為迎接 香港迪士尼樂園新城堡「奇妙夢想城堡」(Castle of Magical Dreams)將於今年華麗登場,香港迪士尼樂園度假區商品部 特別設計全新Duffy與好友「Build Your Own Dreams」系列商品,相關產品已於近日陸續發售。
There are loads of fun coming in 2020 and fans are thrilled about the transformation of Hong Kong Disneyland’s centerpiece, the Castle of Magical Dreams! In order to celebrate this remarkable moment, HKDLR merchandise team has launched the brand new Build Your Own Dreams merchandise series in this week, featuring Duffy, ShellieMay, Gelatoni, StellaLou, and CookieAnn.

「Build Your Own Dreams」系列捕捉Duffy與好友們興奮的心情,設計以明亮鮮艷的顏色、漫天繽紛的彩紙營造嘉年華般的氣氛,與大家一起分享「奇妙夢想城堡」正式完成的那份期待和喜悅。
The Build Your Own Dreams series captures the excitement and features bright, carnival-like colors, along with confetti designs, which emphasize the enthusiasm surrounding the reimagined castle.

Hong Kong Disneyland Resort