香港迪士尼樂園「鐵甲奇俠飛行之旅」(“Iron Man Experience”)開幕禮
“Iron Man Experience” Grand Opening Ceremony @ Hong Kong Disneyland

全球迪士尼樂園首個 漫威 主題遊樂設施「鐵甲奇俠飛行之旅 ─ 由友邦呈獻」(“Iron Man Experience – Presented by AIA”)定於2017年1月11日在 香港迪士尼樂園(Hong Kong Disneyland)正式對外開放,園方於2017年1月10日晚上舉行開幕禮,藉此為新一屆「史達科技展」(“Stark Expo”)揭開序幕。
「史達科技旗艦店」(“Expo Shop”) 正門出入口前設有舞台和顯示屏。

「史達工業」亞洲區 副總裁 黃蘊迪(Wendy Wong)特別現身擔任開幕禮的司儀。

「鐵甲奇俠 」人工智能系統 卓維(J.A.R.V.I.S.)也在開幕禮上現身。

「史達工業」亞洲區 傳媒關係總監 李焯偉(Edward Lee)擔任翻譯司儀。

黃蘊迪(Wendy Wong)在開幕禮上介紹由「史達工業」(Stark Industries)最新發明的「鐵甲號」(“Iron Wing”)飛行車。科技天才 東尼史達(Tony Stark)於「明日世界」內的「史達科技展」呈獻各項「史達工業」的科技發明,賓客不單有機會與「鐵甲奇俠」近距離會面,更可透過模擬效果,一嘗穿上「鐵甲奇俠」裝甲的滋味,甚至登上「鐵甲號」飛行車,飛越香港上空,俯瞰最新的「香港史達大樓」,並與「鐵甲奇俠」並肩作戰,對抗邪惡勢力Hydra,投入多元感官的動感飛行新體驗。

華特迪士尼樂園及度假區主席 包正博(Bob Chapek)在開幕典禮上表示:「我們一向以無限的創意和創新的想像力,引領賓客進入迪士尼故事的奇妙世界,與深受歡迎的迪士尼朋友見面。很高興將漫威電影中高科技和動感的世界帶到香港迪士尼樂園,我們亦希望透過新階段擴建發展計劃,為賓客帶來更多漫威主題體驗。」

「The Ironettes」跳舞女郎 及「鐵甲奇俠」現身開幕典禮。

「鐵甲奇俠飛行之旅」開幕禮 亦設有煙花表演。

「史達工業」亞洲區 副總裁 黃蘊迪(Wendy Wong)、華特迪士尼樂園及度假區主席 包正博(Bob Chapek)以及 香港特別行政區 行政長官 梁振英(CY Leung)聯同多位嘉賓一同為「鐵甲奇俠飛行之旅」(“Iron Man Experience”)主持開幕儀式。萬眾期待的全球迪士尼樂園首個 漫威(MARVEL)主題遊樂設施正式開幕!
與「The Ironettes」見面


Hong Kong Disneyland Iron Man-themed Admission Tickets

Iron Man Hotel Room Key Card

Themed Stickers

「迎樂路」(Park Promenade)主題旗幟
「樂園時間表」(Times Guide)

Guide Map (January, 2017)

