


上海迪士尼度假區(Shanghai Disney Resort)由2017年11月27日起呈獻 迷人聖誕季

上海迪士尼度假區 點亮迷人聖誕季

Shanghai Disney Resort Lights Up the Enchanted Christmas Season
The authentic Christmas celebration with Disney magic will be a timeless gift
for guests to share with their loved ones

        今個聖誕,上海迪士尼度假區 將呈現全年中最經典的節慶活動之一,把聖誕氣氛和節日歡樂帶給每位賓客。由2017年11月27日起,上海迪士尼度假區 將於每天舉行 聖誕樹亮燈儀式,成為上海首批綻放聖誕迷人光彩的地點之一,並一直持續到2018年1月1日。聖誕季期間整個度假區將呈現迪士尼風格的聖誕傳統,從遍佈各個角落的節日裝飾、可口豐盛的聖誕美食、到限時主題商品等更多歡樂體驗,組成一份完美的聖誕大禮,讓賓客在每一個聖誕季都能與家人朋友快樂分享。

This holiday season, Shanghai Disney Resort is hosting one of the most authentic Christmas celebrations in Shanghai, sparking the Christmas spirit and bringing the joy of the holiday season to guests. On November 27, 2017, Shanghai Disney Resort will become one of the first places in the city to light up with Christmas magic, unveiling Disney-themed traditions, including a signature daily tree lighting ceremony lasting through January 1, 2018. The resort wide festive décor, scrumptious new holiday menus, exclusive themed merchandise, and many more merry surprises will form a perfect Christmas gift for guests to share with family and friends now and every year at Shanghai Disney Resort.

Experiencing an Authentic Winter Wonderland in Shanghai

        這個冬季,上海迪士尼度假區 將換上純正的聖誕裝扮,帶來原汁原味的節日娛樂演出,讓賓客置身於溫馨奇妙的聖誕氛圍。精緻的聖誕花環和裝飾,米奇頭形狀的聖誕花冠和傳統的紅色蝴蝶結將把整個度假區裝點一新,讓每個角落都瀰漫著濃郁的節日氣息。作為聖誕季的經典象徵,不同主題,裝飾各異的聖誕樹將在度假區的多個地點為賓客送上節日的祝福與歡樂,包括 上海迪士尼樂園 內將近20米高的聖誕樹,「迪士尼小鎮」內裝飾華美的聖誕樹 以及 上海迪士尼度假區的兩家酒店內各具特色的主題聖誕樹。

This winter, Shanghai Disney Resort will be brimming with genuine decorations and authentic holiday entertainment—making guests feel as though they have been transported to a whimsical Christmas wonderland. The entire resort will be swathed in garland, ornaments, Mickey Mouse-shaped Christmas wreaths and traditional red bows, adding to the festive atmosphere at every turn. As one of the most beloved symbols of the season, guests will be able to take in the splendor of decorative Christmas trees throughout the resort, including the 60-foot tall Christmas tree in Shanghai Disneyland, the ornate tree in Disneytown, and themed Christmas trees bringing extra joy to the resort’s two hotels.

        作為聖誕季的一大亮點,賓客們將在「奇幻童話城堡」前欣賞到令人驚嘆的「當我們歡聚在一起」聖誕樹亮燈儀式。每天傍晚,《冰雪奇緣》* 中的 雪寶^ 將帶領賓客一同去探尋最受歡迎的聖誕節日傳統,其中的亮點正是聖誕樹亮燈這一傳統儀式,樂園裡的巨型聖誕樹將在賓客的圍繞下逐漸亮起美輪美奐,璀璨耀眼的燈光,用迪士尼獨有的神奇魔力點亮聖誕。

As a special highlight of the holiday season, guests will enjoy an awe-inspiring nightly “When We’re Together” Tree Lighting Ceremony in front of the Enchanted Storybook Castle. Each evening, Olaf from Frozen will take guests on a quest to uncover beloved holiday traditions, and as they discover the tree lighting tradition, the resort’s soaring Christmas tree will come to life with shimmering lights—dazzling guests with this heartwarming Christmas tradition in truly magical Disney style.

