On Saturday, May 25, 2024, the world lost one of its brightest musical talents. Richard M. Sherman, a Disney Legend and a prolific composer-lyricist, passed away at Cedars-Sinai Medical Center in Beverly Hills due to age-related illness. He was 95 years old.
Richard M. Sherman was more than just a composer; he was a cornerstone of family entertainment and a key member of Walt Disney’s inner circle of creative talents. Over his illustrious 65-year career, Sherman, alongside his brother Robert B. Sherman, penned some of the most iconic songs that have defined generations. Together, the Sherman Brothers (Richard & Robert) created musical magic that continues to resonate with audiences worldwide. Richard and his brother were inducted as Disney Legends in 1990.
We are deeply saddened by the passing of Disney Legend Richard M. Sherman. Your songs are the soundtrack to so many of our memories, including the iconic “Feed the Birds”, “There’s a Great Big Beautiful Tomorrow”, “The Tiki, Tiki, Tiki Room”, “It’s a Small World”, and so much more.
Written and composed by the Sherman brothers, the song “It’s a Small World” is a timeless classic. Composers Richard and Robert Sherman came to the conclusion that a single musical theme was the way to bring the song and attraction together, thus reinforcing the larger message of cultural unity and harmony.
Richard M. Sherman, thank you for the music. Your legacy will live on in the hearts of all who have been touched by your incredible work.
在2024年5月25日(星期六),我們失去了一位最為輝煌的音樂天才。「迪士尼傳奇」作曲家兼填詞人 Richard M. Sherman(理查德舍曼),在比華利山的 Cedars-Sinai Medical Center,因年老相關疾病去世,享年95歲。
Richard M. Sherman 不僅僅是一位作曲家,他是家庭娛樂的重要基石,也是 華特·迪士尼先生 創意團隊的核心成員之一。在他輝煌的65年職業生涯中,Sherman兄弟 Richard 與 Robert 共同創作了多首深入幾代人心中的經典歌曲。Sherman兄弟於1990年被選為「迪士尼傳奇」人物。
我們對 Richard M. Sherman 的去世深感悲痛。 你的音樂為大家創造了許多回憶,包括著名的《Feed the Birds》、《There’s a Great Big Beautiful Tomorrow》、《The Tiki, Tiki, Tiki Room》及《世界真細小》等等。
《世界真細小》(“It’s a Small World”)一曲是永恆的歌曲經典,作曲家兄弟Richard與Robert Sherman深信,單一的音樂主題能把整首樂曲連貫起來,從而加深樂曲的深層意義 ── 文化大同與和諧。
Richard M. Sherman,感謝你帶來的音樂。你的傳奇將在所有被你非凡作品觸動過的人們心中永存。