


香港迪士尼樂園度假區 2023 財政年度業績發佈|Hong Kong Disneyland Resort's Fiscal Year 2023 Annual Business Review

Disney, 迪士尼, HKDL, 香港迪士尼樂園度假區  2023 財政年度業績發佈, Hong Kong Disneyland Resort's Fiscal Year 2023 Annual Business Review



  • 收入上升至57億港元,增長156%
  • 未扣除利息、稅項、折舊及攤銷前盈利 (EBITDA)增至9.24億港元,改善207%
  • 淨虧損收窄至3.56億港元,改善83%
  • 人均消費增長54%
  • 總入場人次錄得640萬,增長87%
  • 年度酒店使用率為77%^,整體入住率上升23個百分點至47%
  • 香港迪士尼於2023年12月全數償還由華特迪士尼其一附屬公司提供的27億港元周轉信貸,此後並未有再動用。

* 財政年結日為最接近 9 月 30 日的星期六。財政年度一般為52週,除了大約每隔6年為53週。2023和2022財政年度址均為52週,年結日分別為2023年9月30 日及2022年10月1日。

^ 酒店使用率是根據調整後的可用容量計算,不包括因多種考慮因素而暫時停止服務的客房庫存,例如因計劃翻新而暫時關閉酒店客房,以及管理層對市場狀況和營運需要而作出的評估。

Disney, 迪士尼, HKDL, 香港迪士尼樂園度假區  2023 財政年度業績發佈, Hong Kong Disneyland Resort's Fiscal Year 2023 Annual Business Review

Disney, 迪士尼, HKDL, 香港迪士尼樂園度假區  2023 財政年度業績發佈, Hong Kong Disneyland Resort's Fiscal Year 2023 Annual Business Review
Hong Kong Disneyland Resort (HKDL) today shared its business results for the fiscal year of 20231 (FY23)*.  In FY23, HKDL delivered solid financial performance across the board with strong growth compared to the prior fiscal year, despite the impact of travel restrictions under the pandemic for nearly half of the fiscal year.  Turned profitable starting from 2023 summer, even before the opening of World of Frozen.  Soon after Hong Kong reactivated inbound tourism, our business and inbound tourism strategies paid off.  World of Frozen accelerated HKDL growth momentum in 2024.

Here are the highlights:

  • Revenue grew 156% to HK$5.7 billion
  • EBITDA improved by 207% to HK$924 million
  • Net loss improved by 83% to HK$356 million
  • Per capita spending grew 54%
  • Total attendance grew 87% to 6.4 million
  • Hotels’ utilisation rate for the year was 77%^ and overall occupancy increased by 23 percentage points to 47%
  • Notably, in December 2023, HKDL fully repaid the revolver facility (HK$2.7 billion) funded by a subsidiary of The Walt Disney Company and has not drawn on it thereafter.

* With a year-end date on the Saturday closest to, if not on, 30 September, the fiscal year consists of 52 weeks with the exception that approximately every six years, the fiscal year comprises a 53-week period. Fiscal 2023 and 2022 were both a 52-week year ending on 30 September 2023 and 1 October 2022, respectively.

^ Hotel utilisation is calculated based on adjusted available capacity, which excludes room inventory temporarily removed from service having regard to a number of factors, such as the temporary closure of hotel rooms for planned renovation and management’s best estimates of the market situation and operational needs.

Disney, 迪士尼, HKDL, 香港迪士尼樂園度假區  2023 財政年度業績發佈, Hong Kong Disneyland Resort's Fiscal Year 2023 Annual Business Review

Disney, 迪士尼, HKDL, 香港迪士尼樂園度假區  2023 財政年度業績發佈, Hong Kong Disneyland Resort's Fiscal Year 2023 Annual Business Review

Disney, 迪士尼, HKDL, 香港迪士尼樂園度假區  2023 財政年度業績發佈, Hong Kong Disneyland Resort's Fiscal Year 2023 Annual Business Review

Disney, 迪士尼, HKDL, 香港迪士尼樂園度假區  2023 財政年度業績發佈, Hong Kong Disneyland Resort's Fiscal Year 2023 Annual Business Review

Improved fiscal year 2023 performance bolstered by record-high local attendance and strong rebound in inbound tourism

Disney, 迪士尼, HKDL, 香港迪士尼樂園度假區  2023 財政年度業績發佈, Hong Kong Disneyland Resort's Fiscal Year 2023 Annual Business Review


HKDL’s local guest affinity continued to grow, with FY23 seeing historically high local attendance, including record attendance among young adults and students from Disney Youth Programs.  In addition, the theme park reported record-high local attendance and an encouraging rebound in mainland China and overseas visitation compared with pre-pandemic levels.  Cumulative attendance by end of FY23 surpassed 98 million (and 100 million within calendar year 2023).

