


「灰熊山谷」12週年快樂!🎉 Happy 12th Anniversary to Grizzly Gulch!

Disney, HKDL, Hong Kong Disneyland, 香港迪士尼樂園, 灰熊山谷, Grizzly Gulch, 「灰熊山谷」12週年快樂, Happy 12th Anniversary to Grizzly Gulch

「灰熊山谷」12週年快樂!🎉 2012年的今天,大家正式走入這個淘金小鎮的故事,展開歷險!而「香港迪士尼親善大使」官方平台也於今天透過短片,與大家分享「灰熊山谷」的小故事。

Happy 12th Anniversary to Grizzly Gulch! 🎉 On this day in 2012, guests officially stepped into the story of this gold-mining town and embarked on their adventures!  The official platform of the "HK Disneyland Ambassador" also shared a short video today, bringing you delightful stories from Grizzly Gulch.

「灰熊山谷」是 香港迪士尼樂園 的其中一個主題園區,於2012年7月14日開幕。賓客進入了 加州 淘金熱的時代,來到這個繁華熱鬧的尋金小鎮。「灰熊山谷」的背景故事設定於1888年8月8日成立,這一天是最幸運的年份、最幸運的月份中的最幸運的一天。

Grizzly Gulch is one of the themed lands at Hong Kong Disneyland, opening July 14, 2012.  Guests enter the era of the California Gold Rush, visiting the boomtown of Grizzly Gulch, founded on August 8, 1888, the luckiest day of the luckiest month of the luckiest year. 

Backstory: Welcome to Grizzly Gulch!

Disney, HKDL, Hong Kong Disneyland, 香港迪士尼樂園, 灰熊山谷, Grizzly Gulch, 「灰熊山谷」12週年快樂, Happy 12th Anniversary to Grizzly Gulch

歡迎來到「灰熊山谷」!這個淘金小鎮的崛起始於1888年尋金潮的黃金時期,自此展開了多采多姿的輝煌歷史。傳說中,「灰熊山谷」並不單單是一座金礦,亦是帶領尋金者發現金礦的三隻灰熊的家 —— 金礦熊爸爸 Rocky、金礦熊媽媽 Mother Lode 和 金礦熊寶寶 Nugget 。根據當地的傳說,當地一位名為 卡斯格拉夫上尉(Captain Phineas Cosgrove)的居民在出外遊覽山中景色時,發現三隻灰熊躺在峻峭的山石上利用石頭的稜角來搔背脊。「灰熊」回到山洞後,這位上尉在石上發現一閃一閃的光芒,原來灰熊搔背磨蝕大石後,竟然暴露出石下的黃金!卡斯格拉夫上尉 立即標明金礦的位置,「灰熊山礦業公司」亦因而誕生。

Welcome to Grizzly Gulch, a colorful mining town established in 1888 during the prosperous days of the Gold Rush.  Legend has it that the mountain is home to not only a gold mine, but also to the 3 bears that led to its discovery.  According to local lore, a resident by the name of Captain Phineas Cosgrove was out enjoying the mountain scenery when he noticed 3 bears (Rocky, Mother Lode, and Nugget)  scratching their backs on the craggy rocks.  After the bears retired to their cave inside the mountain, the Captain suddenly noticed a sparkle in the rocks.  The scratching had exposed gold underneath!  Captain Phineas Cosgrove immediately staked his claim, and the Big Grizzly Mountain Mining Company was born.


Bear In Mind

Disney, HKDL, Hong Kong Disneyland, 香港迪士尼樂園, 灰熊山谷, Grizzly Gulch, 「灰熊山谷」12週年快樂, Happy 12th Anniversary to Grizzly Gulch

由於「灰熊山谷」的繁榮興旺全拜灰熊所賜,因此當地居民嚴格規定,任何人都不得打擾灰熊一家人的生活,包括憨厚的 金礦熊爸爸 Rocky、金礦熊媽媽 Mother Lode 和 金礦熊寶寶 Nugget。但眾所周知,這些灰熊三不五時都會帶來一些騷動。礦車因為灰熊的無心之失而改變軌道可謂常事,深山中更是不時傳來意外的爆炸聲。因此,這裡的尋金者都深深明白:灰熊冬眠時,萬事放心。灰熊活動時,打醒十二分精神!任何情況都有可能發生!

Nobody is allowed to bother the bears—dubbed Rocky, Mother Lode and Nugget—because of the good fortune they brought to Gower Gulch. But the bears have been known to create a little havoc once in a while. It’s not uncommon to hear about a mine car that’s gotten loose because of something the bears unwittingly did... or to hear an unexpected explosion deep in the mountain. So prospectors are encouraged to beware: When the bears are hibernating, all is well. But when they wake up—look out! Anything can happen.


Big Grizzly Mountain Runaway Mine Cars

Disney, HKDL, Hong Kong Disneyland, 香港迪士尼樂園, 灰熊山谷, Grizzly Gulch, 「灰熊山谷」12週年快樂, Happy 12th Anniversary to Grizzly Gulch


Towering over the town is Big Grizzly Mountain, standing more than 88 feet tall.  Rocketing through the mountain and around the entire land is a multidirectional coaster, Big Grizzly Mountain Runaway Mine Cars.  Amid flickering kerosene lanterns, wander past a dusty sawmill, rusty prospectors’ lockers and the cluttered workshop of the chief geologist before boarding a mysterious mine car waiting to take you on an excursion inside the old mountain.