官方新聞稿(Official Press Release):
香港迪士尼樂園「鐵甲奇俠飛行之旅」1月11日 矚目登場
Iron Man Experience debuts at Hong Kong Disneyland on January 11
Iron Man Experience debuts at Hong Kong Disneyland on January 11
全球迪士尼樂園首個漫威主題遊樂設施「鐵甲奇俠飛行之旅 ─ 由友邦呈獻」將於明天(1月11日)在香港迪士尼樂園正式開幕,樂園召集全港超級英雄,不論男女老少,與「鐵甲奇俠」並肩飛越香港上空,齊齊投入「飛」一般動感新體驗。
Disney Parks’ first Marvel-themed ride, Iron Man Experience – Presented by AIA, will make its grand debut tomorrow (January 11) at Hong Kong Disneyland. The experience calls on all boys and girls and men and women, both young and young-at-heart, to team up with families and friends and unleash the Super Hero within in a high-flying adventure alongside Iron Man.
科技天才東尼史達於「明日世界」內的「史達科技展」呈獻各項「史達工業」的科技發明,賓客不單有機會與「鐵甲奇俠」近距離會面,更可透過模擬效果,一嘗穿上「鐵甲奇俠」裝甲的滋味,甚至登上「鐵甲號」飛行車,飛越香港上空,俯瞰最新的「香港史達大樓」,並與「鐵甲奇俠」並肩作戰,對抗邪惡勢力 Hydra,投入多元感官的動感飛行新體驗。
Eminent innovator and pioneer Tony Stark is staging the spectacular Stark Expo in Tomorrowland to take guests on an adventure, starting with closely examining innovations old and new from Stark Industries. There are opportunities to meet Iron Man in person during the adventure, and to try on the Iron Man armor virtually. The grand finale is boarding a special Expo-edition Iron Wing flight vehicle and flying alongside Iron Man in the Hong Kong sky for a panoramic view of the innovatively-powered Hong Kong Stark Tower, but be prepared for a battle against the evil forces of Hydra in the immersive multi-sensory motion experience.
This first Iron Man ride-through attraction and immersive interactive experience will truly make Hong Kong proud, as more than 70 Disney Imagineers from the city contributed their innovative talent working hand in hand with the international Walt Disney Imagineering team and the Marvel team to create this world’s first Iron Man-themed area.
樂園今天舉行隆重的開幕儀式,由香港特別行政區行政長官 梁振英 與 華特迪士尼樂園及度假區主席 包正博(Bob Chapek)主持,跟各界嘉賓一同見證全新「鐵甲奇俠飛行之旅」隆重開幕。
The grand opening ceremony of the much-awaited Iron Man Experience at the theme park today was officiated by the Honorable C.Y. Leung, Chief Executive of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region, and Bob Chapek, chairman of Walt Disney Parks and Resorts.
包正博 於開幕典禮上表示:「我們一向以無限的創意和創新的想像力,引領賓客進入迪士尼故事的奇妙世界,與深受歡迎的迪士尼朋友見面。很高興將漫威電影中高科技和動感的世界帶到香港迪士尼樂園,我們亦希望透過新階段擴建發展計劃,為賓客帶來更多漫威主題體驗。」
"We are always pushing the boundaries of creativity and innovation so that our guests can step into the magical worlds of their favorite stories and meet their most beloved characters," said Chapek. "We're thrilled to be adding the high-tech, action-packed universe of Marvel to Hong Kong Disneyland, and we'll continue building on it as we move into the resort's next phase of expansion."
Stark Industries’ creations set the scene for high-flying adventure
Following the previous showcase in New York in 2010, Tony Stark (aka Iron Man) has selected Tomorrowland in Hong Kong Disneyland to host the new Stark Expo to show off the latest high-tech creations of Stark Industries.
「史達科技展」設有多個大型展廳,包括:「歷程展廳」、「防禦展廳」、「能源展廳」及「動能展廳」。賓客將於人工智能電腦系統 ― 卓維及「史達工業」亞洲區副總裁黃藴迪的帶領下探索「史達工業」最創新的科技發明及一系列珍貴展品,當中包括:「美國隊長」盾牌的雛型、「鐵甲奇俠」Mark III 裝甲、小型的「弦反應能源器」雛型、「史達自我修復玻璃」展品、「家用卓維」智能系統、「史達前瞻智能眼鏡」及一系列擁有不同功能的「鐵甲號」。
The innovations are extensively displayed in four exhibition halls: the Hall of Legacy, the Hall of Protection, the Hall of Energy and the Hall of Mobility. Iron Man’s artificial intelligence computer system J.A.R.V.I.S. and Wendy Wong, vice president of Stark Industries Asia, are guides taking guests through the impressive range of exhibits, from Captain America’s prototype shield to Iron Man Mark III suit, the first miniaturized Arc Reactor, the unbreakable Stark Everglass, the MyJARVIS intelligent home system, StarkVision Glasses and a collection of Iron Wings designed for different functions.
