


【香港迪士尼樂園 第四度重開 ✨ The 4th Reopening of Hong Kong Disneyland】尚未使用的樂園門票、有使用期限之產品、酒店訂房及「奇妙處處通」會籍之特別安排|Special arrangement for unused park tickets, date-specific products, hotel bookings & Magic Access memberships.

Disney, Disney Parks, HKDL, HKDisneyland, 2022年4月21日:香港迪士尼樂園 第四度重開, April 21, 2022: 4th Reopening of Hong Kong Disneyland, Magic Access


Hong Kong Disneyland Park will reopen on April 21, 2022.  Here is the special arrangement for unused park tickets, date-specific products, hotel bookings & Magic Access memberships:

Magic Access Membership


The membership terms of existing Magic Access memberships will be extended by 104 days. This arrangement may be subject to further review and adjusted where appropriate. Magic Access memberships that expired on or before January 6, 2022 or new membership cards issued on or after April 14, 2022 will not be extended.

Unredeemed Magic Access Confirmation / Magic Access Certificate


Guests who are holding unredeemed Magic Access confirmation for new membership only or Magic Access certificate with an expiry date falling between January 7 and April 20, 2022 may present the original confirmation or certificate to redeem the new Magic Access membership card in person at designated location(s) on or before July 21, 2022. Each membership card is valid for one year from the issue date.

Magic Access Birthday Privileges


  • 於2022年1月1日至4月30日生日的會員,可於2022年6月30日或之前享用未兌換的會員生日禮遇。

(Applicable to Magic Access Members whose birthday falls in January to April 2022)

  • If a Member's birthday falls within the period from January 1 to April 30, 2022, the validity date of his/her unused Member’s birthday privileges will be extended to June 30, 2022.



  • 香港迪士尼樂園酒店 +852 3510-6000
  • 迪士尼探索家度假酒店 +852 3510-2000
  • 迪士尼好萊塢酒店 +852 3510-5000

 (Applicable to all Members)

Due to operational adjustments in our hotel restaurants, please call in advance to make a reservation prior to redeeming the Member's birthday privileges.

  • Hong Kong Disneyland Hotel +852 3510-6000
  • Disney Explorers Lodge +852 3510-2000
  • Disney's Hollywood Hotel +852 3510-5000

Unused Day Tickets, Designated In-Park Products and Magic Access

於香港迪士尼樂園2022年1月7日至4月20日暫停開放期間購買了有效門票、其他樂園相關產品,如觀光服務、優先入場產品、魔法化妝廳體驗及樂園餐券等( 統稱為「指定樂園相關產品」)及「奇妙處處通」的賓客,請參閱下列安排:

1. 任何於2022年1月7日至6月14日期間 (包括首尾兩天)到期而未使用之樂園門票及/或指定樂園相關產品,包括未使用或只使用一次之「雙重暢玩」優惠門票、未使用之「奇妙同慶」團票優惠門票及「1314」二人遊優惠門票,其有效日期將會自動延長至2022年6月15日。賓客只需出示原有的樂園門票或指定樂園相關產品的購票確認,即可於2022年6月15日或之前用以進入樂園或換領相關產品。

2. 於2022年4月14日當日或之後購買的樂園門票及/或指定樂園相關產品,其有效日期將不會被自動延長。

3. 產品之兌換均受限於供應情況及遊樂設施、設施或餐廳之容納量、營運時間、進入要求及營運模式。

4. 除非所涉及的產品之條款及細則另有規定,符合以下所有條件的賓客可於2022年6月15日或之前提出樂園門票、其他樂園相關產品和服務(例如迪士尼「尊享優先通行」產品及冒險家半自助餐)及「奇妙處處通」的退款要求

  • 於2022年4月14日或之前,透過香港迪士尼樂園度假區的其中一個直營銷售渠道﹙包括網站、樂園正門售票處及致電1-830-830﹚購買的樂園門票、指定樂園相關產品及「奇妙處處通」;
  • 未使用的門票、未換領或未使用的指定樂園相關產品及未發出之「奇妙處處通」會員卡;
  • 門票、指定樂園相關產品及「奇妙處處通」禮券或購票確認的換領日期於2022年1月7日之前尚未到期; 及
  • 門票、指定樂園相關產品及「奇妙處處通」禮券或購票確認 (a) 於2022年1月7日至4月20日期間內的指定使用日期,或(b)於提出退款之要求時,仍可有效入場、換領或使用。

請將賓客姓名及確認編號電郵至 ,以提出退款之要求。

5. 所有經香港迪士尼樂園微信小程式、香港迪士尼樂園飛豬旗艦店及其他香港迪士尼樂園旅遊合作伙伴購買了樂園門票、指定樂園相關產品、

The following options are available to guests who have purchased Hong Kong Disneyland Park (“Park”) admission tickets, other designated products usable at the Park (including tour products, priority access, Bibbidi Bobbidi Boutique experiences and meal vouchers) (collectively, “Designated In-Park Products”) and Magic Access which were valid during the Park’s temporary closure period from January 7 to April 20, 2022:

1. Unused Park Tickets and/or Designated In-Park Products with expiry date falling between January 7 and June 14, 2022 (both dates inclusive), including Park Tickets purchased under the “Double the Fun” Special Offer that are unused or used once only, and unused Park Tickets purchased under the “Celebrate Together” Group Ticket Offer and the “Happier Together” Offer, will have the validity period automatically extended to June 15, 2022. Guests shall use the same confirmations or Tickets for Park admission or usage on or before June 15, 2022.