Disney, 迪士尼, HKDL, 香港迪士尼樂園度假區  2023 財政年度業績發佈, Hong Kong Disneyland Resort's Fiscal Year 2023 Annual Business Review

World of Frozen extends resort’s continued success, with record-breaking revenue, EBITDA and net profit in Q1 of calendar year 2024

Disney, 迪士尼, HKDL, 香港迪士尼樂園度假區  2023 財政年度業績發佈, Hong Kong Disneyland Resort's Fiscal Year 2023 Annual Business Review

香港迪士尼樂園度假區行政總裁 莫偉庭 表示:「我們踏入了一個新時代。香港迪士尼樂園度假區在迎接20周年慶典前能夠取得多項成就,包括在2023年曆年內錄得盈利,訪客人數的恢復跑贏香港整體旅遊業市況**,我為此感到無比驕傲!」




興奮接踵而來!獨有且世界級的迪士尼體驗將於2024年繼續無間斷推出。隨着「魔雪奇緣世界」開幕,配合全年令人興奮的節慶活動,將會吸引粉絲以及來自世界各地的賓客到訪。莫偉庭 總結:「明年,香港迪士尼將慶祝20週年,密切留意稍後公佈的消息和活動!」

** 根據香港旅遊發展局的數據,對比2023及2018的同期數字,香港迪士尼的非本地賓客入場人次的反彈,超越整體訪港旅客人數的復甦。

Disney, 迪士尼, HKDL, 香港迪士尼樂園度假區  2023 財政年度業績發佈, Hong Kong Disneyland Resort's Fiscal Year 2023 Annual Business Review

Disney, 迪士尼, HKDL, 香港迪士尼樂園度假區  2023 財政年度業績發佈, Hong Kong Disneyland Resort's Fiscal Year 2023 Annual Business Review

“We have entered a new era. I am extremely proud of all we have accomplished at Hong Kong Disneyland Resort in the lead-up to our 20th anniversary, achieving profitability in calendar year 2023 and our rebound in visitors outpacing the overall Hong Kong tourism market**,” said Michael Moriarty, managing director, Hong Kong Disneyland Resort.

“And the strong momentum continues. The first quarter of calendar year 2024 was our most successful quarter ever, achieving record levels of revenue, EBITDA and net income.”

Moriarty added that HKDL has firmly established itself as a key driver and contributor to Hong Kong’s economy and community through its ongoing investment in bespoke attractions, experiences and storytelling, as well as its corporate citizenship efforts.

“Through a series of record-breaking achievements, fueled by creativity and innovation, including our new signature offerings — the reimagined Castle of Magical Dreams, ‘Momentous’ Nighttime Spectacular and most recently, World of Frozen, we have become a drawcard for Hong Kong tourists,” Moriarty added.

Throughout 2024, guests will continue to see distinctly Disney, world-class experiences. The opening of World of Frozen, combined with seasonal surprises throughout the year, promises to captivate fans and guests from around the world.  In closing, Moriarty said, “As HKDL celebrates its 20th anniversary next year, stay tuned for thrilling updates and offerings to come!”.

** HKDL’s non-local attendance recovery has outpaced Hong Kong’s total visitor arrival recovery according to figures from the Hong Kong Tourism Board, comparing the same period in 2023 and 2018.