賓客在參觀展覽後,將登上最新科技鉅獻 ―「鐵甲號」Mark VIII 飛行車,展開「鐵甲奇俠飛行之旅」。
Guests will then board Tony Stark’s latest innovation — the Expo Edition Iron Wing Mark VIII, to embark on the once-in-a-lifetime Iron Man Experience.
The innovations are extensively displayed in four exhibition halls: the Hall of Legacy, the Hall of Protection, the Hall of Energy and the Hall of Mobility. Iron Man’s artificial intelligence computer system J.A.R.V.I.S. and Wendy Wong, vice president of Stark Industries Asia, are guides taking guests through the impressive range of exhibits, from Captain America’s prototype shield to Iron Man Mark III suit, the first miniaturized Arc Reactor, the unbreakable Stark Everglass, the MyJARVIS intelligent home system, StarkVision Glasses and a collection of Iron Wings designed for different functions.
賓客在參觀展覽後,將登上最新科技鉅獻 ―「鐵甲號」Mark VIII 飛行車,展開「鐵甲奇俠飛行之旅」。
Guests will then board Tony Stark’s latest innovation — the Expo Edition Iron Wing Mark VIII, to embark on the once-in-a-lifetime Iron Man Experience.
Battling against the evil forces of Hydra alongside Iron Man
The park has spent more than three years to design and create Iron Man Experience — complete with flight simulators, 3-D projection, surround sound and other special effects that immerse guests in the Marvel story of a battle with the evil forces of Hydra.
樂園首次將香港元素貫徹整個遊樂設施,讓賓客猶如置身於香港的景致下投入飛行體驗。賓客將戴上「史達前瞻智能眼鏡」,登上可以容納45位賓客的「史達科技展」特別版「鐵甲號」Mark VIII飛行車,近距離欣賞由「弦反應能源器」推動的「香港史達大樓」,與「鐵甲奇俠」穿梭仿似西九龍及香港鬧市,並飛越多個香港特色景點,例如:青馬大橋、維多利亞港及本地的連綿山脈等。
For the first time, the park has integrated strong Hong Kong elements into a park attraction by using Hong Kong and its skyline for the fly-through ride. After putting on a pair of StarkVision glasses and taking off on Stark Industries’ special 45-passenger Expo Edition Iron Wing, guests will make their way to the Hong Kong Stark Tower powered by the Arc Reactor and speed alongside Iron Man through streets that resemble those in West Kowloon and downtown, and fly over iconic Hong Kong landmarks like the Tsing Ma Bridge, Victoria Harbour and the city’s pristine mountain ranges.
Encouraging feedback from the travel trade sector and guests
樂園向超過270名出席了早前預覽日的業界代表進行調查,蒐集他們的意見。當中95%相信旅客將會喜歡全新的「鐵甲奇俠飛行之旅」,91%認為旅客將會因為這項全新遊樂設施而到訪香港迪士尼樂園,88%更預計旅客會因而更頻密地造訪樂園。此外,超過200位參與了「鐵甲奇俠飛行之旅」優先體驗的賓客中,多達98% 享受今次新體驗,97%亦表示他們的體驗超越或合乎期望。賓客稱讚「鐵甲奇俠飛行之旅」具真實感,相當刺激﹔能夠與「鐵甲奇俠」近距離互動,令賓客恍如置身於漫威電影世界之中。
Iron Man Experience has received encouraging feedback from the travel trade and guests since soft opening in mid-December. Among the 270 travel trade partners who attended the preview, 95% believed their clients would enjoy the ride, 91% felt their guests would visit Hong Kong Disneyland specifically for the new attraction, while 88% expected their guests would visit the park more frequently as a result. More than 200 guests who attended the sneak peek were interviewed, and almost all (98%) said they had an enjoyable experience, while 97% remarked the experience exceeded or met their expectations. They said the immersive ride-through offered a great sense of reality and thrills, while the Heroic Encounter with Iron Man brought close interaction and an elevated sense of authenticity.
Super Hero takes Hong Kong by storm
「鐵甲奇俠飛行之旅」的熱潮即將席捲全城。全面的宣傳活動將「飛」入全港各區及各大媒體。市民隨時會見到「鐵甲奇俠飛行之旅」的宣傳廣告。除了在交通繁忙的海底隧道範圍豎立矚目耀眼的大型廣告牌,市民甚至可以於香港、九龍及新界的鬧市中,透過相關應用程式的「擴增實境」(AR)效果,看到「鐵甲奇俠」現身眼前。1月中旬開始,互聯網上更推出地理位置定向廣告及互動平台,讓網民在全港18區搜尋「鐵甲奇俠」的足跡。此外,由漫威娛樂有限公司榮譽主席及「鐵甲奇俠」聯合創作人史丹李(Stan Lee)配音的全新「鐵甲奇俠飛行之旅」電視廣告亦將播出,一系列宣傳活動將讓賓客入園前,率先感受到全球獨家「鐵甲奇俠」主題體驗的魅力!
