


香港迪士尼樂園度假區 委任第10屆親善大使|Hong Kong Disneyland Resort Names 10th Disney Ambassadors

Disney, HKDL, 香港迪士尼樂園度假區 委任第10屆親善大使, Hong Kong Disneyland Resort Names 10th Disney Ambassadors, Gisele, Beyan, 2024-25 年度香港迪士尼樂園度假區親善大使

香港迪士尼樂園度假區(香港迪士尼)宣佈委任 謝承恩(Beyan Tse) 和 Gisele Abejero (珮芷善)為2024-2025年度新一屆香港迪士尼樂園度假區親善大使。適逢 華特迪士尼公司 百週年誌慶 及 度假區親善大使踏入第10屆,兩位將承傳迪士尼親善大使的傳統,致力服務社區及彰顯創辦人華特.迪士尼勇於構想和「說故事」的精神。兩位親善大使將於2024年1月1日正式上任,肩負演藝人員代表的重任,準備陪伴大家踏上香港迪士尼邁向20週年的非凡旅程,與賓客繼續分享迪士尼更多精彩故事,並全情投入樂園的社區服務。

Hong Kong Disneyland Resort (HKDL) is proud to announce the appointment of Beyan Tse and Gisele Abejero as its new 2024-2025 Disney Ambassadors.  As Disney celebrates 100 years, the duo – also HKDL’s 10th generation of Disney Ambassadors – join Disney’s long-cherished tradition among ambassadors of serving the community, demonstrating a keen appreciation for and embodying Walt Disney’s spirit of dreaming and storytelling.  The pair will officially assume their roles on January 1, 2024, taking on the mantle of representing cast members, sharing Disney’s inspiring stories with guests, and supporting the resort’s community work as they embark on a unique journey that will culminate in HKDL’s 20th anniversary.

Disney, HKDL, 香港迪士尼樂園度假區 委任第10屆親善大使, Hong Kong Disneyland Resort Names 10th Disney Ambassadors, Gisele, Beyan, 2024-25 年度香港迪士尼樂園度假區親善大使

兩位迪士尼朋友 米奇老鼠 和 米妮老鼠,亦伴隨Beyan 和 Gisele 的家人和朋友,一同走上迪士尼故事劇場的舞台,恭賀兩位成為香港迪士尼第10屆親善大使。

Mickey Mouse and Minnie Mouse, along with Tse and Abejero’s families and friends, joined the newly chosen Disney Ambassadors on stage at Disney's Storybook Theater to congratulate them on their remarkable achievement.

Disney, HKDL, 香港迪士尼樂園度假區 委任第10屆親善大使, Hong Kong Disneyland Resort Names 10th Disney Ambassadors, Gisele, Beyan, 2024-25 年度香港迪士尼樂園度假區親善大使

香港迪士尼樂園度假區行政總裁 莫偉庭 對兩位新任大使充滿期待:「親善大使計劃在世界各地的迪士尼樂園都有着特殊的意義。在華特迪士尼公司邁向100周年這個重要里程之際,我們樂見這個迪士尼傳統生生不息、不斷演化,令人尤其感動。Beyan和Gisele正好展現演藝人員這一個大家庭,在文化、語言、性格和才能方面的多元面貌。我深信兩位候任大使可以互相配合,繼往開來,並在我們的演藝人員、以至社區和更多人當中,傳遞充滿希望和無盡可能的訊息。」

Michael Moriarty, managing director of Hong Kong Disneyland Resort, expressed his excitement over their appointments: “The Ambassador Program holds such a special place at Disney parks around the world.  As we approach 100 years of Disney, it’s heartwarming to see this tradition continue to grow and evolve.  Beyan and Gisele are a great representation of the diversity in cultures, languages, personalities and expertise among our cast member family.  I am confident they will complement each other beautifully and inspire hope and possibility in our Cast Members, community and beyond.”

From Dreamers to Dream Makers

Disney, HKDL, 香港迪士尼樂園度假區 委任第10屆親善大使, Hong Kong Disneyland Resort Names 10th Disney Ambassadors, Gisele, Beyan, 2024-25 年度香港迪士尼樂園度假區親善大使

配合今年是 華特迪士尼公司 成立100週年,香港迪士尼亦慶祝18週年,因此以「敢於創夢 夢想未來」作為主題,尋找度假區新一屆親善大使。

With this year marking 100 years of Disney and the 18th anniversary of HKDL, the Ambassador Program was themed “Discover the Dream Maker in You.

