


香港迪士尼樂園「森林河流之旅」加入「探險家・冒險家學會」連繫|The Society of Explorers and Adventurers (S.E.A.) Connection Added To Hong Kong Disneyland's Jungle River Cruise

Disney, HKDL, WDI, Imagineering, 香港迪士尼樂園「森林河流之旅」加入「探險家・冒險家學會」連繫, The Society of Explorers and Adventurers (S.E.A.) Connection, Hong Kong Disneyland

香港迪士尼樂園 的「幻想工程師」於近期施展魔法,在「森林河流之旅」遊樂設施中作出改動及加入了一些細節,當中包括加入「探險家・冒險家學會」連繫,以及其他「彩蛋」

The Imagineers at Hong Kong Disneyland have recently worked their magic, making changes and adding new details to the Jungle River Cruise attraction.  These enhancements include connections to The Society of Explorers and Adventurers (S.E.A.) and other Easter Eggs.

加入「探險家・冒險家學會」連繫,當中涉及全新的故事情節,其中包括四位科學家和一位船長,並對「被困的探險隊」場景("Trapped Safari" Scene)進行翻新,同時在排隊區域和「搗亂營地」場景("Trashing the Camp" Scene)中增添了道具。

In joining the connection of Society of Explorers and Adventurers (S.E.A.), the Imagineers introduce new storyline for Jungle River Cruise featuring four new scientists and a skipper in the revamped "Trapped Safari" scene, along with the addition of new props in the queue area and the "Trashing the Camp" scene.

在閱讀以下內容前,歡迎先收看我們在新一集《DIScover Magic》專題影片,片內會與大家分享的相關資訊。

Before reading the following content, we invite you to watch our latest episode of DIScover Magic, where we share related information with you.

The Society of Explorers and Adventurers (S.E.A.)

Disney, HKDL, WDI, Imagineering, 香港迪士尼樂園「森林河流之旅」加入「探險家・冒險家學會」連繫, The Society of Explorers and Adventurers (S.E.A.) Connection, Hong Kong Disneyland

「探險家・冒險家學會」(簡稱S.E.A.是由「華特迪士尼幻想工程」所創造的虛構組織,在全球各地的迪士尼樂園遊樂設施和迪士尼體驗的故事內容中,擔任着重要的連繫元素,包括 香港迪士尼樂園 的迷離莊園主題園區。

The Society of Explorers and Adventurers, also known as S.E.A., and "探險家・冒險家學會" in Chinese, is a fascinating part in Disney’s storytelling universe.  This fictional organization, created by Walt Disney Imagineering (a.k.a. WDI), serves as a central, unifying element in various Disney Parks’ attractions and Disney Experiences around the globe, including the Mystic Point in Hong Kong Disneyland.


S.E.A. is an international assembly of men and women dedicated to traveling the world in search of knowledge, adventure, art, and priceless cultural artifacts. They aim to bring new discoveries to the public and to expand human knowledge and cultural awareness. This illustrious society includes members who are passionate about exploration, eager for adventure, and deeply respectful of art and culture. Their journeys and discoveries enrich our understanding of various cultures and broaden our horizons.

Hong Kong Disneyland - Jungle River Cruise
Disney, HKDL, WDI, Imagineering, 香港迪士尼樂園「森林河流之旅」加入「探險家・冒險家學會」連繫, The Society of Explorers and Adventurers (S.E.A.) Connection, Hong Kong Disneyland

Trek to a dusty tropical jungle outpost—laden with hanging cargo nets, wooden crates, timber canoes and rusty anchors—and board a weathered tramp steamer for an 8-minute adventure along a remote tropical river.

Enter the Dock: Queue Entrance

Disney, HKDL, WDI, Imagineering, 香港迪士尼樂園「森林河流之旅」加入「探險家・冒險家學會」連繫, The Society of Explorers and Adventurers (S.E.A.) Connection, Hong Kong Disneyland

Disney, HKDL, WDI, Imagineering, 香港迪士尼樂園「森林河流之旅」加入「探險家・冒險家學會」連繫, The Society of Explorers and Adventurers (S.E.A.) Connection, Hong Kong Disneyland
Items Located at the Queue Entrance


