Hong Kong Resident: Summer Staycation Hotel Offer
香港迪士尼樂園度假區(Hong Kong Disneyland Resort)於今天推出 迪士尼探索家度假酒店(Disney Explorers Lodge)香港居民尊享夏日酒店房間優惠。由即日起至2020年9月29日,預訂迪士尼探索家度假酒店「標準客房」連指定早餐(兩位)只需港幣$1,378*起!
- 1晚迪士尼探索家度假酒店住宿
- 2 x 指定早餐套餐
價錢:港幣$1,378* 起
Room Types: Standard Room
Offer Details#:
- 1- night accommodation (Standard Room) at Disney Explorers Lodge
- 2 x Designated Breakfast Set
Price: Starting HK$1,378*
Check-In Period: Now untill September 30, 2020
* 套票價格已包括相關房價之10%服務費
# 須在入住前最少1天預訂
* The price of the package includes 10% service charge based on the applicable room rate.
# Advance reservation is required to be made at least 1 day prior to the check-in date.
立即預訂(Book Now):
- 此優惠只供持有有效香港身份證的香港居民享用(「合資格賓客」)。合資格賓客入住時須出示此身份證明作核實用途,否則香港國際主題樂園有限公司將收取房間之現行定價(於入住當時計算)。
- 此優惠適用之入住日期為2020年6月13日至9月30日期間及退房日期須為2020年10月1日或之前。
- 此優惠只適用於迪士尼探索家度假酒店(「酒店」)之標準客房。
- 各酒店房間之現行定價於預訂時計算。
- The Offer is only available to Hong Kong residents with a valid Hong Kong Identity Card (“Eligible Guests”). Eligible Guests are required to present such identification for verification upon check-in. Otherwise, the prevailing room rate at the time of check-in will be charged.
- The Offer is valid for check-in from June 13 to September 30, 2020 with check-out date on or before October 1, 2020.
- The Offer is applicable to Standard Room in Disney Explorers Lodge (“Hotel”) only.
- The prevailing room rate for each Hotel is determined at the time of booking.
Hong Kong Disneyland Resort