


MARVEL Television 全新黑色喜劇《女巫阿嘉莎》(Agatha All Along)首兩集現已在 Disney+ 獨家上線

Disney, Marvel Studios, Disney Plus, MARVEL Television 全新黑色喜劇《女巫阿嘉莎》首兩集現已在 Disney+ 獨家上線, 阿嘉莎黑妮絲, Agatha Harkness, Agatha All Along

Seekest thou the Road

To all that's foul and fair

Gather sisters fire, water, earth and air

Darkest hour, wake thy power

Earthly and divine

Burn and brew with coven true

And glory shall be thine

Down, down, down the road, down the Witches' Road

Down, down, down the road, down the Witches' Road

Down, down, down the road, down the Witches' Road

Circle sewn with fate

Unlock thy hidden gate

Marching ever forward 'neath the wooded shrine

I stray not from the path

I hold Death's hand in mine...

Primal night giveth sight

Familiar by thy side

If Sun be gone, we carry on

Spirit as our guide...

Down, down, down the road, down the Witches' Road

Down the witches road, down the Witches' Road

Down, down, down the road, down the Witches Road

Down the witches road, down the Witches' Road

Down, down, down the road, down the Witches' Road

Down the witches road, down the Witches' Road

Blood and tears and bone

Maiden Mother Crone

The road is wild and wicked

Winding through the wood

Whеre all that's wrong is right

And all that's bad is good

Through many miles of tricks and trials

We'll wander high and low

Tame your fears, a door appears

The time has come to go

Down, down, down the road, down the Witches' Road

Down the witches road, down the Witches' Road

Down, down, down the road, down the Witches' Road

Down the witches road, down the Witches' Road

Down, down, down the road, down the Witches' Road

Down the witches road, down the Witches' Road

Follow me, my friend

To glory at the end

洐生自2021年廣受好評的 MARVEL Studios《溫黛與幻視》 (WandaVision)* (2021)劇集,由 嘉芙蓮漢恩(Kathryn Hahn)^ 主演,MARVEL Television 全新以女巫世界為主題的黑色喜劇《女巫阿嘉莎》(Agatha All Along**,首兩集現已於 Disney+ 獨家上線。不少關於女巫界的神秘之謎將逐漸揭開,是時侯跟隨 阿嘉莎黑妮絲(Agatha Harkness)^^,一同投身「女巫之路」(The Witches' Road)!



** 台灣譯名:阿嘉莎:無所不在

^^ 台灣譯名:阿嘉莎哈尼斯


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Disney, Marvel Studios, Disney Plus, MARVEL Television 全新黑色喜劇《女巫阿嘉莎》首兩集現已在 Disney+ 獨家上線, 阿嘉莎黑妮絲, Agatha Harkness, Agatha All Along

作為《温黛與幻視》的洐生劇,各大觀眾都非常期待「紅女巫」(Scarlet Witch)會否再度出場!劇集開首 阿嘉莎 即以警察身份出場查探一具未知身份的女屍案件,及後種種怪事接踵而來,令 阿嘉莎 的記憶產生混沌。最後在停屍間中,阿嘉莎 檢驗女屍時發現身份竟為「紅女巫」温黛馬莫夫(Wanda Maximoff)!

Disney, Marvel Studios, Disney Plus, MARVEL Television 全新黑色喜劇《女巫阿嘉莎》首兩集現已在 Disney+ 獨家上線, 阿嘉莎黑妮絲, Agatha Harkness, Agatha All Along

實則女屍的身份仍然存疑,而「紅女巫」的死亡幻象似乎亦只是代表着於《温黛與幻視》偷走「黑暗神書」(The Darkhold)後的她以及其法力已經消失。於《奇異博士2:失控多元宇宙》覺悟並放棄修練「黑暗神書」的 温黛馬莫夫究竟會否以「紅女巫」的真身再度出現?

阿嘉莎 a.k.a 八卦鄰居被「紅女巫」偷去「黑暗神書」後失去法力兼失憶

Disney, Marvel Studios, Disney Plus, MARVEL Television 全新黑色喜劇《女巫阿嘉莎》首兩集現已在 Disney+ 獨家上線, 阿嘉莎黑妮絲, Agatha Harkness, Agatha All Along

本身為一名女巫的 阿嘉莎,當初因為私下修練「黑暗神書」魔法的她被女巫團體審判,卻以自身強大的魔法將其他女巫全部殺死!眼看擁有強大法力的「紅女巫」正以「混沌魔法」(Chaos Magic)控制 新澤西州「西景鎮」(Westview),並企圖實現自身的願望 ──「幻視」復活、並擁有兩名兒子的完美家庭,阿嘉莎 希望能獲取她的能力所以故意扮演八卦鄰居接近。可是,「紅女巫」識破計劃,並奪走 阿嘉莎 的「黑暗神書」,於最後用咒語封印並奪走她的法力,令她困於「西景鎮」中!阿嘉莎 因而失去法力及記憶,以「八卦鄰居」的身份繼續過活。於三年時間後,由神秘青年(Teen)解破「紅女巫」的咒語,令 阿嘉莎 恢復記憶。


Disney, Marvel Studios, Disney Plus, MARVEL Television 全新黑色喜劇《女巫阿嘉莎》首兩集現已在 Disney+ 獨家上線, 阿嘉莎黑妮絲, Agatha Harkness, Agatha All Along

法力盡失的 阿嘉莎 在一名神秘的青年幫助下擺脫了讓她性格扭曲的咒語後,發現自己失去了一切權力及變得異常頹廢。同時,神秘青年卻懇求 阿嘉莎 帶領他走上充滿魔法挑戰及考驗的「女巫之路」。阿嘉莎 召集起其他女巫組成女巫團決意踏上傳奇的「女巫之路」,務求重拾昔日女巫的榮耀!劇集氣氛懸疑,並以黑色喜劇作包裝,可算是這個萬聖節最應節的劇集!

Disney, Marvel Studios, Disney Plus, MARVEL Television 全新黑色喜劇《女巫阿嘉莎》首兩集現已在 Disney+ 獨家上線, 阿嘉莎黑妮絲, Agatha Harkness, Agatha All Along

MARVEL Television 全新黑色喜劇《女巫阿嘉莎》(Agatha All Along首兩集現已於 Disney+ 獨家上線,隨後逢週四上線新集數(亞洲地區)。

Disney, Marvel Studios, Disney Plus, MARVEL Television 全新黑色喜劇《女巫阿嘉莎》首兩集現已在 Disney+ 獨家上線, 阿嘉莎黑妮絲, Agatha Harkness, Agatha All Along

Disney|Marvel|MARVEL Studios



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Disney Magical Kingdom Blog: MARVEL Television 全新黑色喜劇《女巫阿嘉莎》(Agatha All Along)首兩集現已在 Disney+ 獨家上線
MARVEL Television 全新黑色喜劇《女巫阿嘉莎》(Agatha All Along)首兩集現已在 Disney+ 獨家上線
Disney, Marvel Studios, Disney Plus, MARVEL Television 全新黑色喜劇《女巫阿嘉莎》首兩集現已在 Disney+ 獨家上線, 阿嘉莎黑妮絲, Agatha Harkness, Agatha All Along
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