


香港迪士尼樂園度假區(Hong Kong Disneyland Resort)2018特備節目巡禮


新階段擴展計劃首個項目 ―《魔海奇緣》主題劇場表演 ― 明年5月揭幕

香港居民專享「奇妙處處通」3人行85折優惠    享盡多項會員驚喜禮遇

Plan now for year-round, non-stop seasonal events at
Hong Kong Disneyland Resort in 2018!

Moana atmosphere stage show—the first attraction of the multi-year expansion—opens in May

Hong Kong Residents to enjoy 15% off for Magic Access Group of 3 Special Offer now! Magic Access exclusives for the year include members-only shows, collectibles and much more

        踏入2018年,香港迪士尼樂園度假區 將為大家帶來更多精彩的季節性特備節目,全年不斷上演。今天公佈的2018特備節目巡禮,介紹了一個個最新、最受歡迎的迪士尼故事與朋友將於明年透過嶄新的娛樂體驗及一系列季節性活動,活現賓客眼前,為大家帶來連場驚喜及無限 Disney Fun!

Hong Kong Disneyland Resort (HKDL) is ready to unleash a year of unprecedented magic in 2018 with first-of-its-kind entertainment, colorful seasonal events all year round and even more chances to connect with beloved Disney stories and characters! Guests can enjoy non-stop Disney fun and new excitement throughout the year at HKDL whenever they visit in 2018! The resort announced its 2018 event calendar today, covering 365 days of non-stop Disney fun filled with seasonal events in the coming year!

Opening in December 2017

~ Royal Princess Garden ~


HKDL is excited to be starting the new calendar year with a brand-new Disney Princess-themed offering in the park called Royal Princess Garden from December 2017. Guests can enter an exquisitely-themed garden area to enjoy dream-come-true meetings with beloved Disney Princesses.

        庭園內設有 樂園首間「魔法化妝廳」,備有不同造型的 迪士尼公主禮服、閃亮奪目的化妝組合和精美飾物,助賓客化身魅力非凡的小公主,亦可拍下這份夢幻體驗,留下照片留念,甚至製作個人獨有的魔法故事書,以獨特方式紀念化身公主的奇妙時刻。

Royal Princess Garden will also feature the park’s first Bibbidi Bobbidi Boutique, a magical beauty salon where children are magically transformed into princesses complete with hairstyling, makeup and a Disney Princess costume of their choosing. After their regal makeover, little princesses can commemorate their unforgettable moment with a souvenir photo. Families can also choose to take home their own Enchanted Storybook, a truly unique keepsake featuring all of their princess moments.

January to March 2018

~ 新春慶祝活動 ~
~ Chinese New Year Event ~

        狗年將至,財神高飛 和 可愛貪玩的布魯托 將會化身新春大使,與賓客一同喜迎狗年,齊齊歡度新歲。

During the Year of the Dog, Mickey Mouse’s playful companion Pluto will take center stage as we celebrate one of the world’s most popular holidays! God of Fortune Goofy will also be there to welcome guests and share warm wishes to everyone.

        「美國小鎮大街」將掛滿象徵幸運福氣的裝飾,處處歡天喜地。米奇 與一眾好友特別換上賀年服飾與大家拍照留念,傳遞幸福喜氣給每一位賓客。新春期間,樂園及三間主題酒店將為賓客呈獻多款新春美食,包括:寓意風生水起的特色菜餚「撈起」、各款新春套餐與小食。賓客可盡情挑選各式各樣的應節賀年商品,例如迪士尼主題利是封及新春裝飾等,為親友送上真摯的祝福。

Out on Main Street, U.S.A., guests and their families can enjoy the bustling, festive New Year atmosphere by taking photos of the lucky red and gold decorations all around. Be sure to greet Mickey and his pals, who will all be dressed up for the occasion in their holiday finest. A range of festive delicacies will be presented in the park and three resort hotels, including classic Chinese dishes like “lo hei” and Chinese New Year-themed meals and snacks. To celebrate the Year of the Dog, don’t forget to pick up some themed merchandise items, such as red packets and traditional decorations, to share the joy and blessings of Chinese New Year!


Lucky guests may even receive a Disney-themed red packet while visiting during the Chinese New Year event, which runs from January to March, 2018!