All the crates, barrels, luggage, and equipment here highlight that this remote trading post serves as a storage and supply station, a shipping facility, and a crucial port for both passenger and cargo river traffic.
Disney, HKDL, WDI, Imagineering, 香港迪士尼樂園「森林河流之旅」加入「探險家・冒險家學會」連繫, The Society of Explorers and Adventurers (S.E.A.) Connection, Hong Kong Disneyland

In the queue are, some props have been added in or adjusted to support the new storyline, including:
  • 石磊碩博士 訂購的米酒
  • 石磊碩博士 的礦石樣本
  • 蘿莎蓮薘•苡莎蓓菈•莘葩薏荅•蒂蔴蘭薘博士 的植物
  • 阿美莉雅•岩士唐博士 的貨箱,貨箱上印有「探險家・冒險家學會」(S.E.A.)的標誌
  • 阿積•彼達博士 訂購的書本
  • Rice wine ordered by Dr. Lui-shek Shek, geologist
  • Mineral rock sample belonging to Dr. Lui-shek Shek
  • Botanical supplies of Dr. Rosalinda Isabella Sampaguita Dimalanta, botanist
  • Shipment belonging to Dr. Amelia Armstrong, anthropologist, with an S.E.A. (Society of Explorers & Adventurers) logo on the crate
  • Books ordered by Dr. Ajay Beta, ornithologist

Disney, HKDL, WDI, Imagineering, 香港迪士尼樂園「森林河流之旅」加入「探險家・冒險家學會」連繫, The Society of Explorers and Adventurers (S.E.A.) Connection, Hong Kong Disneyland
「幻想工程師」為設於排隊區入口的物件加入了一些細節,當中包括加入了 S.E.A. 標誌的貨箱。

The Imagineers have added some details to the items located at the queue entrance, including crates marked with the S.E.A. emblem.

Disney, HKDL, WDI, Imagineering, 香港迪士尼樂園「森林河流之旅」加入「探險家・冒險家學會」連繫, The Society of Explorers and Adventurers (S.E.A.) Connection, Hong Kong Disneyland

Additionally, there are burlap sacks labeled Mineral Samples.

Disney, HKDL, WDI, Imagineering, 香港迪士尼樂園「森林河流之旅」加入「探險家・冒險家學會」連繫, The Society of Explorers and Adventurers (S.E.A.) Connection, Hong Kong Disneyland
除了上述內容外,還有一個加入「Big Bird Books」標示的鐵箱,並顯示將運往「DEL」「DEL」或許是「迪士尼探索家度假酒店」(Disney Explorers Lodge)的「彩蛋」,酒店以探險主題為主,並有獨立背景故事,但現階段與 S.E.A. 並沒有任何連繫。

In addition to the aforementioned items, there is an iron crate labeled "Big Bird Books" destined for "DEL."  "DEL" might be an Easter Egg for the Disney Explorers Lodge (DEL), which is an adventure-themed hotel and has its own backstory, although it currently has no direct connection to S.E.A.

排隊區 - 客貨碼頭辦公室
Queue Area - Office At The Crucial Port

In the office, some props have been added in or adjusted to support the new storyline, including:
  • 船長寫的筆記
  • 裝有驅蟲劑的木桶
  • 灕江淑女號模型
  • 蘿莎蓮薘•苡莎蓓菈•莘葩薏荅•蒂蔴蘭薘博士 所畫的植物繪圖
  • 阿積•彼達博士所畫的雀鳥繪圖
  • Note written by skippers 
  • Barrels of insect repellants 
  • Boat model of the Lijiang Lady 
  • Plant drawing by Dr. Rosalinda Isabella Sampaguita Dimalanta, botanist 
  • Bird drawing by Dr. Ajay Beta, ornithologist 
  • Rock samples collected by Dr. Lui-shek Shek, geologist

Disney, HKDL, WDI, Imagineering, 香港迪士尼樂園「森林河流之旅」加入「探險家・冒險家學會」連繫, The Society of Explorers and Adventurers (S.E.A.) Connection, Hong Kong Disneyland

Moving a bit forward, we arrive at the office located at the dock, where the Imagineers have added a model of the Jungle River Cruise expedition boat (Lijiang Lady).

Disney, HKDL, WDI, Imagineering, 香港迪士尼樂園「森林河流之旅」加入「探險家・冒險家學會」連繫, The Society of Explorers and Adventurers (S.E.A.) Connection, Hong Kong Disneyland

There's also an Easter egg: the Imagineers have set the office clock to 9:12, marking the opening day of Hong Kong Disneyland on September 12th.