The launch of Iron Man Experience will fire up Hong Kong as the Super Hero takes over the entire city on all communication channels! On the street level, an Iron Man billboard will dominate one of the busiest traffic areas – the Cross Harbour Tunnel. Also in three key locations in Hong Kong, Kowloon and New Territories, pedestrians are able to encounter Iron Man on the busy streets of the city with the use of AR technology. On the digital level, with the Hong Kong Disneyland interactive site and location based banners, users will have a chance to find Iron Man himself in all 18 districts of Hong Kong starting from mid-January. Furthermore, this excitement extends to TV with the airing of the commercial voiced over by the Chairman Emeritus, Marvel Entertainment, LLC and Co-Creator of Iron Man Stan Lee himself. This unprecedented level of outreach for Iron Man Experience will create extraordinary anticipation for this first-of-its-kind experience.
Battling against the evil forces of Hydra alongside Iron Man
The park has spent more than three years to design and create Iron Man Experience — complete with flight simulators, 3-D projection, surround sound and other special effects that immerse guests in the Marvel story of a battle with the evil forces of Hydra.
樂園首次將香港元素貫徹整個遊樂設施,讓賓客猶如置身於香港的景致下投入飛行體驗。賓客將戴上「史達前瞻智能眼鏡」,登上可以容納45位賓客的「史達科技展」特別版「鐵甲號」Mark VIII飛行車,近距離欣賞由「弦反應能源器」推動的「香港史達大樓」,與「鐵甲奇俠」穿梭仿似西九龍及香港鬧市,並飛越多個香港特色景點,例如:青馬大橋、維多利亞港及本地的連綿山脈等。
For the first time, the park has integrated strong Hong Kong elements into a park attraction by using Hong Kong and its skyline for the fly-through ride. After putting on a pair of StarkVision glasses and taking off on Stark Industries’ special 45-passenger Expo Edition Iron Wing, guests will make their way to the Hong Kong Stark Tower powered by the Arc Reactor and speed alongside Iron Man through streets that resemble those in West Kowloon and downtown, and fly over iconic Hong Kong landmarks like the Tsing Ma Bridge, Victoria Harbour and the city’s pristine mountain ranges.
Encouraging feedback from the travel trade sector and guests
樂園向超過270名出席了早前預覽日的業界代表進行調查,蒐集他們的意見。當中95%相信旅客將會喜歡全新的「鐵甲奇俠飛行之旅」,91%認為旅客將會因為這項全新遊樂設施而到訪香港迪士尼樂園,88%更預計旅客會因而更頻密地造訪樂園。此外,超過200位參與了「鐵甲奇俠飛行之旅」優先體驗的賓客中,多達98% 享受今次新體驗,97%亦表示他們的體驗超越或合乎期望。賓客稱讚「鐵甲奇俠飛行之旅」具真實感,相當刺激﹔能夠與「鐵甲奇俠」近距離互動,令賓客恍如置身於漫威電影世界之中。
Iron Man Experience has received encouraging feedback from the travel trade and guests since soft opening in mid-December. Among the 270 travel trade partners who attended the preview, 95% believed their clients would enjoy the ride, 91% felt their guests would visit Hong Kong Disneyland specifically for the new attraction, while 88% expected their guests would visit the park more frequently as a result. More than 200 guests who attended the sneak peek were interviewed, and almost all (98%) said they had an enjoyable experience, while 97% remarked the experience exceeded or met their expectations. They said the immersive ride-through offered a great sense of reality and thrills, while the Heroic Encounter with Iron Man brought close interaction and an elevated sense of authenticity.
Super Hero takes Hong Kong by storm
「鐵甲奇俠飛行之旅」的熱潮即將席捲全城。全面的宣傳活動將「飛」入全港各區及各大媒體。市民隨時會見到「鐵甲奇俠飛行之旅」的宣傳廣告。除了在交通繁忙的海底隧道範圍豎立矚目耀眼的大型廣告牌,市民甚至可以於香港、九龍及新界的鬧市中,透過相關應用程式的「擴增實境」(AR)效果,看到「鐵甲奇俠」現身眼前。1月中旬開始,互聯網上更推出地理位置定向廣告及互動平台,讓網民在全港18區搜尋「鐵甲奇俠」的足跡。此外,由漫威娛樂有限公司榮譽主席及「鐵甲奇俠」聯合創作人史丹李(Stan Lee)配音的全新「鐵甲奇俠飛行之旅」電視廣告亦將播出,一系列宣傳活動將讓賓客入園前,率先感受到全球獨家「鐵甲奇俠」主題體驗的魅力!
