year under this expansion project will be a Moana-themed entertainment venue in Adventureland.

        「我們非常高興能將 迪士尼 旗下最強品牌如 Marvel 及《魔雪奇緣》等引入 香港迪士尼,為賓客締造全新獨有的娛樂體驗。」香港迪士尼樂園度假區 行政總裁 劉永基 表示:「由於 Marvel 及《魔雪奇緣》在亞洲很受歡迎,是次擴建計劃將進一步提升香港迪士尼的競爭力,吸引更多區內不同年齡及性別的賓客到訪香港迪士尼香港這個精彩城市。」

“We are thrilled to create amazing first-of-a-kind experiences based on some of Disney’s best brands, including Marvel and Frozen, here at Hong Kong Disneyland Resort,” said Samuel Lau, executive vice president and managing director of the resort. “Marvel and Frozen are popular with guests across our Asian markets. The new expansion will greatly enhance the appeal of HKDL to guests of all ages and genders in the region. It will give guests new reasons to travel to the resort and this amazing city.”

        劉永基 連同 華特迪士尼幻想工程亞洲)總經理及區域執行主管 貝皓德,以及 米奇老鼠 一同參與這個特別時刻,見證香港迪士尼新階段擴展計劃工程展開,同時標誌著自2005年開幕以來又一個新的里程碑,持續為香港迪士尼注入新元素。擴展計劃於較早前獲批撥款,連月來,團隊作了大量籌劃、設計 以及 批出合約等前期工作 。

Lau, along with Howard Brown, general manager and regional executive of Walt Disney Imagi-neering Asia, and Mickey Mouse joined in on a special moment to mark the beginning of work for the multi-year expansion—an incredible milestone for the resort, which has been continuously growing and adding fun new offerings since it opened in 2005. This special moment follows months of planning, design and contract awarding after the approval of funding for the expansion.

Building a new era of magic

       在2018至2023年新階段擴展計劃進行期間,香港迪士尼樂園 幾近每年都會推出全新項目,包括主題園區、遊樂設施或娛樂體驗。重點項目包括:

Under the expansion plan, new themed areas, attractions and entertainment will launch almost every year from 2018 through 2023. Highlights include:

~ 2018 ~
Marvel Super Hero Attraction

• 以「蟻俠」(Ant-Man)、「黃蜂女」(The Wasp)* 及「神盾局」(S.H.I.E.L.D.)爲題的全新遊樂體驗將於「明日世界」誕生。Marvel超級英雄 將號召賓客一起對抗「海德勒」(Hydra)邪惡勢力。香港迪士尼樂園 將打造全新 Marvel 主題區,逐漸發展成為亞洲區内一個匯聚 Marvel 體驗的必到之處。「鐵甲奇俠飛行之旅」開幕,獲得空前成功,已經成為 香港迪士尼樂園 最受賓客歡迎的遊樂設施,加上今年舉辦的「Marvel超級英雄」夏季活動,香港迪士尼樂園 已化身為 Marvel 精彩體驗的亞洲區重要基地。

• A brand new experience featuring Ant-Man, The Wasp* and S.H.I.E.L.D. will be launched in Tomorrowland. The Marvel Super Heroes will depend on guests to fight against the evil organization Hydra. HKDL will continue to grow as Asia’s Marvel epicenter with the open-ing of an entire Marvel-themed area. With the tremendous success of Iron Man Experi-ence—now the most popular attraction in the park—and the current Marvel Super Hero Summer event, the resort has become the ultimate hub for exciting Marvel experiences in Asia.

* 「黃蜂女」(The Wasp)將在 2018 年推出的 MARVEL STUDIOS 電影《蟻俠 2》(Ant-man and The Wasp)中首次在大銀幕與觀衆見面。

*The Wasp will debut in cinemas in the 2018 Ant-Man sequel, Ant-Man and The Wasp.

~ 2018 ~
NEW “Adventureland Show Place”: “Moana’s Village Festival”

華特迪士尼動畫工作室 全新角色,來自電影《魔海奇緣》的女英雄 莫安娜 (Moana),將現身「探險世界」,在新穎及別具特色的舞台現場表演。賓客更可與 莫安娜 近距離見面。

• A new, exciting entertainment venue will feature a lively atmosphere stage show in Ad-ventureland featuring Moana, the newest heroine from Walt Disney Animation Studios. Guests can also meet with Moana from the animated film.

~ 2019 ~
HKDL Castle and Hub area

• 樂園的地標 — 城堡,將進行華麗變身,向所有迪士尼公主致敬,亦會上演嶄新的日間及夜間表演節目。
• As the park’s centerpiece, the castle will be transformed to pay tribute to all of the Disney Princesses. The transformed castle will also feature a new daytime show and nighttime spectacular.