Dr. Rosalinda Isabella Sampaguita Dimalanta

Disney, HKDL, WDI, Imagineering, 香港迪士尼樂園「森林河流之旅」加入「探險家・冒險家學會」連繫, The Society of Explorers and Adventurers (S.E.A.) Connection, Hong Kong Disneyland
「幻想工程師」在位於排隊區入口的一個印有「Botanical Supplies」(植物用品)的木箱,加入了一些細節,如寄失請寄回至 Rosalinda,而回郵地址一欄更寫上全名 Rosalinda I.S. Dimalanta

The Imagineers have added details to a wooden crate at the queue entrance labeled "Botanical Supplies," including instructions to return lost items to Rosalinda, with the full name listed as Rosalinda I.S. Dimalanta.

Disney, HKDL, WDI, Imagineering, 香港迪士尼樂園「森林河流之旅」加入「探險家・冒險家學會」連繫, The Society of Explorers and Adventurers (S.E.A.) Connection, Hong Kong Disneyland
另外,碼頭上的辦公室掛上了一幅垂筒花植物繪圖,當中也有 Rosalinda 的簽名。

Additionally, the office at the dock has hung a sketch of a Cyrtanthus Angustifolius, featuring Rosalinda's signature as well.

Disney, HKDL, WDI, Imagineering, 香港迪士尼樂園「森林河流之旅」加入「探險家・冒險家學會」連繫, The Society of Explorers and Adventurers (S.E.A.) Connection, Hong Kong Disneyland
此垂筒花素描草圖由藝術家 K.A. Lansdell del. 繪製。

This sketch of the pitcher plant was drawn by artist K.A. Lansdell.

Disney, HKDL, WDI, Imagineering, 香港迪士尼樂園「森林河流之旅」加入「探險家・冒險家學會」連繫, The Society of Explorers and Adventurers (S.E.A.) Connection, Hong Kong Disneyland
香港迪士尼透過親善大使專頁官方帖文,當中分享 Rosalinda 的全稱為 Dr. Rosalinda Isabella Sampaguita Dimalanta(蘿莎蓮薘・苡莎蓓菈・莘葩薏荅・蒂蔴蘭薘博士)。

Hong Kong Disneyland Resort shared through an official post on the HKDL Ambassador Page that Rosalinda’s full name is Dr. Rosalinda Isabella Sampaguita Dimalanta.

Dr. Ajay Beta

Disney, HKDL, WDI, Imagineering, 香港迪士尼樂園「森林河流之旅」加入「探險家・冒險家學會」連繫, The Society of Explorers and Adventurers (S.E.A.) Connection, Hong Kong Disneyland
碼頭上的辦公室掛上了一幅由 Dr. Ajay Beta 收藏䴉鸛(又稱彩鸛)雀鳥繪圖。

The office at the dock has hung a sketch of a stork collected by Dr. Ajay Beta.

Disney, HKDL, WDI, Imagineering, 香港迪士尼樂園「森林河流之旅」加入「探險家・冒險家學會」連繫, The Society of Explorers and Adventurers (S.E.A.) Connection, Hong Kong Disneyland
的「被困的探險隊」場景("Trapped Safari" Scene)這一幕中,䴉鶴樹幹

In the "Trapped Safari" scene, we will encounter a stork and its nest appearing atop a tree trunk.

Disney, HKDL, WDI, Imagineering, 香港迪士尼樂園「森林河流之旅」加入「探險家・冒險家學會」連繫, The Society of Explorers and Adventurers (S.E.A.) Connection, Hong Kong Disneyland
香港迪士尼透過親善大使專頁官方帖文,當中分享 Dr. Ajay Beta 的中文名稱為 阿積博士

Hong Kong Disneyland Resort shared through an official post on the HKDL Ambassador Page that the Chinese name for Dr. Ajay Beta is "阿積博士".

Dr. Lui-Shek Shek

Disney, HKDL, WDI, Imagineering, 香港迪士尼樂園「森林河流之旅」加入「探險家・冒險家學會」連繫, The Society of Explorers and Adventurers (S.E.A.) Connection, Hong Kong Disneyland

Disney, HKDL, WDI, Imagineering, 香港迪士尼樂園「森林河流之旅」加入「探險家・冒險家學會」連繫, The Society of Explorers and Adventurers (S.E.A.) Connection, Hong Kong Disneyland

Disney, HKDL, WDI, Imagineering, 香港迪士尼樂園「森林河流之旅」加入「探險家・冒險家學會」連繫, The Society of Explorers and Adventurers (S.E.A.) Connection, Hong Kong Disneyland


The Imagineers have added various characters to the Jungle River Cruise expedition.  The crate, which placed in the dock loading area, is reimagined to appear as the shipment of tools and books for Dr. Lui-shek Shek, geologist.

