


香港迪士尼樂園「Disney Halloween Time 2019」活動記錄

Disney, Disney Parks, Disney Halloween Time, Disney Halloween Time 2019, Hong Kong Disneyland. HKDK, HK Disneyland, 香港迪士尼樂園, 惡人舞動迪士尼, Let’s Get Wicked, Ther Nightmare Before Christmas, 怪誕城之夜, 怪誕城之旅, Journey to Halloween Town

今個「Disney Halloween Time」萬聖節慶典,一眾經典迪士尼惡人傾巢而出,齊集香港迪士尼樂園度假區(Hong Kong Disneyland Resort),誓要以詭魅力量炮製日夜狂歡音樂之旅!2019年9月12日至10月31日期間,一首首耳熟能詳的詭魅「惡」曲會響遍整個度假區,全新音樂派對陣容讓一家大小盡情玩遍香港迪士尼的日與夜!

Event Date: September 12 – October 31, 2019, 2019
Disney, Disney Parks, Disney Halloween Time, Disney Halloween Time 2019, Hong Kong Disneyland. HKDK, HK Disneyland, 香港迪士尼樂園, 惡人舞動迪士尼, Let’s Get Wicked, Ther Nightmare Before Christmas, 怪誕城之夜, 怪誕城之旅, Journey to Halloween Town

 萬聖節歌舞匯演《惡人舞動迪士尼》(“Let’s Get Wicked”) 
「Disney Halloween Time 2019」全新原創節目
Disney, Disney Parks, Disney Halloween Time, Disney Halloween Time 2019, Hong Kong Disneyland. HKDK, HK Disneyland, 香港迪士尼樂園, 惡人舞動迪士尼, Let’s Get Wicked, Ther Nightmare Before Christmas, 怪誕城之夜, 怪誕城之旅, Journey to Halloween Town

香港迪士尼樂園  2019年全新炮製原創大型LIVE歌舞匯演《惡人舞動迪士尼》(“Let’s Get Wicked”) 。《小魚仙》的「海女巫」烏蘇拉(Ursula)、《101斑點狗》的女魔頭 庫伊拉(Cruella de Vil)、《公主與青蛙》的巫師 霍博士(Dr. Facilier)、《美女與野獸》的壞蛋加斯頓(Gaston),以及《魔髮奇緣》的 嘉芙夫人(Mother Gothel)集體現身,在光怪陸離的舞台特效下,現場演繹獻唱多首詭魅舞曲,把來自多個經典動畫的黑暗世界帶到觀眾眼前。音樂創作、服飾、舞台場景、舞蹈及燈光效果皆前所未見。演出更加入多項互動體驗,為賓客帶來耳目一新的迪士尼萬聖節視聽震撼體驗。


演出地點:香港迪士尼樂園「探險世界」 – 「原野劇場」


Disney, Disney Parks, Disney Halloween Time, Disney Halloween Time 2019, Hong Kong Disneyland. HKDK, HK Disneyland, 香港迪士尼樂園, 惡人舞動迪士尼, Let’s Get Wicked, Ther Nightmare Before Christmas, 怪誕城之夜, 怪誕城之旅, Journey to Halloween Town

Disney, Disney Parks, Disney Halloween Time, Disney Halloween Time 2019, Hong Kong Disneyland. HKDK, HK Disneyland, 香港迪士尼樂園, 惡人舞動迪士尼, Let’s Get Wicked, Ther Nightmare Before Christmas, 怪誕城之夜, 怪誕城之旅, Journey to Halloween Town
Disney, Disney Parks, Disney Halloween Time, Disney Halloween Time 2019, Hong Kong Disneyland. HKDK, HK Disneyland, 香港迪士尼樂園, 惡人舞動迪士尼, Let’s Get Wicked, Ther Nightmare Before Christmas, 怪誕城之夜, 怪誕城之旅, Journey to Halloween Town

Disney, Disney Parks, Disney Halloween Time, Disney Halloween Time 2019, Hong Kong Disneyland. HKDK, HK Disneyland, 香港迪士尼樂園, 惡人舞動迪士尼, Let’s Get Wicked, Ther Nightmare Before Christmas, 怪誕城之夜, 怪誕城之旅, Journey to Halloween Town

《惡人舞動迪士尼》歌舞匯演呈獻全新創作及編製的樂曲,包括節奏強勁瘋狂的原創合唱歌作序幕及壓軸,中段再由五位迪士尼惡人現場演繹注入多種音樂元素的經典歌曲。原創合唱歌Let’s Get Wicked 是特別為表演原創,其創作靈感來自五位迪士尼惡人。賓客在這首節奏強勁的音樂中,將感受每位迪士尼惡人的黑暗力量,在節拍的帶動下提升現場的派對氣氛,連串高潮掀起序幕,並會在最後一幕壓軸時再次奏起。Let’s Get Wicked由曾執導多齣經典音樂劇包括迪士尼《阿拉丁》及《小魚仙》等的香港迪士尼樂園度假區音樂總監Ceejay Manuel Javier 及他的國際團隊創作。
Disney, Disney Parks, Disney Halloween Time, Disney Halloween Time 2019, Hong Kong Disneyland. HKDK, HK Disneyland, 香港迪士尼樂園, 惡人舞動迪士尼, Let’s Get Wicked, Ther Nightmare Before Christmas, 怪誕城之夜, 怪誕城之旅, Journey to Halloween Town
Disney, Disney Parks, Disney Halloween Time, Disney Halloween Time 2019, Hong Kong Disneyland. HKDK, HK Disneyland, 香港迪士尼樂園, 惡人舞動迪士尼, Let’s Get Wicked, Ther Nightmare Before Christmas, 怪誕城之夜, 怪誕城之旅, Journey to Halloween Town