The launch of Iron Man Experience will fire up Hong Kong as the Super Hero takes over the entire city on all communication channels! On the street level, an Iron Man billboard will dominate one of the busiest traffic areas – the Cross Harbour Tunnel. Also in three key locations in Hong Kong, Kowloon and New Territories, pedestrians are able to encounter Iron Man on the busy streets of the city with the use of AR technology. On the digital level, with the Hong Kong Disneyland interactive site and location based banners, users will have a chance to find Iron Man himself in all 18 districts of Hong Kong starting from mid-January. Furthermore, this excitement extends to TV with the airing of the commercial voiced over by the Chairman Emeritus, Marvel Entertainment, LLC and Co-Creator of Iron Man Stan Lee himself. This unprecedented level of outreach for Iron Man Experience will create extraordinary anticipation for this first-of-its-kind experience.
Hong Kong youths encouraged to serve the community like a Super Hero
In February, Hong Kong Disneyland will launch the “We Did It Award” program for all 520 local secondary schools. Under the program, the resort will donate more than 20,000 admission tickets to award students with outstanding volunteer service. The program aims to encourage secondary school students to act like a Super Hero in serving people in need and making a positive impact in the community. It’s part of the celebration of the 20th anniversary of the establishment of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region.
More Iron Man-themed experiences to be discovered in Tomorrowland
Iron Man Experience is complemented by a range of Iron Man-themed fun. The brand-new Expo Shop lets guests choose from a range of 70-plus Hong Kong Disneyland-exclusive Iron Man merchandise items and more than 250 Marvel-themed memorabilia items. Among them are collectibles and toys, glowing key chains, souvenirs and accessories. Some of the exclusive apparel features Hong Kong’s postcard-perfect scenery and Stark Expo themes, as well as a special Iron Man Experience Pin available for a limited time nly starting January 11 — a must-have collectible!
「史達科技旗艦店」內更設有互動體驗「鐵甲奇俠模擬裝甲 ─ 由富士施樂呈獻」,賓客可以透過模擬效果化身成「鐵甲奇俠」,變身超級英雄!除了體驗「鐵甲奇俠」裝甲的各項功能,賓客更可以在仿似香港的街道親身撃退邪惡勢力。體驗完結後,亦可選購紀念套裝,紀念自己化身成「鐵甲奇俠」的獨特時刻。當中包括一張情景組圖數碼照片及數碼下載一段約35秒的遊戲體驗短片。
In the Expo Shop, Iron Man fans get to try on Iron Man’s armor suit in the interactive experience Become Iron Man at The Stark Expo – Presented by Fuji Xerox. Through interactive motion-sensing technology, guests can experience the flying and shooting functions of the armor and feel what it is like to be a Super Hero as they fight the forces of evil on streets resembling downtown Hong Kong. Guests can also take home a memento package featuring a digital photo collage of their Become Iron Man adventure as well as a digital download of an approximately 35-second video of their transformation.
為配合「史達科技展」,樂園及兩間主題酒店的餐廳亦會推出超過25款「鐵甲奇俠」主題美食,包括:超級英雄窩夫餅、「鐵甲奇俠」紀念杯、米奇廚師餐廳的多款「鐵甲奇俠」 甜品及酒店內的英雄特飲等。
The park and hotel restaurants have prepared more than 25 Iron Man-themed food and beverage choices for guests to refuel after a trip on Iron Man Experience. Among the delectable choices are an Iron Man Waffle, Iron Man stein, Iron Man desserts at Chef Mickey and Iron Man beverages served at the resort hotels.
At the Iron Man Tech Showcase presented by Stark Industries, guests will find prototypes of various Iron Man armor suits. Here, Iron Man appears in his special Expo-edition Iron Man suit to interact with guests. To complement the launching of Iron Man Experience, park admission tickets will feature Iron Man theme artwork starting from January 11.
More Iron Man-themed experiences to be discovered in Tomorrowland
