


2016年「雪亮聖誕」(“A Sparkling Christmas”)降臨 香港迪士尼樂園(Hong Kong Disneyland)!

高飛 化身成 聖誕老人 坐鎮樂園「聖誕郵政局」

Santa Goofy Coming to Hong Kong Disneyland to Spread Christmas Cheer
as Guests Send Holiday Wishes at Park Post Office
Hong Kong residents to enjoy 15% off in “Magic Access Group of 3 Special Offer”

      今個冬日,「雪亮聖誕」再度降臨香港迪士尼樂園,無數聖誕心願,將一一實現!由2016年11月17日至2017年1月2日,高飛 將化身成 聖誕老人 與賓客見面,更會透過樂園全新聖誕郵政服務,將賓客的聖誕祝福傳遞給摯愛親友。一眾「迪士尼朋友」亦會換上聖誕服飾,落力為賓客營造聖誕奇妙時刻,並誠邀大小朋友在「聖誕飄雪時刻」盡情享受節慶歡樂氣氛。連同每晚進行的「夢想成真聖誕樹亮燈禮」、「聖誕歡送時刻」及樂園一系列特色聖誕商品與精緻豐富的美食,將為賓客締造一個心願成真的幸福聖誕!

It’s time to celebrate A Sparkling Christmas at Hong Kong Disneyland! From November 17, 2016 to January 2, 2017, Santa Goofy will greet guests in the Christmas Post Office on Main Street, U.S.A. to help them send their warmest holiday wishes to loved ones, and Disney friends will put on their festive finery to make everyone’s Christmas joyful as all are invited to share the excitement of “A Magical Twilight Snowfall” in the park. Here the celebration goes on and on day and night. From “A Holiday Wish-Come-True Tree Lighting Ceremony,” to the “Holiday Kiss Goodnight,” and the feast of festive treats and Christmas must-buys in between, this Christmas will surely make everyone feel the most blessed to have all wishes come true all at once!

全新聖誕郵政服務  與「聖誕高飛」分享心願
Make a holiday wish with Santa Goofy


Guests can tell Santa Goofy what they wish for this Christmas. Better still, Santa Goofy is here to help send guest’s letters to loved ones! He’s set up a special mailbox at his Post Office to deliver all those heartfelt wishes. Make sure to grab a special Christmas postcard at the post office, write down all those Christmas wishes and post it through the Santa Goofy Holiday Mailbox with a special Santa Goofy Commemorative Postmark. Share the joy of meeting Santa Goofy with a special note this Christmas!

Santa Goofy

 Santa Goofy Post Office & Santa Goofy Holiday Mailbox

Mickey and friends bring on a wish-come-true magical Christmas


Join Mickey and Friends as they put on their festive look and celebrate “Holiday Wish Moments” on Main Street, U.S.A. Guests can find out what Minnie’s been secretly wishing for, hear Donald and Pluto’s unforgettable “Christmas duet”, help Chip ’n’ Dale with the decorations, and guests might even lead the Disneyland Band with Mickey!

米奇 與 好友
Mickey and Friends


When evening comes, Mickey, Minnie, Donald, Chip ‘n’ Dale and Main Street Townsfolk will appear on Main Street, U.S.A. for a special wish under “A Magical Twilight Snowfall” and to spread the warmest greetings this Christmas.

       「夢想成真聖誕樹亮燈禮」每晚會在「美國小鎮大街」舉行。聳立在大街的聖誕樹高18米,掛滿LED燈,吸引每位賓客的目光。「聖誕歌詠團」會現場演繹聖誕樂曲《It's Beginning to Look A Lot Like Christmas》,連同漫天飄雪、奇幻光影及七彩繽紛的聖誕燈飾,加上大型投影照亮美國小鎮大街,為賓客帶來充滿濃厚節日氣氛的冬季樂園。

While a rendition of “It’s Beginning to Look A Lot Like Christmas” is sung by a live quartet, watch as the 18-meter LED-decorated Christmas tree lights up in the nightly “A Holiday Wish-Come-True Tree Lighting Ceremony.” The town comes to life when lanterns glow, snow begins to fall and giant projections take guests to a stunning winter wonderland.

        「雪亮聖誕」期間,聖誕歌詠團更會每晚在「星夢奇緣」煙花表演過後,於「美國小鎮大街 火車站」附近,為大家送上「聖誕歡送時刻」,以悠揚的歌聲為賓客的完美聖誕旅程作結,歡送每位賓客,祝願他們有一個奇妙的聖誕美夢!

After the perfect day of Christmas celebrations draws to a close with the grand fireworks finale, Christmas Carolers will await guests at the Town Square to bid everyone goodnight with a magical performance under the stars and snow.

聖誕特色商品及美食 歡度佳節 
Exclusive collectibles and festive delights for a rewarding holiday season

       樂園特別推出過百款聖誕特色商品,賓客可以盡情選購琳瑯滿目的商品,包括「迪士尼小熊」Duffy 與好友系列 及「米奇家族」的聖誕珍藏紀念品!萬勿錯過全新的「Tsum Tsum倒數聖誕日曆,由12月第一天起,每天打開一個小驚喜直到聖誕節,一共有25款迪士尼朋友「Tsum Tsum」陪你過聖誕!