揭開序幕後,五位迪士尼惡人將會分別現場演繹其經典「惡」曲。音樂製作團隊在「惡」曲原有的旋律及歌詞之上,以全新多變的音樂風格,包括百老匯式、流行音樂、搖滾、探戈等重新編曲,為觀眾帶來耳目一新的音樂體驗。另外,全新設計的服飾,因應不同角色的性格特徵、故事、編舞等而挑選材質及設計。服飾設計破格及前衛,靈感來自不同的迪士尼惡人故事,設計上亦參考了不同百老匯式歌舞劇的舞台服飾。舞蹈、服飾相融為角色造型帶來驚喜 – 為令觀眾驚喜不斷,故事的細節巧妙地透過舞蹈及服飾的相互配合而展現出來。
Disney, Disney Parks, Disney Halloween Time, Disney Halloween Time 2019, Hong Kong Disneyland. HKDK, HK Disneyland, 香港迪士尼樂園, 惡人舞動迪士尼, Let’s Get Wicked, Ther Nightmare Before Christmas, 怪誕城之夜, 怪誕城之旅, Journey to Halloween Town

經典「惡」曲:Poor Unfortunate Souls
Disney, Disney Parks, Disney Halloween Time, Disney Halloween Time 2019, Hong Kong Disneyland. HKDK, HK Disneyland, 香港迪士尼樂園, 惡人舞動迪士尼, Let’s Get Wicked, Ther Nightmare Before Christmas, 怪誕城之夜, 怪誕城之旅, Journey to Halloween Town


經典「惡」曲注入全新音樂元素,烏蘇拉的《Poor Unfortunate Souls》在原作的基礎上,加入豐富的層次,突顯具戲劇性的舞台效果。燈效映照服飾,引領觀眾置身於 烏蘇拉 在幽暗的海底洞穴。烏蘇拉 擁有八條靈活又嚇人的觸鬚,而為重現這個心懷不軌的海中女巫於洞穴中與艾莉奧公主對話的一幕,設計團隊為 烏蘇拉 設計出一條能覆蓋整個舞台的長裙。裙襬會隨着舞台旋轉,燈光及投影以不同角度、不同顏色照射在裙襬之上,加上多位舞者會手執裙襬一角舞動裙襬,讓整個劇場頓變水底中。
Disney, Disney Parks, Disney Halloween Time, Disney Halloween Time 2019, Hong Kong Disneyland. HKDK, HK Disneyland, 香港迪士尼樂園, 惡人舞動迪士尼, Let’s Get Wicked, Ther Nightmare Before Christmas, 怪誕城之夜, 怪誕城之旅, Journey to Halloween Town

烏蘇拉的助手 阿科(Flotsam)和 阿積(Jetsam)壓軸現身,幫助烏蘇拉成功施咒。
Disney, Disney Parks, Disney Halloween Time, Disney Halloween Time 2019, Hong Kong Disneyland. HKDK, HK Disneyland, 香港迪士尼樂園, 惡人舞動迪士尼, Let’s Get Wicked, Ther Nightmare Before Christmas, 怪誕城之夜, 怪誕城之旅, Journey to Halloween Town

阿科(Flotsam)- 右眼黄色
Disney, Disney Parks, Disney Halloween Time, Disney Halloween Time 2019, Hong Kong Disneyland. HKDK, HK Disneyland, 香港迪士尼樂園, 惡人舞動迪士尼, Let’s Get Wicked, Ther Nightmare Before Christmas, 怪誕城之夜, 怪誕城之旅, Journey to Halloween Town

阿積(Jetsam)- 左眼黄色
Disney, Disney Parks, Disney Halloween Time, Disney Halloween Time 2019, Hong Kong Disneyland. HKDK, HK Disneyland, 香港迪士尼樂園, 惡人舞動迪士尼, Let’s Get Wicked, Ther Nightmare Before Christmas, 怪誕城之夜, 怪誕城之旅, Journey to Halloween Town

 經典「惡」曲:Friends on the Other Side
Disney, Disney Parks, Disney Halloween Time, Disney Halloween Time 2019, Hong Kong Disneyland. HKDK, HK Disneyland, 香港迪士尼樂園, 惡人舞動迪士尼, Let’s Get Wicked, Ther Nightmare Before Christmas, 怪誕城之夜, 怪誕城之旅, Journey to Halloween Town

來自《公主與青蛙》的巫師 霍博士,向萊文王子施展魔咒把他變成青蛙,並連同王子的僕人一同策劃奪取王子財產的陰謀。

霍博士的「Friends on the Other Side」,變身成一首具感染力,並帶有「福音音樂」感覺的搖滾樂曲。另外,霍博士的服飾更變成流動光效裝置,他的服飾佈滿螺旋圖案,在燈光配合下突顯其主角的身份,同場每位舞者的服飾均備有UV反光物料,在燈光的照射下,他們每一步的舞動都會產生不同的閃爍效果,成為流動光效裝置,隨着閃爍的燈光,影子朋友會處處現身。
Disney, Disney Parks, Disney Halloween Time, Disney Halloween Time 2019, Hong Kong Disneyland. HKDK, HK Disneyland, 香港迪士尼樂園, 惡人舞動迪士尼, Let’s Get Wicked, Ther Nightmare Before Christmas, 怪誕城之夜, 怪誕城之旅, Journey to Halloween Town

Disney, Disney Parks, Disney Halloween Time, Disney Halloween Time 2019, Hong Kong Disneyland. HKDK, HK Disneyland, 香港迪士尼樂園, 惡人舞動迪士尼, Let’s Get Wicked, Ther Nightmare Before Christmas, 怪誕城之夜, 怪誕城之旅, Journey to Halloween Town
Disney, Disney Parks, Disney Halloween Time, Disney Halloween Time 2019, Hong Kong Disneyland. HKDK, HK Disneyland, 香港迪士尼樂園, 惡人舞動迪士尼, Let’s Get Wicked, Ther Nightmare Before Christmas, 怪誕城之夜, 怪誕城之旅, Journey to Halloween Town

Disney, Disney Parks, Disney Halloween Time, Disney Halloween Time 2019, Hong Kong Disneyland. HKDK, HK Disneyland, 香港迪士尼樂園, 惡人舞動迪士尼, Let’s Get Wicked, Ther Nightmare Before Christmas, 怪誕城之夜, 怪誕城之旅, Journey to Halloween Town

經典「惡」曲:Cruella de Vil
Disney, Disney Parks, Disney Halloween Time, Disney Halloween Time 2019, Hong Kong Disneyland. HKDK, HK Disneyland, 香港迪士尼樂園, 惡人舞動迪士尼, Let’s Get Wicked, Ther Nightmare Before Christmas, 怪誕城之夜, 怪誕城之旅, Journey to Halloween Town


