上海迪士尼度假區 揭曉全新神奇體驗:
上海迪士尼樂園 的擴建項目將為 胡迪、巴斯光年 和 他們的玩具朋友
Shanghai Disney Resort Unveils New Magic:
Woody, Buzz and Their Toy Story Friends Come to Life at an All-New
Land of Their Own as Shanghai Disneyland Expands
作為 華特迪士尼公司 最受歡迎的故事系列之一,《玩具總動員》將以更顯著的形式在 上海迪士尼度假區 的主題樂園 —— 上海迪士尼樂園 的擴建項目中進行呈現。今天,上海迪士尼度假區 揭曉了樂園的第七個主題園區,即備受期待的「迪士尼玩具總動園」主題園區 的精彩創意亮點。作為度假區開幕後的首個擴建項目,這一全新園區的景點和娛樂演出將為各年齡層的賓客開啟一段充滿歡樂和想像的旅程,賓客將在更多迪士尼的故事講述和創造力中,探索多日遊玩的精彩。 「迪士尼玩具總動園」主題園區彰顯了 上海迪士尼度假區 自開幕以來所取得的成功開端,也表明合資公司雙方股東對中國主題娛樂消費需求的日益增長充滿信心。
One of The Walt Disney Company’s most popular franchises will have an even bigger presence at Shanghai Disney Resort’s theme park, Shanghai Disneyland, when the park expands to include its 7th themed land. Shanghai Disney Resort today revealed details of the highly anticipated Disney Toy Story Land, the first post-opening expansion of the resort. The new land will feature attractions and entertainment celebrating fun and imagination for guests of all ages, and provide yet another reason for them to be immersed in the unparalleled storytelling and creativity of Shanghai Disneyland for multiple-day visits. Disney Toy Story Land is a sign of the early success of Shanghai Disney Resort, and demonstrates the confidence the joint venture shareholders have in the growing consumer demand for themed entertainment in China.
「迪士尼玩具總動園」主題園區 取材於 迪士尼.皮克斯* 最經典的動畫系列之一 ——《玩具總動員》**。在這個生機勃勃、豐富多彩的玩具世界裡,賓客會感覺自己和親朋好友一起都彷彿縮小到了《玩具總動員》** 影片裡精彩紛呈的玩具的大小,在 主人公 安迪^ 家的後院度過充滿歡聲笑語的時光。胡迪、巴斯光年 和 他們的玩具朋友們都被賦予了生命,在這個園區裡盡情玩耍。園區包括三個全新的景點和一個獨特的與迪士尼朋友見面的主題區域。
Based on the Disney·Pixar motion picture series, Disney Toy Story Land will be a high-spirited, colorful world where guests will feel as if they’ve been shrunk down to the size of their favorite Toy Story toys for laughter and fun with family and friends in the backyard of Andy, the boy from the movies. Woody, Buzz and their Toy Story friends come to life and play in this fully immersive land, which features three new attractions and a uniquely themed character greeting area.
~ “Slinky Dog Spin” ~
彈簧狗*^ 繞着一個盛滿了玩具骨頭的大狗盤,對自己的尾巴窮追不捨了一整天,把其他玩具們都逗樂了。很快,上海迪士尼樂園 的賓客將受邀成為「迪士尼玩具總動園」主題園區裡的「新玩具」,坐上彈簧狗的螺旋形彈簧,和他一起歡快地繞圈。
Slinky Dog has been amusing the toys all day long by chasing his own tail round-and-round a giant dog dish filled with toy bones – and soon Shanghai Disneyland guests will be invited to become the “honorary toys” in Disney Toy Story Land, where they will be able to take a seat inside Slinky Dog’s springy spirals and race around a wavy roundabout.