Disney, HKDL, Hong Kong Disneyland, 香港迪士尼樂園, 灰熊山谷, Grizzly Gulch, 「灰熊山谷」12週年快樂, Happy 12th Anniversary to Grizzly Gulch

礦車會駛入漆黑的山洞中,在起伏不定的軌道上來回飛馳。你將會在路上遇上一個可愛的灰熊家庭,傳說中,尋金者就是在他們的帶領下找到山中的金礦。礦車會繼續在荒蕪的峽谷中穿梭。突然,礦車毫無預警下改變軌道,原來是 金礦熊爸爸 Rocky 利用軌道轉換器來搔背脊,令軌道轉向下行進入危險的礦井。離開礦井後,礦車再次加速,駛向洞外的樹林。  礦車不斷加速,一直爬上陡峭的山峰,但差不多到達山頂時,纜索突然因不勝負荷而斷裂,令礦車急速倒墜!礦車在昏暗的山洞中跌跌撞撞向後倒退,經過鋸齒狀的山洞,最後竟然來到一個爆炸礦洞中!更可怕的是,金礦熊媽媽 Mother Lode 和 金礦熊寶寶 Nugget 居然不怕危險一步一步靠近那些觸目驚心的炸藥,並引發大爆炸,把你轟出山谷!

Hurl forward into the darkness of a tunnel as your train’s wheels chug back and forth across a winding track.  Make your way past a family of friendly bears—rumored to have led to the discovery of gold in the mountain—and swoop around inside a barren canyon.  Without warning, veer off-course and dart down into a perilous mine shaft—the result of a bear who scratched his itchy back on the track switch—before picking up speed and peeling out into the woods.Gaining momentum, your mine car is sent racing up a steep rocky incline; but before it can make it to the top, a cable unexpectedly snaps and sends you barreling—backward—down the mountain!  Tumble through dimly lit tunnels in reverse and stumble past jagged caverns before speeding into a TNT storage cave, where a mama bear Mother Lode and her cub Nugget are unwittingly perched dangerously close to a pile of explosives, setting off a massive explosion that blasts you out of the mountain!


Geyser Gulch

Disney, HKDL, Hong Kong Disneyland, 香港迪士尼樂園, 灰熊山谷, Grizzly Gulch, 「灰熊山谷」12週年快樂, Happy 12th Anniversary to Grizzly Gulch

1888年當時,小鎮由於意外地建於活動的噴泉區上而正日漸沒落,債台高築之際,尋金者竟然在「灰熊山」附近發現金礦,這個小鎮的命運便從此改寫。現在,「灰熊山谷」被當地人冠以更親切的名字 ──「噴泉山谷」,雖然地底的噴泉間歇性爆發成沖天水柱,但這裡的居民卻時刻都享受着水花帶來的歡樂。

Accidently constructed atop a bed of active geysers, the town was literally sinking and financially underwater. But when gold was discovered in nearby Big Grizzly Mountain, the town’s fortune changed. Today, Grizzly Gulch has been lovingly renamed Geyser Gulch by the locals, and even though the water still flows, the place is erupting with fun.

「幸運噴泉」(Lucky Springs Geyser)是「噴泉山谷」的正中央是個巨大的古老天然噴泉。傳說中,如果「幸運噴泉」在你許願時爆發,你的願望便會成真。無論你是否相信,有一件事是可以肯定的:如果噴泉爆發時你站得太近,你必定會全身濕透!

Smack dab in the center of Geyser Gulch is this huge old natural fountain.  According to legend, if Lucky Springs Geyser erupts while you’re making a wish, your wish will come true.  Whether you believe it or not, one thing is for certain: if you’re standing too close when she does erupt, you will definitely get wet!

Disney, HKDL, Hong Kong Disneyland, 香港迪士尼樂園, 灰熊山谷, Grizzly Gulch, 「灰熊山谷」12週年快樂, Happy 12th Anniversary to Grizzly Gulch

Disney, HKDL, Hong Kong Disneyland, 香港迪士尼樂園, 灰熊山谷, Grizzly Gulch, 「灰熊山谷」12週年快樂, Happy 12th Anniversary to Grizzly Gulch


There’s a little friendly competition between a blacksmith shop and a dry goods store.  The bellows that once fanned the smithy’s fire now pump water in the direction of the dry goods store.  But the dry goods store owners are fighting back—they’ve taken possession of a shipment of bellows meant for the blacksmith shop, and are using them to squirt water back in that direction.  You’re invited to grab a bellow and join in the watery warfare.