庫伊拉的「Cruella de Vil」會以電子流行音樂風格演繹,並融入熱情的探戈元素。另外,她有很多大幅度的擺動的動作,設計團隊特意把亮眼又標誌性的斑點藏於大褸內,在擺動舞步的配合下,斑點才得以驚喜展現,為觀眾帶來新鮮感之餘,又可以暗示 庫伊拉 想得到斑點大褸的決心。
Disney, Disney Parks, Disney Halloween Time, Disney Halloween Time 2019, Hong Kong Disneyland. HKDK, HK Disneyland, 香港迪士尼樂園, 惡人舞動迪士尼, Let’s Get Wicked, Ther Nightmare Before Christmas, 怪誕城之夜, 怪誕城之旅, Journey to Halloween Town
Disney, Disney Parks, Disney Halloween Time, Disney Halloween Time 2019, Hong Kong Disneyland. HKDK, HK Disneyland, 香港迪士尼樂園, 惡人舞動迪士尼, Let’s Get Wicked, Ther Nightmare Before Christmas, 怪誕城之夜, 怪誕城之旅, Journey to Halloween Town

經典「惡」曲:Mother Knows Best
Disney, Disney Parks, Disney Halloween Time, Disney Halloween Time 2019, Hong Kong Disneyland. HKDK, HK Disneyland, 香港迪士尼樂園, 惡人舞動迪士尼, Let’s Get Wicked, Ther Nightmare Before Christmas, 怪誕城之夜, 怪誕城之旅, Journey to Halloween Town


嘉芙夫人 的「Mother Knows Best」 融入強勁的音樂劇元素,並以煸情的傷感情歌的風格呈現。賓客還會有在台上跟角色鬥「戲」的機會,幸運的觀眾更可獲邀上台,與嘉芙夫人近距離互動!
Disney, Disney Parks, Disney Halloween Time, Disney Halloween Time 2019, Hong Kong Disneyland. HKDK, HK Disneyland, 香港迪士尼樂園, 惡人舞動迪士尼, Let’s Get Wicked, Ther Nightmare Before Christmas, 怪誕城之夜, 怪誕城之旅, Journey to Halloween Town

Disney, Disney Parks, Disney Halloween Time, Disney Halloween Time 2019, Hong Kong Disneyland. HKDK, HK Disneyland, 香港迪士尼樂園, 惡人舞動迪士尼, Let’s Get Wicked, Ther Nightmare Before Christmas, 怪誕城之夜, 怪誕城之旅, Journey to Halloween Town

來自《美女與野獸》的 加斯頓 外表英俊、身形魁梧,是小鎮中的萬人迷,但是相當自戀自傲。為求令 貝兒 嫁給他,買通瘋人院院長,把貝兒父親關入瘋人院,藉此威脅她。又煽動村民闖進城堡,企圖擊退野獸
Disney, Disney Parks, Disney Halloween Time, Disney Halloween Time 2019, Hong Kong Disneyland. HKDK, HK Disneyland, 香港迪士尼樂園, 惡人舞動迪士尼, Let’s Get Wicked, Ther Nightmare Before Christmas, 怪誕城之夜, 怪誕城之旅, Journey to Halloween Town

Disney, Disney Parks, Disney Halloween Time, Disney Halloween Time 2019, Hong Kong Disneyland. HKDK, HK Disneyland, 香港迪士尼樂園, 惡人舞動迪士尼, Let’s Get Wicked, Ther Nightmare Before Christmas, 怪誕城之夜, 怪誕城之旅, Journey to Halloween Town

迪士尼經典惡人再次現身,在謝幕環節再度唱出原創合唱歌Let’s Get Wicked
Disney, Disney Parks, Disney Halloween Time, Disney Halloween Time 2019, Hong Kong Disneyland. HKDK, HK Disneyland, 香港迪士尼樂園, 惡人舞動迪士尼, Let’s Get Wicked, Ther Nightmare Before Christmas, 怪誕城之夜, 怪誕城之旅, Journey to Halloween Town
Disney, Disney Parks, Disney Halloween Time, Disney Halloween Time 2019, Hong Kong Disneyland. HKDK, HK Disneyland, 香港迪士尼樂園, 惡人舞動迪士尼, Let’s Get Wicked, Ther Nightmare Before Christmas, 怪誕城之夜, 怪誕城之旅, Journey to Halloween Town

~ Full Show in 4K ~

Disney, Disney Parks, Disney Halloween Time, Disney Halloween Time 2019, Hong Kong Disneyland. HKDK, HK Disneyland, 香港迪士尼樂園, 惡人舞動迪士尼, Let’s Get Wicked, Ther Nightmare Before Christmas, 怪誕城之夜, 怪誕城之旅, Journey to Halloween Town

《惡人舞動迪士尼》海報 - 「原野劇場」及樂園正門
Disney, Disney Parks, Disney Halloween Time, Disney Halloween Time 2019, Hong Kong Disneyland. HKDK, HK Disneyland, 香港迪士尼樂園, 惡人舞動迪士尼, Let’s Get Wicked, Ther Nightmare Before Christmas, 怪誕城之夜, 怪誕城之旅, Journey to Halloween Town
Disney, Disney Parks, Disney Halloween Time, Disney Halloween Time 2019, Hong Kong Disneyland. HKDK, HK Disneyland, 香港迪士尼樂園, 惡人舞動迪士尼, Let’s Get Wicked, Ther Nightmare Before Christmas, 怪誕城之夜, 怪誕城之旅, Journey to Halloween Town

Disney, Disney Parks, Disney Halloween Time, Disney Halloween Time 2019, Hong Kong Disneyland. HKDK, HK Disneyland, 香港迪士尼樂園, 惡人舞動迪士尼, Let’s Get Wicked, Ther Nightmare Before Christmas, 怪誕城之夜, 怪誕城之旅, Journey to Halloween Town

Disney, Disney Parks, Disney Halloween Time, Disney Halloween Time 2019, Hong Kong Disneyland. HKDK, HK Disneyland, 香港迪士尼樂園, 惡人舞動迪士尼, Let’s Get Wicked, Ther Nightmare Before Christmas, 怪誕城之夜, 怪誕城之旅, Journey to Halloween Town
Disney, Disney Parks, Disney Halloween Time, Disney Halloween Time 2019, Hong Kong Disneyland. HKDK, HK Disneyland, 香港迪士尼樂園, 惡人舞動迪士尼, Let’s Get Wicked, Ther Nightmare Before Christmas, 怪誕城之夜, 怪誕城之旅, Journey to Halloween Town

