


巴黎迪士尼樂園 全新夜間多媒體匯演《Disney Tales of Magic》華麗登場|“Disney Tales of Magic” Debuts In Disneyland Paris

Disney, DLRP, 巴黎迪士尼樂園 全新夜間多媒體匯演《Disney Tales of Magic》華麗登場, Disney Tales of Magic,  Debuts In Disneyland Paris

巴黎迪士尼樂園 全新夜間多媒體匯演《Disney Tales of Magic》於2025年1月10日正式登場,園方在當地時間1月9日舉行首演。夜間匯演長達20分鐘,光雕投影技術由「睡公主城堡」延伸至「美國小鎮大街」建築物立面,同時結合煙火、噴泉和無人機技術,呈獻一場華麗盛演。🏰✨

Disneyland Paris’ brand-new nighttime spectacular, "Disney Tales of Magic", officially debuts on January 10, 2025, following its premiere on January 9 (local time).  This 20-minute extravaganza transforms Sleeping Beauty Castle and the façades of Main Street, U.S.A. with stunning projection mapping, complemented by pyrotechnics, fountain displays, and cutting-edge drone technology to deliver a breathtaking performance. ✨🎆

Disney, DLRP, 巴黎迪士尼樂園 全新夜間多媒體匯演《Disney Tales of Magic》華麗登場, Disney Tales of Magic,  Debuts In Disneyland Paris

在這場動人的旅程中,賓客將穿梭於多部迪士尼動畫的經典故事,包括《木偶奇遇記》(Pinocchio)、《仙履奇緣》(Cinderella)、《美女與野獸》(Beauty and the Beast)、《獅子王》(The Lion King)、《扮嘢小魔星》(Lilo & Stitch)和《奇幻魔法屋》(Encanto),以及彼思電影《玩轉極樂園》(Coco)、《玩轉腦朋友》(Inside Out)、《反斗奇兵》(Toy Story)和《太空奇兵.威E》(WALL-E)。

Guests will embark on an emotional journey, experiencing a multitude of Disney Animation stories such as Pinocchio, Cinderella, Beauty and the Beast, The Lion King, Lilo & Stitch and Encanto, and Pixar films including Coco, Inside Out, Toy Story and WALL-E.

▶️ 匯演影片(Videos):

中央廣場角度Central Plaza View

大街角度Main Street View

魔法與故事根源(A Story Rooted in Magic

《Disney Tales of Magic》的故事圍繞着一個細膩而深刻的問題展開:在今天的迪士尼,什麼是「魔法」? 這個理念啟發了創作團隊,設計出這場全新的夜間匯演,慶祝迪士尼魔法從輕鬆趣味到情感深厚的演變,打造出一場觸動每位賓客內心的夜間匯演。

The narrative of "Disney Tales of Magic" unfolds with a delicate yet profound question: what does "magic" mean in Disney today?  This idea inspired the team to craft the story of this brand new nighttime spectacular that celebrates the evolution of Disney magic — from the whimsical to the emotional, culminating in a show that resonates deeply with every guest.

序幕:原始的魔法(The Beginning: Magic in Its Purest Form)

故事先向 迪士尼 原始的魔法致敬,經典電影如《木偶奇遇記》、《仙履奇緣》和《歡樂滿人間》(Mary Poppins)的影像在「睡公主城堡」上展現,重現迪士尼黃金時代的視覺輝煌。這段序章為整個旅程奠定基調,引領賓客見證魔法如何從充滿奇趣的起點逐漸深入情感的核心。  

The story opens with a nostalgic tribute to the earliest days of Disney magic. Iconic films like Pinocchio, Cinderella, and Mary Poppins illuminate Sleeping Beauty Castle, reflecting the visual splendor that defined Disney’s golden age. This prologue sets the stage for a journey through the evolving essence of magic, from whimsical beginnings to emotional depth.

Disney, DLRP, 巴黎迪士尼樂園 全新夜間多媒體匯演《Disney Tales of Magic》華麗登場, Disney Tales of Magic,  Debuts In Disneyland Paris

情感中的魔法(Magic as a Feeling)

故事逐漸轉向迪士尼電影中引人共鳴的情感魔法。在這章節展現希望與決心如何推動自我蛻變。當中,《鐘樓駝俠》(The Hunchback of Notre Dame)的 加西莫多(Quasimodo)和《花木蘭》(Mulan)的 木蘭 的故事也突顯了追隨自己道路所需的勇氣與堅毅。這一章節提醒我們,魔法不僅僅是眼中所見,它更是深藏於心中的感受。

The narrative transitions to the emotional magic that resonates in Disney films. This part showcasing how hopes and determination spark personal transformation.  Similarly, the journeys of Quasimodo (from The Hunchback of Notre Dame) and Mulan highlight the courage and resilience needed to follow one's path.  This chapter reminds us that magic is not just seen—it is felt within the heart.

