


活動登記:「香港迪士尼樂園呈獻﹕首訪阿德爾 - 『奇妙處處通』預覽魔雪奇緣世界」|Event Registration: "First Look at Arendelle" - Magic Access Preview of World of Frozen, Presented by Hong Kong Disneyland

活動登記, 香港迪士尼樂園呈獻首訪阿德爾 - 奇妙處處通預覽魔雪奇緣世界, Event Registration, First Look at Arendelle, Magic Access Preview of World of Frozen, Hong Kong Disneyland, HKDL

身歷奇境  前所未有 Let It Go
Let It Go Like Never Before

❄️🌻  「For the First Time in Forever」,阿德爾 將開放予賓客來訪,而「奇妙處處通」會員更可率先踏足全球首個及最大型的《魔雪奇緣》主題園區 —「魔雪奇緣世界」。搶先締造最美回憶,一起慶祝「魔雪奇緣世界」盛大開幕,暢玩全新遊樂設施「雪嶺滑雪橇」,你亦可登上小木船出發,探索「魔雪奇幻之旅」。

阿德爾王國 誠邀你率先探索環繞冰川峽灣而建的阿德爾小鎮,於屋頂尖尖、顏色豐富的建築前打卡,到訪當地的食店、商舖、攤檔,你將遇上熱情相迎的 阿德爾王國 國民,向你分享地道美食、手信、服飾、音樂等風土人情與文化,更隨時遇見與居民打成一片的 安娜女王、愛莎女王、基斯托夫 與 奧肯。

此外,「奇妙處處通」會員更可獨家尊享為優先預覽活動特設的畫畫體驗,探索魔雪國度充滿著目不暇給的驚喜!來發揮你的藝術魂即席揮毫,以與別不同的方式感受 阿德爾 的美景,繪畫壯麗的場景和地標。

立即登入「奇妙處處通」會員專頁登記^,入鄉隨俗,換上阿德爾風格的服裝,展開這次不一樣的行程,並以前所未有的方式「Let It Go」。

^ 「奇妙處處通」白金卡、金卡 和 銀卡 會員 將會分階段地安排在會員專頁上登記。

❄️🌻  "For the first time in forever," the World of Frozen will open to visitors, offering Magic Access Members a priority preview of the world's first and largest "Frozen" themed land.  Be among the first to explore this immersive new land, and celebrate Summer Snow Day, and experience the excitement and magic of Wandering Oaken's Sliding Sleighs coaster and Frozen Ever After boat ride.

The kingdom of Arendelle is set to grant early passage to honored friends of the kingdom!  And so it is with the warmest greetings that Arendelle invite you to be among the first to explore the vast land, from the tranquil waters of the Bay of Arendelle to the lush greenery of Arendelle Forest. In Arendelle Village, the citizens are ready to regale you with the finest festivities, foods and wares.  The gates are opening, and Queen Anna, along with Queen Elsa, Kristoff and Oaken, stand ready to welcome you with open arms.

And with so much to see and savor, the citizens have crafted an exclusive drawing experience for Magic Access Members to capture this epic experience.  Drop by this limited-time activity and be inspired by the beauty of this world as you learn to draw incredible scenes and iconic locations.

Register now on the Magic Access Member Site^, prepare your Frozen-inspired outfits+, and come Let It Go Like Never Before.

^ Platinum, Gold, and Silver Magic Access Members can register on the member site according to their respective stages.

  • 每一位登記者只可為其本人及最多三位於登記日至活動當日(包括該日)期間持有有效「奇妙處處通」個人會員卡賓客,以及最多4位3歲以下的兒童的參加者(每位稱之為「賓客」)登記活動一次。每位參加者不可登記或被登記多於一個活動場次。登記者亦可只為其個人登記。
  • Each Registrant may register for the Event only once, for himself/herself and together with a maximum of three Guests who each hold a valid Magic Access Personalised Membership Card during the period from (and including) the date of registration to (and including) the day on which the Event will be held or four children aged below 3. A Registrant may register for himself/herself without any Guest.

  • 每個成功登記,不論該登記中的參加者人數多少,將會收到一份「活動禮品套裝」(以下簡稱「禮品套裝」),禮品套裝將會寄送到在報名時提供的郵寄地址。任何位於香港以外的地址將不會收到禮品套裝。香港國際主題樂園有限公司 對郵寄地址的準確性、禮品套裝的成功或及時送達不承擔責任。
  • One Event Gift Pack ("Gift Pack") will be sent via post for each successful registration to the mailing address provided during the registration on the Site, regardless of the number of Participants in the registration.  No Gift Pack will be sent to any address outside of Hong Kong.  Hongkong International Theme Parks Limited (HKITP) is not responsible for the accuracy of the mailing address or the successful or timely delivery of the Gift Pack.