可愛不可怕的小吸血鬼 Vampirina
Disney, Disney Parks, Disney Halloween Time, Disney Halloween Time 2019, Hong Kong Disneyland. HKDK, HK Disneyland, 香港迪士尼樂園, 惡人舞動迪士尼, Let’s Get Wicked, Ther Nightmare Before Christmas, 怪誕城之夜, 怪誕城之旅, Journey to Halloween Town

來自 Disney Junior《可愛尖牙小娜娜》動畫劇集的 娜娜(Vampirina)到訪 香港迪士尼樂園「會客室」與大家見面。

Disney, Disney Parks, Disney Halloween Time, Disney Halloween Time 2019, Hong Kong Disneyland. HKDK, HK Disneyland, 香港迪士尼樂園, 惡人舞動迪士尼, Let’s Get Wicked, Ther Nightmare Before Christmas, 怪誕城之夜, 怪誕城之旅, Journey to Halloween Town
Disney, Disney Parks, Disney Halloween Time, Disney Halloween Time 2019, Hong Kong Disneyland. HKDK, HK Disneyland, 香港迪士尼樂園, 惡人舞動迪士尼, Let’s Get Wicked, Ther Nightmare Before Christmas, 怪誕城之夜, 怪誕城之旅, Journey to Halloween Town
Disney, Disney Parks, Disney Halloween Time, Disney Halloween Time 2019, Hong Kong Disneyland. HKDK, HK Disneyland, 香港迪士尼樂園, 惡人舞動迪士尼, Let’s Get Wicked, Ther Nightmare Before Christmas, 怪誕城之夜, 怪誕城之旅, Journey to Halloween Town

4K Video

Disney, Disney Parks, Disney Halloween Time, Disney Halloween Time 2019, Hong Kong Disneyland. HKDK, HK Disneyland, 香港迪士尼樂園, 惡人舞動迪士尼, Let’s Get Wicked, Ther Nightmare Before Christmas, 怪誕城之夜, 怪誕城之旅, Journey to Halloween Town

Disney, Disney Parks, Disney Halloween Time, Disney Halloween Time 2019, Hong Kong Disneyland. HKDK, HK Disneyland, 香港迪士尼樂園, 惡人舞動迪士尼, Let’s Get Wicked, Ther Nightmare Before Christmas, 怪誕城之夜, 怪誕城之旅, Journey to Halloween Town

Disney, Disney Parks, Disney Halloween Time, Disney Halloween Time 2019, Hong Kong Disneyland. HKDK, HK Disneyland, 香港迪士尼樂園, 惡人舞動迪士尼, Let’s Get Wicked, Ther Nightmare Before Christmas, 怪誕城之夜, 怪誕城之旅, Journey to Halloween Town
Disney, Disney Parks, Disney Halloween Time, Disney Halloween Time 2019, Hong Kong Disneyland. HKDK, HK Disneyland, 香港迪士尼樂園, 惡人舞動迪士尼, Let’s Get Wicked, Ther Nightmare Before Christmas, 怪誕城之夜, 怪誕城之旅, Journey to Halloween Town

賓客可以重溫詭魅體驗館「怪誕城之旅」(“Journey to Halloween Town”),穿梭於一幕幕栩栩如生、鉅細靡遺的《怪誕城之夜》經典場景。今年加入了「萬聖鎮」的居民和全新「Trick-or-Treat」環節大派糖果,滿足大小賓客的萬聖節願望。
Disney, Disney Parks, Disney Halloween Time, Disney Halloween Time 2019, Hong Kong Disneyland. HKDK, HK Disneyland, 香港迪士尼樂園, 惡人舞動迪士尼, Let’s Get Wicked, Ther Nightmare Before Christmas, 怪誕城之夜, 怪誕城之旅, Journey to Halloween Town
Disney, Disney Parks, Disney Halloween Time, Disney Halloween Time 2019, Hong Kong Disneyland. HKDK, HK Disneyland, 香港迪士尼樂園, 惡人舞動迪士尼, Let’s Get Wicked, Ther Nightmare Before Christmas, 怪誕城之夜, 怪誕城之旅, Journey to Halloween Town
Disney, Disney Parks, Disney Halloween Time, Disney Halloween Time 2019, Hong Kong Disneyland. HKDK, HK Disneyland, 香港迪士尼樂園, 惡人舞動迪士尼, Let’s Get Wicked, Ther Nightmare Before Christmas, 怪誕城之夜, 怪誕城之旅, Journey to Halloween Town
Disney, Disney Parks, Disney Halloween Time, Disney Halloween Time 2019, Hong Kong Disneyland. HKDK, HK Disneyland, 香港迪士尼樂園, 惡人舞動迪士尼, Let’s Get Wicked, Ther Nightmare Before Christmas, 怪誕城之夜, 怪誕城之旅, Journey to Halloween Town

Disney, Disney Parks, Disney Halloween Time, Disney Halloween Time 2019, Hong Kong Disneyland. HKDK, HK Disneyland, 香港迪士尼樂園, 惡人舞動迪士尼, Let’s Get Wicked, Ther Nightmare Before Christmas, 怪誕城之夜, 怪誕城之旅, Journey to Halloween Town
Disney, Disney Parks, Disney Halloween Time, Disney Halloween Time 2019, Hong Kong Disneyland. HKDK, HK Disneyland, 香港迪士尼樂園, 惡人舞動迪士尼, Let’s Get Wicked, Ther Nightmare Before Christmas, 怪誕城之夜, 怪誕城之旅, Journey to Halloween Town

Disney, Disney Parks, Disney Halloween Time, Disney Halloween Time 2019, Hong Kong Disneyland. HKDK, HK Disneyland, 香港迪士尼樂園, 惡人舞動迪士尼, Let’s Get Wicked, Ther Nightmare Before Christmas, 怪誕城之夜, 怪誕城之旅, Journey to Halloween Town
Disney, Disney Parks, Disney Halloween Time, Disney Halloween Time 2019, Hong Kong Disneyland. HKDK, HK Disneyland, 香港迪士尼樂園, 惡人舞動迪士尼, Let’s Get Wicked, Ther Nightmare Before Christmas, 怪誕城之夜, 怪誕城之旅, Journey to Halloween Town

