


華特迪士尼公司(亞太區)內容發佈會 2023年精彩電影及串流作品震撼曝光

Disney, Disney Plus, 華特迪士尼公司亞太區內容發佈會 2023年精彩電影及串流作品震撼曝光, THE WALT DISNEY COMPANY ASIA PACIFIC TO SHOWCASE 2023, 東京卍復仇者, Tokyo Revengers, 講談社, Kodansha


包括Marvel、華特迪士尼動畫製片廠、彼思、Lucasfilm電影及劇集 以及
Disney+ 亞太地區原創作品


Over 50 shows will be presented at Disney’s Content Showcase to international press and partners including upcoming slate of movies and series from Marvel Studios, Walt Disney Animation Studios, Pixar, Lucasfilm as well as expanding collection of APAC Originals for Disney+ and Disney+ Hotstar


HONG KONG, November 30, 2022 – At a star-studded press and partner event at Singapore’s iconic Marina Bay Sands today, The Walt Disney Company (Asia Pacific) showcased its upcoming slate of movies from its major studios and unveil an expanding collection of APAC Originals for its streaming service, told by some of the world’s best storytellers.

是次發佈會將會向世界各地超過400多家國際媒體及合作夥伴展出 迪士尼 2023年超過50部電影及串流作品,更邀請了不少的台前幕後團隊出席,包括血腥暴力原創韓劇《Connect:連瞳》(Connect)的日本鬼才導演 三池崇史、韓國人氣演員 丁海寅、高庚杓 及 金慧峻;重量級韓劇製作《賭命為王》(Big Bet)的韓國資深演員 李東輝、許城泰 及 得獎導演 姜允成;驚悚懸疑日劇《噬亡村》(Gannibal)的康城影帝 柳樂優彌、人氣演員 吉岡里帆 以及導演 片山慎三;印尼作品《Tira》的 Chelsea Islan;以及於全新的原創電影 迪士尼與彼思《元素大都會》(Elemental)中擔任導演,身兼彼思導演、動畫師、分鏡插畫家、配音員數職的 彼得孫(Peter Sohn)。

Over 50 shows from Disney’s 2023 theatrical and streaming content slate will be presented to over 400 international press and partners. Some of the celebrities in attendance include the cast and creative minds behind Disney’s APAC Originals -- Japanese director Miike Takashi, Korean stars Jung Haein, Ko Kyungpyo and Kim Hyejun from the crime fantasy thriller Connect; Lee Donghwi, Heo Sungtae and acclaimed director Kang Yunsung from Big Bet; Yuya Yagira, Riho Yoshioka and director Shinzo Katayama from Japanese drama series Gannibal; and Chelsea Islan from the upcoming Indonesian super hero series Tira. Pixar’s director/animator/storyboard artist/voice actor Peter Sohn, director of the all-new, original feature film, Elemental, will also be at the event.

Disney, Disney Plus, 華特迪士尼公司亞太區內容發佈會 2023年精彩電影及串流作品震撼曝光, THE WALT DISNEY COMPANY ASIA PACIFIC TO SHOWCASE 2023, 東京卍復仇者, Tokyo Revengers, 講談社, Kodansha

華特迪士尼公司(亞太區)總裁 姜熡可(Luke Kang)於發佈會的開幕辭上表示:「於去年10月的首個亞太區內容發佈會上,我們邁出了製作不同本地內容的第一步,制訂了一項雄心壯志的長遠計劃,以發掘來自不同地方的頂尖故事創作,向各位展示可以立足於世界舞台上的優越創意。今年,我們很高興可以透過發佈更多由我們屢獲殊榮的製片廠,以及知名品牌所製作的2023年全球性內容作品,展現出廣闊視野,這對我們來說非常重要。」

“Last October, at our first APAC Content Showcase, we made our first step into local content production with an ambitious, long-term plan to uncover the world’s best stories from this region, and to showcase creative excellence that can shine on the world stage,” said Luke Kang, President, The Walt Disney Company Asia Pacific in his opening remarks. “This year, it was important for us to showcase the breadth of our global branded content from our award-winning studios and iconic franchises, as well as our APAC content slate for 2023.”