謝承恩(Beyan Tse) 
Disney, HKDL, 香港迪士尼樂園度假區 委任第10屆親善大使, Hong Kong Disneyland Resort Names 10th Disney Ambassadors, Gisele, Beyan, 2024-25 年度香港迪士尼樂園度假區親善大使

Beyan 由細到大都是迪士尼忠粉,自 2005 年第一次到訪香港迪士尼開始,這份熱愛從未間斷。對她來說,由加入香港迪士尼工作,到鼓起勇氣報名參選,再到成為大使的旅程可算是夢想成真。 Beyan 2019年加入香港迪士尼財務管理、企業聯盟及採購部,並在團隊間建立強烈的歸屬感。她勇敢選擇如華特.迪士尼一樣,探索新視野和突破自己界限。Beyan 積極投入迪士尼義工隊的活動,甚至成為迪士尼義工領袖委員會委員,令她對社區服務有新的認識,從中發現自己內心的夢想。

For Tse, who has been a Disney fan since her very first visit to HKDL in 2005, her journey to becoming a Disney Ambassador has been nothing short of a dream come true. Inspired by Disney magic, she began her career at HKDL in 2019 in Financial Management, Alliances and Sourcing, and felt a strong sense of belonging within the team right away.  But like Walt Disney, she showed a determination to explore new horizons and push her boundaries.  Tse discovered the dream maker within her through her extensive work as an active member of Disney VoluntEARS and the Disney VoluntEARS Leadership Council, which sparked in her a newfound appreciation for serving the community.

「做義工不僅給受助者帶來快樂,同時也為每一位義工創造歡樂的回憶。我曾協助一位病童夢想成真,在香港迪士尼首次與愛莎女王見面,我仍然記得她當刻的真摰笑容,看到她幸福的樣子,令我更熱衷於照顧兒童和長者。」作為候任大使,Beyan 希望將她對度假區的熱愛,以及她在這裡所得到的關懷一一分享給身邊的演藝人員和社區。

“Doing volunteer work not only brings happiness to the beneficiaries, but also to every Disney VoluntEAR,” said Tse.  “I still remember the smile of a sick child when she met Queen Elsa for the first time at HKDL.  Seeing her happy face strengthened my devotion to caring for children and the elderly,” she recalled fondly.  As a Disney Ambassador, Tse hopes she can pass on her love for the resort – and all the love she has received in return – to the cast and community around her.

Gisele Abejero (珮芷善)
Disney, HKDL, 香港迪士尼樂園度假區 委任第10屆親善大使, Hong Kong Disneyland Resort Names 10th Disney Ambassadors, Gisele, Beyan, 2024-25 年度香港迪士尼樂園度假區親善大使

如果說 Beyan 是透過個人成長發現自己對服務社區的熱誠,那麼另一位候任大使 Gisele 則從她三個孩子身上,了解到自己希望回饋社會的渴求。Gisele 來自菲律賓,15 年前加入香港迪士尼展現她對表演的熱情。多年來她參演多個香港迪士尼經典音樂劇,包括《米奇金獎音樂劇》、《迪士尼魔法書房》,甚至在《獅子王慶典》中擔任舞蹈隊長。 但在舞台之外,Gisele 更重要的角色是一位母親,尤其是面對患有自閉症的小女兒。在這一個經歷之中,讓她有機會了解及學習照顧有特殊需要的兒童,培養出她對待別人時更有同情心、同理心及耐性。她期望為不同的人加添笑容,所以報名參選大使。

Where Tse found her love for service through personal growth, Abejero discovered her desire to give back through her children.  Originally from the Philippines, Abejero’s passion for performing came to life at HKDL more than 15 years ago.  She has since worn many hats, participating in classic Hong Kong Disneyland musicals including “The Golden Mickeys” and “Mickey and the Wondrous Book,” and has even been a dance captain for “Festival of the Lion King.”  But offstage, Abejero’s most important role is being a mother, especially to her youngest daughter, who has autism.  Her experience as a mother to a child with autism opened her heart, helping her see the world with more compassion, empathy and understanding.  She applied to become a Disney Ambassador so she can bring a smile to people’s faces.

「小朋友天真無邪,能夠提醒我自己要保持年輕的心態。能夠與一眾迪士尼演藝人員向小朋友分享不同的故事,為他們帶來希望和啟發,我為此感到興奮。我最大的心願就是所有的孩子都能在一個像迪士尼一樣充滿創造力和想像力的地方成長。」Beyan 和 Gisele 的獨特旅程都展現了想像力所帶來的強大力量,更彰顯華特.迪士尼願景的精髓。

“Children remind me to stay young at heart,” she said. “I feel so excited to share stories with them along with my Disney family, bringing them hope and inspiration. My greatest wish is for all children to grow up in a magical place like Disney full of creativity and imagination,” she added. Both Tse and Abejero’s unique journeys showcase the transformative power of imagination, reflecting the essence of Walt Disney’s vision.

