香港迪士尼樂園度假區(Hong Kong Disneyland Resort)正式公佈 2018年6月限量版徽章、「PIN-GO 2018」限量版 活動徽章 及 2018年「徽章交換FUN享晚會」(“Pin Trading Nights”)限量版徽章 的發售資料,而園方亦會在徽章發售首天作出特別的排隊安排。
Limited Edition Pins (June, 2018)
艾利奧旋轉木馬造型限量版徽章(限量發行 300枚*)
Ariel in Carousel Limited Edition Pin (Release size: 300*)
2018 父親節限量版徽章(限量發行 500枚*)
2018 Father’s Day Limited Edition Pin (Release size: 500*)
《花木蘭》20週年限量版徽章(限量發行 500枚*)
Mulan 20th Anniversary Limited Edition Pin (Release size: 500*)
《太空奇兵·威E》10週年限量版徽章(限量發行 500枚*)
“WALL-E” 10th Anniversary Limited Edition Pin (Release size: 500*)
售賣地點:百貨店 **
Release date: June 16, 2018
Sales Location: Emporium *

全新「旋轉木馬造型 限量版徽章系列」共有12款,各限量300枚,由2017年10月7日起每月推出一款。首款「小飛象」徽章更連同精美收藏卡一同發售,緊接其他「迪士尼朋友」造型設計,包括 灰姑娘、艾利奧公主、奧羅拉公主、較罕見的「歡樂瑪莉」(Mary Poppins)和「小飛俠」等,珍藏每個追逐夢想的故事。
* 每位賓客限購同款徽章 兩枚
* The purchase quantity is limited to 2 pieces for each guest
** 為提升賓客的體驗,樂園將於指定限量版徽章發售首日(2018年6月16日)作出以下安排:
** Special arrangement for your enjoyable experience and that of our Guests on the First Date of Sale for Limited Edition Pin (June 16, 2018):

有興趣選購限量版徽章之賓客可於 指定樂園入口處 排隊接受保安檢查,每位通過保安檢查之賓客可獲「徽章選購輪候籌」一張。敬請於樂園開放時步行前往「百貨店」,按照輪候籌上之號碼順序排隊選購心愛的徽章。
如欲選購指定限量版徽章的 白金卡會員 及 酒店賓客,請勿使用 白金卡會員入口處、無隨身袋賓客通道 或 酒店賓客入口處。請根據以上的特別安排,排隊選購。
Guests interested in purchasing limited edition pins may have security inspection at designated Bag Check Tables and receive one queue card upon successful checking. Limited Edition Pins are available from Park Open. Please walk to the queue at Emporium with your queue card and enjoy selecting your pins in accordance to the number on your queue card.
Distribution of queue card is subject to availability and limited in quantity while stocks last. Please follow the notices within the Park and directions given by Cast Members.
Platinum Card Members and Hotel Guests who want to purchase the Limited Edition Pin please do not pass through the Platinum Card Members Entrance, Entrance for Guests without Bags or Hotel Guests Entrance. Instead, please follow the special arrangement as mentioned above.
“Pin Trading Nights 2018”
日期:2018年6月22月 及 2018年8月24日
活動時間及地點:下午五時至七時 - 「彗星餐廳」
Date: June 22, 2018 & August 24, 2018
Pin Release Time and Venue: Limited Edition Pins are available from Park Open at Comet Cafe**
Activity Time and Venue: 17:00 p.m. – 19:00 p.m. at Comet Cafe
Limited Edition Event Pins:
- 2018「徽章交換Fun享晚會」限量版徽章(限量發行500枚*)
- 「奇妙處處通」會員尊屬限量版徽章(限量發行400枚*)
- 四枚徽章限量版禮盒(限量發行400枚*)
- 2018「徽章交換Fun享晚會」限量版徽章(限量發行500枚*)
- 「奇妙處處通」會員尊屬限量版徽章(限量發行400枚*)
- 三枚徽章限量版禮盒(限量發行300枚*)
Zootopia series
- Limited Edition Logo Pin (Release size: 500*)
- Magic Access Exclusive Limited Edition Pin (Release size: 400*)
- Limited Edition 4 Pins Box Set (Release size: 400*)
Release date: June 22, 2018
Sales Location: Comet Cafe, Tomorrowland**
The Incredibles series
- Limited Edition Logo Pin (Release size: 500*)
- Magic Access Exclusive Limited Edition Pin (Release size: 400*)
- Limited Edition 4 Pins Box Set (Release size: 300*)
Release date: Aug 24, 2018
Sales Location: Comet Cafe, Tomorrowland**
* 每位賓客限購同款徽章 兩枚
* The purchase quantity is limited to 2 pieces for each guest
** 為提升賓客的體驗,樂園將於指定限量版徽章發售首日(2018年6月22月 及 2018年8月24日)作出以下安排:
** Special arrangement for your enjoyable experience and that of our Guests on the First Date of Sale for Limited Edition Pin (June 22, 2018 & August 24, 2018):