Disney, HKDL, WDI, Imagineering, 香港迪士尼樂園「森林河流之旅」加入「探險家・冒險家學會」連繫, The Society of Explorers and Adventurers (S.E.A.) Connection, Hong Kong Disneyland

Disney, HKDL, WDI, Imagineering, 香港迪士尼樂園「森林河流之旅」加入「探險家・冒險家學會」連繫, The Society of Explorers and Adventurers (S.E.A.) Connection, Hong Kong Disneyland

Disney, HKDL, WDI, Imagineering, 香港迪士尼樂園「森林河流之旅」加入「探險家・冒險家學會」連繫, The Society of Explorers and Adventurers (S.E.A.) Connection, Hong Kong Disneyland

Disney, HKDL, WDI, Imagineering, 香港迪士尼樂園「森林河流之旅」加入「探險家・冒險家學會」連繫, The Society of Explorers and Adventurers (S.E.A.) Connection, Hong Kong Disneyland
碼頭上的辦公室展示了 石磊碩博士 於世界各地採集的石頭、礦石及寶石標本,當中包括 石博士 的第一塊礦石 ── 於1906年5月23日於香港開採的大理石。從標本內容可發現,石博士 的下一個目標是在赤道附近尋找緣石和紅寶石。

The office at the dock showcases a collection of rocks, minerals and gemstones gathered by Dr. Lui-Shek Shek from around the world, including his very first specimen: a piece of marble mined in Hong Kong on May 23, 1906.  Additionally, Dr. Shek's next goal is to search for the Serendipity Stone and Ruby near the equator.

Disney, HKDL, WDI, Imagineering, 香港迪士尼樂園「森林河流之旅」加入「探險家・冒險家學會」連繫, The Society of Explorers and Adventurers (S.E.A.) Connection, Hong Kong Disneyland
當「森林河流之旅」的探險船來到經典的「被困的探險隊」場景("Trapped Safari" Scene)這一幕,我們終於找到 石磊碩博士

When the Jungle River Cruise expedition boat arrives at the classic "Trapped Safari" scene, we finally discover Dr. Lui-shek Shek.

"Trashing the Camp" Scene: The Scientists' Camp

Disney, HKDL, WDI, Imagineering, 香港迪士尼樂園「森林河流之旅」加入「探險家・冒險家學會」連繫, The Society of Explorers and Adventurers (S.E.A.) Connection, Hong Kong Disneyland

Disney, HKDL, WDI, Imagineering, 香港迪士尼樂園「森林河流之旅」加入「探險家・冒險家學會」連繫, The Society of Explorers and Adventurers (S.E.A.) Connection, Hong Kong Disneyland

Disney, HKDL, WDI, Imagineering, 香港迪士尼樂園「森林河流之旅」加入「探險家・冒險家學會」連繫, The Society of Explorers and Adventurers (S.E.A.) Connection, Hong Kong Disneyland

航行途中,船隻安全遠離神廟之後,來到一個營地,那裏正遭到一群好奇而頑皮的大猩猩搗亂。船長知這是國際科學家團隊的大本營,但卻不見科學家的蹤影,不知他們往哪兒去了。大本營放置了有上 S.E.A. 標誌的貨箱,營地正遭受大猩猩洗劫。

During the boat ride, after managing to make it safely past the ruins of the ancient temple, the boat comes upon a campsite being ransacked by a band of frisky lowland gorillas.  The skipper tells guests that this was the campsite of the team of international scientists. Now he wonders where they went.  The campsite features a shipment marked with the S.E.A. emblem, currently being ransacked by gorillas.