Grizzly Gulch Assay Office

Disney, HKDL, Hong Kong Disneyland, 香港迪士尼樂園, 灰熊山谷, Grizzly Gulch, 「灰熊山谷」12週年快樂, Happy 12th Anniversary to Grizzly Gulch

隨着金礦的發展,另一個驚人的發現出現了,一隻名叫「Lucky」的當地流浪金毛尋回犬(後共期受人愛戴被稱為「金石尋回犬」)嗅出並帶領礦工們找到了一塊重達150磅的巨大金塊 ──「幸運金石」(Lucky Nugget)。「金石檢測所」前現正放置了「灰熊山」有史以來最大、價值2萬美元的金石「幸運金石」。你可以來這裡和「幸運金石」合照,並瞭解這塊金石的故事。你甚至可以展開你的尋金之旅,找出金石尋回犬Lucky在鎮內藏起來的金塊。

As the mine expanded, an incredible discovery was made when a local stray golden retriever named "Lucky" sniffed out and guided miners to a massive 150-pound gold nugget.  In front of the Grizzly Gulch Assay Office, you can pose next to the largest piece of gold ever found in the gulch, affectionately called the Lucky Nugget, which is valued at nearly US$ 20,000 according to the story, and learn about its fascinating discovery story.  You can even embark on a treasure hunt for gold nuggets hidden throughout town by Lucky the Dog, the town's fetching mascot.

Disney, HKDL, Hong Kong Disneyland, 香港迪士尼樂園, 灰熊山谷, Grizzly Gulch, 「灰熊山谷」12週年快樂, Happy 12th Anniversary to Grizzly Gulch


Lucky Nugget Saloon

Disney, HKDL, Hong Kong Disneyland, 香港迪士尼樂園, 灰熊山谷, Grizzly Gulch, 「灰熊山谷」12週年快樂, Happy 12th Anniversary to Grizzly Gulch

Disney, HKDL, Hong Kong Disneyland, 香港迪士尼樂園, 灰熊山谷, Grizzly Gulch, 「灰熊山谷」12週年快樂, Happy 12th Anniversary to Grizzly Gulch

老闆娘 Miss Kitty 在淘金小鎮設「金粉酒店」(Gold Dust Hotel),而位於「金粉酒店」地鋪的是「幸運黃金石小食亭」(Lucky Nugget Saloon)。在美食中尋寶!淘出金黃色的炸雞薯條、炸魚薯條,或者發掘凱撒沙律的爽脆鮮美。肚子餓得像灰熊般大叫?快來品嚐充滿西部風味的餐點或小吃,墊墊肚子吧!

Miss Kitty opened the Gold Dust Hotel in this town, and located on the ground floor of the hotel is the Lucky Nugget Saloon.  Seek your fortune in food!  Go panning for golden chicken nuggets and chips, fish and chips, or dig in to a crisp Caesar salad.  If your stomach is growling like a grizzly bear, grab some Wild West flavor with a hearty meal or a quick snack.


"Grizzly Gulch Welcome Wagon Show" (Concluded)

「灰熊山谷」居民為你準備了盛大的現場音樂表演,把小鎮歷史娓娓道來。看!多位地位不凡的居民都有加入迎賓的行列呢! 一眾居民落力演奏,用低音大提琴和小提琴彈奏出美妙的樂章,讓你感受熱情的西部款客之道!當你和「金粉酒店」老闆娘 Miss Kitty 以及一眾餐廳女職員、警長和小鎮居民打成一片後,你也可以跟着他們合唱那些熟悉的歌謠,他們更會悄悄告訴你這個尋金小鎮發現金礦、一夜致富的故事!

Meet some of the special citizens of Grizzly Gulch in a live music show that tells the story of the town.  You’ll be welcomed with friendly frontier-era hospitality, in true bass and fiddle style.  Then, sing along to some familiar tunes while you get to know Miss Kitty and her saloon girls, the sheriff and more—and listen carefully for the town’s secrets about how to strike it rich when panning for gold.


"The Travelin' Tunesmith"


The Travelin’ Tunesmiths - a live musical troupe, featuring one female host and four musicians, will entertain Guests with some engaging musical selections and share some fun and interesting anecdotes about their travels.  What’s more, Guests will be invited to participate in some clap-along and dance-along activities during the show.


Grizzly Gulch Jailhouse

Disney, HKDL, Hong Kong Disneyland, 香港迪士尼樂園, 灰熊山谷, Grizzly Gulch, 「灰熊山谷」12週年快樂, Happy 12th Anniversary to Grizzly Gulch

Disney, HKDL, Hong Kong Disneyland, 香港迪士尼樂園, 灰熊山谷, Grizzly Gulch, 「灰熊山谷」12週年快樂, Happy 12th Anniversary to Grizzly Gulch


The "Grizzly Gulch Jailhouse" features abandoned cells, with three wanted posters carved into the walls and signs of a jailbreak.  Can you find the wanted outlaws in the valley?

Hong Kong Disneyland Resort



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Disney Magical Kingdom Blog: 「灰熊山谷」12週年快樂!🎉 Happy 12th Anniversary to Grizzly Gulch!
「灰熊山谷」12週年快樂!🎉 Happy 12th Anniversary to Grizzly Gulch!
Disney, HKDL, Hong Kong Disneyland, 香港迪士尼樂園, 灰熊山谷, Grizzly Gulch, 「灰熊山谷」12週年快樂, Happy 12th Anniversary to Grizzly Gulch
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