March to May 2018

~「迪士尼明星春日嘉年華 2018」~
~ “Disney Friends Springtime Carnival 2018” ~


The Disney Friends Springtime Carnival is a colorful one-of-a-kind event filled with more Disney characters than anyone could imagine! Guests can enjoy whimsical character encounters and reconnect with longtime Disney friends in different ways.


Of course, there are also festive springtime sculpts for every photo need. Guests can enjoy hunting for over 100 character-themed eggs hidden all around the park!

Opening in May 2018

~ “Moana: A Homecoming Celebration” (formerly known as “Moana’s Village Festival”) ~

        備受矚目的《魔海奇緣凱旋慶典》將於2018年5月正式揭幕,為 香港迪士尼樂園 新階段擴展計劃打響頭炮!

One of the major highlights is in May 2018 when HKDL will pull back the curtain on “Moana: A Homecoming Celebration, the first attraction of the ongoing multi-year expansion plan.

        以 華特迪士尼動畫製作室 深受歡迎的角色 —《魔海奇緣》的女英雄 慕安娜(Moana)為主題的全新舞台表演《魔海奇緣凱旋慶典》長達18分鐘,展現 慕安娜 成功將「大地之母」迪菲娣之心歸還後,回歸村莊的慶祝場面。

The popular heroine Moana from Walt Disney Animation Studios is sailing straight to HKDL in an all-new atmosphere stage show! “Moana: A Homecoming Celebration” is an 18-minute live experience recounting Moana’s adventures after she restores the heart of Te Fiti (the all-powerful goddess who creates life) and returns to her home village of Motunui.

Concept Art (New Version)

Concept Art (Old Version)

       表演將於「探險世界」一個充滿異國風情的全新戶外表演場地進行,其建築及佈置以電影中 慕安娜 的村莊為設計靈感。透過扣人心弦的音樂、精湛舞蹈演出及精彩布偶的表演,令賓客恍如置身故事當中,觸動人心。

The show is set in an entirely new exotic outdoor venue in Adventureland that echoes the architecture and décor of Motunui from the film. Jam-packed with inspirational music, dancing, puppetry and storytelling, “Moana: A Homecoming Celebration” is the first attraction to be opened as part of HKDL’s multi-year expansion from 2018 to 2023.

June to August 2018

~ 夏日主題活動 ~
~ Summer Event ~

        暑假當然要 Fun 一 Fun!來自 迪士尼•彼思動畫,並勇奪 奧斯卡「最佳動畫片」獎 的《超人特工隊》超級英雄家族將於2018年6月至8月駕臨「明日世界」,為各位賓客帶來一個節奏強勁的互動體驗。「超能先生」、「超能太太」及他們的朋友「冰條俠」更會與大家近距離會面。

Each year during summer holiday, HKDL heats up with even more fun. In 2018, new Disney•Pixar’s friends will be joining the summer event to make it more incredible than ever before. From June to August, 2018, guests will be able to meet Mr. Incredible, Mrs. Incredible and Frozone from Disney•Pixar’s Oscar-winning film The Incredibles in an exciting, high-energy experience in Tomorrowland!

        香港迪士尼一直致力為賓客帶來最新、最受歡迎的 迪士尼故事 及「迪士尼朋友」,特別配合2018年7月中於香港上映的《超人特工隊 2》電影推出是次夏日主題活動。

As part of HKDL’s commitment to bringing the hottest Disney stories and characters to the park, this summer event will coincide with the release of Incredibles 2 in Hong Kong in mid July 2018.

September to October 2018

~Disney Halloween Time 2018 ~

        「Disney Halloween Time」於2018年 9月至10月載譽歸來,誠邀賓客加入惡人行列,齊齊惡玩。《怪誕城之夜》的阿積將成為派對主角,聯同一眾《怪誕城之夜》的好友及前所未見的「迪士尼惡人」一起鬼馬搗蛋,反轉樂園!

One of HKDL’s most popular seasonal events is our yearly Halloween bash. Next year’s fright-filled Halloween party will present guests with an enhanced event, featuring even more spooky fun during Disney Halloween Time from September to October in 2018 as Jack Skellington takes over the park. Join Jack Skellington and his crew of baddies, along with more Disney Villains that guests have yet to meet, as they turn the park upside down in true Halloween fashion!

