Cookie continues to share the magic with her new name CookieAnn
Exclusive “Bespoke” Merchandise Collection
Available on October 29, 2019 at Hong Kong Disneyland Resort
香港迪士尼樂園度假區 正式公佈 Cookie 以全新「CookieAnn」的名字亮相,並於2019年10月29日為「Duffy與好友」粉絲帶來首個獨家「Bespoke」商品系列。
Hong Kong Disneyland Resort (HKDL) today announced a new “Bespoke” merchandise collection to celebrate Cookie’s new name, “CookieAnn,” available on October 29, 2019.
And the Story Begins…...
過去一年,Cookie 常常與 ShellieMay 和 StellaLou 結伴並分享她的滋味食譜,從而建立了深厚又獨特的友誼。有一天,她突然發現好友均無獨有偶地有着可愛的「double name」,而富有創意的 Cookie 馬上想到新名「CookieAnn」!擅長融合不同美食的 Cookie 再次發揮創意,在好友的幫助下,構思出這個自己非常喜歡的全新名字!
Over the past year, the inventive foodie has built a special bond with two of her fellow friends, ShellieMay and StellaLou, with whom she enjoys sharing her recipes. One day, she realized they both had a double name and when thinking aloud, came up with the name CookieAnn. She is usually good at combining different foods but this time, she combined two names with the help of her friends to come up with a beautiful new name… and she loves it!
CookieAnn 自去年於香港迪士尼作全球首度登場後,旋即成為Duffy與好友們中不可或缺的要員,更贏得全球,特別是香港及其他亞洲地區粉絲們對她的熱愛。
Since debuting at HKDL last year, CookieAnn has become an integral part of Duffy and Friends and has won the hearts of fans from all over Asia.
Welcome Party for Cookie (July 3, 2018 )
~ CookieAnn's Limited Collectible Embroidery Button~

From October 29, 2019 onwards, to celebrate the launch of this new collection, guests who spend HK$400 or more and purchase at least one item of CookieAnn product will receive a limited collectible embroidery button for free*!
* 數量有限,送完即止。
* While stocks last.
~ 香港迪士尼 獨家推出「Bespoke」商品系列 ~
~ Exclusive Bespoke Collection at HKDLR ~
~ Exclusive Bespoke Collection at HKDLR ~
Launching on October 29 at Hong Kong Disneyland Resort, the Bespoke merchandise collection is a one-of-a-kind merchandise series exclusive to CookieAnn. Not-to-be missed is a Bespoke Special Edition plush of CookieAnn that features a pair of posable arms – it is the first-of-its-kind collectible from the Duffy & Friends franchise.
CookieAnn 換上一件亮麗搶眼,以其烹飪熱情作設計靈感的粉紅色外衣,盡顯她美食大使的身份。為進一步突出 CookieAnn 熱愛美食的一面,全新造型更有一條綴有繽紛甜品和美食圖案的小白裙,而一雙精心設計、鞋底印有趣緻腳掌印的襯色粉紅小鞋,為整個造型添上更可愛的點綴。
CookieAnn showcases her role as a true foodie ambassador in an exquisitely cute, new pink outfit inspired by her passion for the culinary arts. Further highlighting her love of food and desire for creating tasty new sweets is CookieAnn’s new skirt, which is adorned with colorful desserts and snack motifs. Finally, a pair of matching pink shoes completes the new style with an adorable paw print at the base of each sole.
Left: CookieAnn Bespoke Plush Keychain (HKD139), launch on Oct 29
Right: CookieAnn Bespoke Special Edition Plush (HKD299), launch on Oct 29
圖左:3D CookieAnn 水壺(港幣129元),10月29日推出
圖中:CookieAnn 毛公仔造型斜背袋(港幣259元),快將推出
圖右:CookieAnn 棉花糖連手提袋(港幣129元),快將推出
Left: 3D CookieAnn Bottle (HKD129), launch on Oct 29
Middle: CookieAnn Plush Shoulder Bag (HKD259), coming soon
Right: CookieAnn Marshmallow with Tote bag (HKD129), coming soon
圖左:CookieAnn 廚碟(港幣129元),快將推出
圖右:CookieAnn 廚碗廚碟(2 件裝)(港幣239元),快將推出
Left: CookieAnn Oval Dish (HKD129), coming soon
Right: CookieAnn Kitchen Plate (2 pieces) (HKD239), coming soon
圖中: CookieAnn 小型巴士(港幣149元),快將推出
圖右:CookieAnn 文具套裝(港幣169元),10月29日推出
Left: CookieAnn Bespoke Pin (HKD85), launch on Oct 29
Middle: CookieAnn Minivan (HKD149), coming soon
Right: CookieAnn Stationery Set (HKD169), launch on Oct 29
- CookieAnn 女裝T恤(港幣249元),10月29日推出
- CookieAnn T-Shirt (Women) (HKD249), launch on Oct 29
- CookieAnn 限量版徽章(港幣135元),10月29日推出
- CookieAnn Limited Edition Pin (HKD135), launch on Oct 29
- CookieAnn 縮骨傘(港幣199元),快將推出
- CookieAnn Foldable Umbrella (HKD199), coming soon
- CookieAnn 髮夾(港幣259元),快將推出
- CookieAnn Hair Clips (HKD259), coming soon
Hong Kong Disneyland Resort