


Duffy最新好友 LinaBell 約定粉絲2022年9月9日於香港迪士尼樂園度假區見面|LinaBell, Duffy’s New Friend, to Arrive at Hong Kong Disneyland Resort on September 9, 2022!

Disney, 迪士尼, Duffy And Friends, 香港迪士尼樂園度假區, Hong Kong Disneyland Resort

Duffy與好友的最新成員 – LinaBell 的熱潮席捲全球,贏得眾多粉絲鍾愛。這位可愛又充滿個性的粉紅小狐狸將於9月9日在香港迪士尼樂園度假區(香港迪士尼)與大家見面!為慶祝 LinaBell 的登場,香港迪士尼將為粉絲們呈獻一系列全新獨有體驗,包括推出獨家主題商品、美食、娛樂以及酒店住宿體驗,與賓客一同投入LinaBell熱潮!


Hong Kong Disneyland Resort (Hong Kong Disneyland) is proud to announce that LinaBell the fox, who is the newest friend of Duffy, will arrive at Hong Kong Disneyland on September 9. To mark her exciting debut, Hong Kong Disneyland will celebrate with an array of offerings that are sure to delight guests. Fans of LinaBell can look forward to a number of themed exclusive items in September including themed merchandise and food & beverage items as well as entertainment and hotel offerings, creating an immersive LinaBell experience.

(**The themed merchandise products will be for pre-order through designated online platform. Details will be announced in August 2022.)

Disney, 迪士尼, Duffy And Friends, 香港迪士尼樂園度假區, Hong Kong Disneyland Resort

LinaBell 將會加入Duffy、ShellieMay、Gelatoni、 StellaLou、‘Olu Mel 以及 CookieAnn 這個大家庭,於香港迪士尼送上友情魔法。LinaBell擁有一雙明亮的大眼睛和一條毛茸茸的尾巴。喜歡拆解難題及謎團的她,常常拿起放大鏡到處探索、認識新事物,她告訴我們只要細心留意,線索無處不在,隨時就在眼前!她天真、好奇又聰明的性格,必定能成為樂園賓客的新寵兒,以及 Duffy與好友粉絲們的好伙伴。

Joining Duffy, ShellieMay, Gelatoni, StellaLou, ‘Olu Mel and CookieAnn, LinaBell is a bright-eyed and bushy tailed fox who is both curious and intelligent. Looking through her signature magnifying glass, she sagely but matter-of-factly teaches us that clues are all around — and may be right in front of our eyes! LinaBell’s innocent nature, along with curiosity and wisdom, makes her a joy to be around. Duffy and Friends fans and guests alike are sure to fall in love with her.

Disney, 迪士尼, Duffy And Friends, 香港迪士尼樂園度假區, Hong Kong Disneyland Resort

LinaBell 因為好奇又聰明而與 Duffy 結緣。有一天,Duffy與米奇老鼠在森林中追逐蝴蝶的時候失散迷路。此時,LinaBell熟練地拿出放大鏡,細心尋找Duffy身上的「線索」,最終為Duffy找到原來的方向,並成功幫助他與米奇老鼠重聚。Duffy及其他好朋友都非常欣賞她那偵探般的解難能力。

Duffy the Disney Bear met LinaBell when he was lost in the forest following a butterfly. LinaBell suddenly, but masterfully, took out her magnifying glass and started examining “clues” to figure out where Duffy had come from. Thanks to her detective-like talent, Duffy was able to be reunited with Mickey Mouse. Duffy and the rest of the friends are often in awe of her ingenious ways of solving problems.

香港迪士尼樂園度假區行政總裁 莫偉庭 表示:「我們十分興奮及期待LinaBell加入香港迪士尼樂園的Duffy與好友大家庭!樂園獨有的Duffy與好友一直深受香港以至亞洲各地賓客的喜愛。隨著LinaBell的加入,賓客於香港迪士尼的Duffy與好友體驗將會提升。由購物到酒店住宿,娛樂到美食#Eatertainment,一系列的體驗必定能吸引更多賓客成為Duffy與好友的粉絲。我們期待與粉絲們一同於9月9日在樂園內迎接這位Duffy與好友的新成員!」

“We’re thrilled to have LinaBell making her debut and joining the Duffy and Friends family here at Hong Kong Disneyland! Being a park exclusive franchise, Duffy and Friends have always been adored by local fans and by guests across Asia,” said Michael Moriarty, Managing Director of Hong Kong Disneyland Resort. “With LinaBell joining the Duffy and Friends family here at the resort, the immersive journey will be further enhanced. Guests can look forward to a heartwarming experience, with offerings ranging from shopping to staycations, and entertainment to ‘Eatertainment’ featuring all of Duffy and his friends.”

Disney, 迪士尼, Duffy And Friends, 香港迪士尼樂園度假區, Hong Kong Disneyland Resort


  • LinaBell會現身與一眾粉絲會面,與各位賓客分享其熱愛探索和冒險的精神。 
  • 一系列全新獨家 LinaBell 主題商品定會叫粉絲為之著迷,為賓客的主題造型加分。 (**相關主題商品將會透過網上預購形式出售,詳情將於2022年8月內公佈。)
  • 一系列獨有的 LinaBell #Eatertainment 美食體驗定能滿足一眾「吃貨」的粉絲。
  • 全新推出的LinaBell房間佈置以及手作班將令賓客的宅度假體驗奇妙加倍。

LinaBell’s adventurous and curious personality will be embraced as experiences featured all over the resort, as guests discover themed fun around every corner:

  • LinaBell will be meeting guests in person, where she will share her passion for exploring the world! 
  • Fans can look forward to a series of new and exclusive LinaBell-themed merchandise items, perfect for completing their LinaBell-inspired outfits. (**The themed merchandise products will be for pre-order through designated online platform. Details will be announced in August 2022.)
  • Foodies can dive into a smorgasbord of LinaBell inspired #Eatertainment offerings.
  • For those who want to immerse themselves in LinaBell’s world, look no further than a staycation in the resort hotel with an exclusive LinaBell-themed room overlay as well as a themed arts and crafts workshop.

LinaBell 於去年在 上海迪士尼度假區 首次亮相後,這位活潑好奇的小狐狸朋友繼續四處傳播歡樂。除了在 香港迪士尼樂園 閃亮登場之外, LinaBell 亦將於2022年9月8日登陸 東京迪士尼海洋,把足跡遍佈世界各地,與更多粉絲分享其探索旅程!

After a spectacular debut at Shanghai Disney Resort last year, this active and inquisitive fox continues to spread cheer and joy wherever she goes. In addition to her magical entrance at Hong Kong Disneyland, LinaBell will also debut in Tokyo DisneySEA on September 8, 2022, continuing her local presence as her world of curiosity widens.

© 香港迪士尼樂園度假區

© Hong Kong Disneyland Resort



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Disney Magical Kingdom Blog: Duffy最新好友 LinaBell 約定粉絲2022年9月9日於香港迪士尼樂園度假區見面|LinaBell, Duffy’s New Friend, to Arrive at Hong Kong Disneyland Resort on September 9, 2022!
Duffy最新好友 LinaBell 約定粉絲2022年9月9日於香港迪士尼樂園度假區見面|LinaBell, Duffy’s New Friend, to Arrive at Hong Kong Disneyland Resort on September 9, 2022!
Disney, 迪士尼, Duffy And Friends, 香港迪士尼樂園度假區, Hong Kong Disneyland Resort
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