與別不同  率先探索全球首個魔雪國度
Exclusive Experiences For Magic Access Members

活動登記, 香港迪士尼樂園呈獻首訪阿德爾 - 奇妙處處通預覽魔雪奇緣世界, Event Registration, First Look at Arendelle, Magic Access Preview of World of Frozen, Hong Kong Disneyland, HKDL

活動登記, 香港迪士尼樂園呈獻首訪阿德爾 - 奇妙處處通預覽魔雪奇緣世界, Event Registration, First Look at Arendelle, Magic Access Preview of World of Frozen, Hong Kong Disneyland, HKDL


  • 2023年10月23日 (上午11:00至下午3:30)^
  • 2023年10月26日 (下午3:00至晚上8:00)^
  • 2023年10月27日 (下午3:00至晚上8:00)^
  • 2023年10月28日 (上午11:00至下午3:30)
  • 2023年10月29日 (上午11:00至下午3:30)
  • 2023年10月30日 (下午3:00至晚上8:00)
  • 2023年11月5日 (下午4:00至晚上8:30)
  • 2023年11月10日 (上午11:00至下午4:00)
  • 2023年11月11日 (上午11:00至下午4:00)
  • 2023年11月12日 (上午11:00至下午2:00)



Date & Time:

  • October 23, 2023 (11:00AM - 3:30 PM)^
  • October 26, 2023 (3:00 PM - 8:00 PM)^
  • October 27, 2023 (3:00 PM - 8:00 PM)^
  • October 28, 2023 (11:00 AM - 3:30 PM)
  • October 29, 2023 (11:00 AM - 3:30 PM)
  • October 30, 2023 (3:00 PM - 8:00 PM)
  • November 5, 2023 (4:00 PM - 8:30 PM)
  • November 10, 2023 (11:00 AM - 4:00 PM)
  • November 11, 2023 (11:00 AM - 4:00 PM)
  • November 12, 2023 (11:00 AM - 2:00 PM)

^ Magic Access Platinum Card Member Exclusive Session.

Venue: World of Frozen

活動登記, 香港迪士尼樂園呈獻首訪阿德爾 - 奇妙處處通預覽魔雪奇緣世界, Event Registration, First Look at Arendelle, Magic Access Preview of World of Frozen, Hong Kong Disneyland, HKDL

Unlock Your Very Own Ice Magic*

活動登記, 香港迪士尼樂園呈獻首訪阿德爾 - 奇妙處處通預覽魔雪奇緣世界, Event Registration, First Look at Arendelle, Magic Access Preview of World of Frozen, Hong Kong Disneyland, HKDL

參加專為「奇妙處處通」會員而設的攝影工作坊,學習如何將旅程中的一幀幀回憶留存珍藏。專業導師對 阿德爾 瞭如指掌,將於預覽活動中一一分享魔雪奇緣世界的各個主題打卡熱點,並教你影相吸Like小貼士,搶先拍攝及分享令人羨慕的靚相!

Learn to freeze the most magical moments in time forever with our must-see photography workshop for Magic Access Members. A professional with vast knowledge of Arendelle will share their favorite photo spots around World of Frozen and teach you how to capture the most Instagrammable photos with your phone. Snap and share the most epic shots before anyone else!

Relive Your Love for "Frozen" Stories*

活動登記, 香港迪士尼樂園呈獻首訪阿德爾 - 奇妙處處通預覽魔雪奇緣世界, Event Registration, First Look at Arendelle, Magic Access Preview of World of Frozen, Hong Kong Disneyland, HKDL

在「魔雪奇緣世界」,到處都可找到引人入勝的故事。展開一趟奇幻之旅,投入無盡奇妙時刻,一個又一個熟悉的場景呈現眼前,阿德爾居民將以前所未有的方法,帶你走遍 阿德爾 秘境,分享鮮為人知的精彩故事。此外,我們會為你準備一系列故事卡片,讓你隨時細味姊妹情誼及冰雪魔法。

"All is found" in the World of Frozen, if you know where to look. And with this enchanting tour, you can step into the most magical moments and come close to iconic scenes as local storytellers with exclusive knowledge of Arendelle bring the stories of this world to life like never before. You will even receive beautifully designed collectible story cards that add extra magic to this experience.

A Special Day of Arendelle Traditions with Anna and Elsa*

活動登記, 香港迪士尼樂園呈獻首訪阿德爾 - 奇妙處處通預覽魔雪奇緣世界, Event Registration, First Look at Arendelle, Magic Access Preview of World of Frozen, Hong Kong Disneyland, HKDL

安娜女王、愛莎女王 和 熱情好客的 阿德爾王國 國民正在為夏雪節做準備,歡迎你加入,一同投入皇室歡樂喜慶的時刻。身為安娜女王邀請的貴賓,誠邀你換上最尊貴的王子或公主裝束+,展示你對這對皇室姊妹的喜愛,盛裝出席千載難逢的盛會。當日穿著最華麗的賓客有機會獲邀,跟安娜女王及愛莎一同參與難忘的大合照時刻。

Queen Anna, Queen Elsa and spirited citizens of Arendelle invite you to join them in a riveting, rousing, royal celebration moment as they prepare for the Summer Snow Day celebrations to start. As Queen Anna's honored guest, you are encouraged to dress up in your most prestigious royal attire+ to celebrate this joyfully significant once-in-a-lifetime occasion. You could even catch the eye of Anna and Elsa, who might invite you to join them for a memorable photo moment.

