


‘Olu Mel(奧樂米拉)將於2020年6月10日正式登陸 上海迪士尼度假區

Disney, Disney Parks, Shanghai Disneyland, Shanghai Disney Resort, Duffy And Friends, ‘Olu, ‘Olu Mel, 上海迪士尼度假區, 上海迪士尼樂園, 奧樂米拉

上海迪士尼度假區 透過新浪網率先公佈 ‘Olu Mel(奧樂米拉)將於2020年6月10日正式登陸 上海迪士尼

It is official!  ‘Olu Mel (奧樂米拉) will debut at Shanghai Disney Resort on June 10, 2020!

Disney, Disney Parks, Shanghai Disneyland, Shanghai Disney Resort, Duffy And Friends, ‘Olu, ‘Olu Mel, 上海迪士尼度假區, 上海迪士尼樂園, 奧樂米拉
Disney, Disney Parks, Shanghai Disneyland, Shanghai Disney Resort, Duffy And Friends, ‘Olu, ‘Olu Mel, 上海迪士尼度假區, 上海迪士尼樂園, 奧樂米拉

‘Olu Mel 來自太平洋彼岸浪漫的海島夏威夷。Duffy 和 Mickey 在划船到小島為 ShellieMay 尋找生日禮物的途中,被一陣輕快的旋律吸引到了一個港灣,在那裡遇見了小海龜 ‘Olu Mel。原來,音樂聲正是 ‘Olu Mel 彈奏夏威夷小吉他 Ukulele 時發出的。接着,‘Olu Mel 又彈奏奏起了一首動聽的樂曲,並邀請 Duffy 和 Mickey 一同合唱。Duffy 覺得美妙的音樂正是送給 ShellieMay 的最好的生日禮物。於是在 ShellieMay 的生日聚會上,大家為她唱起了這首特別的歌曲,而 ‘Olu Mel 也就此成為了 Duffy 的好朋友。

‘Olu Mel 的原名為「‘Olu」,改名的故事源自 Duffy和好友 於某一天在夏威夷玩樂,Duffy 和 ShellieMay 十分欣賞 ‘Olu 彈奏的音樂,ShellieMay 更以「melody」一字作為靈感,給予 ‘Olu 別名「Mel」。另一邊廂,Duffy 也喜愛「‘Olu」的名字。‘Olu 想了一會兒,並開始彈奏夏威夷小吉他。知道兩位好友欣賞各自的想法,‘Olu 對 Duffy 和 ShellieMay 表示,歡迎稱他為 ‘Olu Mel。Duffy 和 ShellieMay 均喜愛小海龜朋友的全新名字。‘Olu Mel 也覺得十分榮幸能夠將音樂成為自己名字的一部份。

Duffy and Mickey were sailing the islands to find ShellieMay a birthday present.  Happy music led them to a cozy cove.  ''Aloha, I'm Olu! I play my ukulele to make songs of love. Want to sing with me?''  Olu strummed a beautiful song.  ''That will be the perfect present!''  At her birthday party, they all sang their special song for ShellieMay.

As the story goes, on a bright sunny Hawai‘i day, Duffy and ShellieMay were looking for ‘Olu so the three friends could play, but he was nowhere to be found. So, they decided to check the beach.

As they followed their usual path to the ocean, they began to hear melodious music. When they arrived at the shore, they found ‘Olu strumming his ‘ukulele and singing about blue and white waves playing hide-and-seek with one another. Both Duffy and ShellieMay agreed that they thought ‘Olu’s melody was truly beautiful. So beautiful, that right then and there, ShellieMay wanted to give their friend the nickname Mel, short for melody. Duffy added that he always liked the name ‘Olu too.

‘Olu thought for a second, then started strumming his ‘ukulele and singing, “Duffy and ShellieMay, you like both names, that’s swell. From now on, you can call me, ‘Olu Mel!” Duffy and ShellieMay looked at each other and exclaimed, “We love the name, ‘Olu Mel!”

Seeing his dear friends so excited about his new name, the musical turtle felt happy and honored to be called ‘Olu Mel, because now, music was a part of his name.

Disney, Disney Parks, Shanghai Disneyland, Shanghai Disney Resort, Duffy And Friends, ‘Olu, ‘Olu Mel, 上海迪士尼度假區, 上海迪士尼樂園, 奧樂米拉

Disney, Disney Parks, Shanghai Disneyland, Shanghai Disney Resort, Duffy And Friends, ‘Olu, ‘Olu Mel, 上海迪士尼度假區, 上海迪士尼樂園, 奧樂米拉
Disney, Disney Parks, Shanghai Disneyland, Shanghai Disney Resort, Duffy And Friends, ‘Olu, ‘Olu Mel, 上海迪士尼度假區, 上海迪士尼樂園, 奧樂米拉

大家可於 2020年6月10日起 在「甜心糖果」、「迪士尼世界商店」及「奇妙仙子禮品屋」選購超過20款的奧樂米拉主題商品。

Starting from June 10, 2020, fans can purchase the all new ‘Olu Mel merchandise in the Sweethearts Confectionery, World of Disney Store, Tinker Bell Gift.
Disney, Disney Parks, Shanghai Disneyland, Shanghai Disney Resort, Duffy And Friends, ‘Olu, ‘Olu Mel, 上海迪士尼度假區, 上海迪士尼樂園, 奧樂米拉

Shanghai Disney Resort
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Disney Magical Kingdom Blog: ‘Olu Mel(奧樂米拉)將於2020年6月10日正式登陸 上海迪士尼度假區
‘Olu Mel(奧樂米拉)將於2020年6月10日正式登陸 上海迪士尼度假區
Disney, Disney Parks, Shanghai Disneyland, Shanghai Disney Resort, Duffy And Friends, ‘Olu, ‘Olu Mel, 上海迪士尼度假區, 上海迪士尼樂園, 奧樂米拉
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