Castle Daytime Show

Castle Nighttime Spectaular

~ 2020 ~
《魔雪奇緣》主題區 - 阿德爾王國
“Frozen” themed area - Kingdom of Arendelle

• 全新《魔雪奇緣》主題區將驚喜呈現電影故事及角色,暢遊這個獨特主題區的賓客,可全情投入新增遊樂設施帶來的驚喜,也可以愛莎女皇 及 安娜公主 見面。主題區內將設有「魔雪奇緣永恒國度」(“Frozen Ever After”)以及「奧肯魔法雪橇」(“Wandering Oaken's Dancing Sleighs”)兩個遊樂設施,讓賓客置身《魔雪奇緣》阿德爾王國之中,享受滲透豐富故事色彩的獨特餐飲、購物及娛樂體驗,一同齊祝「夏雪節」。  

• An all-new, immersive Frozen-themed area where guests will experience the characters and stories from the film in amazing ways. Guests can visit the Frozen area to enjoy new attractions including meeting the royal sisters Elsa and Anna.  Guests will celebrate the “Summer Snow Day” in Arendelle.  Alongside, guests will enjoy 2 new attractions (“Frozen Ever After” & “Wandering Oaken's Dancing Sleighs”) and be immersed in Arendelle with uniquely themed dining, shopping, and entertainment.

阿德爾王國(Kingdom of Arendelle)及「魔雪奇緣永恒國度」(“Frozen Ever After”) 

「奧肯魔法雪橇」(Oaken's Dancing Sleigh)

~ 2021 ~

• 樂園將為賓客推出另一項重新塑造的遊樂設施,詳情將於日後公佈。

• Another attraction will be reimagined into a brand new experience for guests to enjoy.  Details will be announced in the future.

~ 2023 ~
MARVEL themed area

• 樂園將建造另一個以最受歡迎的漫威故事為設計概念的全新驚險遊樂設施。香港迪士尼樂園 作為雲集漫威超級英雄的作戰基地,規模將不斷擴大;超級英雄的戰鬥故事,亦將會逐步呈現。 

• Another thrilling attraction dedicated to one of the most popular Marvel franchises will be added to expand the epicenter of Marvel Super Heroes as exciting events unfold in phases.

The excitement continues

        香港迪士尼樂園度假區 不斷引入全新遊樂設施及娛樂節目,為賓客創造奇妙體驗。最新的擴展計劃推出前,香港迪士尼樂園度假區 近年已相繼引入多個以迪士尼旗下最強品牌為主題的精彩項目,包括於2015年為慶祝 香港迪士尼樂園度假區 10週年 時推出的 全新音樂劇《迪士尼魔法書房》,以及 2016年開幕的「星球大戰™:入侵明日世界」。

The resort is committed to constantly bringing in new attractions and entertainment offerings to create magical experiences for our guests. This latest expansion follows the addition of a number of amazing offerings in recent years based on the best Disney franchises, including a new stage show “Mickey and the Wondrous Book,” which opened in celebration of HKDL’s 10th anniversary in 2015, as well as the “Star Wars™: Tomorrowland Takeover” in 2016.

        今年4月,香港迪士尼樂園度假區 第三間酒店,以探索爲主題的「迪士尼探索家度假酒店」正式開幕,為香港創造獨一無二的旅遊及度假體驗。

In April, the resort opened an exploration-themed hotel, Disney Explorers Lodge, which is a unique offering for Hong Kong’s resort and tourism industry.

        擴展計劃推行期間,香港迪士尼樂園度假區 會持續為賓客送上一浪接一浪的奇妙體驗。由即日起至2017年10月31日,香港迪士尼樂園度假區 呈獻「Disney Halloween Time 2017」,為一眾賓客帶來獨有的「詭」魅娛樂,以嶄新的手法,重新演繹了多個經典的迪士尼故事,顛覆賓客對原有迪士尼故事的認知。連場日夜派對將為不同年齡的賓客帶來獨有體驗。

From now through October 31, HKDL is hosting its most wicked Halloween party ever! During Disney Halloween Time 2017, classic Disney stories are being told with new twists and turns, bringing unexpected surprises to all guests. There are different offerings throughout the park both day and night for guests of all ages.

        由2017年11月16日至2018年1月1 日,香港迪士尼樂園 將變成溫馨歡騰的冬日樂園,為賓客帶來一個童話般的白色聖誕,玩遍日夜的節慶體驗,投入一個最窩心傳統的迪士尼聖誕。

From November 16 through January 1, 2018, guests can experience the most delightful Christ-mas celebration at HKDL. The park will be transformed into a winter wonderland where guests can experience a fairytale white Christmas, with offerings from day to night!

Hong Kong Disneyland Resort
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Disney Magical Kingdom Blog: 香港迪士尼樂園度假區(Hong Kong Disneyland Resort)2018至2023年 樂園擴建及發展計劃 正式動工!
香港迪士尼樂園度假區(Hong Kong Disneyland Resort)2018至2023年 樂園擴建及發展計劃 正式動工!
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