Some props have been added in or adjusted to support the new storyline, including:
  • 石磊碩博士 的工具
  • 阿積•彼達博士 的雀粟和有關雀鳥的書籍
  • 蘿莎蓮薘•苡莎蓓菈•莘葩薏荅•蒂蔴蘭薘博士 的植物
  • 科學家們的地圖
  • 印有「探險家・冒險家學會」(S.E.A.)標誌的貨箱,這批貨物是 阿美莉雅•岩士唐博士 訂購的
  • 酒瓶和酒桶散落一地,顯示科學家們似乎曾在那裏開派對
  • 一隻猩猩發現了 史傑•蘭利船長 的狩獵外衣
  • 幾件晾曬着的衣服,這些衣服屬於科學家們
  • Geologist’s tools belonging to Dr. Lui-shek Shek, geologist
  • Dr. Ajay Beta’s bird seed and bird books
  • Exotic plants belonging to Dr. Rosalinda Isabella Sampaguita Dimalanta, botanist
  • Scientists’ map
  • Shipment belonging to Dr. Amelia Armstrong, anthropologist, with an S.E.A. logo on a crate
  • Wine bottles and wine barrel - it looks like the scientists were having a party
  • Skip Langley’s safari jacket held by a gorilla
  • Hanging clothes for drying, belonging to the four scientists

"Trapped Safari" Scene

Disney, HKDL, WDI, Imagineering, 香港迪士尼樂園「森林河流之旅」加入「探險家・冒險家學會」連繫, The Society of Explorers and Adventurers (S.E.A.) Connection, Hong Kong Disneyland

In the classic "Trapped Safari" scene, a rhino and hyenas are surrounding the team of international scientists.  Unfortunately, our skipper is unable to rescue the five friends who have climbed up the tree trunk at this moment.


They find themselves in a perilous situation, being chased up a tree by an enormous black rhinoceros.  The rhino, with one long and sharp horn, is aiming directly at the backside of the person clinging to the lowest branch.  This group is the team of international scientists (and their skipper) who were absent from the previous scene.

Disney, HKDL, WDI, Imagineering, 香港迪士尼樂園「森林河流之旅」加入「探險家・冒險家學會」連繫, The Society of Explorers and Adventurers (S.E.A.) Connection, Hong Kong Disneyland

This diverse group of highly educated and experienced scientists represent four different countries and scientific disciplines.  They are (from top down) an ornithologist, an anthropologist, a botanist, a geologist, and the Skipper.

Disney, HKDL, WDI, Imagineering, 香港迪士尼樂園「森林河流之旅」加入「探險家・冒險家學會」連繫, The Society of Explorers and Adventurers (S.E.A.) Connection, Hong Kong Disneyland
Ornithologist: Dr. Ajay Beta

Disney, HKDL, WDI, Imagineering, 香港迪士尼樂園「森林河流之旅」加入「探險家・冒險家學會」連繫, The Society of Explorers and Adventurers (S.E.A.) Connection, Hong Kong Disneyland
Anthropologist: Dr. Amelia Armstrong

Disney, HKDL, WDI, Imagineering, 香港迪士尼樂園「森林河流之旅」加入「探險家・冒險家學會」連繫, The Society of Explorers and Adventurers (S.E.A.) Connection, Hong Kong Disneyland
Botanist: Dr. Rosalinda Isabella Sampaguita Dimalanta

Disney, HKDL, WDI, Imagineering, 香港迪士尼樂園「森林河流之旅」加入「探險家・冒險家學會」連繫, The Society of Explorers and Adventurers (S.E.A.) Connection, Hong Kong Disneyland
Geologist: Dr. Lui-shek Shek

Disney, HKDL, WDI, Imagineering, 香港迪士尼樂園「森林河流之旅」加入「探險家・冒險家學會」連繫, The Society of Explorers and Adventurers (S.E.A.) Connection, Hong Kong Disneyland
Skip Langley

Character Profiles (from top down):

Dr. Ajay Beta
  • 來自印度的鳥類學家。他是當時全球研究赤道非洲鳥類最著名的專家之一
  • 其實彼達博士對於身處樹上感到興奮,因為他覺得居高臨下的位置正是觀察雀鳥的有利位置,讓他仔細觀察樹頂上的一個大鳥巢。
  • 他的工具袋露出一本名為《披著美麗羽毛的雀鳥朋友》的書,正是他的著作。
  • An ornithologist from India. One of the world’s foremost experts on birds of equatorial Africa
  • Dr. Beta is actually excited about being high up on the tree, since it gives him a good perch from which he can watch birds, a large nest of one sits on top of the tree.
  • His bag also shows he’s carrying his own textbook, Fine Feathered Fowl.

