適逢 唐老鴨(Donald Duck)將於今年慶祝 85週年,唐老鴨 將於「米奇廚師餐廳」舉行生日派對!由2019年5月25日至6月9日,唐老鴨 與 米奇廚師 會於晚餐時段和粉絲見面。除了多款唐老鴨造型甜品外,今年 米奇廚師 更特別為 唐老鴨 打造最新限量發售生日蛋糕及特飲,身為 唐老鴨 忠實粉絲,萬勿錯過!
Donald Duck will hold his 85th Anniversary Birthday Party in Chef Mickey! From May 25 - June 9, 2019, Chef Mickey and Donald Duck will be meeting you in the dinner session. Apart from Donald Duck themed dessert, Chef Mickey specially created limited edition of Donald Duck style birthday cake and specialty drink this year! As fans of Donald Duck, do not miss the chance!
訂座及查詢詳情,請致電+852 3510-5000!
For reservations and enquiries, please call +852 3510-5000!
Celebration Period: May 25 - June 9, 2019

~ 詳情 ~
~ Details ~
- 價目均為港幣及另加一服務費。
- 「米奇廚師餐廳 唐老鴨生日派對」供應期為2019年5月25日至6月9日晚餐時段。
- 香港國際主題樂園(「本公司」)擁有唯一及絕對權利決定餐飲的價格及餐廳的運作時段。
Terms and Conditions:
- Prices are in Hong Kong dollar and subject to 10% service charge.
- Donald Duck Birthday Party at Chef Mickey is available from May 25 to June 9, 2019 during dinner session.
- HKITP reserves the right to determine the prices of the food and beverage and the operating hours of the restaurants in its sole and absolute discretion.