Disney, Disney Plus, 華特迪士尼公司亞太區內容發佈會 2023年精彩電影及串流作品震撼曝光, THE WALT DISNEY COMPANY ASIA PACIFIC TO SHOWCASE 2023, 東京卍復仇者, Tokyo Revengers, 講談社, Kodansha

Disney+ 亞太地區原創作品
迪士尼 宣佈與 日本講談社 擴大策略合作計劃! 
率先公佈全新動畫《東京卍復仇者:聖誕對決》 將在 Disney+ 獨家上線

Original Asia-Pacific's Content For Disney+
Disney and leading Japanese publishing house Kodansha expand strategic collaboration to include anime, starting with ‘Tokyo Revengers: Christmas Showdown Arc’ which will launch exclusively on Disney’s streaming service worldwide

於過去一年,迪士尼串流平台一共推出了超過45套全新的亞太區影集,其中幾部作品更獲得觀眾及業界的肯定,包括《律戰江湖》(Big Mouth)、《單戀原聲帶》(Soundtrack #1)、《IN THE SOOP:友情旅行》(IN THE SOOP: Friendcation),三部作品於上線的首周均在大部份亞太區市場成為最高收看率頭三名。另外,亞洲本地製作的串流作品總收看小時比上年更多出8倍。

Over the last year, over 45 new APAC titles have sunrised on Disney’s streaming service, with several shows gaining commercial and critical success. Big Mouth, Soundtrack #1 and IN THE SOOP: Friendcation were among the top three most watched titles in the majority of APAC markets in their premiere week. The total hours of locally-produced Asian content streamed on Disney+ is eight times more than it was a year ago.

「我們一直將內容開發集中在展計劃的空白之上。」姜熡可 接續說明:「把資源投放在充滿當地的特色之處,例如是於特定市場大受歡迎的題材 - 日本動畫、韓流劇集、印尼愛情喜劇及驚悚作品等,或是由當地市場人才所製作,充滿本地文化的影集。我們希望為不同市場的觀眾,除了提供來自迪士尼、Marvel、星球大戰,及彼思等的全球品牌內容外,同時提供讓觀眾產生共鳴的本地創作,希望可以藉此將這些故事作品的精髓帶到全世界。」

“We are focusing our content development on what we refer to as our content whitespace,” said Mr. Kang. “Investing in areas that require more local specificity – either due to high popularity in select markets, like Japanese Anime, K-Dramas or Indonesia rom-coms and horror, or the need for local storytelling with talent that are familiar to our local audiences. We want to serve our viewers in every market with globally branded content like Disney, Marvel, Star Wars and Pixar, as well as locally produced stories that resonate with them – while also taking the best of those stories global.”

Disney, Disney Plus, 華特迪士尼公司亞太區內容發佈會 2023年精彩電影及串流作品震撼曝光, THE WALT DISNEY COMPANY ASIA PACIFIC TO SHOWCASE 2023, 東京卍復仇者, Tokyo Revengers, 講談社, Kodansha

華特迪士尼公司(亞太區)於今天亦同時宣佈將與長期合作夥伴,日本首屈一指的出版社 講談社(Kodansha)擴大合作計劃,推出日本動畫製作。近70年來,迪士尼與講談社一直於出版界中攜手合作,雙方即將踏入全新領域,進軍動漫世界。是次合作企劃包括講談社只於串流平台獨家播放的動畫作品,首部將會是改編自和久井健的同名人氣漫畫《東京卍復仇者:聖誕對決》(Tokyo Revengers: Christmas Showdown Arc),並即將於2023年1月在Disney+ 獨家串流上線。截至今日,迪士尼的串流平台服務已覆蓋全球154個市場,並擁有超過2.35億用戶訂閱。

The Walt Disney Company Asia Pacific also announced today an expansion of its long-standing collaboration with leading publishing house Kodansha to include Japanese anime. For 70 years, Disney and Kodansha have worked together in the publishing space, and will now venture into the world of anime. This expanded collaboration will include licensing exclusive SVOD anime titles based on manga produced by Kodansha, starting with Tokyo Revengers: Christmas Showdown Arc that will launch exclusively on Disney+ and Disney+ Hotstar in January 2023. Disney’s streaming services now reach over 235 million subscribers across 154 markets worldwide.

「講談社與迪士尼的特殊關係,可以追溯到70年前,見證著我們把許多迪士尼授權的出版物帶到大家的生活之中。」講談社董事兼總裁Yoshinobu Noma表示:「透過今天發佈會,我們很高興宣布未來將與迪士尼作出更深度的合作,令兩間公司的關係更多元,將會透過Disney+ 與世界分享更多備受喜愛的動漫作品。」

“The special relationship between Kodansha and Disney stretches back over 70 years, and has seen us bring to life many Disney licensed publications,” said Yoshinobu Noma, Kodansha Representative Director and President. “With today’s announcement, we are thrilled to be able to further diversify and elevate the relationship between our two companies and share even more of our beloved anime titles with the world on Disney+ and its streaming platforms."

