


特別推出「【MAYDAY 2018 LIFE TOUR – Hong Kong】迪士尼樂園2日1夜(2人)優惠套票」 | 全情投入【五月天LIFE《人生無限公司》2018巡迴演唱會無限放大版 香港站】!

五月天首個香港露天演唱會   相約香港迪士尼樂園度假區

「樂園 ∙ 酒店 ∙ 演唱會」優惠套票 獨有一站式娛樂度假體驗
拓展香港演唱會戶外場地      推動MICE及演唱會旅遊

Hong Kong Disneyland Resort Provides Venue for
Mayday’s first-ever outdoor concerts in Hong Kong

Exclusive park-hotel-concert package offers total entertainment and resort experience
New use for HKDL outdoor venue helps boost HK’s MICE and concert tourism

         萬眾期待!在亞洲區內,包括香港、內地及台灣都深受歡迎的台灣搖滾樂團「五月天」將於今年5月4至6日及11至13日,在「香港迪士尼樂園 幻想道露天場地」(旅遊巴士停車場)舉辦六場【五月天LIFE《人生無限公司》2018巡迴演唱會無限放大版 香港站】。這將會是五月天在12年以來,首次在本港舉辦最大型戶外演唱會。同時,亦將會是 香港迪士尼樂園度假區 第一次為大型露天演唱會提供場地,每場演唱會足以容納 約20,000名樂迷 一同欣賞。

Popular Asia rock band Mayday, which has a strong fan base in Hong Kong, mainland, Taiwan and the region, will host six concerts of 【MAYDAY 2018 LIFE TOUR – Hong Kong 】 from May 4-6 and 11-13, 2018 at the Hong Kong Disneyland Fantasy Road Outdoor Venue (Coach Park). This will be the first time Hong Kong Disneyland Resort (HKDL) provides a venue for a series of large-scale outdoor concerts and these will be Mayday’s first-ever large-scale outdoor concerts since they first performed in Hong Kong 12 years ago. Each concert can accommodate an audience of around 20,000 people.

        是次演唱會進一步突顯了香港在演唱會旅遊方面獨特優厚的條件,而樂團選址 香港迪士尼樂園度假區 作為其首個香港露天演唱會的場地,更能發揮與 香港迪士尼樂園度假區 作為一站式度假區體驗的協同效應。為了讓一眾來自香港和區內不同地方的「五迷」體驗香港迪士尼獨有「樂園 ∙ 酒店 ∙ 演唱會」的一站式娛樂度假體驗,香港迪士尼樂園度假區 特別推出「【MAYDAY 2018 LIFE TOUR – Hong Kong】迪士尼樂園2日1夜(2人)優惠套票」,套票組合包括 兩張演唱會門票、兩張樂園2日標準門票,期間可體驗 香港迪士尼樂園 全新推出的「迪士尼巨星嘉年華」,以及 可選擇入住其中一間度假區酒店。這份完整一站式的體驗,只需要港幣$4,422起,由2018年4月4日 早上10時正 開始,於 香港迪士尼樂園度假區 官方網頁 公開發售,數量有限,售完即止。

This concert further highlights Hong Kong's unique position for concert tourism. Mayday’s choice of HKDL as their first outdoor concert venue in Hong Kong will create synergy effect with HKDL for its one-stop resort experience. To offer Mayday’s fans from Hong Kong and the region a unique total entertainment and resort experience, HKDL will launch the【MAYDAY 2018 LIFE TOUR – Hong Kong】Disneyland 2D1N Package (for Two). Special packages bundling concert tickets with hotel stay and theme park tickets will let fans enjoy a one-night stay at any of the three resort hotels and two days of endless fun including the brand-new “Carnivale of Stars” in the park, in addition to admission to the Mayday concert. The all-inclusive packages start from HK$4,422 (for two persons), and have limited availability. Booking for the package will begin from 10:00am on April 4 on

        香港迪士尼樂園度假區 商務活動策劃總監 關嘉麗 表示:「今次的新嘗試突顯了香港迪士尼亞洲區內,是一個能夠提供一站式度假娛樂體驗的旅遊目的地,將有助提升香港迪士尼在區內的吸引力,特別是 五月天 在亞洲極受歡迎,尤其是年輕一群。香港迪士尼會繼續透過舉辦類似的獨特度假體驗,建立強大的協同效應。」

“Hosting the concerts underscores HKDL’s position in Asia as a total resort destination,” said Karen Kwan, business solutions and events director of HKDL. “It will enhance HKDL’s profile in the region, where Mayday has a broad fan base especially among young adults. HKDL will continue to create strong synergy effect through unique experiences like this one.”

        關嘉麗 又指,香港迪士尼樂園度假區 會繼續善用同時具備主題樂園、三間酒店和其他室內及室外設施的優勢,吸引更多類似的精彩項目在度假區舉行。全新「香港迪士尼樂園 幻想道露天場地」(旅遊巴士停車場),提供另一個理想的場地選擇,可舉辦大型戶外活動,將有助香港進一步發展娛樂事業 及 加強在亞洲的吸引力。這亦可吸引更多國際及區內的主辦機構選擇香港作為其會議、獎勵旅遊、展覽及活動場地,有助鞏固香港「盛事之都」的重要地位及動整體旅遊業發展,吸引更多旅客到訪香港

Kwan added that HKDL will continue to explore other exciting events such as the Mayday concerts to take advantage of the comprehensive resort facilities, complete with a theme park, three hotels, as well as indoor and outdoor venues. With the new Hong Kong Disneyland Fantasy Road Outdoor Venue (Coach Park), event organizers now have one more choice for large-scale outdoor events. This will help boost the development of Hong Kong’s entertainment industry and its appeal in Asia. It also positions Hong Kong amongst international and regional organizers as a MICE destination, and further reinforces the positioning of Hong Kong as the event capital of Asia to attract more visitors to boost the city’s tourism industry.