2018年11月 至 2019年1月
November 2018 to January 1, 2019

~ A Disney Christmas 2018 ~

        冬日與摯愛好友一起歡聚漫天飄雪的冬日樂園,感受濃濃的節日氣氛,過一個最難忘的迪士尼聖誕! 2018年11月至2019年1月1日的「A Disney Christmas」期間,米奇與好友將於日間呈獻特備節目,為賓客送上愉快的聖誕樂章。到晚上,「聖誕飄雪時刻」美輪美奐的燈光雪影及聖誕樹亮起閃爍燈飾,聯同不同的節慶活動為賓客締造窩心暖意的聖誕佳節!

For guests seeking wintertime wonderment, HKDL is the ultimate choice for an unforgettable Christmas atmosphere in Hong Kong. Get into the holiday season at A Disney Christmas during November 2018 to January 1, 2019! Join Mickey and friends at a joyous daytime show, listen as carolers sing Christmas tunes, experience the heartwarming tree-lighting ceremony and so much more! The enhanced Christmas event is the most delightful way to enjoy all-things Christmas … including snow!


~ 更多漫威超級英雄  快將登陸 ~
~ More MARVEL Super Heroes to come ~


There is something for everyone in 2018 – even for admirers of super heroes! Keep your eyes peeled when you visit the Iron Man Experience as even more Marvel Super Heroes are making a dramatic entrance, giving you the perfect photo opportunity.


~「奇妙處處通」會員專享的迪士尼體驗 ~
~ Get the ultimate Disney experience with Magic Access ~


From now to January 31, 2018, Hong Kong residents can visit the ticket booths at the park or to enjoy the Magic Access Group of 3 Special Offer^. Buy three or more Magic Access annual passes (except Senior Memberships) to enjoy 15% off the purchase!

        「奇妙處處通」會員專享禮遇包括餐飲、購物及酒店住宿優惠;更可享盡樂園全年精彩不絕的娛樂體驗,甚至有機會優先體驗 香港迪士尼樂園 的季節性活動。多項「奇妙處處通」會員專享活動* 將於2018年陸續推出,包括:迪士尼奇妙音樂節目、於「迪士尼明星春日嘉年華」期間進行的珍藏版迪士尼「花蛋」徽章換領活動「彼思好友夏日派對」及 名為「米奇與Duffy歡樂假期」的特備節目。

With so many new attractions and events on the way, guests can make the most of their trip by getting a Magic Access Membership to enjoy exclusive discounts on dining, merchandise and hotel accommodation. Members may also enjoy exclusive content and even sneak peeks of new seasonal events. In 2018, a series of tailor-made programs* have been planned for Magic Access Members, including a brand-new Disney Music Program, a collectible Disney Egg Pin redemption activity available during the Disney Friends Springtime Carnival, Pixar Friends Summer Party, and a special program namely Mickey and Duffy Jolly Holidays!

^ 須於同一交易購買3張或以上「奇妙處處通」。只限香港居民,長者「奇妙處處通」除外。
^ Magic Access Group of 3 Special Offer is applicable for purchase of 3 or more Magic Access in one transaction. For Hong Kong residents only, senior Magic Access Membership excluded.

* 會員專享活動之參與視乎會籍級別、活動人數限額及/或活動條款及細則。會員專享活動只供參考,有可能隨時被更改或取消。
* Participation of Member-exclusive programs is subject to Membership tier, program quota and/or program’s Terms and Conditions. Member-exclusive programs are for reference only and subject to change or cancelation.

     香港迪士尼樂園度假區 2018年精彩節目源源不絕,適合大小朋友,立即登入,計劃各位的奇妙旅程!

There is something for everyone to enjoy at HKDL in 2018! Plan the perfect Disney vacation with year-round magic by visiting now.

© 香港迪士尼樂園度假區
© Hong Kong Disneyland Resort
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Disney Magical Kingdom Blog: 香港迪士尼樂園度假區(Hong Kong Disneyland Resort)2018特備節目巡禮
香港迪士尼樂園度假區(Hong Kong Disneyland Resort)2018特備節目巡禮
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