Disney, HKDL, 香港迪士尼樂園度假區 委任第10屆親善大使, Hong Kong Disneyland Resort Names 10th Disney Ambassadors, Gisele, Beyan, 2024-25 年度香港迪士尼樂園度假區親善大使

Spreading Disney Magic

Disney, HKDL, 香港迪士尼樂園度假區 委任第10屆親善大使, Hong Kong Disneyland Resort Names 10th Disney Ambassadors, Gisele, Beyan, 2024-25 年度香港迪士尼樂園度假區親善大使

迪士尼親善大使計劃可追溯至1965年,華特.迪士尼 為慶祝美國迪士尼樂園成立10週年而選出了首位大使,自此這個傳統便延展到世界各地的迪士尼樂園及度假區。香港迪士尼亦自開幕起,每一屆都會從約5,000名的全職演藝人員中選出新的親善大使。

The Disney Ambassador Program dates back to 1965, when Walt Disney selected the very first Disney Ambassador for the 10th anniversary of Disneyland, starting a tradition that has grown over the years at parks and resorts all around the world.  Every selection year since its opening, HKDL chooses its Disney Ambassador(s) from about 5,000 full-time cast members.


Acting as the representative of the resort and fellow cast members, the Disney Ambassadors participate in various community service activities, such as Disney VoluntEARS, to bring the unique magic of HKDL to communities in need and spread the positive energy of Disney. The Disney Ambassadors are also responsible for welcoming guests from across the globe, organizing and participating in various events and bringing cast members together with the shared purpose of capturing Disney magic in Hong Kong.

~ 歷屆 香港迪士尼樂園度假區 親善大使 ~
Hong Kong Disneyland Resort Ambassadors ~

1. 杜苡樂(Angela To)

來自(From):華特迪士尼(亞太區)有限公司 企業傳訊部;Corporate Communications Department, The Walt Disney Company (Asia Pacific) Limited

任期(Term of service):2005年1月1日 至 2006年12月31日;January 1, 2005 - December 31, 2006

2. 羅慧沁(Jasmine Law)


任期(Term of service):2007年1月1日 至 2008年12月31日;January 1, 2007 - December 31, 2008

3. 羅智豪(Chi-Ho Law)


任期(Term of service):2009年1月1日 至 2010年12月31日;January 1, 2009 - December 31, 2010

4. 黎秋霞(Fion Lai)

來自(From):娛樂事務及服裝部;Entertainment and Costuming

任期(Term of service):2011年1月1日 至 2012年12月31日;January 1, 2011 - December 31, 2012

5. 劉旭鵬(Arthur Lau)

來自(From):遊樂設施及賓客服務部;Attractions and Guest Services

任期(Term of service):2013年1月1日 至 2014年12月31日;January 1, 2013 - December 31, 2014

6. 許小樺(Sara Hui)

來自(From):遊樂設施及賓客服務部;Attractions and Guest Services

任期(Term of service):2015年1月1日 至 2016年12月31日;January 1, 2015 - December 31, 2016

7. 符國安(Sammy Phu)

來自(From):保安及安全事務部;Security and Safety

任期(Term of service):2017年1月1日 至 2018年12月31日;January 1, 2017 - December 31, 2018

8. 梁紫瑩( Melody Leung)

來自(From):酒店營運及商務活動策劃部;Hotel Operations, Business Solutions & Events

任期(Term of service):2019年1月1日 至 2021年12月31日*;January 1, 2019 - December 31, 2021*


*The term of service has been extended one year until 2021 for the Disney Ambassadors around the world due to the Pandemic

9. 陳麗儀( Lily Chan)及 Tony Dick唐俊迪- 首個大使組合(Duo appointed for the first time in HKDLR's history)

來自(From):人力資源部|娛樂事務及服裝部;Human Resources|Entertainment and Costuming

任期(Term of service):2022年1月1日 至 2023年12月31日;January 1, 2022 - December 31, 2023

10. 謝承恩(Beyan Tse) 及 Gisele Abejero (珮芷善)

來自(From):財務管理、企業聯盟及採購部|娛樂事務部;Financial Management, Alliances and Sourcing|Entertainment

任期(Term of service):2024年1月1日 至 2025年12月31日;January 1, 2024 - December 31, 2025

Hong Kong Disneyland Resort



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Disney Magical Kingdom Blog: 香港迪士尼樂園度假區 委任第10屆親善大使|Hong Kong Disneyland Resort Names 10th Disney Ambassadors
香港迪士尼樂園度假區 委任第10屆親善大使|Hong Kong Disneyland Resort Names 10th Disney Ambassadors
Disney, HKDL, 香港迪士尼樂園度假區 委任第10屆親善大使, Hong Kong Disneyland Resort Names 10th Disney Ambassadors, Gisele, Beyan, 2024-25 年度香港迪士尼樂園度假區親善大使
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