留在家裡可以做什麼?來自華特迪士尼幻想工程(Walt Disney Imagineering)的「幻想工程師」Amy Young 、Stephanie Jazmines 和 Lyndsey Vincent 分別設計了不同款式的「Disney Paper Parks」紙模型,讓大家可以在家組建自己的樂園。
華特迪士尼幻想工程總裁 羅伯特‧魏斯(Bob Weis)說:「We have always been inspired by the incredible passion of our Disney park fans. Seeing your creativity and shared love for the experiences Imagineers create has really lifted our spirits」。喜愛 Disney Parks 的你只需按以下連結即可下載紙模型官方製作圖:
Part 1: Main Street U.S.A. 美國小鎮大街
Part 2: “Magic Happens” parade
Part 3: Sleeping Beauty Castle 睡公主城堡
Part 4: King Arthur Carrousel
延伸閱讀(Sharing the Magic):
Walt Disney Imagineering