Iron Man Experience is complemented by a range of Iron Man-themed fun. The brand-new Expo Shop lets guests choose from a range of 70-plus Hong Kong Disneyland-exclusive Iron Man merchandise items and more than 250 Marvel-themed memorabilia items. Among them are collectibles and toys, glowing key chains, souvenirs and accessories. Some of the exclusive apparel features Hong Kong’s postcard-perfect scenery and Stark Expo themes, as well as a special Iron Man Experience Pin available for a limited time nly starting January 11 — a must-have collectible!
「史達科技旗艦店」內更設有互動體驗「鐵甲奇俠模擬裝甲 ─ 由富士施樂呈獻」,賓客可以透過模擬效果化身成「鐵甲奇俠」,變身超級英雄!除了體驗「鐵甲奇俠」裝甲的各項功能,賓客更可以在仿似香港的街道親身撃退邪惡勢力。體驗完結後,亦可選購紀念套裝,紀念自己化身成「鐵甲奇俠」的獨特時刻。當中包括一張情景組圖數碼照片及數碼下載一段約35秒的遊戲體驗短片。
In the Expo Shop, Iron Man fans get to try on Iron Man’s armor suit in the interactive experience Become Iron Man at The Stark Expo – Presented by Fuji Xerox. Through interactive motion-sensing technology, guests can experience the flying and shooting functions of the armor and feel what it is like to be a Super Hero as they fight the forces of evil on streets resembling downtown Hong Kong. Guests can also take home a memento package featuring a digital photo collage of their Become Iron Man adventure as well as a digital download of an approximately 35-second video of their transformation.
為配合「史達科技展」,樂園及兩間主題酒店的餐廳亦會推出超過25款「鐵甲奇俠」主題美食,包括:超級英雄窩夫餅、「鐵甲奇俠」紀念杯、米奇廚師餐廳的多款「鐵甲奇俠」 甜品及酒店內的英雄特飲等。
The park and hotel restaurants have prepared more than 25 Iron Man-themed food and beverage choices for guests to refuel after a trip on Iron Man Experience. Among the delectable choices are an Iron Man Waffle, Iron Man stein, Iron Man desserts at Chef Mickey and Iron Man beverages served at the resort hotels.
At the Iron Man Tech Showcase presented by Stark Industries, guests will find prototypes of various Iron Man armor suits. Here, Iron Man appears in his special Expo-edition Iron Man suit to interact with guests. To complement the launching of Iron Man Experience, park admission tickets will feature Iron Man theme artwork starting from January 11.
Iron Man-themed hotel room décor
From now to June 30, guests staying in the park’s two themed hotels can add on the “Iron Man” Room Decoration package for an additional HK$600. Their accommodation experience will be made even more unforgettable with an Iron Man-themed bed runner, slippers, door and mirror stickers, macaroons, as well as one 6R photo print and digital download of the photo. From now on, guests staying at the resort’s two hotels will receive a Priority Admission Pass* of Iron Man Experience to shorten the wait for their turn on the Marvel-themed ride.
Hong Kong Residents: Save 15% with the Magic Access Group of 3 Offer
由即日起至3月16日,香港居民於香港迪士尼樂園正門售票處 或「奇妙處處通會員服務中心」購買3張或以上「奇妙處處通」,即享85折優惠**!「奇妙處處通」會員尊享禮遇包括:生日驚喜、泊車、購物、餐飲及酒店住宿優惠;以及享盡樂園全年精彩不絕的娛樂體驗,包括全新「鐵甲奇俠飛行之旅」!
From now till March 16, Hong Kong residents can experience a whole year of fun including the all-new attraction Iron Man Experience while enjoying a special 15% discount upon the purchase of three or more Magic Access memberships**! The Magic Access Group of 3 Special Offer is available at Hong Kong Disneyland ticket booths and the Magic Access Member Service Center in the park. Join now to enjoy an array of exclusive benefits, including birthday surprises, parking, merchandise, food & beverage and hotel accommodation privileges.
* 優先入場證的派發數量視乎入住每間酒店客房的賓客數目,每間房間最多獲發4張優先入場證,數量有限,派完即止。
** 香港居民於同一時間購買三張或以上任何類別之「奇妙處處通」時,需出示香港身份證或有關証明,方可享此優惠,優惠不適用於長者「奇妙處處通」。
* Priority Admission Pass will be given according to the number of guests in each room with a maximum of four passes per room, subject to availability.
** This offer is only available to Hong Kong residents with valid Hong Kong Identity Cards or identity proof, upon purchase of three or more Magic Access memberships of any tier in one single transaction, excluding Senior Magic Access membership.
Hong Kong Disneyland Resort