        與此同時,香港迪士尼樂園度假區 首推橫跨春夏兩季的「迪士尼巨星嘉年華」,為賓客呈獻日夜全新的精彩體驗,加上陣容強大的迪士尼朋友,為賓客帶來一浪接一浪的驚喜。全新節目包括: 迪士尼首創的「We Love Mickey!」大街投影盛演、「加利布尼市集」等,前來欣賞【五月天LIFE《人生無限公司》2018 巡迴演唱會無限放大版 香港站】的樂迷,可同一時間投入耳目一新的迪士尼嘉年華!

Meanwhile, HKDL has debuted “Carnivale of Stars” bringing a rich line-up of new offerings and a host of beloved Disney friends to fill every day and night of spring and summer with endless Disney Magic. Brand-new spectacular offerings include the “We Love Mickey!” Projection Show, the African-style Karibuni Marketplace etc. Fans joining【MAYDAY 2018 LIFE TOUR – Hong Kong】 can enjoy the extraordinary Disney fun at the same time!

【MAYDAY 2018 LIFE TOUR – Hong Kong】迪士尼樂園2日1夜(2人)優惠套票詳情1
Details of【MAYDAY 2018 LIFE TOUR – Hong Kong】Disneyland 2D1N Package (for Two)1:

·         2 x 五月天LIFE《人生無限公司》2018巡迴演唱會無限放大版香港站
·         1 x 酒店客房住宿
·         2 x 2日標準樂園門票
·         免費迪士尼樂園遊樂設施優先入場證
·         八五折餐飲優惠3
·         八折購物優惠4
港幣 $680
港幣 $4,422

港幣 $680
港幣 $4,719
港幣 $880
港幣 $5,119
港幣 $1,180
港幣 $5,917
港幣 $1,180
港幣 $6,115

Package Details2
·  x Concert Tickets for 【MAYDAY 2018 LIFE TOUR – Hong Kong】
·  1 x Hotel Accommodation
·  2-Day General Admission Tickets in Park
·  Free Disneyland Attraction Priority Pass
· 15% Dining Discount3
·  20% Merchandise Discount4
Concert Ticket (All Seated Tickets)
Package Price From5
Hollywood Hotel
HK $680
HK $4,422

Disney Explorers Lodge
HK $680
HK $4,719
HK $880
HK $5,119
HK $1,180
HK $5,917
Hong Kong Disneyland Hotel
HK $1,180
HK $6,115

1. 詳情請參閱香港迪士尼網頁之條款及細則,數量有限,售完即止。

2. 香港迪士尼樂園門票(2日標準門票)有效日期至2018年5月31日。持有香港迪士尼樂園(「樂園」)2日門票的賓客可於連續7日期間進入樂園兩次。賓客須在門票上注明的有效期當日或之前使用2日門票第一次進入樂園。

3. 適用於提供餐桌服務的酒店餐廳(早餐除外),或於任何樂園內精選或豪華餐廳購買美食套餐。

4. 適用於在樂園或酒店的商品店,須單次購物消費 滿港幣$400或以上 方可使用本優惠。

5. 套票價錢包括 10%服務費,以及 每張演唱會門票,主辦單位將收取 港幣120元手續費。

1. Please refer to HKDL’s official website for package details and terms and conditions. The packages are limited in supply and are on offer while stock lasts.

2. The 2-Day General Admission Tickets are valid till May 31, 2018.  Guests holding 2-Day Tickets issued under this offer (“Offer Tickets”) to the Hong Kong Disneyland Park (“Park”) may make two visits to the Park during a period of 7 consecutive days. Guests must make their first visit on or before the last day of the validity period specified on the ticket.

3. At Hotel Table Service Restaurants (except breakfast) or any Combo Meal purchase at Signature/Deluxe restaurants in Park.

4. Applicable to net spending of HK$400 or above in a single transaction at Park & Hotel Merchandise stores.

5. The price includes 10% service charge and the handling fee of HK$120 per concert ticket collected by the event organizer.

* 套票只適用於2018年5月4日至6日及11至13日入住。2日樂園門票之換領日(即第1日入園)須為2018年5月31日或之前,而第2日入園須為第1日後之連續7日之內。 

** 「五月天LIFE《人生無限公司》2018巡迴演唱會無限放大版香港站」門票須於登記入住時由購買此優惠之賓客親身領取。座位將按活動門票所屬區域隨機分配,本公司保留一切座位分配之最終決定權。任何更改座位安排的要求均不獲接納。

* Packages are only available on check-in day on May 4 – 6 and 11 – 13, 2018. Park Tickets must be redeemed on the first visit (first day of the 2-day ticket) on or before May 31, 2018, and the second visit must be made within 7 days after the first.

** MAYDAY 2018 LIFE TOUR – Hong Kong concert ticket must be collected in person by the Guest who purchase this offer upon Hotel check-in. Seats are allocated on a random basis, subject to the seat section of the Event ticket and shall be determined by HKITP in its absolute discretion. Any change request of seat arrangement will not be accepted.

MAYDAY 2018 LIFE TOUR – Hong Kong

日期:2018年5月4至6日 及 11至13日
演出時間: 晚上7:15
地點:香港迪士尼 幻想道露天場地

Date: May 4 – 6, 11 – 13, 2018
Show Time: 7:15pm
Venue: Hong Kong Disneyland Fantasy Road Outdoor Venue

Seating Plan

© 香港迪士尼樂園度假區
© Hong Kong Disneyland Resort
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