


香港迪士尼樂園度假區 公佈 2018財政年度業績 | Hong Kong Disneyland Resort's Annual Business Review of Fiscal Year 2018

香港迪士尼樂園 整體入場人次增長8%至670萬


Hong Kong Disneyland Resort Achieves Record Revenue and EBITDA

International guest attendance hits record high for second consecutive year
as overall attendance grows 8% to 6.7 million


Today, Hong Kong Disneyland Resort (HKDL) reported record high revenue and earnings before interest, taxes, depreciation and amortisation (“EBITDA”) for fiscal year 2018.


Revenue rose 18% to HK$6.0 billion for the year ending September 29, 2018. EBITDA jumped 48% to HK$1.4 billion. The robust growth in revenue and EBITDA was attributed to increases in occupied room nights at the resort hotels, park attendance and guest spending.


Annual attendance reached 6.7 million, up 8% from prior year. Across-the-board growth was seen in local, mainland China and international markets, which accounted for 40%, 34% and 26% of total attendance, respectively.


International attendance hit a record high for the second year in a row, mainly fuelled by strong visitation from Japan, South Korea and the Philippines. The continued growth in international guests underscores HKDL’s contribution to bolstering Hong Kong as a top tourist destination in the region, both in the family and young adult segments. Since park opening in 2005, total cumulative attendance has reached more than 77 million.


During the year, per capita spending increased 6%, representing nine years of continuous growth. Hotel occupancy was up six percentage points to 75%. Disney Explorers Lodge, which opened in April 2017, contributed to 44% growth in occupied room nights.


Record revenue and EBITDA reduced net loss by HK$291 million to HK$54 million, an 84% improvement from fiscal 2017.

        香港迪士尼樂園度假區行政總裁 楊善妮 將於2019年2月25日出席 立法會 經濟發展事務委員會會議,報告樂園最新發展概況。

Stephanie Young, managing director of HKDL, will attend the Legislative Council Panel on Economic Development meeting on February 25, 2019.

~ 業績摘要 ~
~ Key Messages ~

  • 淨虧損比對上一財政年度減少2.91億元,全年淨虧損收窄至5,400萬港元。
  • 全年入場人次670萬,較對上一個財政年度上升8%。國際、本地及內地三大市場板塊均錄得增幅,當中,國際及本地市場的入場人次更創歷史新高,特別以日本韓國菲律賓增長尤為强勁,入場人次分別錄得44%、34%及12%增幅。自2005年開幕以來,累積入場人次已突破7,700萬。
  • 樂園賓客人均消費連續第九年錄得增長,按年上升6%,顯示香港迪士尼持續吸引高消費客群。
  • 收入、EBITDA亦同創歷史新高。
  • 過去13年的營運合共為香港經濟帶來993億元增加值,相等於同期本地生產總值的0.34%。計及度假區訪客在香港額外消費所產生的直接及間接增加值,2018財政年度對香港經濟的增加值約89億元,相等於本地生產總值0.34%

  • Record revenue and EBITDA reduced net loss by HK$291 million to HK$54 million.
  • Total attendance grew 8% to 6.7 million. Across-the-board growth was seen in local, mainland China and international markets. Attendance for international and local markets hit record high. Japan, South Korea and the Philippines posted strong growth with an increase of 44%, 34% and 12% respectively. HKDL has welcomed more than 77 million guests since the park opened in 2005.
  • In-park per capita spending increased by 6%, representing nine years of continuous growth, showing HKDL’s appeal to continuously attract high-spending guests. HKDL also set a new record for revenue and EBITDA.
  • In the past 13 years of operation, the total value-added generated by HKDL has amounted to HK$99.3 billion, equivalent to 0.34% of Hong Kong’s GDP for the same period. In fiscal 2018, the resort brought approximately HK$8.9 billion of value added to Hong Kong, equivalent to around 0.34% of the city’s overall GDP.

HKDL is the ideal destination for events and staycations

        香港迪士尼樂園度假區行政總裁 楊善妮 表示:「過去一年,香港迪士尼的團隊不斷在業務上屢創新猷,繼續加強發展為理想度假勝地。透過我們全年豐富的娛樂項目,包括全新推出的『魔海奇緣凱旋慶典』,以及迎接全球首度登場的Cookie加入深受喜愛的『迪士尼小熊』Duffy與好友的大家庭,是度假區成功吸引不同巿場賓客到訪的關鍵因素。」

 “This past year HKDL continued to strengthen its appeal as the ideal vacation destination. Our strong entertainment lineup throughout the year, coupled with the launch of ‘Moana: A Homecoming Celebration’ and the global debut of Cookie as a new character in the highly popular Duffy the Bear family, have enticed guests from all markets,” said Stephanie Young, managing director of Hong Kong Disneyland Resort.

