位於 香港迪士尼樂園(Hong Kong Disneyland)「美國小鎮大街」(Main Street, U.S.A.)上的「馬迪小店」(Marty's General Store)在今天(2018年2月1日)正式開張營業!這間全新的商店是向已故「迪士尼傳奇」人物(Disney Legend)及「幻想工程師」(Imagineer)Marty Sklar 致敬,當中以 Marty 作為店名的其中一部份。
「馬迪小店」(Marty's General Store)由「小鎮沖印店」(Town Square Photo)部份店舖位置改裝而成,小鎮居民可以在此選購多款日常用品。

Marty Sklar
(February 6, 1934 – July 27, 2017)
Marty Sklar 在 華特迪士尼公司 服務了54年,他與 華特迪士尼先生 合作多年,為賓客創造多項經典的遊樂設施,而他亦有參與 香港迪士尼樂園 的構思工作。Marty Sklar 於2001年獲頒「迪士尼傳奇」(Disney Legend)獎項,他的最後一個職位是 Executive Vice President and Imagineering Ambassador。
“Working with Walt Disney was the greatest ‘training by fire’ anyone could ever experience. Our training was by Walt, who was always there pitching in with new ideas and improving everyone else’s input. The fire was that we were constantly breaking new ground to create deadline projects never attempted before in this business. That, I’m proud to say, has never stopped in my years at Disney.” —— Marty Sklar

商店櫥窗加上 「馬迪小店」(Marty's General Store)的標誌,並顯示小店於1934年開業,而這一年也是 Marty Sklar 出生的年份。



「馬迪小店」(Marty's General Store)為小鎮居民提供多款日常用品,大家可以在店內發現多款裝飾。


Hong Kong Disneyland Resort