2. Park Tickets and/or Designated In-Park Products purchased on or after April 14, 2022 will not receive validity extension.

3. Redemption of products is subject to availability and the capacity, operating hours, entry requirements and mode of operation of the attraction, facility or restaurant.

4. Except as otherwise provided in the terms and conditions applicable to the product in question, guests may request refund for Park Tickets, Designated In-Park Products (such as Disney Priority Special products and Explorer’s Semi-buffet) and Magic Access meeting all of the following conditions on or before June 15, 2022: 

  • the Ticket, Designated In-Park Product or Magic Access was purchased in the guests’ name through one of the Resort’s direct-to-consumer channels (including on the website at, at ticket booths at the Main Entrance of the Park and by phone at 1-830-830) on or before April 14, 2022
  • the Ticket is not used, the Designated In-Park Product is not redeemed or used and no membership card is issued for the Magic Access
  • the Ticket, Designated In-Park Product and the redemption date of Magic Access certificate or confirmation email has not expired by January 7, 2022; and
  • the Ticket, Designated In-Park Product, Magic Access certificate or confirmation email is/was valid for admission, redemption or usage either (a) on the product’s designated validity date between January 7 and April 20, 2022; or (b) at the time of the refund request.

Refund requests shall be sent to with the Guest’s name and confirmation number.

5. Guests who have purchased Park Tickets, Magic Access or Designated In-Park Products through the Hong Kong Disneyland WeChat Mini Program, Hong Kong Disneyland Fliggy Flagship Store and other travel providers of Hong Kong Disneyland may contact the seller for refund arrangements.

Hotel Booking

  • 於2022年2月22日或之前預訂原定於2022年1月6日至4月25日期間入住之酒店訂房,除非所涉及的產品之條款及細則另有規定,賓客可要求以下其中一項特別安排:

    1. 於原定入住日期或之前,可免費取消訂房;或
    2. 於原定入住日期最少72小時前,按可供應的房間及新的現行房價更改訂房入住日期至2022年5月31日或之前的任何適用日子。

  • 於香港迪士尼樂園度假區官方網站 www.hongkongdisneyland.com預訂的賓客可於網上處理有關預訂,而經香港迪士尼樂園訂房中心預訂的賓客,請將賓客姓名及確認編號電郵至,以作安排。
  • 所有經香港迪士尼樂園微信小程式、香港迪士尼樂園飛豬旗艦店及其他香港迪士尼樂園旅遊合作伙伴預訂了度假區酒店住宿的賓客,請與原預訂渠道聯絡作更改、取消預訂及退款安排。

  • Guests who have booked hotel stays on or before February 22, 2022 with arrival date between January 6 and April 25, 2022, except as otherwise provided in the terms and conditions applicable to the product in question, may request for one of the following special arrangements:

    1. cancel their booking without additional charge on or before the original arrival date; or
    2. at least 72 hours prior to the original arrival date, amend the original arrival date to any available date on or before May 31, 2022, subject to room availability and adjustment for the prevailing room rate for the new arrival date. 

  • Guests who have booked a hotel stay through our official website at may manage their booking online. Guests who have booked their stay through the Disney Reservation Center, may send email to with his/her name and confirmation number for further arrangements. 
  • Guests who have booked a Resort hotel stay through the Hong Kong Disneyland WeChat Mini Program, Hong Kong Disneyland Fliggy Flagship Store and other travel providers of Hong Kong Disneyland may contact the seller for amendment, cancellation or refund arrangements.

Disney Hotel Dining and Merchandise Vouchers


Unused Disney Hotel Dining and Merchandise Vouchers with validity date falling between November 29, 2021 and March 31, 2022 will have the validity period automatically extended to September 30, 2022. Guests shall use the same vouchers on or before September 30, 2022.


Hong Kong Disneyland Resort



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Disney Magical Kingdom Blog: 【香港迪士尼樂園 第四度重開 ✨ The 4th Reopening of Hong Kong Disneyland】尚未使用的樂園門票、有使用期限之產品、酒店訂房及「奇妙處處通」會籍之特別安排|Special arrangement for unused park tickets, date-specific products, hotel bookings & Magic Access memberships.
【香港迪士尼樂園 第四度重開 ✨ The 4th Reopening of Hong Kong Disneyland】尚未使用的樂園門票、有使用期限之產品、酒店訂房及「奇妙處處通」會籍之特別安排|Special arrangement for unused park tickets, date-specific products, hotel bookings & Magic Access memberships.
Disney, Disney Parks, HKDL, HKDisneyland, 2022年4月21日:香港迪士尼樂園 第四度重開, April 21, 2022: 4th Reopening of Hong Kong Disneyland, Magic Access
Disney Magical Kingdom Blog
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