華特迪士尼公司(亞太區)原創內容策略執行副總裁 蔡志行女士(Carol Choi)表示:「我們很高興能與長期合作夥伴講談社作出更深度的合作企劃。日本動漫絕對填補了我們內容發展計劃中的空白,相信是次擴展合作將為迪士尼未來於日本的動畫戰略帶來決定性改變。我們期待為大家帶來更多不同來自講談社的精彩動漫及得獎IP作品。」

“We are thrilled to deepen our strategic collaboration with our long standing partner Kodansha on such an exciting genre,” said Carol Choi, Executive Vice President of Original Content Strategy, The Walt Disney Company APAC. “Japanese anime fills the white space in our content development plans and we believe this expanded collaboration will be a game changer in Disney’s future animation strategy in Japan. We look forward to bringing the anime titles and prized IP by Kodansha to the world stage.”


As part of Disney’s International Content & Operations, the new APAC projects that will be unveiled today will include original productions by leading content creators. The slate will feature star-studded scripted live action tent-pole series including drama, comedy, fantasy, romance, science-fiction, crime, horror; to variety shows, documentaries and anime from several markets including Japan, South Korea, Indonesia and Australia. The new projects unveiled today are part of Disney's ambition to greenlight over 50 APAC Originals by 2023.


華特迪士尼公司 的國際內容、營運(IC&O)部門專門負責為華特迪士尼公司的串流平台服務開發與製作美國以外的當地及國際娛樂、體育節目。IC&O部門成立於2022年1月,是迪士尼繼電影製片廠、大眾娛樂內容、體育運動內容外的第四個內容創作單位。除了當地內容開發及製作外,IC&O 也同步負責亞太地區、歐洲、中東、非洲、印度、拉丁美洲的國際電視網路播放、區域串流平台服務、當地廣告銷售以及內容銷售與發行等區域營運。

About Disney International Content & Operations:

The Walt Disney Company’s International Content & Operations (IC&O) group is responsible for developing and producing local and regional entertainment and sports programming outside the U.S. for The Walt Disney Company’s streaming services. IC&O was established in January 2022 as the Company’s fourth content creation unit, joining the Studios, General Entertainment, and Sports. In addition to local content development and production, IC&O oversees such regional operations as international linear channels, regional streaming, local ad sales, and local content sales and distribution in Asia Pacific (APAC), Europe, Middle East & Africa (EMEA), India, and Latin America (LATAM).

關於 Disney+

Disney+是提供迪士尼、彼思、Marvel、星球大戰與國家地理等電影與節目的一站式串流平台。在部分國際市場,該服務還包括嶄新的大眾娛樂內容品牌 Star。作為華特迪士尼公司旗下直接服務消費者的旗艦影音串流服務,Disney+ 是迪士尼媒體和娛樂發行部門的一部分,提供源源不絕獨家原創作品,包括電影、紀錄片、真人和動畫劇集以及短片內容,消費者除了可以盡情欣賞迪士尼歷久彌新的影視娛樂內容,更可獨家從Disney+ 觀賞華特迪士尼電影製片廠旗下的最新作品。如需瞭解更多詳情,請瀏覽 disneyplus.com或在眾多的流動和智能電視設備上下載 Disney+ 應用程式。

About Disney+

Disney+ is the dedicated streaming home for movies and shows from Disney, Pixar, Marvel, Star Wars, and National Geographic, along with The Simpsons and much more. In select international markets, it also includes the new general entertainment content brand, Star. The flagship direct-to-consumer streaming service from The Walt Disney Company, Disney+ is part of the Disney Media & Entertainment Distribution segment. The service offers commercial-free streaming alongside an ever-growing collection of exclusive originals, including feature-length films, documentaries, live-action and animated series, and short-form content. With unprecedented access to Disney’s long history of incredible film and television entertainment, Disney+ is also the exclusive streaming home for the newest releases from The Walt Disney Studios. And through Star, it offers the latest from 20th Century Studios, Disney Television Studios, FX, Searchlight Pictures, and more. For more, visit, or find the Disney+ app on most mobile and connected TV devices.




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Disney Magical Kingdom Blog: 華特迪士尼公司(亞太區)內容發佈會 2023年精彩電影及串流作品震撼曝光
華特迪士尼公司(亞太區)內容發佈會 2023年精彩電影及串流作品震撼曝光
Disney, Disney Plus, 華特迪士尼公司亞太區內容發佈會 2023年精彩電影及串流作品震撼曝光, THE WALT DISNEY COMPANY ASIA PACIFIC TO SHOWCASE 2023, 東京卍復仇者, Tokyo Revengers, 講談社, Kodansha
Disney Magical Kingdom Blog
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