


「香港人 多 D Fun」香港迪士尼樂園 門票大抽獎活動丨“More Disney Fun for Everyone in Hong Kong” Hong Kong Disneyland Park Tickets Lucky Draw

「香港人 多DFun」大抽獎 送出 50,000張 香港迪士尼樂園門票

擴建計劃開展 與 香港人 分享滿Fun歡樂

“More Disney Fun for Everyone in HK” Lucky Draw
to give away 50,000 Hong Kong Disneyland park tickets

Hong Kong Disneyland celebrates start of its multi-year expansion
with the people of Hong Kong!
“More Disney Fun for Everyone in Hong Kong” Hong Kong Disneyland Park Tickets Lucky Draw

推廣生意的競賽牌照號碼 : 49630
Trade Promotion Competition Licence No. : 49630

         香港迪士尼樂園度假區 落戶 香港 12年,一向致力將歡樂傳揚社區,發放正能量。隨着新階段擴展計劃的開展,樂園宣佈推出「香港人 多“More Disney Fun for Everyone in Hong Kong” Hong Kong Disneyland Park Tickets Lucky DrawFun」大抽獎活動,首次免費送出合共 50,000張 香港迪士尼樂園 一日標準門票,以作慶祝。

Hong Kong Disneyland Resort (HKDL) announced today the launch of “More Disney Fun for Everyone in HK,” a lucky draw exclusively for Hongkongers, to celebrate the resort’s new multi-year expansion. A grand total of 50,000 tickets will be given away in a lucky draw that is open to Hong Kong residents.

    由今日開始至11月16日,一連10日,合資格的香港居民只需於指定網站 報名參加,便有機會獲得門票一張,在 2018年的指定月份內到訪樂園!

Winners will each receive a free one-day admission ticket to visit HKDL in a designated month in 2018. During the 10-day period from today through November 16, be sure to register at the lucky draw website:

        今次大抽獎是 香港人 專享禮遇,參加者必須為香港居民,只需要在活動期間,登入有關網站,填寫所需資料及完成整個登記程序,即可參加抽獎活動。

This is an exclusive event for Hongkongers. Participants must be Hong Kong residents. They can submit the required information and complete the registration process by visiting within the Lucky Draw enrollment period.


With many seasonal events and special offerings on the way, 2018 will be the perfect time to visit and experience the magical fun at HKDL!

全天候 Fun Fun 玩盡迪士尼
More Magic At the Resort

        香港迪士尼樂園度假區 自開幕以來,不斷透過擴展和引入新的娛樂表演項目,提升賓客體驗,讓來自世界各地的賓客享受奇妙旅程。今年初,樂園推出全球迪士尼樂園首個以 MARVEL 為主題的遊樂設施「鐵甲奇俠飛行之旅」,隨後再為賓客帶來全新的「迪士尼探索家度假酒店」。

The resort has never ceased to evolve and expand since opening. Earlier this year, Iron Man Experience, the first ever Marvel-themed ride at a Disney theme park was launched, followed by the opening of Disney Explorers Lodge, a new resort hotel that celebrates the spirit of exploration.

        在這個豐盛和奇妙體驗的基礎上,度假區在未來數年會與賓客一同見證樂園新一階段的擴展旅程。 新計劃下,樂園將引入更多大受賓客喜愛的迪士尼品牌 ,包括以《魔雪奇緣》及 MARVEL 主題,創造如置身故事當中的兩大新主題區。當中不同的遊樂設施及娛樂項目,都將進一步提升賓客體驗。很快,以 華特迪士尼動畫製作室 最新角色 —《魔海奇緣》的女英雄 慕安娜(Moana)為主題的全新舞台表演,便會率先在明年在「探險世界」登場!

The latest multi-year expansion continues to take the guest experience to new levels through the creation of immersive themed areas, exciting attractions and entertainment offerings, leveraging some of Disney’s most popular franchises and stories, including Frozen and Marvel. Before long, the first expansion project will open, featuring the newest heroine from Walt Disney Animation Studios, Moana, who will sail straight to Adventureland in an all-new stage show! Stay tuned for the announcement of the attraction’s launch date in 2018.