~ “Rex’s Racer” ~
缺乏安全感的 抱抱龍 是 安迪^ 的玩具霸王龍,他不但喜歡玩電子遊戲,也特別喜歡玩遙控車。在他的朋友三角龍 特蕾西^^ 的幫助下,抱抱龍 將邀請賓客坐上遙控車,在長長的U型軌道上開啟一段精彩刺激的冒險旅程。在 抱抱龍 的操作下,滿載賓客的遙控車將來回飛馳,並不斷加速、越飛越高。
Rex, Andy’s insecure Tyrannosaurus Rex toy enjoys playing with RC Racer almost as much as he likes playing video games. With help from his Triceratops friend Trixie, Rex will invite guests to climb into RC for a thrilling ride on the U-shaped track. With Rex at the controls, RC Racer, with guests aboard, zips forward and backward at ever increasing heights and exhilarating speed.
~ “Woody’s Round-Up” ~
在 安迪^ 用玩具搭起來的牧場裡,賓客可以加入一個喜氣洋洋的舞會。胡迪警長 已經圈好了一群小馬,每匹小馬拉着一輛小馬車。當遊客們坐上馬車,小馬們便踏著歡快的音樂跳起方塊舞,身後的馬車則隨着馬蹄舞步興高采烈地搖擺,其樂無窮。
Sheriff Woody has rounded up a herd of ponies, each one pulling a cart, in a ranch set up by Andy. Guests can climb aboard the carts as the ponies start a little square dance swinging their carts to and fro in time to the lively music.
~ “Meeting Post” ~
緊鄰着「胡迪牛仔嘉年華」的是一個西部老鎮,這裡有玩具世界裡的拴馬樁、警察局、理髮店和銀行等各個建築。賓客可以在這里合影留念,還能在「友情驛站」與 胡迪、翠絲、紅心馬*** 等《玩具總動員》** 裡的角色親密互動。
Next to “Woody’s Round-Up” is Old West, a town made up of a hitching post and façades for various enterprises, such as the sheriff’s office, the saloon and the bank. Here, guests can meet and pose for photos with some of their favorite Toy Story characters, including Woody, Jessie and Bullseye.
~ “Al’s Toy Barn” & “Toy Box Café” ~

在「艾爾玩具店」和「玩具盒歡宴廣場」,賓客將可以感受歡樂的購物和餐飲體驗,延續「迪士尼玩具總動園」主題園區 的神奇。「玩具盒歡宴廣場」是一個由 巴斯光年、蛋頭先生# 和 蛋頭太太#、以及 大熊## 的玩具包裝盒所搭建起來的主題餐廳。
Guests can extend their Disney Toy Story Land experience with the fun, immersive shopping and dining opportunities in “Al’s Toy Barn”, the merchandise shop where some of Andy’s toys have been purchased, just like in the movie, and “Toy Box Café”, a restaurant themed to Andy’s packing boxes for Buzz Lightyear, Mr. and Mrs. Potato Head and Lotso Hugging Bear.
《玩具總動員》動畫系列的角色和故事一直深受中國賓客的喜愛。上海迪士尼度假區 擁有全球唯一一座以《玩具總動員》** 為主題的度假酒店——「玩具總動員酒店」。此外,上海迪士尼樂園內的「巴斯光年星際營救」景點擁有全球迪士尼樂園中最先進的瞄準系統,深受賓客青睞。
Characters and stories from the Toy Story franchise have strongly resonated with Chinese guests. Shanghai Disney Resort has the only Toy Story-themed hotel in the world, while Shanghai Disneyland is home to the popular Buzz Lightyear Planet Rescue attraction, a guest favorite which features the most advanced Buzz Lightyear targeting system at any Disney park in the world.
全新的「迪士尼玩具總動園」主題園區 將於2018年夏季前開幕,屆時將成為繼「米奇大街」、「奇想花園」、「夢幻世界」、「探險島」、「寶藏灣」、「明日世界」之後,上海迪士尼樂園 的第七個主題園區,為賓客延續樂園獨一無二的神奇體驗。
With unique experiences guests can only enjoy at Shanghai Disneyland, the new Disney Toy Story Land is set to open by summer 2018.
© 上海迪士尼度假區
© Shanghai Disney Resort
* 香港譯名:彼思
** 香港譯名:《反斗奇兵》
*^ 香港譯名:彈弓狗
^ 香港譯名:安仔
^^ 香港譯名:彩姿
*** 香港譯名:紅心
# 香港譯名:薯蛋頭先生 和 薯蛋頭太太
## 香港譯名:勞蘇