Key Contributor in the Community and Economy
Disney, 迪士尼, HKDL, 香港迪士尼樂園度假區  2023 財政年度業績發佈, Hong Kong Disneyland Resort's Fiscal Year 2023 Annual Business Review

  • 本港旅遊及家庭娛樂業最大僱主之一: 以2024財政年度第二季計算,度假區合共聘請超過5,600名全職及3,000名兼職員工。不單為「演藝人員」提供就業,更為他們建立事業。目前有超過2,000名員工服務超過10年, 近六成員工亦達五年年資或以上。
  • 香港經濟的重要一部份:自2005年開幕至今, 香港迪士尼合共為香港經濟帶來高達約1,296億港元的直接或間接增加值,累計創造290,700個職位 ((以人工作年計算)。
  • 培育下一代、為有需要兒童帶來歡樂、保護環境、連繫基層:透過體驗,為兒童帶來希望和歡樂,傳遞我們的熱情和知識;進一步擴建全港最大型的太陽能發電系統;向青少年,尤其是弱勢社群,推廣體育、文化和音樂 ;引領多元共融和藝術通達。

  • One of HK’s largest employers in tourism and family entertainment industry: employed more than 5,600 full-time and 3,000 part-time staff on average in FY24 Q2. We not only provide jobs but a career to our cast members. Currently there are over 2,000 cast members who have worked for 10+ years. Nearly 60% have worked here for 5+ years.
  • A key part of HK’s economy: Since opening in 2005, the total direct and indirect value generated by HKDL amounted to HK$129.6 billion. Cumulatively created 290,700 jobs (in terms of man-years) for the same period.
  • Inspiring the next generation, bringing joy to children in need, caring for the environment and connecting with underrepresented communities: sharing our passion and knowledge through experiences that bring hope and joy to children; further expanding the city’s single largest solar panel site; promoting sports, art and music among young people, especially the underrepresented; and championing inclusivity and arts accessibility.

香港迪士尼樂園度假區 2023 財政年度業績發佈會

Briefing For Hong Kong Disneyland Resort's Fiscal Year 2023 Annual Business Review

Hong Kong Disneyland Resort



(000) Disney Magical Kingdom Blog,7,(001) The Walt Disney Company,162,(002) The Walt Disney Studios,794,(003) Disney Channel & Media Networks,108,(004) Disney Consumer Products,Games and Publishing,419,(005) Walt Disney Archives,6,(006) D23 Expo,57,(007) Walt Disney Imagineering,97,(008) 美國迪士尼,540,(009) 東京迪士尼,161,(010) 巴黎迪士尼,186,(011) 香港迪士尼,2272,(012) 上海迪士尼,237,(013) 迪士尼遊輪 及 其它度假區項目,52,(014) 未來動向 及 擴建資訊,397,(015) 細說樂園系列,42,(016) 週年紀念 與 慶典 (香港迪士尼),146,(017) 舞台劇及其它娛樂表演,16,(018) Disney Pin Trading,51,(019) Walk Around the Kingdom,6,(020) Welcome Posters (HK Disneyland),6,(021) 迪士尼餐飲特輯,34,(022) 奇妙遊記 Magical Trip Report,5,(023) Walt Disney Studios Home Entertainment,20,(024) Walt Disney Animation Studios,76,(025) Pixar Animation Studios,91,(026) MARVEL,309,(027) MARVEL Studios,158,(028) MARVEL Animation,2,(029) MARVEL Television,2,(030) Lucasfilm,136,(031) Star Wars,187,(032) Indiana Jones,6,(033) The Muppets,7,(034) Disney+,108,(035) Disney Theatrical Group,7,(036) 20th Century Studios | 21st Century Fox,28,(037) National Geographic,1,(038) 商場推廣項目,54,(039) Mickey 90,23,(040) Disney Magic Moments,147,(041) Disney100 | Disney 100 Years of Wonder,32,(042) Disney Experiences' Music Albums,9,Featured Stories,6,
Disney Magical Kingdom Blog: 香港迪士尼樂園度假區 2023 財政年度業績發佈|Hong Kong Disneyland Resort's Fiscal Year 2023 Annual Business Review
香港迪士尼樂園度假區 2023 財政年度業績發佈|Hong Kong Disneyland Resort's Fiscal Year 2023 Annual Business Review
Disney, 迪士尼, HKDL, 香港迪士尼樂園度假區 2023 財政年度業績發佈, Hong Kong Disneyland Resort's Fiscal Year 2023 Annual Business Review
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