有興趣選購限量版徽章之賓客可於 指定樂園入口處 排隊接受保安檢查,每位通過保安檢查之賓客可獲「徽章選購輪候籌」一張。敬請於樂園開放時步行前往「彗星餐廳」,按照輪候籌上之號碼順序排隊選購心愛的徽章。
如欲選購指定限量版徽章的 白金卡會員 及 酒店賓客,請勿使用 白金卡會員入口處、無隨身袋賓客通道 或 酒店賓客入口處。請根據以上的特別安排,排隊選購。
Guests interested in purchasing limited edition pins may have security inspection at designated Bag Check Tables and receive one queue card upon successful checking. Limited Edition Pins are available from Park Open. Please walk to the queue at Comet Cafe with your queue card and enjoy selecting your pins in accordance to the number on your queue card.
Distribution of queue card is subject to availability and limited in quantity while stocks last. Please follow the notices within the Park and directions given by Cast Members.
Platinum Card Members and Hotel Guests who want to purchase the Limited Edition Pin please do not pass through the Platinum Card Members Entrance, Entrance for Guests without Bags or Hotel Guests Entrance. Instead, please follow the special arrangement as mentioned above.
PIN-GO 2018
活動日期:2018年7月7日 至 2018年8月6日
Event Period: July 7 – August 6, 2018
白兔先生 2018 PIN GO限量版徽章(連遊戲卡)
妙妙貓 2018-2018 PIN GO限量版徽章
紅心皇后 2018 PIN GO限量版徽章
對對的 與 對得得 2018 PIN GO限量版徽章
瘋帽子 2018 PIN GO限量版徽章
White Rabbit 2018 PIN GO Logo Limited Edition Pin (With game card)
Cheshire Cat 2018 PIN GO Limited Edition Pin
Queen of Hearts 2018 PIN GO Limited Edition Pin
Tweedledee and Tweedledum 2018 PIN GO Limited Edition Pin
Mad Hatter -2018 PIN GO Limited Edition Pin
售賣地點:百貨店^ **
Limited Release: 600 pcs/ each
Sales Location: Emporium^ **
^ 賓客可於百貨店購買「DISNEY PIN-GO 活動徽章(白兔先生)連同 遊戲卡」。於活動期間購買符合遊戲卡上指定的徽章,每一枚徽章可獲取一個印章。集齊五個印章包括正中一格連成水平線 / 垂直線 / 對角線,可攜同有關發票於活動期間到「廣場時尚店」換領一枚特別版徽章。
^ DISNEY PIN-GO logo pin with a game card available at the Emporium. Guests may purchase a pin within event period that corresponds to the squares on the game card to receive stamp (each PIN can obtain only ONE stamp). To conquer DISNEY PIN-GO by collecting FIVE (5) individual stamps in a row (horizontal, vertical, diagonal) plus center square. Finally to redeem a surprise pin with completed DISNEY PIN-GO card at Center Street Boutique within event period.
** 為提升賓客的體驗,樂園將於指定限量版徽章發售首日(2018年7月7日)作出以下安排:
** Special arrangement for your enjoyable experience and that of our Guests on the First Date of Sale for Limited Edition Pin (July 7, 2018):

有興趣選購限量版徽章之賓客可於 指定樂園入口處 排隊接受保安檢查,每位通過保安檢查之賓客可獲「徽章選購輪候籌」一張。敬請於樂園開放時步行前往「百貨店」,按照輪候籌上之號碼順序排隊選購心愛的徽章。
如欲選購指定限量版徽章的 白金卡會員 及 酒店賓客,請勿使用 白金卡會員入口處、無隨身袋賓客通道 或 酒店賓客入口處。請根據以上的特別安排,排隊選購。
Guests interested in purchasing limited edition pins may have security inspection at designated Bag Check Tables and receive one queue card upon successful checking. Limited Edition Pins are available from Park Open. Please walk to the queue at Emporium with your queue card and enjoy selecting your pins in accordance to the number on your queue card.
Distribution of queue card is subject to availability and limited in quantity while stocks last. Please follow the notices within the Park and directions given by Cast Members.
Platinum Card Members and Hotel Guests who want to purchase the Limited Edition Pin please do not pass through the Platinum Card Members Entrance, Entrance for Guests without Bags or Hotel Guests Entrance. Instead, please follow the special arrangement as mentioned above.
Hong Kong Disneyland Resort