The season of giving is celebrated with more than 100 options of Christmas-themed gifts and collectibles at Hong Kong Disneyland. Everyone’s favorite choices are here in the much-loved Duffy and friends collections and the Mickey family Christmas collectibles. Check out the all-new Tsum Tsum Advent Calendar, which delivers a small surprise every day from the first day of December till Christmas day, with 25 Tsum Tsums of the Disney Friends to celebrate with!


A delectable spread of more than 50 Christmas treats befitting the festive occasion will be served at the park and the resort’s hotels. Take a break with the Explorer’s Club Christmas Afternoon Tea Set, or see what tickles guests fancy in the Christmas Menu of Main Street Corner Cafe Hosted by Coca-Cola®. Guests can also snack on Christmas bites from Market House Bakery to round off their Disney Christmas gastronomic experience. The restaurants in the two themed hotels will present indulgent Christmas feasts. Make a beeline for the sumptuous buffets at Walt’s Cafe, Enchanted Garden Restaurant and Chef Mickey. Make sure to save room for the Christmas dinner sets served in the hotel’s other restaurants for a perfect culinary finale this Christmas at the Hong Kong Disneyland Resort.

Let the festive spirit fill each hotel room


Surprise loved ones with a stay in a hotel room filled with warm touches from some amazing Christmas decorations! The Kingdom Club Suite at the Hong Kong Disneyland Hotel will be decorated with a Christmas door sticker and a room full of surprises including a sparkling bed-runner, Disney mirror stickers and slippers, festive gingerbread and a special postcard from Santa Goofy to send holiday wishes on.

       而入住其他酒店房間的賓客,亦可另加 港幣 $600,享有聖誕主題房間佈置,為假期增添色彩!「聖誕高飛」特意送上聖誕「心願明信片」,邀請賓客將聖誕祝福傳遞至親朋好友;更有精緻的傳統聖誕薑餅,讓賓客的聖誕假期份外溫馨甜美!

Guests staying in other categories of rooms in the two hotels can also get the same full package of Christmas room decorations for an additional HK $600.

Hong Kong residents: save 15% with the Magic Access Group of 3 Offer

       由即日起至2017年1月28日,香港居民於香港迪士尼樂園正門售票處 或「奇妙處處通會員服務中心」購買3張或以上「奇妙處處通」,即享85折優惠*!「奇妙處處通」會員尊享禮遇包括:生日驚喜、泊車、購物、餐飲及酒店住宿優惠;以及享盡樂園全年精彩不絕的娛樂體驗,包括「雪亮聖誕」及將於2017年1月11日開幕的全新「鐵甲奇俠飛行之旅」。

From now till January 28, 2017, Hong Kong residents who purchase three Magic Access memberships or more will enjoy 15% off*! The Magic Access Group of 3 Special Offer is available at Hong Kong Disneyland ticket booths and the Magic Access Member Service Center in the park. Join now to enjoy an array of exclusive benefits including birthday surprises, parking, merchandise, F&B and hotel accommodation privileges. Enjoy a whole year of fun including A Sparkling Christmas and the all-new attraction Iron Man Experience opening on January 11, 2017.

* 香港居民於購買三張或以上任何類別之「奇妙處處通」時,需出示香港身份證或有關証明,方可享此優惠,優惠不適用於長者「奇妙處處通」。

* This offer is only available to Hong Kong residents with valid Hong Kong Identity Cards or identity proof, upon purchase of three or more Magic Access memberships of any tier, excluding Senior Magic Access membership.

Exclusive Christmas Gifts for Magic Access Members

       「奇妙處處通」為會員預備了獨家閃亮聖誕禮物,送上心意祝福。由2016年11月17日至2017年1月2日期間,白金卡及金卡會員到「奇妙處處通會員服務中心」,出示有效的會員卡,即可換領獨家禮物 ——「聖誕襟章」及「立體光影眼鏡」,換完即止。會員用「立體光影眼鏡」欣賞晚間的璀璨煙花時,更會有奇妙時刻出現!

To spread the season's best wishes, Magic Access has prepared exclusive gifts for Platinum and Gold Card members! From November 17, 2016 to January 2, 2017, Platinum and Gold Card members presenting their valid Membership Card at Magic Access Member Service Center can redeem their exclusive gift - Christmas Badges and Hologram Glasses while stock lasts. Join A Sparkling Christmas and enjoy the spectacular fireworks with the Hologram Glasses!

© 香港迪士尼樂園度假區
© Hong Kong Disneyland Resort
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Disney Magical Kingdom Blog: 2016年「雪亮聖誕」(“A Sparkling Christmas”)降臨 香港迪士尼樂園(Hong Kong Disneyland)!
2016年「雪亮聖誕」(“A Sparkling Christmas”)降臨 香港迪士尼樂園(Hong Kong Disneyland)!
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