華特迪士尼公司「奇妙一百年」全球慶典 經已延伸至 泰國 曼谷 河濱碼頭夜市「Asiatique the Riverfront」,由今天起(2023年3月24日)至7月31日期間特別呈獻「Disney100 Village at Asiatique」。
The Disney 100 Year of Wonder Global Celebration has arrived at Asiatique the Riverfront in Bangkok, Thailand with the official launch of “Disney100 Village at Asiatique”. From March 24 to July 31, 2023, guests can take part in this special pop-up event at Asiatique.
粉絲可以走入分別以 迪士尼、彼思、漫威 及《星球大戰》為主題區及展覽(個別地點需要購票進場),當中包括:《魔雪奇緣》展覽「Frozen Exhibition*」、「Marvel Universe: The World Outside Your Window*」、「Pixar Putt*」、「Enchanted Garden*」、「Star Wars Experience」和「Disney Merchandise Hall」。
“Disney100 Village at Asiatique” is now open to the public with multiple themed exhibition zones that include free entry and select ticketed exhibits. Fans can discover a collection of Disney, Pixar, Marvel, and Star Wars-inspired exhibits – all in one location at Asiatique The Riverfront Destination in the heart of Bangkok, featuring the Frozen Exhibition*, Marvel Universe: The World Outside Your Window*, Pixar Putt*, Enchanted Garden*, Star Wars Experience, Disney Merchandise Hall.
* 需要購票進場(Tickets are required for admission)
Frozen Exhibition
為慶祝Disney100村開幕,米奇、米妮 和 唐老鴨 於3月24日至26日三天抽空親臨「Disney100 Village at Asiatique」,分別現身與當地粉絲見面,名額有限,先到先得。
To celebrate the opening of “Disney100 Village at Asiatique”, fans can have a chance to meet & greet with Mickey, Minnie, or Donald Duck will meet the fans in the Village on March 24 to 26, 2023. A limited quota for each session will be offered on a first-come, first-served basis.
Ticket Prices (Thai baht)
網上購票(Buy Tickets Online):https://www.thaiticketmajor.com/disney100atasiatique/
Images: © Disney & © Asiatique The Riverfront
Disney|Asiatique The Riverfront