Disney, Disney Parks, Disney Halloween Time, Disney Halloween Time 2019, Hong Kong Disneyland. HKDK, HK Disneyland, 香港迪士尼樂園, 惡人舞動迪士尼, Let’s Get Wicked, Ther Nightmare Before Christmas, 怪誕城之夜, 怪誕城之旅, Journey to Halloween Town
Disney, Disney Parks, Disney Halloween Time, Disney Halloween Time 2019, Hong Kong Disneyland. HKDK, HK Disneyland, 香港迪士尼樂園, 惡人舞動迪士尼, Let’s Get Wicked, Ther Nightmare Before Christmas, 怪誕城之夜, 怪誕城之旅, Journey to Halloween Town

Disney, Disney Parks, Disney Halloween Time, Disney Halloween Time 2019, Hong Kong Disneyland. HKDK, HK Disneyland, 香港迪士尼樂園, 惡人舞動迪士尼, Let’s Get Wicked, Ther Nightmare Before Christmas, 怪誕城之夜, 怪誕城之旅, Journey to Halloween Town

Disney, Disney Parks, Disney Halloween Time, Disney Halloween Time 2019, Hong Kong Disneyland. HKDK, HK Disneyland, 香港迪士尼樂園, 惡人舞動迪士尼, Let’s Get Wicked, Ther Nightmare Before Christmas, 怪誕城之夜, 怪誕城之旅, Journey to Halloween Town

Disney, Disney Parks, Disney Halloween Time, Disney Halloween Time 2019, Hong Kong Disneyland. HKDK, HK Disneyland, 香港迪士尼樂園, 惡人舞動迪士尼, Let’s Get Wicked, Ther Nightmare Before Christmas, 怪誕城之夜, 怪誕城之旅, Journey to Halloween Town
Disney, Disney Parks, Disney Halloween Time, Disney Halloween Time 2019, Hong Kong Disneyland. HKDK, HK Disneyland, 香港迪士尼樂園, 惡人舞動迪士尼, Let’s Get Wicked, Ther Nightmare Before Christmas, 怪誕城之夜, 怪誕城之旅, Journey to Halloween Town

Disney, Disney Parks, Disney Halloween Time, Disney Halloween Time 2019, Hong Kong Disneyland. HKDK, HK Disneyland, 香港迪士尼樂園, 惡人舞動迪士尼, Let’s Get Wicked, Ther Nightmare Before Christmas, 怪誕城之夜, 怪誕城之旅, Journey to Halloween Town

Disney, Disney Parks, Disney Halloween Time, Disney Halloween Time 2019, Hong Kong Disneyland. HKDK, HK Disneyland, 香港迪士尼樂園, 惡人舞動迪士尼, Let’s Get Wicked, Ther Nightmare Before Christmas, 怪誕城之夜, 怪誕城之旅, Journey to Halloween Town

4K Walkthrough

升級「南瓜王阿Jack 與好友怪誕聚會」
Disney, Disney Parks, Disney Halloween Time, Disney Halloween Time 2019, Hong Kong Disneyland. HKDK, HK Disneyland, 香港迪士尼樂園, 惡人舞動迪士尼, Let’s Get Wicked, Ther Nightmare Before Christmas, 怪誕城之夜, 怪誕城之旅, Journey to Halloween Town

今年的「南瓜王阿Jack 與好友怪誕聚會」(“Jack Skellington and Friends Halloween Time Character Greeting”)移師至「展藝館」內的額外空間,排隊區大廳別具特色。
Disney, Disney Parks, Disney Halloween Time, Disney Halloween Time 2019, Hong Kong Disneyland. HKDK, HK Disneyland, 香港迪士尼樂園, 惡人舞動迪士尼, Let’s Get Wicked, Ther Nightmare Before Christmas, 怪誕城之夜, 怪誕城之旅, Journey to Halloween Town
Disney, Disney Parks, Disney Halloween Time, Disney Halloween Time 2019, Hong Kong Disneyland. HKDK, HK Disneyland, 香港迪士尼樂園, 惡人舞動迪士尼, Let’s Get Wicked, Ther Nightmare Before Christmas, 怪誕城之夜, 怪誕城之旅, Journey to Halloween Town
Disney, Disney Parks, Disney Halloween Time, Disney Halloween Time 2019, Hong Kong Disneyland. HKDK, HK Disneyland, 香港迪士尼樂園, 惡人舞動迪士尼, Let’s Get Wicked, Ther Nightmare Before Christmas, 怪誕城之夜, 怪誕城之旅, Journey to Halloween Town

Disney, Disney Parks, Disney Halloween Time, Disney Halloween Time 2019, Hong Kong Disneyland. HKDK, HK Disneyland, 香港迪士尼樂園, 惡人舞動迪士尼, Let’s Get Wicked, Ther Nightmare Before Christmas, 怪誕城之夜, 怪誕城之旅, Journey to Halloween Town
Disney, Disney Parks, Disney Halloween Time, Disney Halloween Time 2019, Hong Kong Disneyland. HKDK, HK Disneyland, 香港迪士尼樂園, 惡人舞動迪士尼, Let’s Get Wicked, Ther Nightmare Before Christmas, 怪誕城之夜, 怪誕城之旅, Journey to Halloween Town
Disney, Disney Parks, Disney Halloween Time, Disney Halloween Time 2019, Hong Kong Disneyland. HKDK, HK Disneyland, 香港迪士尼樂園, 惡人舞動迪士尼, Let’s Get Wicked, Ther Nightmare Before Christmas, 怪誕城之夜, 怪誕城之旅, Journey to Halloween Town

4K Video

Disney, Disney Parks, Disney Halloween Time, Disney Halloween Time 2019, Hong Kong Disneyland. HKDK, HK Disneyland, 香港迪士尼樂園, 惡人舞動迪士尼, Let’s Get Wicked, Ther Nightmare Before Christmas, 怪誕城之夜, 怪誕城之旅, Journey to Halloween Town


