全新城塔陸續亮相 呈獻迪士尼公主故事
Castle Transformation Reaches New Stage
with Tower Additions Representing Beloved Disney Princess Stories
香港迪士尼樂園 地標「城堡」將進入華麗變身過程中最重要階段。象徵13個有關迪士尼公主故事的全新城塔由今天起將陸續呈現賓客眼前。
The transformation of the iconic castle at Hong Kong Disneyland Resort (HKDL) is set to enter its most important stage yet. Starting today, towers and spires representing 13 stories of beloved Disney Princesses and heroines will be lifted onto the castle base.
香港迪士尼樂園 誠邀賓客一同見證,親歷「城堡」華麗變身的過程。此期間,各具建築設計特色、盡顯獨特工藝的城塔、塔樓及尖塔將會陸續出現於城堡上,讓度假區最具代表性的中心地標更光彩奪目。
Guests will witness the ongoing castle transformation progress on their coming visits to the park. The thematic towers, turrets and spires — each uniquely crafted with individual architectural designs — will appear on the castle, bolstering its historic presence and magical qualities at the very heart of the resort.
全新面貌的「城堡」建築設計靈感來自多個深受喜愛的迪士尼公主故事,包括 蒂安娜公主、睡公主、艾莉奧、木蘭、茉莉公主、白雪公主、慕安娜、灰姑娘、梅莉達公主、寶嘉康蒂、貝兒、長髮公主 樂佩,以至《魔雪奇緣》的安娜及愛莎,象徵各個公主故事的城塔將於今夏逐一亮相。賓客細心留意設計上的不同細節,如:標誌圖案、紋理、顔色和裝飾等,將可聯想到所象徵的迪士尼公主故事,更感受到「城堡」多元融和卻又獨一無二的設計概念。
Each of these thematic architectural elements are inspired by the stories of our much-loved Disney Princesses — Tiana, Aurora, Ariel, Mulan, Jasmine, Snow White, Moana, Cinderella, Merida, Pocahontas, Belle, Rapunzel — along with Anna and Elsa from Disney’s “Frozen” — will all have their moment to shine in sequence throughout this summer. With special attention to the iconic patterns, textures, colors and ornamentation, guests will be able to recognize the individual elements inspired by their favorite Disney heroines, celebrating a sense of diversity, inclusion and unity.
When fully transformed, the iconic castle will stand as a shining beacon of courage, hope and possibility, inspiring all who dare to dream big.
「奇妙處處通」會員 換領「迪士尼公主人物珍藏卡」
Magic Access Member Exclusive Disney Princess Character Cards

To celebrate for the castle transformation, there will be limited Disney Princess Character Cards for Magic Access Members to collect.
From August 10, 2019, Members can redeem 1 set of Disney Princess Character Cards with any spending in restaurants* or merchandise from the Park and Hotels. Remember to show your on-day eligible receipt and membership card at designated locations!
Collect your cards and to experience the transformation over and over right up till when the castle opens in 2020.
- 會員親身前往以下地點出示其有效會員卡
- 出示於香港迪士尼樂園度假區內 合資格消費* 的即日正本收據
- 「奇妙處處通」會員服務中心(位於「美國小鎮大街」)
- 布教授商店(位於「探險世界」)
- 童話藝坊-魔法化妝廳(位於「幻想世界」)
- 科技館禮品店(位於「明日世界」)
- 安仔玩具箱(位於「反斗奇兵大本營」)
Dates: From August 10, 2019 until stock lasts
Redemption Method:
- Member is required to present his/her valid Magic Access Membership Card in person
- An original on-day receipt* for eligible purchase in Hong Kong Disneyland Resort
Designated redemption locations:
- Magic Access Member Service Center at Main Street, U.S.A.
- Professor Porter's Trading Post at Adventureland
- Storybook Shoppe-Bibbidi Bobbidi Boutique at Fantasyland
- Pavilion Gifts at Tomorrowland
- Andy's Toy Box at Toy Story Land
* 合資格消費(「合資格消費」)指會員於活動期內於香港迪士尼樂園度假區內之任何商品消費(膠袋除外)及於餐廳內之餐飲消費(戶外小食亭、大街餅店、市集咖啡店及酒店房間服務除外)
Disney Princess Character Cards redemption is on first-come-first-served basis, while stock lasts. Each Magic Access Member may redeem one set of Disney Princess Character Cards during the program period.
* "Eligible Purchase" means on-day spending on any merchandise product (except for shopping bags) or food and beverage item in any restaurant in Hong Kong Disneyland Resort (except outdoor vending carts, Main Street Bakery, Market House and Hotel room service) during the Redemption Period.
✨ 見證樂園成長.施展魔法中 ✨
✨ Let the magic pervades and Enchants the park in a whole new world ✨
~ 立即投入迪士尼公主奇妙體驗 ~
~ Extended magic with Disney Princess experiences throughout the resort ~
While the castle transformation is underway, guests will be able to find Disney Princess footprints scattered throughout the theme park. Guests are invited to follow the footsteps and immerse themselves in these beautifully captivating Disney Princess stories.
城堡區內「童話藝坊 – 魔法化妝廳」
Storybook Shoppe — Bibbidi Bobbidi Boutique at the castle area
(2019年7月1日 開幕 )
(Opened on July 1, 2019)
全新「童話藝坊 - 魔法化妝廳」已於城堡區內隆重開幕。魔法化妝廳輝煌的裝潢盡顯皇室氣派,仙女教母實習生施展魔法,讓小女孩仿如踏上皇室奇妙之旅,夢想成真,變身成為高貴動人的小公主!
An immersive princess transformation experience awaits young guests as they step into the brand-new Storybook Shoppe — Bibbidi Bobbidi Boutique at the castle area. With the help of a Fairy Godmother-in-Training, aspiring little guests can undergo a royal makeover that will help make their princess dreams come true!
香港迪士尼樂園酒店 全新國賓廳《仙杜瑞拉》主題套房
A magical stay in the Cinderella Suite
(2019年7月22日 推出)
(Debuted on July 22, 2019)
灰姑娘的童話故事將會成真 !香港迪士尼樂園酒店 現已推出全新 國賓廳《仙杜瑞拉》主題套房,室內佈置處處展現主題特色,沉醉在灰姑娘的童話故事。立即預訂全新主題套房,再次為灰姑娘穿上玻璃鞋、美夢成真的童話故事而傾心!
The fantasy world of Cinderella has come to life at Hong Kong Disneyland Hotel with the newly-opened Cinderella Suite at Kingdom Club, featuring an interior decor heavily inspired by the classic tale. Just remember not to leave one of your glass slippers behind as you rush to book your stay at the new themed suite!