* 港譯:《魔雪奇緣》
^ 港譯:小白

New Themed Entertainment to Celebrate Christmas The Disney Way

        當賓客步入樂園,沉醉於濃濃的聖誕氛圍之際,米奇米妮唐老鴨黛絲布魯托、Duffy、ShellieMay 和 其他「迪士尼朋友」將身著他們喜愛的聖誕節慶服飾歡迎遊客的到來,傳播節日的快樂。而 高飛 將換上標誌性的「聖誕老人」服裝,戴上白鬍子,化身「聖誕老人高飛」(Santa Goofy),給各年齡層的賓客送上節日祝福與歡樂,並用相機記錄下溫馨美好的時刻。

As guests enter the park ready to revel in the joy of the season, Mickey and Minnie, Donald, Daisy, Pluto, Duffy, ShellieMay and other Disney friends will welcome guests in their favorite Christmas attire to spread the holiday spirit. What’s more, dressed in his iconic Santa suit and white beard, Santa Goofy will delight guests of all ages, sending warm season’s greetings and snapping holiday photos.

         每天上午,賓客將欣賞到由「迪士尼朋友」和身著聖誕服裝的「上海迪士尼樂團」帶來的全新活力演出!節日快樂,米奇 一天當中,賓客還能與聖誕搖擺舞驚喜偶遇,米奇和他的好夥伴將踏著活潑的節奏,展現充滿樂趣的歡快舞步。

Each morning, guests can also join characters and the Shanghai Disneyland band dressed in their holiday best for a lively new performance: Happy Holidays Mickey! Throughout the day guests can enjoy pop-up shows of Christmas Swing as Mickey and the gang gather for fun high-stepping routines.

Get Holiday Shopping Done Early with Christmas Merchandise Rolling Out Across the Resort


Gifting is one of the most popular Christmas traditions, with Santa leaving surprises under the tree and thoughtful presents swapped amongst family and friends. A magical day at Disneyland is a perfect gift to give a loved one, and guests can even bring the memory of their visit home, sharing the magic with special gifts for friends and family.

        這個聖誕季,「甜心糖果商店」將化身「聖誕禮品屋」,集結獨特的聖誕收藏品 及 上海迪士尼度假區 獨家的甜蜜小食,例如聖誕米妮焦糖蘋果,讓賓客盡情沉醉在節日氛圍當中。

This holiday season, Sweethearts Confectionery will transform into a Christmas Gift Shop, immersing guests in the exciting holiday atmosphere with unique Christmas collectibles and some of Shanghai Disney Resort’s exclusive sweet treats, like Christmas Minnie candy apples.

        上海迪士尼度假區 推出了40款限時發售的聖誕商品,如聖誕襪、節日主題的家居裝飾、限定的抓絨毛毯、裝飾品、紀念品和節日祝福卡片、聖誕衛衣、聖誕帽、馴鹿毛線帽、聖誕彩燈項鍊 等,更有獨家限時發售的穿著可愛聖誕服飾的 Duffy 和 ShellieMay 毛絨玩具,加「萌」節日驚喜。

Shanghai Disney Resort’s full line of Christmas merchandise includes 40 limited-release products, with seasonal offerings including Christmas stockings, festive home décor and exclusive fleece throws, decorative ornaments, souvenirs and holiday greeting cards, Christmas sweaters, Santa hats, reindeer beanies, Christmas light bulb necklaces, and much more. Shanghai Disney Resort is also unveiling exclusive Duffy Bear and ShellieMay plush dolls featuring the two pals dressed in adorable Christmas hats and sweaters.

Guests Will Enjoy the First Taste of the Holidays with Themed Food and Beverage Offerings

        歡慶聖誕怎能少得了傳統的節日美食。迷人聖誕季,上海迪士尼度假區 將在整個度假區推出應季應景的美味餐飲,慶祝佳節。上海迪士尼樂園內的「皇家宴會廳」將推出全新聖誕菜單,特色菜品包括傳統口味的海鮮和牛肉、聖誕樹根蛋糕、熱紅酒等。

A Christmas celebration wouldn’t be complete without traditional holiday treats. This season, Shanghai Disney Resort is rolling out limited-time tasty delights across the resort in honor of the holiday, including a brand new Christmas menu at the Royal Banquet Hall featuring traditional seafood and beef inspirations, Christmas log cakes, mulled wine and much more.