Disney, Disney Parks, Disney Halloween Time, Disney Halloween Time 2019, Hong Kong Disneyland. HKDK, HK Disneyland, 香港迪士尼樂園, 惡人舞動迪士尼, Let’s Get Wicked, Ther Nightmare Before Christmas, 怪誕城之夜, 怪誕城之旅, Journey to Halloween Town

Disney, Disney Parks, Disney Halloween Time, Disney Halloween Time 2019, Hong Kong Disneyland. HKDK, HK Disneyland, 香港迪士尼樂園, 惡人舞動迪士尼, Let’s Get Wicked, Ther Nightmare Before Christmas, 怪誕城之夜, 怪誕城之旅, Journey to Halloween Town

Disney, Disney Parks, Disney Halloween Time, Disney Halloween Time 2019, Hong Kong Disneyland. HKDK, HK Disneyland, 香港迪士尼樂園, 惡人舞動迪士尼, Let’s Get Wicked, Ther Nightmare Before Christmas, 怪誕城之夜, 怪誕城之旅, Journey to Halloween Town

4K Video

“Halloween Time Takeover Karibuni Marketplace!”
Disney, Disney Parks, Disney Halloween Time, Disney Halloween Time 2019, Hong Kong Disneyland. HKDK, HK Disneyland, 香港迪士尼樂園, 惡人舞動迪士尼, Let’s Get Wicked, Ther Nightmare Before Christmas, 怪誕城之夜, 怪誕城之旅, Journey to Halloween Town

Disney, Disney Parks, Disney Halloween Time, Disney Halloween Time 2019, Hong Kong Disneyland. HKDK, HK Disneyland, 香港迪士尼樂園, 惡人舞動迪士尼, Let’s Get Wicked, Ther Nightmare Before Christmas, 怪誕城之夜, 怪誕城之旅, Journey to Halloween Town

Disney, Disney Parks, Disney Halloween Time, Disney Halloween Time 2019, Hong Kong Disneyland. HKDK, HK Disneyland, 香港迪士尼樂園, 惡人舞動迪士尼, Let’s Get Wicked, Ther Nightmare Before Christmas, 怪誕城之夜, 怪誕城之旅, Journey to Halloween Town
Disney, Disney Parks, Disney Halloween Time, Disney Halloween Time 2019, Hong Kong Disneyland. HKDK, HK Disneyland, 香港迪士尼樂園, 惡人舞動迪士尼, Let’s Get Wicked, Ther Nightmare Before Christmas, 怪誕城之夜, 怪誕城之旅, Journey to Halloween Town

Disney, Disney Parks, Disney Halloween Time, Disney Halloween Time 2019, Hong Kong Disneyland. HKDK, HK Disneyland, 香港迪士尼樂園, 惡人舞動迪士尼, Let’s Get Wicked, Ther Nightmare Before Christmas, 怪誕城之夜, 怪誕城之旅, Journey to Halloween Town
Disney, Disney Parks, Disney Halloween Time, Disney Halloween Time 2019, Hong Kong Disneyland. HKDK, HK Disneyland, 香港迪士尼樂園, 惡人舞動迪士尼, Let’s Get Wicked, Ther Nightmare Before Christmas, 怪誕城之夜, 怪誕城之旅, Journey to Halloween Town
Disney, Disney Parks, Disney Halloween Time, Disney Halloween Time 2019, Hong Kong Disneyland. HKDK, HK Disneyland, 香港迪士尼樂園, 惡人舞動迪士尼, Let’s Get Wicked, Ther Nightmare Before Christmas, 怪誕城之夜, 怪誕城之旅, Journey to Halloween Town
Disney, Disney Parks, Disney Halloween Time, Disney Halloween Time 2019, Hong Kong Disneyland. HKDK, HK Disneyland, 香港迪士尼樂園, 惡人舞動迪士尼, Let’s Get Wicked, Ther Nightmare Before Christmas, 怪誕城之夜, 怪誕城之旅, Journey to Halloween Town
Disney, Disney Parks, Disney Halloween Time, Disney Halloween Time 2019, Hong Kong Disneyland. HKDK, HK Disneyland, 香港迪士尼樂園, 惡人舞動迪士尼, Let’s Get Wicked, Ther Nightmare Before Christmas, 怪誕城之夜, 怪誕城之旅, Journey to Halloween Town
Disney, Disney Parks, Disney Halloween Time, Disney Halloween Time 2019, Hong Kong Disneyland. HKDK, HK Disneyland, 香港迪士尼樂園, 惡人舞動迪士尼, Let’s Get Wicked, Ther Nightmare Before Christmas, 怪誕城之夜, 怪誕城之旅, Journey to Halloween Town

Disney, Disney Parks, Disney Halloween Time, Disney Halloween Time 2019, Hong Kong Disneyland. HKDK, HK Disneyland, 香港迪士尼樂園, 惡人舞動迪士尼, Let’s Get Wicked, Ther Nightmare Before Christmas, 怪誕城之夜, 怪誕城之旅, Journey to Halloween Town

4K Video

Disney, Disney Parks, Disney Halloween Time, Disney Halloween Time 2019, Hong Kong Disneyland. HKDK, HK Disneyland, 香港迪士尼樂園, 惡人舞動迪士尼, Let’s Get Wicked, Ther Nightmare Before Christmas, 怪誕城之夜, 怪誕城之旅, Journey to Halloween Town

Disney, Disney Parks, Disney Halloween Time, Disney Halloween Time 2019, Hong Kong Disneyland. HKDK, HK Disneyland, 香港迪士尼樂園, 惡人舞動迪士尼, Let’s Get Wicked, Ther Nightmare Before Christmas, 怪誕城之夜, 怪誕城之旅, Journey to Halloween Town
Disney, Disney Parks, Disney Halloween Time, Disney Halloween Time 2019, Hong Kong Disneyland. HKDK, HK Disneyland, 香港迪士尼樂園, 惡人舞動迪士尼, Let’s Get Wicked, Ther Nightmare Before Christmas, 怪誕城之夜, 怪誕城之旅, Journey to Halloween Town

Disney, Disney Parks, Disney Halloween Time, Disney Halloween Time 2019, Hong Kong Disneyland. HKDK, HK Disneyland, 香港迪士尼樂園, 惡人舞動迪士尼, Let’s Get Wicked, Ther Nightmare Before Christmas, 怪誕城之夜, 怪誕城之旅, Journey to Halloween Town