Disney, DLRP, 巴黎迪士尼樂園 全新夜間多媒體匯演《Disney Tales of Magic》華麗登場, Disney Tales of Magic,  Debuts In Disneyland Paris

友誼的力量(The Power of Friendship)

隨後,笑聲與友情成為舞台的焦點。《扮嘢小魔星》的 史迪仔 帶來搞笑又溫馨的場景,接着是一段來自《反斗奇兵》的動感篇章。在 巴斯光年 與 索克天王 展開的史詩級對決中,「綠色部隊」也加入了熱鬧的場景,展示出友誼與團隊合作的魔法。

Laughter and camaraderie take center stage as Stitch brings his delightful chaos to life, followed by a dynamic scene from Toy Story. Buzz Lightyear’s epic battle with Zurg, accompanied by the playful Aliens, exemplifies the magic of friendship and teamwork.

愛與連結(Love and Connection)

故事隨後進入浪漫篇章,探索愛情的魔法。《太空奇兵.威E》中,威E 與 伊芙 的永恆羈絆領銜登場,捕捉發現心靈相通的奇妙瞬間。這段溫馨的情節還向深受喜愛的迪士尼情侶致敬,包括《美女與野獸》的 貝兒 與 野獸,以及《沖天救兵》(Up)的 卡叔 與 艾莉。  

The story then takes a romantic turn, exploring the magic of love. WALL-E and EVE’s timeless connection leads the way, capturing the wonder of discovering a kindred spirit. This tender sequence also pays tribute to beloved Disney couples, including Belle and Beast from Beauty and the Beast and Carl and Ellie from Up.

Disney, DLRP, 巴黎迪士尼樂園 全新夜間多媒體匯演《Disney Tales of Magic》華麗登場, Disney Tales of Magic,  Debuts In Disneyland Paris

記憶中的魔法(Magic in Memories)

故事的氣氛隨着《玩轉極樂園》(Coco)中靈感源自祭壇的場景展開而變得更加深沉。「睡公主城堡」上佈滿蠟燭與照片,這段寧靜的篇章頌揚了記憶的魔法,以及那些永存於心中的摯愛。這一段感人至深的情節過渡到《獅子王》(The Lion King)中 辛巴(Simba)的頓悟時刻,拉飛奇(Rafiki)教導他父親的精神依然與他同在,並以《He Lives in You》動人旋律作為高潮。

The tone deepens as the Castle reveals a radiant ofrenda inspired by Coco. Surrounded by candles and photographs, this serene moment celebrates the magic of memories and the loved ones who continue to live in our hearts. This powerful reflection transitions to Simba’s revelation in The Lion King, where Rafiki teaches him that his father’s spirit lives on, culminating in a stirring performance of “He Lives in You”.

歸屬感的魔法(The Magic of Belonging)


In a vibrant and uplifting finale, the Castle comes alive with the energy of Encanto. The tale of Bruno unfolds, symbolizing the joy of family and the magic of belonging.  This chapter underscores that family—no matter its form—is a source of strength, unity, and love, bringing the emotional journey full circle.

慶祝各式魔法(A Celebration of Magic)

透過嘆為觀止的視覺效果、難忘的音樂,以及迪士尼與彼思深受喜愛的角色,《Disney Tales of Magic》是一場慶祝迪士尼故事藝術經典永恆魅力的盛宴。無論是夢想、友誼、愛情還是記憶,這場匯演提醒我們,魔法存在於觸動我們心靈、讓人彼此更親近的時刻。  當最後的煙火點亮夜空,賓客將帶著無與倫比的驚嘆與感動離場,並將迪士尼的魔法延續到匯演結束後的每一刻。 

With breathtaking visuals, unforgettable music, and beloved characters from Disney and Pixar, Disney Tales of Magic is a celebration of what makes Disney storytelling timeless. Whether it’s the dreams, friendships, love, or memories, this spectacular reminds us that magic lies in the moments that touch our hearts and bring us closer to one another.  As the final fireworks light up the night sky, guests are left with an indelible sense of wonder, ready to carry the magic of Disney with them long after the show ends.

Disney, DLRP, 巴黎迪士尼樂園 全新夜間多媒體匯演《Disney Tales of Magic》華麗登場, Disney Tales of Magic,  Debuts In Disneyland Paris




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Disney Magical Kingdom Blog: 巴黎迪士尼樂園 全新夜間多媒體匯演《Disney Tales of Magic》華麗登場|“Disney Tales of Magic” Debuts In Disneyland Paris
巴黎迪士尼樂園 全新夜間多媒體匯演《Disney Tales of Magic》華麗登場|“Disney Tales of Magic” Debuts In Disneyland Paris
Disney, DLRP, 巴黎迪士尼樂園 全新夜間多媒體匯演《Disney Tales of Magic》華麗登場, Disney Tales of Magic, Debuts In Disneyland Paris
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