        她補充:「度假區推出多項創新措施去把握新機遇,例如首次有大型的戶外演唱會,主辦別具迪士尼特色的跑步盛事10K Weekend等,都有助擴濶樂園及酒店客群。」

“Additionally, innovative initiatives to capture new opportunities were launched, including the first-ever, large-scale outdoor concerts, and the signature 10K Weekend running events, which have broadened our guest base for the park and hotels.”

        2018財政年度內,台灣著名樂隊「五月天」破天荒在「香港迪士尼樂園 幻想道 露天場地」 (旅遊巴士停車場),舉行一連六場演場會,吸引合共12萬名來自本港、內地及其他亞洲地區的觀眾參與。度假區亦推出度身訂造,一票獨享演唱會、樂園門票及住宿體驗套票,帶動酒店入住率及樂園入場人次。

The series of six outdoor concerts by popular Taiwan band Mayday was a groundbreaking initiative using the resort’s coach park to host 120,000 attendees from Hong Kong, as well as mainland China and the rest of Asia. Tailored packages of the resort’s hotel room and park experience contributed to both hotel occupancy and park visitation.

        踏入新的財政年度,隨着香港兩大跨境基建項目:港珠澳大橋 及 廣深港高速鐵路 香港段相繼開通,拉近兩地距離,香港迪士尼亦看準商機,加強在各大基建項目連接的內地城市,包括大灣區,以至內地中西部等地的巿場宣傳,推廣度假區作為理想宅度假目的地。

To capitalize on the business potential from increased connectivity brought by two mega transportation projects, namely Hong Kong-Zhuhai-Macao Bridge and the High Speed Rail (Hong Kong Section), HKDL increased promotion of the resort as the preferred choice for a staycation and launched tailored products in the connected markets in the Greater Bay area as well as central and western regions of mainland China.

新娛樂項目及更便捷交通網絡 持續為樂園注入動力
Momentum continues with new attractions and increased connectivity


2019 will be another amazing year with incredible new experiences and offerings for Disney fans.


“The launch of a new Marvel-themed attraction as part of a multiyear expansion and the addition of year-round entertainment offerings and products, along with the opening of the Hong Kong-Zhuhai-Macao Bridge and the High Speed Rail (Hong Kong Section), will allow us to continue our positive momentum,” said Young.

        香港迪士尼亦呈獻了全年無休,包括聖誕、農曆新年、春日、夏季及萬聖節等獨家特備節目,當中由去年年尾至2019年2月24日,度假區更推出「World’s Biggest Mouse Party!」特備活動,為米奇老鼠慶祝90 周年。

In addition to the unique year-round seasonal events for Christmas, Chinese New Year, spring, summer and Halloween, HKDL has launched the “World’s Biggest Mouse Party!”, which runs through February 24, 2019, to celebrate the 90th anniversary of Mickey Mouse.

        2019年3月31日,香港迪士尼樂園將為全球Marvel粉絲獻上「蟻俠與黃蜂女:擊戰特攻!」,作為香港迪士尼新階段擴展計劃中,第二個開幕的項目,這項全新的互動遊樂體驗,進一步擴展Marvel主題園區,奠定香港迪士尼成為Marvel超級英雄宇宙亞洲重心的地位。這項全新遊樂設施將延續「鐵甲奇俠飛行之旅」的成功,賓客將與「蟻俠」及「黃蜂女」(分別由著名荷李活影星 保羅活特伊雲祖蓮莉莉 飾演)並肩作戰。賓客進入位於「明日世界」的Marvel宇宙,參觀「史達科技展」中的「神盾局科技館」。當賓客坐上野戰車,參觀「神盾局」的研究及設計時,將與「蟻俠」及「黃蜂女」共同對抗Arnim Zola及其機械蟲軍團的攻擊。