尊享優惠 只屬預覽活動之賓客#
Special Offers for Preview Event Guests#

活動登記, 香港迪士尼樂園呈獻首訪阿德爾 - 奇妙處處通預覽魔雪奇緣世界, Event Registration, First Look at Arendelle, Magic Access Preview of World of Frozen, Hong Kong Disneyland, HKDL



  • 單一宗購物淨交易額滿港幣$200或以上可換領指定禮品一份
  • 於魔雪奇緣世界可享有85折優惠面部彩繪服務
  • 享受優惠價購買指定魔雪奇緣世界之影像產品

Traditional Arendellian Wares

Get special Magic Access Member-only offers# on treasured keepsakes and mementos:

  • Redeem one designated merchandise gift with net spending of HK$200 or above in a single transaction
  • Enjoy a 15% discount on face painting service at World of Frozen
  • Enjoy a special price on designated World of Frozen imaging products

Event Wristband

活動登記, 香港迪士尼樂園呈獻首訪阿德爾 - 奇妙處處通預覽魔雪奇緣世界, Event Registration, First Look at Arendelle, Magic Access Preview of World of Frozen, Hong Kong Disneyland, HKDL



Redemption Location: Ticket Booth 1, Main Entrance

Redemption Time: For Park open to Preview Session end of the Event date

參加者須出示指定活動及體驗場次手帶(「活動手帶」)方可進入活動。參加者須於正門售票處、活動場地入口及相關體驗的集合地點出示其有效並存有入場紀錄之「奇妙處處通」個人會員卡 及 香港國際主題樂園有限公司 指定的照片身份證明文件方可進入有關活動場地。每一位參加者須親身於指定之 香港迪士尼樂園 正門售票處出示其有效「奇妙處處通」個人會員卡及身份證明文件以換領活動手帶一條。活動手帶只可於已登記的活動及體驗場次當日換領。假若不能出示有效個人會員卡及活動手帶,或個人會員卡內未存有入場紀錄,本公司可拒絕參加者參與該活動場次。

Participants are required to present a designated wristband issued by HKITP (each an "Event Wristband") for admission to the Event and Activity Sessions, which must be redeemed by the Participant in person by presenting his/her valid Magic Access Personalised Membership Card storing a valid record of the Participant's registration for the Event and Activity Sessions and such photo identification as HKITP may require at designated ticket booths located at the main entrance of the Park, the entrances of the Event and at the assembly points of the Activities. Event Wristbands may only be redeemed on the day of the Event Session. HKITP may refuse admission to the Event and Activity Sessions if the Participant fails to present his/her eligible Magic Access Personalised Membership Card and Event Wristband in person or if there is no valid record of the Participant's registration in the Magic Access Personalised Membership Card presented.



「香港迪士尼樂園呈獻﹕首訪阿德爾 - 『奇妙處處通』預覽魔雪奇緣世界」會因未能預見的情況而取消。請按此查詢惡劣天氣下活動的最新安排。

* 只適用於指定之活動日子。

+ 賓客的服飾必須依照 香港迪士尼樂園 的賓客裝扮服飾指示,如欲了解賓客裝扮服飾指示,請瀏覽此處或向「演藝人員」查詢。

# 已登記會員必須出示當日活動手帶及有效個人會員卡以享用之「香港迪士尼樂園呈獻﹕首訪阿德爾 - 『奇妙處處通』預覽魔雪奇緣世界」尊享優惠。

Registration is on a first come first served basis and is subject to availability.

* Available on selected event days only.

+ Magic Access Members participating the "First Look at Arendelle" – Magic Access Preview of World of Frozen Presented by Hong Kong Disneyland must follow the Costume Tips set out by Hong Kong Disneyland. Please visit HERE or ask our Cast Members for the Costume Tips.

# Registered event guest is required to present on-day event wristband and a valid Personalised Membership Card to enjoy the Special Offers on the "First Look at Arendelle" – A Preview of World of Frozen Presented by Hong Kong Disneyland.

Hong Kong Disneyland Resort



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Disney Magical Kingdom Blog: 活動登記:「香港迪士尼樂園呈獻﹕首訪阿德爾 - 『奇妙處處通』預覽魔雪奇緣世界」|Event Registration: "First Look at Arendelle" - Magic Access Preview of World of Frozen, Presented by Hong Kong Disneyland
活動登記:「香港迪士尼樂園呈獻﹕首訪阿德爾 - 『奇妙處處通』預覽魔雪奇緣世界」|Event Registration: "First Look at Arendelle" - Magic Access Preview of World of Frozen, Presented by Hong Kong Disneyland
活動登記, 香港迪士尼樂園呈獻首訪阿德爾 - 奇妙處處通預覽魔雪奇緣世界, Event Registration, First Look at Arendelle, Magic Access Preview of World of Frozen, Hong Kong Disneyland, HKDL
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