♩ Down, down, down the road ♫ Down the witches' road ♪
巴黎迪士尼樂園度假區 全新MARVEL演出《Doctor Strange : Mystery of the Mystics》現正在「Marvel Avengers Campus」主題園區限時上演。故事講述隨着夜幕降臨,「奇異博士」(Doctor Strange)與「紅女巫」(Scarlet Witch)必須運用他們的神秘魔法,對抗由 F.R.I.D.A.Y. 偵測到的未知黑暗威脅 ── 阿嘉莎黑妮絲(Agatha Harkness)。他們的聯手力量能否拯救基地呢?
Disneyland Resort Paris Resort presents the all-new epic MARVEL show “Doctor Strange : Mystery of the Mystics”, now playing for a limited time at the Marvel Avengers Campus! As night falls, Marvel Avengers Campus becomes the stage for an electrifying live rooftop showdown. Doctor Strange and the Scarlet Witch must harness their mystic powers to confront a dark, unseen threat detected by F.R.I.D.A.Y ── Agatha Harkness. Will their combined strength be enough to save the Campus?
📅 上演時間(Showtimes):
- 2024年11月23日至2025年3月29日期間(傍晚時間)
- In the evening from November 23, 2024 to March 29, 2025
粉絲在《溫黛與幻視》(WandaVision)中首次認識 阿嘉莎黑妮絲(Agatha Harkness),現在可以透過 Disney+ 的新作《女巫阿嘉莎》(Agatha All Along)更深入了解這位角色。在《Doctor Strange:Mystery of the Mystics》的故事時間線中,阿嘉莎 得知「Marvel Avengers Campus」是一個招募人才的理想地點,因此這次是她吸引更多人加入她陣營的大好機會。她的目標是獲得更多更強大的力量,這讓「Marvel Avengers Campus」成為她招募成員和建立巫術團的最佳場所。為達到此目的,她手上擁有一個強大的武器:來自系列中的《The Ballad of the Witches’ Road》歌曲。這首令人著迷的旋律正是她施展魔法,迷惑新成員的秘密武器!
Fans discovered Agatha Harkness in WandaVision and now have the chance to get to know her better through the Agatha All Along series on Disney+. In the timeline of "Doctor Strange: Mystery of the Mystics", she’s heard about the Marvel Avengers Campus as a place to find recruits, so this is an ideal opportunity for her to attract as many people as possible to her side. She’s interested in acquiring more and more power. That’s why Marvel Avengers Campus is the perfect place for her to gather her own recruits and build an army of witches and warlocks. To do this, she has a formidable weapon at her disposal: "The Ballad of the Witches’ Road" heard in the series. There’s nothing quite like that spellbinding tune to bewitch recruits.
Disney|MARVEL|Disneyland Resort Paris