On March 31, 2019, HKDL will open “Ant-Man and The Wasp: Nano Battle!” to the enjoyment of Marvel fans from around the world. This all-new interactive experience is the second instalment in the expansion project that will continue to build HKDL’s Marvel-themed area into an ultimate hub in Asia of thrilling Marvel experiences. This new ride will extend the success of “Iron Man Experience” as guests fight alongside Ant-Man and The Wasp (played by Paul Rudd and Evangeline Lilly, respectively, from the popular blockbuster film). Guests enter the world of Marvel in Tomorrowland at the S.H.I.E.L.D. Science and Technology Pavilion in the Stark Expo. After boarding a state-of-the-art vehicle at S.H.I.E.L.D.’s research and design facility, guests will join Ant-Man and The Wasp in an epic battle against Arnim Zola and his army of evil Hydra Swarm-bots.


Also part of the expansion project, the new Bibbidi Bobbidi Boutique in HKDL’s castle area will be unveiled in summer of 2019. Young guests can make their dreams come true as they transform into princesses. The boutique offers an array of gorgeous dresses and accessories, which include Disney Princess favourites such as Cinderella, Snow White, Aurora, Belle, Elsa, Tiana and Jasmine. This new location gives guests an even more royal experience, thanks to the interactive Magic Mirror, which tells the stories of everyone’s favourite princesses in a highly-immersive royal setting.

        度假區內的酒店亦為賓客帶來更完整的度假體驗。迪士尼探索家度假酒店將於今年夏天,增設全新的兒童遊樂室「Nemo’s Recreation Reef」,以大熱電影《海底奇兵》為主題,讓小賓客與主角 Mo仔(Nemo)一起透過參與美術與小手工工作坊,啟發創意。

To complement existing offerings at the resort hotels, Disney Explorers Lodge will add a new children’s playroom named “Nemo’s Recreation Reef”, inspired by the popular Disney•Pixar film “Finding Nemo”. Opening in the summer of 2019, young guests can have fun in the world of Nemo and unleash their creativity during arts and crafts sessions.

Continuous positive contribution to the Hong Kong community


HKDL is committed to contributing to and serving the Hong Kong community. In fiscal year 2018, the resort brought approximately HK$8.9 billion of value added to Hong Kong, equivalent to around 0.34% of the city’s overall GDP. Additionally, 19,000 jobs (in terms of man-years) were created during the fiscal year, benefiting Hong Kong’s overall economy.


On average, HKDL employed more than 5,200 full-time and 2,300 part-time cast members during the year, remaining one of the city’s largest employers in the tourism and family entertainment industry. The resort provided cast with nearly 400,000 hours of professional and technical training during the year.


Among its various community efforts, HKDL is particularly dedicated to bringing happiness to children with illnesses and special needs and fulfilling their dreams. A key initiative this year was the “Dress Well” project launched with Hong Kong Children’s Hospital to fund, design and produce tailor-made clothing for in-patient children. This first-of-its-kind collaboration with a public hospital takes children’s emotional and treatment needs into account in the design of the clothing, with an aim to reducing the stress of sick children, their families and the caretakers. The project is funded through a HK$4.1 million donation from The Walt Disney Company.

        另外,度假區繼續資助「智樂兒童遊樂協會」,於瑪嘉烈醫院腎科兒童病房推行的「醫院遊戲治療」計劃。同時,香港迪士尼亦支持「願望成真基金」,為超過20名患重病的兒童,實現他們的特別願望,並啟動名為 #ShareYourEars 的網上運動,宣傳香港願望成真基金。

The resort continued to fund Playright’s “Hospital Play” programme in the Princess Margaret Hospital Nephrology Ward and supported Make-A-Wish Foundation to grant over 20 special wishes to children with life-threatening illnesses. It also activated the #ShareYourEars social campaign to help promote Make-A-Wish Foundation in Hong Kong.


In fiscal year 2018, HKDL donated more than 100,000 complimentary park admission tickets to over 400 charitable organisations who organise park visits for people in need.

© 香港迪士尼樂園度假區
© Hong Kong Disneyland Resort
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Disney Magical Kingdom Blog: 香港迪士尼樂園度假區 公佈 2018財政年度業績 | Hong Kong Disneyland Resort's Annual Business Review of Fiscal Year 2018
香港迪士尼樂園度假區 公佈 2018財政年度業績 | Hong Kong Disneyland Resort's Annual Business Review of Fiscal Year 2018
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