「Halloween 詭趣花園」
“Halloween Time Festival Garden”
Disney, Disney Parks, Disney Halloween Time, Disney Halloween Time 2019, Hong Kong Disneyland. HKDK, HK Disneyland, 香港迪士尼樂園, 惡人舞動迪士尼, Let’s Get Wicked, Ther Nightmare Before Christmas, 怪誕城之夜, 怪誕城之旅, Journey to Halloween Town

在「Halloween詭趣花園」,迪士尼朋友和迪士尼惡人等着再次跟你拍照留念!白天,一家大小也喜愛的小熊維尼與好友將換上可愛的萬聖節服裝現身「幻想世界」的「Halloween詭趣花園」。入夜,「黑巫婆」、凱帝斯鐵鈎船長紅心皇后庫伊拉孚羅洛 將會進佔花園,換上嚇人驚喜,發揮邪惡本色。

Disney, Disney Parks, Disney Halloween Time, Disney Halloween Time 2019, Hong Kong Disneyland. HKDK, HK Disneyland, 香港迪士尼樂園, 惡人舞動迪士尼, Let’s Get Wicked, Ther Nightmare Before Christmas, 怪誕城之夜, 怪誕城之旅, Journey to Halloween Town
Disney, Disney Parks, Disney Halloween Time, Disney Halloween Time 2019, Hong Kong Disneyland. HKDK, HK Disneyland, 香港迪士尼樂園, 惡人舞動迪士尼, Let’s Get Wicked, Ther Nightmare Before Christmas, 怪誕城之夜, 怪誕城之旅, Journey to Halloween Town
Disney, Disney Parks, Disney Halloween Time, Disney Halloween Time 2019, Hong Kong Disneyland. HKDK, HK Disneyland, 香港迪士尼樂園, 惡人舞動迪士尼, Let’s Get Wicked, Ther Nightmare Before Christmas, 怪誕城之夜, 怪誕城之旅, Journey to Halloween Town
Disney, Disney Parks, Disney Halloween Time, Disney Halloween Time 2019, Hong Kong Disneyland. HKDK, HK Disneyland, 香港迪士尼樂園, 惡人舞動迪士尼, Let’s Get Wicked, Ther Nightmare Before Christmas, 怪誕城之夜, 怪誕城之旅, Journey to Halloween Town

Animation Academy
Disney, Disney Parks, Disney Halloween Time, Disney Halloween Time 2019, Hong Kong Disneyland. HKDK, HK Disneyland, 香港迪士尼樂園, 惡人舞動迪士尼, Let’s Get Wicked, Ther Nightmare Before Christmas, 怪誕城之夜, 怪誕城之旅, Journey to Halloween Town

Disney, Disney Parks, Disney Halloween Time, Disney Halloween Time 2019, Hong Kong Disneyland. HKDK, HK Disneyland, 香港迪士尼樂園, 惡人舞動迪士尼, Let’s Get Wicked, Ther Nightmare Before Christmas, 怪誕城之夜, 怪誕城之旅, Journey to Halloween Town

Disney, Disney Parks, Disney Halloween Time, Disney Halloween Time 2019, Hong Kong Disneyland. HKDK, HK Disneyland, 香港迪士尼樂園, 惡人舞動迪士尼, Let’s Get Wicked, Ther Nightmare Before Christmas, 怪誕城之夜, 怪誕城之旅, Journey to Halloween Town

Disney, Disney Parks, Disney Halloween Time, Disney Halloween Time 2019, Hong Kong Disneyland. HKDK, HK Disneyland, 香港迪士尼樂園, 惡人舞動迪士尼, Let’s Get Wicked, Ther Nightmare Before Christmas, 怪誕城之夜, 怪誕城之旅, Journey to Halloween Town

Disney, Disney Parks, Disney Halloween Time, Disney Halloween Time 2019, Hong Kong Disneyland. HKDK, HK Disneyland, 香港迪士尼樂園, 惡人舞動迪士尼, Let’s Get Wicked, Ther Nightmare Before Christmas, 怪誕城之夜, 怪誕城之旅, Journey to Halloween Town

全新!「阿Jack 聯群作惡」音樂表演
Brand-new! “Jack Skellington’s Villainous Gathering”
Disney, Disney Parks, Disney Halloween Time, Disney Halloween Time 2019, Hong Kong Disneyland. HKDK, HK Disneyland, 香港迪士尼樂園, 惡人舞動迪士尼, Let’s Get Wicked, Ther Nightmare Before Christmas, 怪誕城之夜, 怪誕城之旅, Journey to Halloween Town

在月黑風高的晚上,隨時準備投入「城堡廣場舞台」(Castle Hub Stage)全新「阿Jack聯群作惡」音樂派對!《怪誕城之夜》的阿積莎莉惡巫先生(Oogie Boogie)作主,聯同一眾經典迪士尼惡人,在強勁節拍如搖滾、電子樂等全新編曲的首本名曲下,為狂歡音樂派對掀起高潮!

Full Show in 4K

「南瓜米奇」装飾  及 今年兩季交替情景
Disney, Disney Parks, Disney Halloween Time, Disney Halloween Time 2019, Hong Kong Disneyland. HKDK, HK Disneyland, 香港迪士尼樂園, 惡人舞動迪士尼, Let’s Get Wicked, Ther Nightmare Before Christmas, 怪誕城之夜, 怪誕城之旅, Journey to Halloween Town

Disney, Disney Parks, Disney Halloween Time, Disney Halloween Time 2019, Hong Kong Disneyland. HKDK, HK Disneyland, 香港迪士尼樂園, 惡人舞動迪士尼, Let’s Get Wicked, Ther Nightmare Before Christmas, 怪誕城之夜, 怪誕城之旅, Journey to Halloween Town

Disney, Disney Parks, Disney Halloween Time, Disney Halloween Time 2019, Hong Kong Disneyland. HKDK, HK Disneyland, 香港迪士尼樂園, 惡人舞動迪士尼, Let’s Get Wicked, Ther Nightmare Before Christmas, 怪誕城之夜, 怪誕城之旅, Journey to Halloween Town
Disney, Disney Parks, Disney Halloween Time, Disney Halloween Time 2019, Hong Kong Disneyland. HKDK, HK Disneyland, 香港迪士尼樂園, 惡人舞動迪士尼, Let’s Get Wicked, Ther Nightmare Before Christmas, 怪誕城之夜, 怪誕城之旅, Journey to Halloween Town
Disney, Disney Parks, Disney Halloween Time, Disney Halloween Time 2019, Hong Kong Disneyland. HKDK, HK Disneyland, 香港迪士尼樂園, 惡人舞動迪士尼, Let’s Get Wicked, Ther Nightmare Before Christmas, 怪誕城之夜, 怪誕城之旅, Journey to Halloween Town