Dr. Amelia Armstrong
  • 來自牙買加的人類學家,也是「探險家・冒險家學會」(S.E.A.)的成員。(趣味小知識: 背包上印有S.E.A. 的標誌,而分別於排隊區和「搗亂營地」場景中的貨箱亦印有同樣標誌。)
  • 岩士唐博士是世界上研究文化及人類行為與互動方面最頂尖的的專家之一
  • 在逃離營地的時候,她僅僅夠時間撿起背包,把她的研究書籍和大量筆記塞進去,帶著這些東西爬上樹上。
  • 岩士唐博士穿著牙買加島嶼色彩繽紛的傳統服裝,在樹上觀察着同伴的行為,默默在心裏做筆記。
  • An anthropologist from Jamaica, a member of S.E.A. (hint: S.E.A. logo on her backpack, and on one of the crates at the queue area and Trashing the Camp scene respectively.)
  • One of the world’s foremost experts of cultures and how people behave and interact.
  • She managed to grab her backpack with her research books and her voluminous notes before scaling the tree.
  • Wearing her island’s traditional and colorful garb, she observes the behavior of the people on the tree and mentally takes notes.

Dr. Rosalinda Isabella Sampaguita Dimalanta
  • 是位來自菲律賓的植物學家
  • 蒂蔴蘭薘博士 於植物學界享負盛名,親自採集並鑑定了357種不同種類的花卉和植物,創下了世界紀錄。
  • 蒂蔴蘭薘博士 背着的大袋裝滿了她在旅途中收集的鮮花和植物。
  • A botanist from the Philippines.
  • One of the world’s foremost botanists, Dr. Dimalanta has personally collected and identified 357 different species of flowers and plants, a world record.
  • She has a sack full of flowers and plants she’s collected on the trip.

Dr. Lui-shek Shek
  • 來自香港的石磊碩博士是世界上頂尖的地質學家之一。
  • 石博士戴着防護眼罩和安全頭盔,繫在腰間的工具帶上裝滿了石鎚、鏟、放大鏡和指南針等工具。
  • 石博士還帶著一袋他收集的石頭,縱然它們有點沉重。
  • Originally from Hong Kong, he is one of the world’s foremost geologists.
  • Dr. Shek wears safety goggles and a hard hat with a toolbelt holding a rock hammer, shovel, magnifying glass, and compass.
  • Dr. Shek also has a heavy bag of rocks he collected which, unfortunately, weighs him down a bit.

Skip Langley
  • 來自美國的 史傑•蘭利船長(Skip Langley)並不是世界頂級的嚮導,赤腳逃離營地時只穿著了卡其色長褲及長袖襯衣。
  • 從他表情看來,船長似乎是這群人中唯一一個真正害怕犀牛的人,因為犀牛正用尖角向他的臀部瞄準呢。
  • Not one of the world’s foremost guides, American Skip Langley escaped from camp barefoot, wearing only his hat, khaki pants and a long sleeve t-shirt.
  • From the look on his face Skip appears to be the only one of the group actually terrified of the rhino on his rear.

Calling All Explorers & Adventurers!

Disney, HKDL, WDI, Imagineering, 香港迪士尼樂園「森林河流之旅」加入「探險家・冒險家學會」連繫, The Society of Explorers and Adventurers (S.E.A.) Connection, Hong Kong Disneyland

This concludes our sharing for now. We look forward to the Imagineers gradually unveiling the complete stories connecting to the Society of Explorers and Adventurers (S.E.A.) in the future. We will also update relevant content in this article as appropriate.

本文首發日期(Original Publication Date):July 5, 2024

最後更新日期(Last Updated Date):August 1, 2024

Walt Disney Imagineering|Hong Kong Disneyland Resort



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Disney Magical Kingdom Blog: 香港迪士尼樂園「森林河流之旅」加入「探險家・冒險家學會」連繫|The Society of Explorers and Adventurers (S.E.A.) Connection Added To Hong Kong Disneyland's Jungle River Cruise
香港迪士尼樂園「森林河流之旅」加入「探險家・冒險家學會」連繫|The Society of Explorers and Adventurers (S.E.A.) Connection Added To Hong Kong Disneyland's Jungle River Cruise
Disney, HKDL, WDI, Imagineering, 香港迪士尼樂園「森林河流之旅」加入「探險家・冒險家學會」連繫, The Society of Explorers and Adventurers (S.E.A.) Connection, Hong Kong Disneyland
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