送給 香港人 的禮物 一齊見證樂園新發展
A Gift for Hongkongers

        香港迪士尼樂園度假區 行政總裁 劉永基 表示:「『香港人 多Fun』大抽獎活動特别為香港人而設,我們希望一同分享樂園展開新擴展計劃的興奮與喜悅。最新的擴建計劃將在未來數年,不斷為樂園帶來更多嶄新的遊樂設施及表演項目,讓賓客享受樂園獨有的奇妙時刻。」

“The ‘More Disney Fun for Everyone in HK’ Lucky Draw is a unique initiative to share our excitement over the multi-year expansion with the people of Hong Kong,” said Samuel Lau, executive vice president and managing director of HKDL. “The latest expansion and development plan will bring new attractions and entertainment offerings for years to come at HKDL and deliver magical moments guests can only have with us.”


The multi-year expansion and development plan includes new themed areas, attractions and entertainment launching almost every year from 2018 through 2023.

~「香港人 多Fun」大抽獎 活動詳情 ~
~ Details about the “More Disney Fun for Everyone in Hong Kong” Lucky Draw ~

報名日期:2017年11月7日 至 11月16日(一連10日)
Enrollment period: From November 7 to 16, 2017 (Total 10 days)

Enrollment methods:

1. 於活動網頁 登記
1. Complete the process by visiting

2. 透過以下二維條碼登記
2. Complete the process by scanning this QR code


1. 香港身份證  或
2. 香港出世紙及由本地學校發出的學生手冊,或 附有相片的有效法律文件

Hong Kong residents holding either:
1. a valid Hong Kong Identity Card or
2. a Hong Kong birth certificate and recent school handbook issued by a school located in Hong Kong, or other legal document with photo identification

Results Announcement:

得獎名單將會於 2017年11月22日 於活動網頁 內公佈。同日,《星島日報》及《英文虎報》(The Standard)會有廣告刊登活動名稱及網頁。

Winners will be announced by reference numbers on November 22, 2017 at the official website An advertisement will be placed in Sing Tao Daily and The Standard on the same day with the event name and website to remind participants to view the result online.

* 成功完成登記的參加者會透過已登記電郵收到附有登記編號的確認參加通知書,得獎名單會以登記編號於2017年11月22日公佈。

** 每一位參加者只能登記一次,重複登記將會被取消資格。

^ 得獎者可獲贈一張免費門票,並可於2018年指定的一個月份内,選擇任何一天親身前往 香港迪士尼樂園 正門售票處,憑中獎通知書、登記編號及有效的個人身份證明文件,換領獎品門票,並即日入場體驗樂園多彩繽紛的娛樂項目及遊樂設施。

* Registration confirmation with a Reference Number will be sent to participants via email after they have successfully registered. Lucky draw results will be announced on November 22, 2017 in the form of Reference Number.

** Each participant can only register once for the Lucky Draw. Duplicate registration will result in disqualification

^ .Winners can redeem a one-day, date-stamped ticket at ticket booths at the Main Entrance of the park within a designated month in 2018 and visit the park on the same day of redemption. Redemption must be made by the winner in person and after presenting the winning notice and valid identification, along with any other information required for verification purposes.

        得獎者除了有機會體驗不同的特備節目,更同時可享有門票及酒店入住額外優惠,詳情可參閱活動網頁。我們邀請你在未來一年,一起迎接滿 Fun 歡樂,共同創造珍貴又難忘的美好回憶。

In addition to enjoying exciting seasonal entertainment offerings, lucky draw winners will also be entitled to special offers on additional park admission tickets and a hotel stay. For more details, please visit the official website.


This Lucky Draw is subject to terms and conditions. For details, please visit

© 香港迪士尼樂園度假區
© Hong Kong Disneyland Resort
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Disney Magical Kingdom Blog: 「香港人 多 D Fun」香港迪士尼樂園 門票大抽獎活動丨“More Disney Fun for Everyone in Hong Kong” Hong Kong Disneyland Park Tickets Lucky Draw
「香港人 多 D Fun」香港迪士尼樂園 門票大抽獎活動丨“More Disney Fun for Everyone in Hong Kong” Hong Kong Disneyland Park Tickets Lucky Draw
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