東京迪士尼度假區 與 Oriental Land Co., Ltd. 於今天宣佈,全新演出《Dreams Take Flight》(「ドリームス・テイク・フライト」)將於2025年7月16日正式公演。此舞台表演設於 東京迪士尼海洋® 「失落河三角洲」(Lost River Delta)主題港口內的「飛機庫舞台」(Hangar Stage)。
Tokyo Disney Resort and the Oriental Land Co., Ltd. today announced that a new stage show, “Dreams Take Flight,” will premiere on July 16, 2025 at Hangar Stage, located in Lost River Delta at Tokyo DisneySEA® Park.
《Dreams Take Flight》是一場以飛機工廠為背景的全新舞台表演,描繪了米奇與好友齊心合力製造飛機的熱鬧一天,並透過歌舞為整場演出帶來輕快的節奏。
Set in an airplane factory, “Dreams Take Flight” showcases a day where Mickey Mouse and other Disney Friends come together to build an airplane, featuring rhythmical songs and dances.
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【演出概要 Overview】
登場「迪士尼朋友」:米奇老鼠、米妮老鼠、唐老鴨、大鼻、鋼牙、麥斯、皮特、丁滿、梅莉達、寶嘉康蒂,和 慕安娜
Opening Date: July 16, 2025
Duration: About 25 minutes
Participating Characters: Mickey Mouse, Minnie Mouse, Donald Duck, Chip, Dale, Max, Pete, Miguel, Timon, Merida, Pocahontas and Moana.
【故事內容 The Story】
在一天工作開始前,工廠經理 皮特(Pete)帶領充滿熱情與自豪的工匠聚集於飛機工廠,展開繁忙的一天。期間,負責上漆的 唐老鴨(Donald Duck)、道具採購的 大鼻與鋼牙(Chip 'n' Dale),以及電氣技師 麥斯(Max)等「迪士尼朋友」逐一登場。他們克服各種突發情況,齊心協力完成飛機的製作。
Before the factory opens, Pete, the manager, along with the artisans who take immense pride in building airplanes, gather to kick off their busy day. Donald Duck takes on painting duties, while Chip and Dale manage the tools, and Max serves as the electrician, all working together to complete the airplane as they overcome challenges along the way.
當擔任飛行員的 米妮老鼠(Minnie Mouse)以歌聲表達對廣闊天空的嚮往時,飛機製作亦已進入最後階段。觀眾將獲邀與 米奇老鼠(Mickey Mouse)一起參與這場歡樂又熱鬧的飛機製作,並在飛機完成時迎來與全場一同慶祝的大結局。
When Minnie Mouse, the airplane’s pilot, arrives and sings about her dream of soaring through the skies, the final preparations commence. Guests are invited to join Mickey in assembling the airplane, creating a sense of camaraderie in the venue, culminating in a grand finale to celebrate the airplane’s completion.
演出過程中,飛行員米妮與工匠的夢想與情感,吸引了多位來自 華特迪士尼動畫製作室(Walt Disney Animation Studios)和 彼思動畫製作室(Pixar Animation Studios)的「迪士尼朋友」登場,為演出增添更多色彩。
During the show, characters from Walt Disney Animation Studios and Pixar Animation Studios films will also make appearances, resonating with the dreams and feelings of Minnie, the pilot, and the artisans, adding color to the scenes.
Tokyo Disney Resort