        「漫月食府」的聖誕火雞腿盛宴將包含豐富的節日佳餚,其中就有迪士尼聞名全球的火雞腿。「小米大廚烘焙坊」也會推出各式聖誕美味,如聖誕水果蛋糕、聖誕紙杯蛋糕、以及用全新上市的趣致米奇杯托完美呈現的系列熱飲,如果再配上「帕帕里諾冰激凌」的米奇華夫餅和唐老鴨華夫餅,必將是一組經典的暖心甜點。節日期間,賓客還能在樂園內找到限時發售的全新 Duffy 爆米花桶,Duffy 戴上聖誕帽的特別造型十分值得期待。

The special Christmas Family Feast at Wandering Moon Restaurant will include a variety of holiday delights, including Disney’s world-famous turkey legs. Remy’s Patisserie will also be bursting with new holiday specialties including fruitcakes, cupcakes and a lovely hot beverage series with Mickey sleeves which will go perfectly with the Mickey Waffle and Donald Waffle from Il Paperino to complete a classic comforting treat. During the holidays, guests will even find new Duffy popcorn buckets available exclusively at the resort, with Duffy donned in a special Christmas cap.

The Christmas Celebration Continues in Disneytown and the Resort’s Two Hotels


Disneytown will also transform into a can’t-miss Christmas destination this winter. On Fridays, Saturdays and Sundays from December 1 to the first day of 2018, Disneytown will host an authentic Christmas Market featuring craft stations, food booths and other holiday-themed activities hosted out of decorative wooden kiosks just like holiday markets around the world. Bringing some more traditional holiday charm, a quartet of Christmas Carolers will meander through Disneytown singing holiday classics for all to enjoy. Guests can even make a special visit to see Saint Nick himself at Santa’s House in the Lakeshore District.

        多個以 米奇米妮 的聖誕形象打造的主題拍照區將吸引賓客在「迪士尼小鎮」休閒娛樂之餘,留下經典的節日相片與難忘回憶。米奇還將客串「聖誕歡唱團」的表演,並開啟「迪士尼小鎮 聖誕點燈儀式」。

Photo locations featuring images of Mickey and Minnie will give guests the opportunity to snap classic holiday portraits to remember their visit. Mickey will also make a special appearance and join the carolers in leading the Disneytown Tree Lighting Ceremony.

         聖誕驚喜在 上海迪士尼度假區 的兩家酒店得以延續。「玩具總動園酒店」將用活潑熱鬧的節日歡慶和聖誕氛圍迎接各年齡段的賓客。「上海迪士尼樂園酒店」也將換上聖誕新裝,掛上雅緻的聖誕花冠,經典的裝飾,奏響歡快的節日音樂,並在12月期間為賓客獻上來自酒店聖誕歡唱團的「聖誕四重唱」。無論是在酒店的「絢景樓」餐廳 享用正式的聖誕盛宴,還是在「盧米亞廚房」與家人朋友一同大塊朵頤,享用包括整隻烤火雞、新鮮誘人的海鮮、聖誕果葡麵包、聖誕樹根蛋糕的聖誕節自助餐盛宴,都將是聖誕季令人難忘的用餐體驗。

Christmas surprises continue at the resort’s two hotels. Toy Story Hotel will boast fun holiday festivities and décor to get guests of all ages into the holiday spirit. Shanghai Disneyland Hotel will be decorated for Christmas, with elegant wreaths, timeless decorations and cheerful holiday music, including its own quartet of carolers during the month of December. A formal Christmas dinner at the hotel’s Aurora restaurant or a feast with family or friends at Lumiere’s Kitchen featuring a whole roast Turkey, fresh seafood, fructose bread and Christmas Log Cake will also be an unforgettable dining experience during the Christmas season.

© 上海迪士尼度假區
© Shanghai Disney Resort
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Disney Magical Kingdom Blog: 上海迪士尼度假區(Shanghai Disney Resort)由2017年11月27日起呈獻 迷人聖誕季
上海迪士尼度假區(Shanghai Disney Resort)由2017年11月27日起呈獻 迷人聖誕季
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