Disney, Disney Parks, Disney Halloween Time, Disney Halloween Time 2019, Hong Kong Disneyland. HKDK, HK Disneyland, 香港迪士尼樂園, 惡人舞動迪士尼, Let’s Get Wicked, Ther Nightmare Before Christmas, 怪誕城之夜, 怪誕城之旅, Journey to Halloween Town

Disney, Disney Parks, Disney Halloween Time, Disney Halloween Time 2019, Hong Kong Disneyland. HKDK, HK Disneyland, 香港迪士尼樂園, 惡人舞動迪士尼, Let’s Get Wicked, Ther Nightmare Before Christmas, 怪誕城之夜, 怪誕城之旅, Journey to Halloween Town

Themed Stickers
Disney, Disney Parks, Disney Halloween Time, Disney Halloween Time 2019, Hong Kong Disneyland. HKDK, HK Disneyland, 香港迪士尼樂園, 惡人舞動迪士尼, Let’s Get Wicked, Ther Nightmare Before Christmas, 怪誕城之夜, 怪誕城之旅, Journey to Halloween Town

Food & Beverage
Disney, Disney Parks, Disney Halloween Time, Disney Halloween Time 2019, Hong Kong Disneyland. HKDK, HK Disneyland, 香港迪士尼樂園, 惡人舞動迪士尼, Let’s Get Wicked, Ther Nightmare Before Christmas, 怪誕城之夜, 怪誕城之旅, Journey to Halloween Town



Disney, Disney Parks, Disney Halloween Time, Disney Halloween Time 2019, Hong Kong Disneyland. HKDK, HK Disneyland, 香港迪士尼樂園, 惡人舞動迪士尼, Let’s Get Wicked, Ther Nightmare Before Christmas, 怪誕城之夜, 怪誕城之旅, Journey to Halloween Town

Disney, Disney Parks, Disney Halloween Time, Disney Halloween Time 2019, Hong Kong Disneyland. HKDK, HK Disneyland, 香港迪士尼樂園, 惡人舞動迪士尼, Let’s Get Wicked, Ther Nightmare Before Christmas, 怪誕城之夜, 怪誕城之旅, Journey to Halloween Town

Disney, Disney Parks, Disney Halloween Time, Disney Halloween Time 2019, Hong Kong Disneyland. HKDK, HK Disneyland, 香港迪士尼樂園, 惡人舞動迪士尼, Let’s Get Wicked, Ther Nightmare Before Christmas, 怪誕城之夜, 怪誕城之旅, Journey to Halloween Town

Disney, Disney Parks, Disney Halloween Time, Disney Halloween Time 2019, Hong Kong Disneyland. HKDK, HK Disneyland, 香港迪士尼樂園, 惡人舞動迪士尼, Let’s Get Wicked, Ther Nightmare Before Christmas, 怪誕城之夜, 怪誕城之旅, Journey to Halloween Town

Disney, Disney Parks, Disney Halloween Time, Disney Halloween Time 2019, Hong Kong Disneyland. HKDK, HK Disneyland, 香港迪士尼樂園, 惡人舞動迪士尼, Let’s Get Wicked, Ther Nightmare Before Christmas, 怪誕城之夜, 怪誕城之旅, Journey to Halloween Town

Disney, Disney Parks, Disney Halloween Time, Disney Halloween Time 2019, Hong Kong Disneyland. HKDK, HK Disneyland, 香港迪士尼樂園, 惡人舞動迪士尼, Let’s Get Wicked, Ther Nightmare Before Christmas, 怪誕城之夜, 怪誕城之旅, Journey to Halloween Town

Disney, Disney Parks, Disney Halloween Time, Disney Halloween Time 2019, Hong Kong Disneyland. HKDK, HK Disneyland, 香港迪士尼樂園, 惡人舞動迪士尼, Let’s Get Wicked, Ther Nightmare Before Christmas, 怪誕城之夜, 怪誕城之旅, Journey to Halloween Town

Disney, Disney Parks, Disney Halloween Time, Disney Halloween Time 2019, Hong Kong Disneyland. HKDK, HK Disneyland, 香港迪士尼樂園, 惡人舞動迪士尼, Let’s Get Wicked, Ther Nightmare Before Christmas, 怪誕城之夜, 怪誕城之旅, Journey to Halloween Town

Disney, Disney Parks, Disney Halloween Time, Disney Halloween Time 2019, Hong Kong Disneyland. HKDK, HK Disneyland, 香港迪士尼樂園, 惡人舞動迪士尼, Let’s Get Wicked, Ther Nightmare Before Christmas, 怪誕城之夜, 怪誕城之旅, Journey to Halloween Town

若想增添詭異樂趣,千萬別錯過可以在漆黑中發光的「Oogie Boogie 爆谷桶」和型格十足的「Jack飲品紀念杯」。
Disney, Disney Parks, Disney Halloween Time, Disney Halloween Time 2019, Hong Kong Disneyland. HKDK, HK Disneyland, 香港迪士尼樂園, 惡人舞動迪士尼, Let’s Get Wicked, Ther Nightmare Before Christmas, 怪誕城之夜, 怪誕城之旅, Journey to Halloween Town

Hong Kong Disneyland Resort
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Disney Magical Kingdom Blog: 香港迪士尼樂園「Disney Halloween Time 2019」活動記錄
香港迪士尼樂園「Disney Halloween Time 2019」活動記錄
Disney, Disney Parks, Disney Halloween Time, Disney Halloween Time 2019, Hong Kong Disneyland. HKDK, HK Disneyland, 香港迪士尼樂園, 惡人舞動迪士尼, Let’s Get Wicked, Ther Nightmare Before Christmas, 怪誕城之夜, 怪誕城之旅, Journey to Halloween Town
Disney Magical Kingdom Blog
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